Matt's Crazy Corner of the World - Cover

Matt's Crazy Corner of the World

Copyright© 2018 by FantasyLover

Chapter 17: CC and Heather

Action/Adventure Sex Story: Chapter 17: CC and Heather - A writing assignment in his first college English course sets Matt Young's life on a course he never foresaw. Nor could he have predicted the result of his meeting with a consultant for his writing, or the secret with which the consultant entrusted him. Matt's Crazy Corner of the World is what his family's teasingly calls his odd household. The story has lots of sex, adventure, and shoot-em-ups. See blog for more details

Caution: This Action/Adventure Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   ft/ft   Fa/ft   Mult   Coercion   Consensual   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   Rags To Riches   Cuckold   Incest   Mother   Sister   Daughter   BDSM   DomSub   MaleDom   FemaleDom   Spanking   Gang Bang   Harem   Polygamy/Polyamory   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Double Penetration   First   Fisting   Food   Lactation   Oral Sex   Pegging   Sex Toys   Tit-Fucking  

Wednesday June 19

Susie and Tara eagerly provided Matt with benefits in the morning, afterwards hugging him and lying with their mother and Matt. “How long will we be part of your harem?” Aimee asked afterwards, and then started laughing.

“As much as I would love to keep the three of you forever, you each have your own lives to live. Aimee, you have a husband that you need to reconcile with. Until then, I’m more than happy to have you as a temporary member of my harem. Susie and Tara will be members until they find a cute guy they fall for. Whoever he is, I hate him already, and I’m going to be extremely jealous when he is allowed to kiss one of them, let alone make love to them. Still, just like with Lydia, I know it will happen.”

“You’re right, I need to reconcile with Sean,” Aimee agreed, although not eagerly. “I just have a hard time getting over his betrayal.”

“I can help with that,” Matt offered.

He was afraid she was upset with his suggestion when she was quiet for nearly a minute.

“Do it,” she said resignedly. “Don’t make me forget what he did, though. Maybe you can help me to accept that I caused part of it to reduce the betrayal I feel. I’m not ready to forgive him completely yet, but he needs to know that he’s making progress towards getting back in my good graces.”

She sat on Matt’s lap and curled up against him while he thought about her request. Finally, he explained what he had decided to do and made a suggestion. She thought about the suggestion and agreed. When Matt finished, he let her remember how she felt before the programming long enough that she could tell him if it seemed to have worked. She said it helped, gave him a hug and kiss, and headed home to take care of her house. The girls went with her so the neighborhood kids wouldn’t notice how often they spent the night there.

CC called later in the morning wondering if she could come over. An hour later, she was at the front door, looking a bit sheepish. “Are you okay?” he asked her.

“Yeah, I just feel a bit silly calling you to see if I can play with the girls.”

“Don’t feel silly,” he replied. “They’re excited about you coming over. Besides, you can call one of them and ask just as easily as calling me. They usually know what we have planned. Right now, they’re outside enjoying the sun,” he said, motioning towards the kitchen and the back door. They walked to the door and watched everyone out by the pool for a minute.

“How did you get to be the neighborhood hangout?” she asked.

“We have the only real pool in the neighborhood. This is the only lot big enough to have a full-sized pool,” Matt explained.

“Roger said you’ve collected a few more women,” she commented as she continued to watch everyone. “How do you do it?”

“Sue and Carla are submissives. I just stumbled onto them. Jodi is Sue’s mother. Her boyfriend was physically abusing her and I helped rescue her. She’s submissive, too.”

Matt was pointing out each woman as he named her.

“Vickie is being punished. She was a girlfriend for a short time before I dumped her. She tried to force Karen to be her submissive and nearly caused Karen to have a breakdown.

“Unfortunately for Vickie, when she stole our computers, she didn’t know about the one I had hidden that recorded everything she did. We got Karen straightened out and she’s staying with us for now. I expect her to leave when school starts. She’s too much of a party girl to stick around here.

“Vickie chose to spend five years as my slave for her punishment rather than face prison. I offered her the choice so Karen didn’t have to relive everything by testifying in court.

“Lydia is Vickie’s sister. She and Vickie both have hypersexual disorder, what they used to call nymphomania. Vickie started having sex when she was fourteen. Her mother started even younger and was pregnant when she was fifteen. They kept Lydia on a short leash and she was getting more and more desperate, as well as irritable.

“I agreed to teach Lydia about sex, but she had to agree to be another of my sex toys for six months. She’s positive that she got the best end of our deal.”

“How old is she?” CC asked.

“Young enough that I shouldn’t tell you.”

“She’s going to break your heart,” CC warned.

“I knew that going in,” Matt sighed resignedly.

“Who are the other two girls with them?”

“Tara and Susie, they live across the street. They were over here at the pool with their mother a week ago when her husband called and told her he would only be home on weekends. He intended to spend weeknights with his secretary. She was nearly catatonic when I got to her. We helped to convince her husband what he was missing when he had to watch me fuck his wife.”

“Roger hinted that you could do something like hypnotize people, although I thought you couldn’t make people do things against their will if they were hypnotized.”

“It depends on how you word the hypnotic suggestions,” Matt replied as calmly as possible.

“Is that how you collected so many women?” she asked, although he detected no judgment in her voice.

“Nope. While I’ve used it on each of them, the only ones I’m controlling to any extent are Vickie and Heather. I used it to make Carla and Sue more self-confident so they would be able to function on their own or as a couple should anything happen to me.

“I used it on Sue’s mother so she wasn’t nervous when she set things up for me to use it on her boyfriend to make him forget about her. I used it on Karen and Aimee to bring them out of something like a catatonic stupor. With Lydia, I only made it so she couldn’t tell anyone about what we did.”

“What about Tara and Susie?” she asked with a smirk.

“Part of the reason Aimee’s husband found a mistress was because she wouldn’t do some of the things he wanted to do in bed. I agreed to help her and promised that I could get her husband back for her permanently if she let me show her that what he wanted wasn’t as nasty as she thought it was. Her daughters listened to our discussion and wanted to learn about sex, too. Aimee finally agreed after she and I had sex, and she realized that she could enjoy the things her husband wanted her to do.

“Now, the two girls have had a thorough sex education and will be able to make better-informed decisions in the future. I used it on the girls so they couldn’t tell anybody except their mother about anything we did. Just before you called this morning, I used it on Aimee to help reduce the betrayal she feels from her husband’s affair so she can begin the reconciliation process.”

“Did you hypnotize me?” she asked nervously.

“No, why would you think I did? I’ve never even touched you.”

“I know. It just that ... when I let you see my boobs, it made me horny to see you watching them. It was way out of character for me to even let a guy see me like that.

“Since that day, I’ve thought a lot about how I enjoyed sex before the gang rape. I also find myself wondering what you’d be like,” she admitted, blushing deeply.

“I promise that I had nothing to do with it. Aside from Vickie, there’s only one woman I’ve used the hypnosis on to force to do things. That’s Heather; she was the mistress of Aimee’s husband. She’s a real piece of work, thinking that society owes her a living. She admitted that she had the affair with Sean to gain access to his money so she could rip him off. Then she threatened to sue him for sexual harassment if he didn’t pay her $10,000. Aimee and her daughters punished her last night and she’s probably still asleep in Vickie’s room.

“The only reason I made her have sex with me was to punish her. She hates anal and swallowing after letting a guy come in her mouth so I intend to use those to punish her. Last night was the first time I did anything with her and all I did was make her suck me until I was hard. She thought I was going to fuck her, but Aimee used a strap-on and really battered her with. You are perfectly safe coming over here to have fun with the girls.”

“Just Carla and Sue?” she asked.

“I can make Carla, Sue, Jodi, and Vickie go with you. The three submissives will do it because they want me to force them to do things. Karen is always horny and will probably volunteer to join you. Lydia will probably volunteer, too. Tara and Susie would probably volunteer, but I’m trying to minimize the number of times they’re seen coming into the house so none of the other kids wonder what they’re doing.”

“What about Heather?”

“I doubt if Heather’s up for much excitement today. Aimee paddled her ass last night until her arm was too tired to continue. Then Susie violently fucked her with a strap-on until she couldn’t continue because she was physically and emotionally exhausted. I watched to make sure she didn’t harm Heather, but Heather won’t feel like playing for at least today. After that, you’re welcome to enjoy her all you want. You can even take her home with you if you want to.”


“Sure. You should let her continue working to help pay her share of the expenses, but she can keep your place clean, fix meals, and keep you company at night.”

“Can I see her?” CC asked. Matt led CC to Vickie’s room and opened the door. Heather was awake and looked at him nervously from beneath the covers.

“How are you doing this morning?” he asked, walking to the bed and sitting on the edge. She answered his question, but not with words. Heather broke down, sobbing. She flinched when Matt put his arms around her but relaxed when he didn’t do anything else.

“You should come out to the kitchen and eat,” he suggested.

“Can I have my clothes back?”

“I honestly don’t know what the girls did with them,” Matt replied as he got off the bed and opened one of Vickie’s drawers. He knew Vickie had a couple of his T-shirts that she wore occasionally and he gave one to Heather.

“Put this on.”

She looked at him as if she were wishing that he’d leave. When he didn’t, she sighed in resignation and pulled the shirt over her head. Matt saw that her breasts looked fine, but realized they might still hurt. She moved gingerly to the edge of the bed and he proffered a hand to help her up.

“I need to get up slowly,” she said.

“Okay, I won’t pull. Just use my hands to pull yourself up,” he told her. She did, moving slowly until she was standing.

“Hold still so I can see how you look this morning,” he ordered as he lifted the back of her shirt. The redness was gone from her butt, but there were a handful of bruises starting to form. He didn’t bother to check what Susie did to her, but hadn’t seen any blood last night. He could tell by the way she moved that she was hurting. He helped her limp to the kitchen and got a small pillow the girls had begun keeping in a lower kitchen drawer and let her sit on it.

“Rough night?” CC asked her.

“Yeah,” Heather replied dejectedly. “I knew Mrs. Wilson would be angry at me, but I didn’t realize how much it pissed off her daughters.”

“I’m going to go out and see if a couple of the girls want to come in and play with me,” CC said to Matt. He nodded his approval and she left the table.

“Unless you do something stupid, last night should be the last of the harsh punishments. I didn’t know what the girls intended to do ahead of time, but I still made sure they didn’t permanently harm you. Tara wanted to use a cane on your tits. As hard as she swung the slapper, she would have left you with breaks in your skin that scarred and welts that would take a week or more to go away.”

“What happens now?” she asked despondently.

“My original plan was to leave you alone most of the time. You screwed that up by threatening Sean and Aimee. You’ll move in here for the time being so I can keep a closer eye on you. While there shouldn’t be any more punishment like last night, you’ll still be punished. I’ll have you sleep in Vickie’s room with her. You should talk to her today. She can tell you what your life here will be like.

“I expect you to keep working, and everything you earn will go into a savings account except what you need to pay any bills you have. You should look for a new job because I’m sure that you’ve worn out your welcome working for Sean. Let me get Vickie,” he said, and went to the back door.

CC grinned at him as she flounced back into the house with the three submissives following her. Vickie saw him and came inside when he motioned to her.

“Heather will be staying with us for a while. She’ll share your room for now. Talk with her and let her know what she can expect, and then see if you can find the clothes she wore last night. She’ll probably be more comfortable in my recliner for the rest of today.”

With that, Matt headed to the study and finished reviewing Sue’s corrections to the first half of book four. He finished just before dinner and emailed the first part of book four to Dr. Humphries--“Tess,” he corrected himself mentally. He was surprised when CC stayed for dinner, and even more surprised that she was only wearing a pair of skimpy pink panties. She smirked at him every time she caught him ogling her breasts.

She sashayed over to Matt after dinner, making sure her hips had an extra swish in them. Standing right in front of him, well inside his personal space, she took Matt’s hands and put one on each of her breasts.

“Is this an invitation of some sort?” he asked.

“A small one. I’m taking baby steps towards trusting a guy again. You’re the only guy I trust enough to take those steps with.”

Matt was allowed to tease and explore her breasts for nearly five minutes. By then, he could see the desire in her eyes and she excused herself, spending another hour in the bedroom, this time with Karen and Lydia. Sue was closest to Matt and found herself bent over the table while the other girls cleaned up the kitchen.

Jodi came over to clean both of them up and then Sue went with Matt while he wrote. Matt took a deep breath once he was at his laptop. Then, he pulled up the outline for the next six books and reviewed it. He made one minor adjustment to the outline and then brought up the more detailed outline for book five.

CC found him in the study, typing. “That has to be the cutest thing I’ve ever seen,” she said from the doorway. “I’ve watched you for the last ten minutes as you caressed Sue’s breasts with one hand and typed with the other.”

“It helps him concentrate on his writing,” Sue replied proudly. “Sometimes, Carla, Mom, or I just lay with our head on his leg and sometimes he caresses us like this. He says we’re his muses.”

“Has Heather ever done anything with a woman?” CC asked.

“I have no idea,” Matt replied. “My original intent was to leave her mostly alone, but her threat to extort money from the Wilsons changed that. Are you thinking about keeping her as a pet?”

“Thinking about it,” she replied. She laughed when she walked into the room and Matt’s eyebrows rose questioningly. She was wearing one of the robes they had stashed all around the house. She didn’t have the belt tied, and the robe gaped open all the way down the front, exposing her well-manicured thatch.

“Surely you’ve seen one of these before,” she teased as she ruffled her fingers through the short hair.

“I’ve just never seen yours before--at least not in person. You seem to be less inhibited each time I see you.”

“I’m still taking baby steps,” she replied with a smug grin.

“You’re going to have to be as obvious as you were earlier if you want me to take any of those baby steps with you. Otherwise, I still consider you ‘hands off,’” he warned.

“You’ll know,” she chuckled. “You really haven’t used Heather for anything besides making you hard last night?”

“Nope, and I only did that to punish her. I’m not sure how women rate other women, but I have a houseful of gorgeous women available almost anytime I want. Heather is pretty, but she’s not at the same level as the rest of the women here.”

“How do I compare?” CC asked in a teasing tone of voice.

“Honestly?” Matt asked, and she nodded.

“When you’re happy or smiling, your face is a wet dream. Your body is toned and gorgeous. None of that matters, though, because... ‘the girls,’ as a friend of ours calls them, put you in a class all by yourself.”

“Only when I’m smiling?” she asked, the tone of her voice conveying curiosity.

“CC, if you’re not smiling, you’re scowling, and nobody would look at anything beyond the largesse on your chest. I’m not criticizing, because I know why you do it.”

She looked at him intently for several seconds. “Somehow, you managed to be honest without being crude or insulting. I guess I was expecting something like ‘great tits and nice ass,’” she chuckled.

“Wasn’t that what I said?” he teased.

“How much can you really change Heather?” she asked when they stopped laughing.

“I can make her love or hate anyone, and think or do anything, although I can’t imagine that you need help finding a lover.”

“Finding them is easy. Keeping them is the problem. Aside from the usual difficulties people have making a relationship work, I work for law enforcement. That alone eliminates a quarter to a third of the women who might be interested, and maybe even more. Add in the fact that I travel several times a month, sometimes for two weeks at a time, and that makes it even harder to keep them around.”

Matt patted the unused muse stool, having purchased a second one a week ago. “Have a seat and tell me what you want her to be like.”

CC came closer, looked at the stool, and then sat in his lap, facing away from him. “You’re playing with fire,” he growled in her ear.

“I think she knows that,” Sue giggled.

Matt pulled her robe closed. “My hands tend to wander unconsciously. I’d hate to do something to upset you.”

“You’re such a gentleman,” she said happily as she took his hands to put them on her stomach.

“Oops,” she said, trying to sound innocent when his hands touched the bare skin of her stomach. Then she guided them north.

“Remember ‘The Girls’?” she asked as she guided his hands to her voluminous breasts.

“CC, I couldn’t forget them if I tried,” he replied as he gambled, gently rolling her nipples between his thumbs and fingers.

“Mmmmmmmmmmm,” she moaned, tilting her head back and resting it against his shoulder.

“CC, I’m operating at a disadvantage here. I’m a guy and have no idea how you or any other woman thinks. Is this what you want? Do you want more, or less?”

“You’re doing just fine,” she purred. “Most other guys would have already thrown me on the floor and climbed aboard.”

“I may only be a guy, but I don’t think you want that. If your baby steps ever take you to that point, I’m pretty sure you’ll want to be on top and be in control.”

“See?” she replied. “You’re learning.”

“So good, yet so different from the touch of a woman,” she sighed as he continued toying with her nipples.

She took his right hand and moved it away from her breast. Matt was stunned when she guided it south. “Like my baby fine pubic hair?” she asked as she guided his fingers through it.

“Very soft and sexy,” he whispered into her ear, making her groan. Grinning, he figured that turnabout was fair play. She had him harder than steel. He started kissing and gently biting her neck.

“Oh, fuck,” she gasped, guiding his right hand even lower. “Touch me,” she moaned as she moved his hand between her legs.

He touched her, running his fingers through the abundant lubrication before beginning what the girls now called the “double diddle.” From the angle he had to work with, Matt couldn’t get more than a fingertip inside her. Instead, his thumb harried her clit while the other finger glided back and forth across her two U-spots.

“Oh,” she squeaked in surprise at what the second finger was doing. “What are you doing?” she gasped as her hips began thrusting and gyrating.

“Nnnnnggggghhhhh” she groaned as she climaxed. Her hips quieted as she sat and panted. Finally, with a feral growl, she stood and turned with feline grace to face him. When she rose, her robe didn’t, slipping from her shoulders and pooling by their feet. Then she straddled his legs.

Matt watched her face for any hint of what she was thinking and found none. Sue, however, knew exactly what CC was thinking. Her hands deftly freed Junior from confinement and held him pointing skyward. CC settled herself gracefully, still watching Matt’s face. Then, her eyes closed, and a small smile crossed her face as Junior disappeared inside her hot, moist sex.

She opened her eyes and looked at him once Junior was fully sheathed. “Are you okay?” he asked, not expecting the laughter that followed.

“Your women know you so well. Jodi asked me why I was settling for one of them using a rubber cock on me when there was a real one in here. She assured me that you’d never try anything unless I started it and that you’d be more worried about me than about getting your jollies. The first thing you did was to ask if I was okay.”

“Well, you kind of skipped several baby steps and took a giant leap. I wanted to make sure you were still okay before enjoying myself.”

“And now?” she asked suggestively.

“It depends on whether you intend to just sit there and enjoy the progress you’ve made or if you intend to take one more step.”

“And if I decide to take one more step?” she asked suggestively.

“Then I recommend taking that step in the bedroom where it’ll be more comfortable.”

“Can we just sit here for a while?” she asked.

“Absolutely,” he replied, giving her a hug.

“Mmmmm,” she purred, resting her head on his shoulder. He held her as their bodies slowly swayed from side to side to a silent, internal rhythm.

It was nearly twenty minutes later before she stood and took his hand, silently guiding him to the bedroom where they finished the dance. Their first time together was tentative and slow. Their second time, she rolled over so Matt was on top and insisted that he give her a proper fucking.

Thursday June 20

Heather and Vickie were nearly naked in the kitchen and starting breakfast when Matt got there. While cooking, they were allowed to wear a full-length apron so they didn’t get burned. Walking up behind Heather, he slipped his hands beneath the apron, cupped her big tits, and toyed with her nipples. She stiffened when he first touched her and stiffened more when she felt his cock press between the globes of her ass.

“What am I going to do with you?” he asked rhetorically.

“I need to find something for you to do to support yourself while punishing you at the same time. Having you work as a stripper would embarrass you, but wouldn’t be punishment enough,” he mused aloud as Heather stiffened nervously at the suggestion.

“I suppose I could have you work as a stripper and take side jobs stripping at stag parties and frat parties, letting the guys there use you. They could fuck you and have you suck their cocks clean after they fuck you. You could suck them off and swallow their cum, and then let them fuck your ass. I could film you performing in one good gangbang a week and then sell the films,” he suggested as she stiffened even more.

“Have you ever had sex with a woman?” he asked.

“Just what you forced me to do with Vickie the other night. I almost threw up,” she replied disgustedly. Vickie had to turn away so Heather didn’t see that she was ready to crack up.

“If you had to choose between being gang-banged once a week by a dozen guys who used your mouth, cunt, and ass for a few hours and having sex with a woman, which would you choose?” he asked.

“Neither,” she spat angrily after turning to glare at him.

“Okay,” he replied pleasantly and left the room.

He heard Vickie just after exiting the room. “You are so fucked. You didn’t listen to a thing I told you last night,” she said disgustedly.

“I listened,” Heather protested. “If he’d told me to do something, I would have done it, even though I didn’t like it.”

“Whatever,” Vickie replied dismissively.

Matt woke CC with soft kisses all over her back. “Mmmmm, I’ll give you all morning to stop that,” she purred, and then rolled over, guiding his lips to her nipples.

“Thank you for last night,” she said.

“I get the privilege of making love to you last night and you’re thanking me?” he asked incredulously.

“No, silly, I’m thanking you for not pushing me last night and for letting me set the pace.” Then she started laughing. “I guess I can finally get my mom off my back now. She knows what happened back then and has still encouraged me to date a few guys and see if I can’t find one. Now I can tell her that I found a nice guy and even had sex with him. Once I do that, she’ll insist on meeting you,” she howled, tears leaking from her eyes because she was laughing so hard.

“I don’t mind meeting her if it will help.”

“It might. If she does come over to meet you, don’t change anything. Leave the rest of the girls running around naked,” she laughed.

“Speaking of naked ladies running around the apartment, Heather has never been with another woman except the other night when I made her do it with Vickie. She thinks it’s disgusting. However, I can completely change her attitude so she is your devoted slave, eager to do anything and everything for you. She was Sean’s secretary for quite a while. He was smart enough to make sure she was a good employee before starting to dip his wick. She worked as his secretary and receptionist. She even did some accounting for him. That’s how she learned how much he was worth.”

“Pity,” CC sighed. “I have this irrational urge to grab her and sit on her face, not letting her breathe until she gets a good taste of pussy.”

“We could do that,” Matt offered.

“I don’t think it will go over too well if I decide to keep her as my pet,” CC warned.

“It won’t be a problem. I can make her forget that it happened. Of course, if it’s something you want to do to her periodically, I can make her think I’m forcing you to do it as a condition of keeping her.”

“You can do that?” she asked skeptically. Matt nodded.

“Do it,” she agreed, grinning viciously.

“I want to do one other thing to her at the same time,” he warned. “While you have her face, I claim her ass--after I make her suck me off. That will be a trifecta of things she hates.”

The rest of the girls were up by then and breakfast was served a few minutes later. It was all Matt could do to keep from laughing at Heather as she kept sneaking worried glances at him.

When Matt finished eating, he stood. “Come here, Heather,” he instructed. Her eyes grew huge and her face paled as she stood and walked slowly around the table to him.

“Dessert time, kneel,” he told her. Her face fell further. Matt shed the robe he wore leaving his partial erection dangling in front of her face. She looked away from it and he lifted her face so she could see his.

“You’re going to suck me off and swallow everything, and then suck me until I’m hard again. Then I’m going to fuck your ass. Since I’ll have just cum, I’ll last much longer when I fuck your ass,” he explained. He could see that she wanted to protest, but wisely chose not to.

“Here’s the deal. I’m going to rate the blowjob you give me. The better it is, the gentler I’ll be when I fuck your ass. If you do a crappy job, I’ll shove my cock completely into your ass in one hard thrust while using a minimum of lubrication. Make me believe that sucking my cock and swallowing my cum is something you love to do and I’ll reward you. I’ll program you to eliminate your gag reflex when you suck my cock because you will deep-throat me. I’ll have Vickie lubricate your ass and loosen it up gradually starting with one finger, then two, and then three, and I’ll enter slowly to give you time to adjust to me.

“I don’t care which way it happens. Either way, you’re going to suck my cock. You’ll take me clear into your throat and swallow my cum before getting your ass reamed this morning.”

She blinked away the tears forming in her eyes, looked at the now fully erect cock in front of her face, and took a deep breath. Then she surprised Matt.

“Let’s you and I get to be best friends,” she cooed to Junior as she took him gently in her hands and stroked him lovingly. The look on her face was one of utter adoration. Now Matt understood how she had fooled Sean. Heather had missed her calling. She would have been a first-rate actress.

The kiss she delivered to the tip was the prelude to a blowjob almost as good as one of Carla’s. She looked up at him seductively almost the entire time she was sucking him off. When she tried to take him deeper, Matt eliminated her gag reflex. He could see the surprise on her face when Junior slipped into her throat. That seemed to spur her on and Junior spent a good deal of time slipping into her throat and then back out. It almost seemed as if she enjoyed it.

He was glad the girls had drained two loads from him this morning. It let him enjoy the blowjob much longer than he would have been able to otherwise. He saw a brief look of relief cross Heather’s face when he warned her that he was coming. “Don’t swallow it yet,” he ordered.

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