Enterprise: The Rediscovered Logs - Cover

Enterprise: The Rediscovered Logs

Copyright© 2016 by The Slim Rhino

Chapter 34: Wedding Day

Fan Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 34: Wedding Day - An attempt at a complete rewrite of the TV series that was cut way too short due to its bad writing. One of my newer Startrek works.

Caution: This Fan Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fan Fiction   Humor   Science Fiction   Space   Aliens   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Petting   Exhibitionism   Workplace   Nudism   War  

Hoshi finished coating T'Lara's back with the suncream. Although Earth's sun was not nearly as strong as 40 Eridiani, the sun of Vulcan, Sol had higher ultraviolet radiation, so even the two most heat-resistant sunbathers had to be protected from it.

She knew that the little girl would have preferred that her beloved adoptive father would have done it, but Trip was still too shy around his adoptive daughter when she was wearing nothing, and this time was not the right one to put him under any sort of pressure. Thankfully the young Vulcan understood that.

It was a picture that Earth had definitely not seen ever before. A naked man dozing in the sun flanked by two naked girls on either side was perhaps a picture that was normal for any family with three daughters, but in their case daughter and wife were Vulcan and the two other women were his sisters, one biologically, one emotionally.

T'Pol was the only one of them who was not lying on her front. Seeing the Vulcan's towering breasts, which easily defied Earths comparatively lower gravity reminded Hoshi of the upcoming procedure that was scheduled for next week. Since they had come back to Earth, it would take at least three weeks of travel to get anywhere they'd not been before, so thankfully there would be nothing that could delay it. She couldn't wait for those pitiful little bumps on her chest to be sculpted into something she could actually live with.

Seeing what had happened to Trip made her feel a little vain. After all, he had had real problems.

To Catherine it all felt a little unreal. Seeing Vulcans in an amusement park was unusual to begin with, but they had encountered at least a dozen so far and they had all gone straight for Trip and said something in that harsh-sounding language of theirs. Even more surprising was that he answered each and every one of them in kind and neither of the aliens seemed to mind that he smiled at them while doing so, or that he was carrying a Vulcan child on his shoulders.

They had just sat down around a table in one of the many restaurants. A young waitress had taken their orders and after a warning glance from her, her husband of many years had abstained from ordering the sirloin steak he would most likely have fancied the most. With two Vulcans as guests, pasta or salad was the appropriate order. Trip and subsequently his father had ordered Spaghetti Bolognese, which technically still contained meat, but the almost imperceptible nod from T'Pol had told her that is was probably well enough concealed within the sauce to avoid upsetting their alien companions.

"Trip, what's it with all the Vulcans bowing and scraping before you?" she asked. "And why are so many of them here to begin with?"

"It is perhaps a question I may answer," T'Pol chipped in. "Charles medical problems come from the fact that he was for a time the bearer of Surak's katra. How would you react to someone who has carried the soul of one of Earth's most revered philosophers, like Socrates or Confucius?"

"Well that explains it," she heard her husband say as he drank from his beer.

"Charles was instrumental in overturning our government. My people see him as a great revolutionary. I believe Earth still reveres a man named Ernesto Guevara. For the sake of simplicity, you could consider Charles the Ernesto Guevara of Vulcan."

She heard a very ironic snort from Trip. "Hope I don't end like him."

"Hey, how cool is that," her husband snickered. "Honey, our son is Che Guevara."

"As for the presence of so many Vulcans," T'Pol explained, ignoring Trip's and his father's interruptions. "Our old government pursued a course of strict isolation, despite the fact that many Vulcans are curious about humans. The newly formed High Council under leadership of former Ambassador Soval has encouraged my people to learn about humanity and other races we have 'kept at arm's length' as you would say. The most logical place to meet them would be where many humans go – an amusement park on a Sunday."


Hoshi felt queasy just from looking at it. T'Lara however seemed to have an absolute ball, clinging on to Trip's hand as the four-seater car raced through the roller-coaster at break-neck speed. If her stomach hadn't rebelled that much from just watching it, she would have laughed about T'Pol's face of indifference. The Vulcan was sitting ramrod straight and unperturbed as if she was was taking a taxi ride home. The fourth occupant was Trip's sister Lizzy, who screamed loud enough to make up for T'Pol's silence. It was a good thing that Trip had handed earplugs to his two Vulcan girls beforehand.

She could only hope the little one wouldn't be too excited to find sleep at night, as she would spend it with her in Trips old room in his parents' house, leaving the guest house she normally stayed in with them to Trip and T'Pol. There were no points for guessing what the Vulcan had planned for the evening.


"Jesus T'Pol what happened?" he gasped and took the blindfold off her. T'Pol was standing in the middle off the dining room, handcuffed to a support beam.

"Nothing has happened ... yet, ashayam. I asked your sister to tie my to this pole and blindfold me, so if you would put it back on, please?"

"Which one?" he asked as he tied the blindfold back around T'Pol's head.

"Hoshi. As you know our first attempt at sexual relations resulted in putting your shoulder out of joint. We shouldn't be bothering Phlox again so soon. I warned you about the dangers of when I become ... excited."

He chuckled and started removing the clothing from her body. Considering she wore only a bathrobe to begin with, it wasn't too hard. With her hands tied around the support beam he couldn't get it off completely, so he hoisted it over her head and stuffed it between the handcuffs and the pillar. He saw the glistening wetness on her firm buttocks."

"Does this mean what I think it does?" he asked with a snicker as he started to undress.

"Yes I have prepared myself for anal intercourse, so if you would hurry, please?"

"You're such a romantic, T'Pol."


T'Pol walked out onto the narrow strip of the beach that belonged to the Tucker residence. After a long night of very satisfying sexual relations with Charles she felt refreshed, but also fairly sore in several places. Pleased about the fact that her genitalia did not show any indication that Charles had sated her desires for over four hours in varying positions last night, she let the bathrobe glide off her shoulders and walked towards the water, where Hoshi and T'Lara were already having their morning bath.

The water was at a fairly pleasant temperature for humans, but she could see first signs of hypothermia on T'Lara's lips. She ordered the child to wake up her father. To her chagrin, T'Lara just hurried back into the guest house without getting dressed. Charles would no doubt be displeased about her state of undress.

After a short stay in the cool water of the ocean she walked back to the beach, toweling herself dry.

"The Tuckers will save a lot of energy on porch lighting the way you're glowing," she heard Hoshi say, who had left the water with her. "I suspect that you found out he's not only talented in the engineering department?"

T'Pol felt slightly uncomfortable being known to have engaged in sexual relations, but she looked up. "How could you lose intimate interest in him?"

To her surprise, the young human female smiled at the intimate inquiry. And she also saw tears in the young woman's eyes.

"He's an absolute star in bed, but what's even more important, Trip has love to give in abundance. He is the brother I dreamed of having since I was a toddler. Boyfriends come and go, and there are other men who know how to please a woman between the sheets, but brothers, they are with you forever and nobody is better at being a big bro than Trip."

Seeing that Ensign Sato was close to crying, T'Pol hurriedly put the bathrobe back on and embraced the slender human female.

"Did we miss something?" she heard Charles ask and let go of Hoshi. To her surprise he was completely unclothed with an equally unclothed T'Lara sitting on his shoulders, a mode of transport she had become inordinately fascinated with since their visit to the amusement park.

"No," T'Pol said. "Please do not stay in the water longer than five minutes. It is too cold for T'Lara."

"Yes, ma'am," he answered and she returned his kiss, much to the amusement of the child, as she could hear.


"You seem remarkably more comfortable around T'Lara. Is that a result of Phlox's medication?"

He sighed, walking hand-in-hand with T'Pol along the forest path.

"T'Pol, I'll never be entirely comfortable. The lil' one thankfully doesn't remember, but I do. I will always remember that it were humans who violated her. I was ready to blow a gasket when she woke me up, stark-naked. But then I remembered she doesn't care, hell, I'd say she likes it. We've both met T'Pau, we know what happens if a Vulcan is left to her own devices as a kid. T'Lara is eighteen now, that means she has twenty-two years left to mature. Let her be a kid. She can become a proper descendant of Surak later on, and I have a hunch that perhaps this is what Surak wanted in the first place. Instead of just suppressing your emotions, perhaps you're supposed to deal with them."

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