Enterprise: The Rediscovered Logs - Cover

Enterprise: The Rediscovered Logs

Copyright© 2016 by The Slim Rhino

Chapter 32: Retaliation

Fan Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 32: Retaliation - An attempt at a complete rewrite of the TV series that was cut way too short due to its bad writing. One of my newer Startrek works.

Caution: This Fan Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fan Fiction   Humor   Science Fiction   Space   Aliens   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Petting   Exhibitionism   Workplace   Nudism   War  

"Oh my god," Hoshi said with a giggle and scrolled back to the top. She just had to re-read that.

Dear sister of my mate,

Since Charles and I have shared a mind-meld as part of our bonding ritual, I am intimately familiar with the past you and my Adun share. Be assured that your presence would not pose a danger to our marriage nor do I have any misgivings if you were to reintroduce your habit of occasional meetings. You used to refer to this custom as 'spending a quiet evening'. In fact I would wish to encourage you to do so. What I have learned of your nature and the one of your brother, I've come to the conclusion that both of you gain a substantial emotional comfort from this. That is why I specifically include your customary disrobed state and his unconcealed appraisal of your physique in this encouragement.

I understand why you and your brother chose to pretend that this history never existed, as I have seen Lieutenant Reeds averse reaction to the news about the joint shower through my mate's eyes. I did however still see the need to admonish him for depriving himself and you of a cherished ritual and therefore inflict emotional discontent. As he sometimes uses to say 'Life is not fair.'

Hoshi chuckled.

"I wish you had chosen to confide in me. As a scientist I find the phenomenon most interesting. I know of many cases where friendship develops into an intimate relationship, however, the case of someone developing familial affection after an initially physical relationship was unknown to me. It is my hope that we can open an exchange about this in the future, as I was surprised by the strength of Charles' emotions where you are concerned. The last seven months of constant need for deception must have been exceedingly taxing.

"That's one way to put it," Hoshi muttered one of Trip's catch-phrases.

"The next request might sound peculiar, but I thought I should bring it to your attention. On that day, when the incident with Admiral Black occurred, your brother was delayed and was therefore prevented from keeping watch over you. According to his memories of the event, you were substantially inebriated. He found that your behavior while intoxicated was exceedingly amusing and 'cute'. However, his amusement also distracted him from preventing Commodore (now Admiral) Black from harassing you. It is a great source of guilt and self-reproach to this very day.

First and foremost, it shall be said that the two of you should seriously consider correcting the facts that have been falsified during the investigation of the incident. It is hard to accept that there is a high-ranking officer in Starfleet, who has gone unpunished for an unspeakable transgression.

The second part of my request is the peculiar one. Attached to this letter, you will find a document that defines an experiment about 'phases of intoxication'. This would allow you to become inebriated without repercussions in regards to the standing rules on alcohol consumption. It is my belief that if Charles could enjoy your 'funniness' under the influence without having to fear incidents, it would eradicate some of the guilt and self-reproach he still harbors about having enjoyed it on that day, which ultimately distracted him from keeping his customary watch over you. It should be said though, that this should not be done if the inevitable discomfort would inconvenience you too badly.

"Rank hath it's privileges," Hoshi giggled. "I can't believe she's cooking up a bullshit experiment, just so I can get sloshed. I hope Ri Than still has some of that Vodka. If not Misha Rostov definitely has some..."

I do however need to point out that you will not be able to spend the night together as frequently as you used to. While I would not be afraid of any illicit intimacy, Charles has come to find the very though quite abhorrent, I found that I have a strong need for his physical presence myself. I shall endeavor to relinquish your brother at least once a week. He misses your presence as much as you undoubtedly miss his.

If you could perhaps agree to 'babysit' T'Lara once in a while we would be very grateful. She has come to regard you quite fondly and since the procedure at P'Jem she sleeps safely through the night. I hope we can soon speak about this in person. For tomorrow I have tasked your brother with paying you a visit. Feel free to invite him to stay until the morning.

Your 'sister-in-law'


"Un-friggin'-believable," Hoshi giggled. The request for baby-sitting T'Lara and keeping her over night was of course as transparent as some of the underwear she had. When else would the two be able to shake the sheets uninterrupted, now that they could legally do so?

"Malcolm, that killing habit of yours... ," Jon opened somewhat insecurely, pacing his ready room while Malcolm sat in the chair giving little away of his emotional state.

"I suppose you don't refer to the fact that I killed T'Pol's betrothed but how I did it?"

"Trip gave me an idea that tradition demands it, but I thought you walked away from the section because you were sick of being Harris' pet assassin."

"Captain, Harris ordered assassinations nolens volens. To be brutally honest, I would have solved the Vulcan crisis by killing V'Las. The Vulcans did that anyway a week later when he was executed. Harris however would have ordered the whole High Command to be liquidated, including Kuvak."

"So you're saying you are just a little more selective, Lieutenant?" Jon's question was oozing sarcasm.

"If you mean to insinuate that I derive some sort of pleasure from killing people, no sir, but I've learned the hard way that it becomes necessary out here. Not every race is out to explore – the Nausicaans and the Orions certainly aren't. The first time you'll see a Gorn, I can guarantee you, you'll soil your britches. And should we run into the Klingons, you'll be happy to have someone who has no qualms putting a round between their eyes."

Jon looked at Malcolm, dumbstruck.

"I'm awfully sorry if I destroy your dream of only coming across tropical planets, sir. It's not how deep space works. Most species out here are used to fight everyone who doesn't look like themselves. You'd have to build a sort of Federation to change that, and if I may say so, you started doing that already. With the help of Commander Tucker and T'Pol you set the Vulcans straight and we're at least tentative friends with the Andorians. Vulcans and Andorians have been at war for decades. Now they're talking to each other."

"Then let's build that Federation, Malcolm. I beats killing each other." Jon said, surprised how much more forthright Malcolm had become since he hooked up with Talas.

"A noble cause, no doubt, sir," Malcolm said dryly. "But that will alert expansionist species like the Klingons. They don't like other species being friends. Building that Federation, if it ever comes to pass, will be a bloody process in its own right. I'm sorry, but that's the reality out here."


T'Pol quickly scrambled back to her feet after the Andorian had hit her squarely in the abdomen.

"You are making good progress, Lieutenant Talas. I submit you are one of the most talented pupils I have had for Suus Mannah training. We shall conclude today's lesson."

"Why are you doing this?" the Andorian asked, as the both sat on the bench, trying to catch their breath. "You are teaching an Andorian your species' most secret techniques."

"I believe ... Lieutenant," she answered. "We are in a similar situation. We both abandoned a part of our heritage because we desire a human. And besides that, I never quite subscribed to the dismantled High Command's propaganda about your species. After all, you come from an ice planet, why would you be interested in conquering a desert planet? It was not exactly logical,"

"True," Talas replied with a chuckle. "We wouldn't survive a day in that oven. Even this ship is to warm for me. Poor Malcolm is freezing most of the time."

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