Enterprise: The Rediscovered Logs - Cover

Enterprise: The Rediscovered Logs

Copyright© 2016 by The Slim Rhino

Chapter 22: Unexpected Discoveries

Fan Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 22: Unexpected Discoveries - An attempt at a complete rewrite of the TV series that was cut way too short due to its bad writing. One of my newer Startrek works.

Caution: This Fan Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fan Fiction   Humor   Science Fiction   Space   Aliens   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Petting   Exhibitionism   Workplace   Nudism   War  


The captain's inquiry cut through the silence on the bridge as everyone looked in fascination at the beautiful planet on the main view screen.

"I detected approximately five hundred million life-signs, all of them are on the northern hemisphere. I cannot detect any EM signals or transmissions."

"Sounds pre-industrial to me," Trip commented on T'Pol's report from behind the engineering console.

"It would appear so," the Vulcan returned coolly, and he stared at the screen as she increased the magnification. A three-masted ship came into view.

"Looks like an old clipper ship," he mused.

"Looking at its construction, I would doubt that it is capable of navigating far from the coast," the Vulcan remarked. He looked over and nodded in agreement.

"Well, that explains why they all live in the North. It's a long ride down there," he confirmed, drawing out the word long for added effect.

Only now did he notice the amused looks around him. Jon wore a smug grin and Hoshi and Travis beamed from ear to ear.

"Should we leave the two of you alone for a moment?" the captain teased him.

"Sorry," Trip muttered as a slight blush of embarrassment crept up his cheeks. He stole a glance at T'Pol, and saw that she also wore a faint look of abashment.

"Y'all can stop grinnin' now," Trip he said in mild-mannered exasperation. Hoshi in particular had spent most of the morning sending him amused smiles'; and of course she hadn't been able to restrain herself from telling the entire crew around the 'regular's table' about his and T'Pol's little private banter on the bridge.

"Joking aside," Hoshi said. "I've never seen anything like that. It was as if one of you knew exactly what the other was thinking."

"Great minds and all that," Trip answered with a grin. T'Lara looked confused at all the amusement around the table.

He sat the shuttle down on the beach. Hiding it was not necessary after T'Pol's scans had shown that except for a few hundred harmless whale-like creatures there were no life-signs in a thousand kilometer radius around the continent. Nothing would have been worse than running into this planet's equivalent of Christopher Columbus.

On the continent, which wasn't much bigger than Australia, there was an abundance of lush forests, but T'Pol's almost obsessively thorough scan had shown no signs of predatory wildlife. She had almost gotten into trouble with the captain, but it was the first officer's job to sign-off away missions and she had refused to do so before she was a hundred and ten percent convinced that there was nothing down here that was big enough to eat the ship's chief engineer. Her obstinacy had definitely skirted, if not crossed the line of letting her private life influence her job.

Despite the fact that they had been instructed to consider their three day stay as shore leave, they had some light work to do. For Pat as the ship's botanist, this would definitely be a bus man's holiday. With all sorts of vegetation covering most of the continent, the three days would barely suffice to chart the entire flora and fill the three mobile stasis units that chef had sent with them in case they found something resembling wild vegetables or fruit.

And then there was of course his 'crew morale mission' of producing Anna's next series of pictures. Being a slow male of the species, it had taken him some time to get his head around the fact that T'Pol was having no problems with any potential roll in the hay with Anna. By now he had realized that T'Pol was hurting because she couldn't be in Anna's place. Accepting that status quo as the second best solution, she had had no qualms organizing this away mission. But he knew all too well that she wanted nothing more than being here instead of his extroverted XO.

He was having a luxury problem though. There was no way he could go about the 'job' without building up some steam. Anybody who didn't react to Anna's body would have to be a straight woman or a dead man, but he could hardly accept Anna's foreseeable offer to 'do something about it' with her better half nearby. He knew Pat accepted it, but there was a distinctly different quality to actually witnessing it.

He liked the slender botanist, who had only recently ventured out of her shell, and he'd rather die of hormonal overload than hurt her.

The engineer absolutely disliked the fact that the women were unpacking the large stasis containers. Well, Anna would have done so anyway, she had more muscles than him, but the far more slightly-built botanist was huffing and puffing under the load. He'd asked Anna to wait until he was done tying down the shuttle, but the girls had dismissed his offer and were already half done unpacking everything.

"Enterprise, we're all set down here." He hailed the ship to report in, as per standard away party regulations.

"Try to relax a bit, Trip," came the captain's reply. "We'll move orbit to the northern hemisphere. Hoshi's sent you the coordinates."

"Got them, Cap'n. Want us to report back in between?"

"What part of 'relax' and 'shore leave' didn't you understand Trip? See you in seventy-two hours. Archer out."

He could hear general amusement in the background. It reminded him of that awkward moment when T'Pol had given him a long range communicator in front of the bridge crew, explaining that the captain had approved it for private use. Of course this was more for T'Lara's benefit, but Malcolm had mercilessly ribbed him all the way to the launch bay about how his girlfriend was keeping tabs on him.

The main reason for that measure was of course T'Lara. Considering that she was getting restless when she couldn't sleep in his quarters for any longer period of time, it was to be expected that she wouldn't be quite happy about not seeing him at all for three days. This way they could at least talk to each other.

Fast learning as she was, the young girl had already learned a good deal of English, especially now that her mind was more at peace. He wasn't really comfortable that those monks had basically brainwashed her, but the results were definitely worth it as she was now sleeping peacefully and did not remember more than the fact that her biological parents had died during a pirate raid.

"Are you day-dreaming of T'Pol already?" Anna needled him, looking through the hatch. "Pat and I have unpacked everything, you can set up the tents."

"Comin' in a minute," he replied and powered down the systems.

He gasped when he stepped out of the shuttle a few minutes later. All the boxes and bags had been neatly aligned on a large grassy clearing. Anna and Pat were walking towards him – both stark naked. Pat giggled nervously and Anna flashed him a shit-eating grin.

"We're taking a swim," his XO told him as they passed by.

He just stood, staring open-mouthed after the two women, who walked hand in hand toward the sea. He had of course expected exactly that from Anna, but that Pat went along with it was unexpected to say the least. This would be a long three days.

"What do we have?" Jon asked as he walked into the science lab, where Hoshi and T'Pol were surveying the population.

"Humanoids, two distinct genders," the Vulcan reported. "The only outwardly visible difference appear to be two prominent symmetrical ridges on the forehead; however, we did not happen upon any unclothed specimens, so we cannot with authority say that this is the only difference."

"T'Pol, our nudist contingent is currently vacationing in the south," he said with a smirk. "I think the quartermaster can whip up some clothes to make us blend in. And Phlox can handle the prosthetic angle."

"You cannot take Ensign Mayweather to the planet, however. This species does not have dark-skinned specimens."

"Do we know anything about them, their language perhaps?" Jon asked with a look at Hoshi, and the young linguist beamed back at him.

"Their language is relatively simple; they seem to have hundreds of dialects, but I worked out a language matrix for one of the larger cities. The universal translator is still experimental, but it should work."

"Anything we need to pay attention to?" the captain asked.

"Well, they'll notice that our mouth movements don't fit the output of the UT, so you must be careful not to speak to their faces."

"That's going to be difficult."

"These people – they call themselves Akaali by the way – they don't travel much," Hoshi explained, and held her hand in front of her face. "If you need to speak someone, then tell them that you come from a far away city and that in your culture it is a taboo to talk straight to someone else's face without holding your hand up like that."

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