Enterprise: The Rediscovered Logs - Cover

Enterprise: The Rediscovered Logs

Copyright© 2016 by The Slim Rhino

Chapter 21: Cultural Challenges

Fan Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 21: Cultural Challenges - An attempt at a complete rewrite of the TV series that was cut way too short due to its bad writing. One of my newer Startrek works.

Caution: This Fan Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fan Fiction   Humor   Science Fiction   Space   Aliens   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Petting   Exhibitionism   Workplace   Nudism   War  

"Sonofabitch! No wonder the Andorians are blue – one glass of this and you can't breathe anymore," the engineer wheezed in a hoarse voice, clutching his chest.

Some things in the universe were universal, and one of them was the reaction to the first drink of Andorian Ale. No matter if human, Klingon or Gorn, the first time ended in a serious face cramp. Malcolm just waited with a half-smile for Trip to stop coughing.

"It packs quite a punch," he agreed.

"Have to hand it to you," the American said, once his facial contortions had subsided. "Gettin' abducted and coming back out of it with a crate of finest booze and an angry smurf as a new friend. That was good. If it had been me, I'd have tried to contact Jon so that he could send down a heavily armed landing party."

"So would I, actually," Malcolm admitted, taking another sip. "Had T'Pol's equipment not failed, twenty of my people would have come down, guns blazing. Frankly, I was more surprised by how you handled yourself when that Andorian started to grope T'Pol."

"T'Pol can fend for herself," his friend explained, with another gargoyle-face after another sip. "She'd probably not even done anything had the dirt bag pushed the top up. For her, the body's just a shell for her soul. The Vulcans call that their 'katra'. But if the guy'd dared come too close to the really precious bits, she'd have snapped him in half. T'Lara didn't need to see that. That easily overrode my instinct to sock the dirtbag."

"By the way," Malcolm started, and sent his visitor a mischievous half-smile. "As the former ranking officer and the third in command, you should know the ship's security protocols."

"What did I do?"

"You forgot that if any publicly-accessible area is locked for more than 20 minutes, an automatic biosensor sweep is performed to make sure nobody has collapsed while being locked in."

He could barely stop himself from laughing when all color drained from the engineer's face. It was so entertaining that he decided to twist the proverbial knife a little more.

"Before you ask: yes, the area in question was the shower in engineering, and the biosigns were yours and Anna Hess'. Although they were practically merged, so I'd hazard a guess some part of your body must have been inside hers."

"Oh shit," he heard Trip groan. "Just what I needed."

"Don't worry about it," he said, letting his friend off the hook. "Once acknowledged by a security officer, the scans are deleted and I was on duty at the time. But you wouldn't want a junior officer or, worse yet, T'Pol get a whiff of that would you? Be more careful next time."

Malcolm knew immediately that he'd said something stupid when he saw the upset look on Trip's face. He realized too late that he had just indirectly accused his friend of going behind T'Pol's back.

"I didn't cheat on T'Pol," the visibly offended American insisted.

"T'Pol knew about you and Anna Hess?" he asked incredulously.

"Hell, she orchestrated the whole thing."

Malcolm let out a wolf whistle. It took some believing, but it was easier to believe than that Trip would cheat on the woman he so obviously loved. "You're saying our smokingly hot science officer arranged a sex date for you with the hottest human woman aboard? Well, second hottest after our comms officer," he amended quickly, with a grin. He was relieved to see that this did the trick and mollified the engineer.

"Not only that," Trip said, trying too hard to sound offhand. "She also tried to convince me to be Anna's next photographer as her last one was rotated off when we left space dock."

Now that was an interesting piece of news. "And are you going to do it?"

"You have a mighty interest in that," he was challenged by his visitor. "You aren't waitin' on the next series yourself, by any chance?"

"Not really," Malcolm said airily. "But quite a lot of blokes apparently are."

"And you volunteer to fight vigilantly for the peace of their mind," Trip needled him further.

"It's actually official business, sort of," he answered, and didn't bother to hide the exasperation which these days was never far from the surface of his mind. "You know I still have that morale officer thing hanging over my head."

"Don't remind me," Trip groaned in dismay. "I haven't even visited Rao's course yet, hopin' she'll forget about it. But since when is organizin' naked pics of my XO part of your mission statement?"

"Well, that obviously means you didn't look at her home page lately. She posted a statement that she's working on getting a new photographer, but that one or two series may get skipped. Her forum section went haywire. I think the captain and Porthos are the only ones who didn't volunteer."

"So you consider it a part of 'cultural measures' to keep up crew morale?"the engineer asked, slightly incredulous.

"Well, in that regard, I'm an opportunist," Malcolm admitted ironically. "Hess obviously wants to continue with it and it's hugely popular. It definitely beats me having to organize inane talent shows or some such. All I have to do is hope she finds herself a photographer, and from what you told me, T'Pol and Hess seem to have a clear idea who that should be."

"Great," he heard his friend groan. "Now I have three people buggin' me about it."

"I don't get it, Trip. Have you suddenly turned into a prude or something?" Malcolm asked, shaking his head. "T'Pol is okay with it, Hess too, you'd be helping me a whole lot, and most of the crew would be happy."

He noted the engineer's grimace. "Okay, I'll do it. But know one thing Malcolm. If that shit blows up in my face, I'll boot your ass out of the nearest airlock."

"You're being ridiculous, Trip." He downed another gulp of Andorian ale. "I don't suppose you want anyone to hold the tripod, do you?"

Jon looked around the room as his two visitors were sorting out their reports on their PADDs for the weekly briefing. He'd planned to include Trip as well, but the ship's engineer was more comfortable 'doing his thing' down in engineering, and had put it quite bluntly that he wouldn't be able to tell him something that T'Pol couldn't, which is why it would be a wasted effort to come up here for a meeting. The Captain made a mental note discuss that particular issue with him in the evening.

With just three of them attending he had taken the meeting to his office next to the Bridge instead of using the much bigger conference room. It had been over a week of smooth sailing since leaving P'Jem, but with the absence of any fire fights or alien abductions came routine and boredom. And those were no more to be desired than the 'action packed' first weeks of their journey.

It had not eluded his attention that T'Pol had 'coincidentally' chosen the armchair in which Trip had been sitting when she'd met them for the first time after coming aboard. That this brought her much closer to the corner in which Porthos had established his territory surprisingly didn't seem to make much of a difference.

"Okay, Commander." He opened the meeting with a straight look at the Vulcan. "Almost ten days of trouble-free journey is a nice thing, but I hope you've found something worthy of our attention?"

"Indeed I did," the science officer replied, not glancing up from her PADD. "Science teams have surveyed the parts of the Vulcan star charts that Ensign Sato has translated so far. We have located a Minshara class planet four point two-three days from here at our current speed."

"I take it you have a plan already?"

"The planet in question was surveyed by a Vulcan vessel seventy-eight years and three days ago. No name was given, but the reports mention a humanoid race in an early stage of civilization. I would suggest it would be a worthwhile endeavor to observe it and evaluate their progress over that time period. I am currently working on establishing appropriate protocols."

Jon debated taking the mickey out of the fact that T'Pol had 'neglected' to give the time difference since the Vulcan visit right down to the minutes, but as much as it would amuse him momentarily, his professionalism prevailed. It wouldn't help in a tense situation if he had cast doubts on his professional attitude just because they had had the luxury of not being shot at for some time. Instead, as she finally raised her eyes to check his reaction to her suggestion, he nodded toward her in a request for additional details.

"Since the civilization is likely not yet capable of warp flight, the possibility of visiting populated areas is dependent on our ability to disguise ourselves as natives. The planet does, however, have a small island continent that is rich in herbal life and was unpopulated at the time of the Vulcan survey. If that is still the case, I wish to send our botanist, Ensign McIlway, on an away mission to chart the flora, and, if possible, to procure new specimens and edible plants for our food provisions. If the conditions in Engineering allow, I'm planning to assign Lieutenant Hess and Commander Tucker to the away team as well. Both have been aboard for almost a year with no shore leave, and Lieutenant Kelby could profit from the command experience when he stands in for his two superior officers."

"I take it they will also need to take a lot of ... photographic equipment?"

Jon felt a slight blush heat his face when the normally somewhat stuffy tactical officer failed to suppress an amused snort and T'Pol looked at him with a provocatively raised eyebrow and a mischievous look – well, as mischievous a look as was possible for a Vulcan.

"Well, there goes my professional image," he sighed in good-natured defeat, though he was still a bit embarrassed by the subject. "Yes, yes, I have read Lieutenant Hess' message that she has found a photographer and plans her next edition to be an outdoors one. You have ten seconds to be smug."

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