Enterprise: The Rediscovered Logs - Cover

Enterprise: The Rediscovered Logs

Copyright© 2016 by The Slim Rhino

Chapter 14: With a little help from a friend

Fan Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 14: With a little help from a friend - An attempt at a complete rewrite of the TV series that was cut way too short due to its bad writing. One of my newer Startrek works.

Caution: This Fan Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fan Fiction   Humor   Science Fiction   Space   Aliens   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Petting   Exhibitionism   Workplace   Nudism   War  

"How can you be so sure that I decided to follow T'Pol's proposal?" he asked, unashamedly checking out the naked form of his second in command.

"I've been in your office before with my zipper half-way down. Today you actually looked. And besides, that never happened before."

To emphasize her point she gave his rock-hard erection a gentle squeeze. The feeling of a hand that wasn't his own on his best piece threatened a very premature release. It still felt so wrong in one way, but so right in another. And it had been such a long time...

"If you keep doing that, the fun will be very short lived," he admitted somewhat self-consciously, knowing that after such a lengthy abstinence he would not hold out for any length of time.

"Let me handle that," she replied, running her hand down his chest as she knelt before him.

Without much ado, the top half of the not-quite-so 'little engineer' disappeared between her lips. Trip closed his eyes, savoring the sensation of her soft lips gliding back and forth along the length of his shaft. There was a certain animalistic and erotic fascination about having a grimy, more than well-muscled and big breasted Amazon kneeling before you with your rock hard tool in her mouth.

And god dammit, her technique was exquisite!

But the downside was that with her expert tongue-work he held out even shorter than expected and with barely any time to warn her, he exploded into her throat with a loud groan of long-denied relief. As the pleasure subsided, bringing with it a wash of equal guilt and delight, he felt a hefty blush creep up on his cheeks at this lack of self-control. Heck, that was a teenager's trick!

"Sorry," he muttered when Anna stood up, grinning like a Cheshire cat. To his surprise, she had simply gulped down the payload.

"What are you apologizing for? Considering how long it's been for you, I'm impressed you didn't shoot your load when you first saw me naked."

"Nothing wrong with your self-esteem," he quipped, his embarrassment subsiding thanks to her quip.

"Now help me get cleaned up while you recover for the next rounds," she requested matter-of-factly.

"Rounds?" he asked as he started to scrub her back, taking the opportunity to cup her buttock with his free hand. "You make it sound as if you've got quite the program planned."

"Trip, we both know what this is. We both have an itch – or twelve – that need to be scratched. And both of us don't have that itch very often. I, because Pat usually takes good care of me. She just hates using a strap-on on me. And I have no illusion of you enjoying this without a weird feeling. But when we're at it, I want it any way I can get away with.

"That's another reason I had differing partners. None of them wanted to wait until the itch returns. You won't be bothered that it'll be two, three months or perhaps even longer till I might need a little help again."

"No, I won't," he agreed, continuing to rid her of the grime. "By the way – 'Pat'? Are we talking about Patricia McIlway from hydroponics?"

He saw her nod with closed eyes as he started 'cleaning' her boobs slowly and thoroughly.

"Now that's a pairing I wouldn't have expected. She seems to be a shy wallflower if I ever saw one, and you definitely aren't."

Anna chuckled. "It wouldn't have happened had I not accidentally caught her diddling herself over one of my earlier picture series. I think it was the one where I posed on the warp reactor wearing nothing but a tool belt. She'd forgotten to lock the door and there she sat, in the middle of all the flowers in hydroponics, having fun with herself."

"Let me guess," he said, continuing to gently soap her up. "You had an eye on her before, but you thought that she'd run screaming if you asked her out."

"Exactly," his partner in crime replied, lifting her leg slightly when he started 'cleaning' her carefully shaven nether regions. "She was so terrified by being caught, she actually started crying. Once she was in my arms, there was no turning back."

"And she's okay with this?" he asked, gently fingering her wet opening.

"She's actually happy that it's you," she answered, her breathing growing more labored from his ministrations. "She wasn't sure about some of my past partners, but she trusts you. Everybody on the ship knows whom your heart really belongs to, even my wallflower sweetheart."

"Are we that obvious?"

"Damn right you are," she sighed and turned around, steadying herself with her hands against the wall. "Which one do you want first – pussy or butt?"

"You do have quite a program planned," he said with a surprised chuckle and a playful swat on the shapely rear-end presented to him as she bent forward and braced herself against the wall; she even had muscles on her butt. "But we'll start the traditional way first."

"Don't worry, I'm well cleaned up back there," she said with an excited sigh as he ran the tip of his erection along the length of her labia.

"That explains why you needed to 'grab something to eat' two hours ago," Trip said with amusement and slowly sank his organ into her waiting opening, her hips firmly in the grip of his hands. The happy squeal as he did so told him that he wasn't the only one who had waited a long time.

"Now stop talking and get moving," his partner growled, but without menace. "God it's been so long since I've been properly fucked."

Happily obliging by thrusting in and out of her with zeal, he couldn't help but chuckle. Normally Anna next-to-never swore. Sex seemed to be a different matter, and his fellow engineering whizz-kid seemed to have a knack for talking dirty.

"Ask me," he pressed out between labored breaths. "Damn Anna, do you have muscles everywhere?"

"You should see my sweetheart trying to get her finger back out, if I squeeze really hard," she wheezed with a strangled giggle as his hips slammed against her rear again and again.

He could feel how she clenched her vaginal muscles some more, destroying his rhythm when he suddenly felt a lot more resistance.

"Dammit, you're tight, hon," he groaned, increasing his effort to keep the pace up. His partner just moaned happily and continued to 'massage' his tool with her – quite frankly – amazing muscle control.

He'd lost any sense for how long they had been 'at it', but at his best guess it must have been a minimum of three weeks. Whenever Anna had sensed that he was close, she had clamped up her muscles, trapping him in position, almost painfully, until he had cooled off enough to continue.

But now she was in no condition to play muscle tricks anymore. Nearing her own climax, she was almost out of her mind, wheezing, whimpering and begging to be banged harder. Her large jugs swung back and forth making quite naughty slapping sounds.

He couldn't remember that his thigh muscles had ever been on fire like this, except perhaps for that half-marathon around Sausalito in '49. With a deep guttural grunt his partner started to shiver and she groaned as a massive climax rocked her.

Despite the fact that his own release hit mere moments later, he had the presence of mind to let go of her hips and reach around to grab and caress her boobs with both hands. On one hand he could keep up some stimulation as the whimpering woman wound down from her massive orgasm and it prevented her from falling down as her muscled body had gone almost completely limp.

They were both still catching their breath when his now flaccid organ slipped out of her. He gently helped her lower herself to the floor. They both came to sit next to each other, their backs to the wall, breathing heavily. They had their arms around each other's shoulders.

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