Partners in Paradise - Cover

Partners in Paradise

Copyright© 2015 by harry lime

Chapter 10

Fiction Story: Chapter 10 - In the midst of war, 2 survivors try to stay alive behind enemy lines hoping that time and fate are on their side. starting this story again after a long delay. Apologies to readers. Please be patient.

Caution: This Fiction Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   Heterosexual   Fiction   Military   War   Humiliation   Rough   Sadistic   Torture   Gang Bang   White Female   Oriental Male   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Exhibitionism   Oral Sex   Safe Sex   Voyeurism   Water Sports   Clergy   Public Sex   Nudism   Violence  

Corporal Patrick looked down at the government issue combat boots they had issued him in Hawaii. They were a half size too big on his feet and he knew he was lucky to get them at all because the logistical chain from the mainland was devastated by the enemy submarines preying on the supply ships.

He was thinking back on his pig-headed refusal to surrender when the island was overrun by the Japanese front line troops. He had never gotten along with the second LT in charge of his small unit of recon. Marines and regretted his solo disobeying of orders to surrender his arms. He took no satisfaction watching the entire unit being put to the sword by the laughing Japanese as they used the survivors for bayonet practice on the beach below.

Patrick knew the officer was merely doing his best to keep from being killed by the overwhelming force facing them as wave after wave of Japanese troops landed in the long boats on the sandy beach. The sounds of their dying and the shouts of joy from the enemy haunted his sleep at night and her knew a deep-seated hatred for the small, tough Asian soldiers now roaming the island with a sense of relief at being out of the bloody battle zone nearby.

The arrival of the civilian prisoners from the sunken Allied ships brought an element of wicked mistreatment of the mostly white Colonialists to boost their morale with the approval of their higher ranking officers.

He had saved Sheila from a public gangbang out in the open with the white females being stripped and assaulted in turn on the sandy shores. He had watched the spectacle from the hills with his German made binoculars seeing their gleaming white asses being beaten and then used like rutting animals to give the soldiers sexual gratification and revenge on the invaders from the Western world of superior attitudes of white females. They heaped the pain of terrible humiliation on the females and laughed at their dismay at sordid treatment.

At first, she had been in shock, but after a few days, she recovered to the point of making small conversation and accepted the stolen clothing he had given her to cover her nakedness. She was immediately more comfortable with her privates hidden beneath the rough clothing and resumed an attitude of modesty that he found most amusing.

When she told him that she was a nun in training, he was taken back by her lack of hatred or rage at the animals below on the beach. Still, he had high hopes of eventually becoming up close and personal with her as they were buried in the small cave like two peas in a pod and he figured that nature would take its course sooner rather than later.

In fact, the night before, they had cuddled up closely for body warmth due to the cold night air and he had succeeded in rubbing his hardness on her sweet flanks without objection. Of course, they had not gone any further, but he was able to ejaculate into the thin cloth between them with a happy ending. He knew she was aware of his disgraceful behavior because he heard her praying for forgiveness the next morning as if they had copulated like bunny rabbits with no sense of guilt.

Tonight, he planned to do it again, only this time he wanted to spray his offering on her smooth skin without penetrating her just to see her reaction to his liquid gift of man juice externally without entering her private places like the nasty enemy outside with their punishing dicks.

He knew that if they continued down that path, she would eventually open up her shell of feminine secrets and slowly accept his affection as a natural expression of their close contact survival.

It was obvious to him that Sheila was sensual from the way she panted and shuddered from his touch and would sometimes push her needy posterior back into his devious manhood in a state of silent cooperation with his manly contact.

As time passed, the young nun in training became less reserved in her carnal desire and she humped more than she prayed encouraging the horny marine to use her anal passageway and her oral skills rather than penetrating her feminine folds because she had no way of achieving safe sex.

That was just dandy from Patrick’s point of view because he was obsessed with Sheila’s beautiful ass and the touch of her pretty lips around his swollen shaft was more exciting than plowing her secret garden.

With the sounds of the sea battle all around them but at a distance, they took turns using the binoculars to watch the enemy soldiers engage in an orgy of twisted limbs down in the lagoon below with the defeated and dispirited female prisoners chasing their naked bodies in every direction looking for a safe place to hide from their frenzied cocks.

Patrick wanted to run down and kill all of the Japanese troops exercising their divine right to abuse the female detainees following the orders of the emperor to punish all of the captured enemy including women and children. He knew that most of them were merely following their animal instinct to seek pleasure from their slave captives and treated them with distain for their white skin and sense of hated superiority over the true masters of the human race.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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