A Guy and His...?
Copyright© 2014 - 2018 by Pars001. All rights reserved.
Chapter 30: Getting Closer
Fantasy Sex Story: Chapter 30: Getting Closer - A guy discovers a strange bottle upon opening it, finds things quickly begin spiraling out of his control. A Beautiful woman appears then another and another. They all wanted sex, they all wanted him? Yowsa!
Caution: This Fantasy Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Consensual Slavery Lesbian Heterosexual Workplace Genie Magic Group Sex First Masturbation Oral Sex Transformation
Juno had been thinking for well over an hour about the problem at hand. As he remembered, the council had called him to their land, world, or dimension, whatever it was decades ago. He and his Jinn had been chosen to aid the Ever Last Master when he appeared. There was more but his memory never was that good, looking at Nyrae he said, “I wish I could remember all that the council told me all those years ago.”
“Yes, Master, I obey,” Nyrae said, and then the memories were flooding back.
He’d been warned that interfering with the Ever Last Master would bring the wrath of the entire council upon him. Nodding, he went on. The Ever Last Master would be very well hidden, and there was nothing that could find him. Juno nodded to that, true by all means; he and his Jinn would be rewarded greatly when all was done.
Then Juno remembered, ‘You and your Jinn will also be of great aid when the final battles start. ‘Remember to keep her safe, well hidden, near to you, and tell no one, including family. Juno cringed that the last part had hurt. He had such a large extended family, as Jake had found out, mostly females. Juno shook his head. His family were the horniest bunch he’d ever seen. Was it possible it was run off from him having a Jinn?
Jake had finally managed to get out of bed; he and Gen barely had time to make it to the house to meet Juno. As his Jinns were flying at breakneck speed to get ready, Jake was trying to decide just what to wear. Shaking his head, it was going to be difficult again as all his jinns were parading around naked, modeling various clothes. As they started to inch closer and closer to him each time, his erection was letting him know he should enjoy the views.
Jake tried to turn his back, but they’d come around, causing his cock to grow hard again each time ‘til, finally, it refused to go soft. “Look, girls, I have to get dressed! I can’t if you keep parading naked like this!”
Gen and Rosalinda smiled, and then Gen stated, “But Master! We simply adore your cock and wish it to be used on us. It is so wonderful. I know, Master! I could slow time, and then you’d have time to pleasure each of us!” Gen was starting to breathe hard as she and the others had stopped and were staring at the almost painful hard-on that Jake had.
Jake sighed what was he going to do with them, then an idea hit him, “I wish to be dressed with no pain. I wish that all of you were dressed and ready to go.”
Gen and the other’s mouths dropped open as they all blinked and were ready as was Jake. “Aw, Master, that wasn’t fair!” Rosalinda said almost in a little girl’s voice.
Jake thought for a moment that he was having a hard time remembering where the house was supposed to be. “I wish I could remember exactly where the house is.” All his Jinns blinked, and the route was almost second nature to him.
Finally, he and Gen climbed into his truck and were on the way.
The three sisters were lying in wait near Jake’s only half-finished new home. Nuha thought she had the perfect plan to lure Jake and his first Jinn into a trap. They’d await his approach, then attack in full force, concentrating their full powers on his Jinn. Once that little bitch was destroyed, then Jake would be theirs to use over and over then they’d kill him as slowly as they could.
Looking over, Nuha could see Fatin wringing her hands in anticipation of the kill. Abla’s chest was also heaving at the excitement of destroying the Jinn and then using Jake as a slave, and then finally killing him slowly and as painfully as they could.
An hour had passed since they expected Jake to be there. “Do you think that he suspects?” Alba finally asked Nuha.
“No, I don’t think so; we did everything that was possible to throw all suspicion off.” Nuha told her sisters, “Though I do believe that something might have happened. I also feel that another powerful Jinn is involved. Did either of you feel anything when we were in that old man’s office?”
“Now that you mention it, there was a faint trace of a Jinn’s power there.” Fatin’s mouth dropped agape as she continued, “sister, do you think that the council is involved in some way? We are powerful together, but we cannot even withstand the power of the whole council!”
Nuha was nodding as she thought there had been a touch of a lot of power there; it could have been the council or one that the council was watching. “It appears that the human Jake isn’t...” about that time Jake’s little white truck could be heard coming down the road.
“Ah! The metal beast on wheels approaches! Positions sister, we will kill him this time!” Nuha said as she and her sisters disappeared from sight.
Jake was just topping the rise when he noticed that the house was far from being as complete as Juno had told him if it had been Juno! Slamming on brakes, the ground in front of his truck exploded in a mass of dust and dirt. Jake nodded and started to back the truck, but behind the truck, the ground suddenly disappeared from another blast. Instantly, Jake was quite a distance from the spot as the truck backed into the hole and fell a good twenty feet. Damn it he thought, not again!
Jake watched as three women he assumed were Jinns also began to advance on his position. Funny, he thought they looked very familiar. Rashala appeared a moment later, firing off a quick series of blasts of her own, hitting the raven-haired one in the shoulder. Screaming the red-headed woman, obviously the leader pointed the finger at Jake, “A very good trick, Ever Last Master, but as of today, you are dead! No one injures the deadly trio and survives long!” With a flourish, she and the other two were gone in a flash.
Jake stood and walked to the hole, but once again, his poor truck had taken the brunt of the attack. Sighing, he knew his Jinns would fix it up, but it was still upsetting. Turning back, all five of the Jinns appeared and hovered around him, checking every inch of him for injury, Including several lingering grabs at his now exposed cock and balls, by four sets of hands. “Alright! That really isn’t necessary!” Jake told them as they all smiled, each of the four lingering with their inspection.
Sighing, Jake knew better than to wish them to stop, but really they were out in the open, and he was so damn exposed! Finally satisfied, they all blinked, and he was fully clothed and on his way back to his house. Jake thought there was still the matter of the two men that had appeared after his and Sheeka’s bout of sex.
Home a few seconds later Jake could see that the doctor and Trully had made the men comfortable ‘til such time as he awoke and dealt with them. Jake walked to the now peacefully resting men and waited ‘til they both awoke. They both awoke with a start looking around they spotted Jake and slowly nodded to him.
“You both know who I am?” Jake asked both of them to which the weakly nodded again; well first Jake thought I need them to be normal, energy, and health wise we’ll see about their powers soon. Both men’s eyes flew wide when they felt their strength and energy return, both kneeled on the floor in front of Jake.
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