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Copyright© 2015 by Reltney McFee
Chapter 5: The Halloween Party
Sex Story: Chapter 5: The Halloween Party - Sandra's suggestion that I spend time with Maryann, pays off. Dreams occasionally come true!
Caution: This Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Fa/Fa Consensual Mind Control Heterosexual Fiction DomSub MaleDom Light Bond Group Sex Oral Sex Anal Sex Double Penetration Doctor/Nurse Workplace
I beheld Sandra as I opened my door, her light brown hair pulled back in a simple ponytail, her curves concealed by the tee shirt and jeans she wore. She stepped into the doorway, stood on her toes, and kissed me. "Hi, Bob! I'm so glad we could get together for Maryann's coming out party! I wouldn't have missed it for anything!"
I led her to my room, where Maryann sat fidgeting on the edge of the bed. Seeing Sandra, she stood, and the two women approached each other, embraced, and, drawing apart, looked each other up and down. Sandra spoke first.
"Honey, those men will simply want to eat you up! You are looking good!"
Maryann grimaced at that. "You know, I'm really nervous about this. The thought of a group of men salivating over my naked tied up body is not really very settling. I'm so glad you agreed to be here for me, to distract some of their attention! It's not so scary, having another woman there!"
"I'm not so sure, you look so good, they may not even notice me!" Sandy turned to me, and asked, "Bob, when are the boys going to be here? I want to be ready for them, once they arrive."
"I told them to be here around six, so you have a half an hour or so. What do you want to do in the meantime?"
"We girls have some preparing of our own, to do. You scat, now, and leave things to us. Come back in around 20 minutes, and the three of us can complete our preparations." then, almost to herself, she continued, "Oh, I love being a slave girl!"
I fixed coffee, and mixed pitchers of fruit punch. Digging in the frig, I set out sandwiches I'd ordered from the local deli. Judging time to be up, I returned to the bedroom.
There I found a naked Sandy, combing the hair of an equally naked Maryann. Each woman's breasts swayed with their movements, and, as Sandra lifted Maryann's hair with each brushstroke, I saw a glimpse of the collar I had left for her. I know: sometimes I simply have to be grateful to a Generous Higher Power, that allowed me to savor beauty such as this. They turned to me as I entered, Sandra setting down the brush, and they stood, holding hands, and turned to face me. Sigh! I stood still, immobilized by lust.
"So," began Sandy, "I take it that we look alright, eh?"
"Nope, you two do not look 'alright'. You are breathtakingly beautiful, and sufficient to bring a corpse to erection. Myself, I find that I am pressure testing my coronary arteries, you have me so aroused. Good thing that I have been taking my heart meds just as I ought to! Otherwise, you two, individually and together, would kill me without a touch!"
Maryann turned to Sandra, and, with a shy grin, asked, "So, do you think he likes?"
Sandra regarded me for a moment, drew her gaze to the oaken erection tenting my jeans, and responded, "Based on previous encounters with yon steely beast, yep, he likes!"
"Well, girls, perhaps it's time to prepare for our little party. Sandy, if you would be so kind?"
Sandra released Maryann's hand, and knelt gracefully on the blanket at the side of the bed. Extending her hands, I secured first one, then another of the dog collars I had on the bedside table. Drawing her hands together behind her, I joined them together with a snap link. I knelt at her side, and repeated the process with her ankles. Sandra settled back onto her heels, and turned to Maryann. "Your turn, sweetie!"
Wrapping her knees with several loops of paracord, I led Maryann to the bed, directed her to kneel upon it, and secured each loop to an opposing bedpost, splaying her knees and preventing her from laying flat. Next I then drew her down so that her chin was nearly resting upon the footboard, and secured her collar to the board. Stretching her arms out, I secured her wrists to the opposing bedposts.
"Comfy?", I inquired.
Maryann nodded, as much as her bonds allowed, and almost whispered, "I guess so."
Turning to Sandra, I asked, "You ready?"
Brightly, she responded, "You betcha! Tim plays nice, but I've found that I sometimes want something a little exotic. I'm so glad he allows me to play with you, every once in a while. We're all gussied up, and greased up as well!"
Maryann glared at Sandy. (Well, she tried to. Turns out, when you cannot turn your head, the effect of any glaring is really very muted). "I cannot believe you just told him that! Ohmighawd!"
Sandra was unfazed. "Well, sweetie, when you have the history Bob and I have, and you have shared the experiences with him that I know you have, you cannot really play the demure maiden very well, can you? Unless, that is, it is playtime, and you are playing a maiden, right?"
Maryann started to sputter. Sandy cut her off. "Really? You let him tie us up, you know very well that he's going to bring in several friends in a minute or two, you and he talked about this, as did you and I, and you still wanna play shy? Really? You know you nearly begged him to set this up! When you told me you were going to tell him you wanted to submit to him, what did you really expect would happen? Here we are, you are about to submit like you have never done before, and if my nose is not lying to me, you are as aroused as you can be! Tell me I'm wrong!"
I know she wanted to hide her face in her hands. I saw her tug at her restraints. I made my contribution to the proceedings.
"Maryann, you still have a safeword. You can use it, at any point, and this ends. All of it. You have control, and you know the price of exercising that control. I'll release you, you can get cleaned up and dressed, and our tawdry affair is over. No recriminations, no drama, no hysterics. I'll miss you, but it is all your call."
"No, I really do want to go through with it, but this is sort of first performance jitters. Give me a minute, and I'll be okay. I'm just not used to being this turned on without my guy touching me, and being this helpless is nearly overwhelmingly hot for me!"
"Alright. Now, in case you want to step back and cannot speak your safeword, here's a bell." I fastened a bell to each woman's wrist with a tie, and each shook her wrist to establish that they could indeed sound it if desired.
Tied as she was, she had only one alternative to accepting being used. Her bound hands writhed as they reached for the bedposts, testing my knots. Her eyes were wide, and she jerked as if pinched as each new guy entered the room. Soon, the four of us were lined up in front of her, erections reaching for her, yearning for the delights she held. She flitted her gaze from me, to Andy, to Mark and to Tony, holding our gaze, gauging our endowment, and back to our faces.
Sandra, serene, took it all in from her perspective on the floor.
Maryann and I had discussed featuring her as the centerpiece of a group grope. In our coital fantasizing, the imagery had fueled her arousal, leading her to shattering climaxes. It was apparent that the reality was somewhat more ambiguous, from an "I'm really going to enjoy this! This will be so much fun!" perspective, than the fevered imaginings had proved to be. We guys noted this and exchanged glances. Tony cleared his throat, and, shrugging to me, turned his attention (again) to the pretty bound woman kneeling before us.
"Maryann, Bob here tells us that you are okay with us using you like this. Is that right?"
She closed her eyes, swallowed, took a deep breath, and met his gaze.
"I ... I guess so."
We exchanged glances, again. Andy spoke up. "Maryann, you are going to have to be just a little bit more enthusiastic, if we are going to carry on with this adventure. I think I can speak for all of us", and nods met this observation, from all the guys, " when I say, we only want to use you, as roughly as you desire."
Maryann closed her eyes at this, and shuddered. She reopened them, and licked her lips. "Well, I ... I'm kind of shy, usually, and this is all new for me. Bob presented this to me, and, well, I never thought I'd see, let alone participate in, something like this. I've imagined it, I've dreamed about it, I've watched videos of this sort of thing, but the reality is all new to me. I want it, really, I do. But, I'm kind of hesitant, because I've never ever been with more than one guy before, and never tied up like this. Inside, I'm both melting with excitement, and trembling with nervousness. But, yes, I do want this. I want you to use me, and I want you to take your pleasure from me. I'm helpless, my holes are all available, and now I have four hard cocks..." She closed her eyes, and trembled again, then continued. " ... to fill me. Yes, guys, I want this. Bob told you right: take me!"
Our regard turned to Sandra. She did not wait for a question, chirping, "I'm in! Bob has shown me several varieties of good time, and several of them I never imagined participating in, let alone enjoying. This party aspect is new to me, but, likely, none of the rest of it is. Besides, with me here, maybe Maryann can relax enough to enjoy herself, since another girl is along for the ride."
Andy took a step forward, and positioned his erection at Maryann's lips. She opened her mouth, and he slid into her depths. She gagged when he sank in full length, until, after a moment, he withdrew. She coughed once, licked her lips again, and spoke. "I'm not used to sucking cock when I can't move like this. Let's try again, okay?" Accepting her invitation, he once again slid into her oral depths, and again held his place at full length. This time, she coughed once, and, settling down, looked up at him, nostrils flared. He regarded her, and eased his way out, only to return, beginning a reciprocation that signaled both the beginning of his fucking of her face, as well as the general onset of festivities.
I stepped to her rear, and, swiping her pudenda, noted the collection of her oils at her introitus. I slotted my hardness at her entrance, and slid my way in one deliberate motion into the depths of her sex. I began a leisurely fucking motion, as I was in no hurry to reach my own conclusion. Maryann's silken grasp caressed my turgid length, massaging me with each advance.
The other fellows seemed to feel that Sandra was jealous of all the attention being paid to Maryann, as they went to her, and, carrying her across the room, laid her over the back of the sofa, kneeling on the cushions. Mark then stepped to her face and waggled his beef baton in her direction. "You know where this goes, don't you?", he teased her.