The Power of Word of Mouth Advertising - Cover

The Power of Word of Mouth Advertising

Copyright© 2015 by Reltney McFee

Chapter 4: Sandra and the Conference

Sex Story: Chapter 4: Sandra and the Conference - Sandra's suggestion that I spend time with Maryann, pays off. Dreams occasionally come true!

Caution: This Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   Mind Control   Heterosexual   Fiction   DomSub   MaleDom   Light Bond   Group Sex   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Double Penetration   Doctor/Nurse   Workplace  

My phone rang, and I saw it was Sandra. "Hello?"

Her familiar voice greeted me. "You interested in a booty call?"

"Is this a trick question? How could I not be interested?"

"Well, I've registered for that conference you were talking about, at work the other day. Wanna carpool?"

"Sure. You do realize, carpooling will give me more opportunity to admire you, right?"

"Admire me, or ogle me? You think I haven't noticed, and you've tried hard to hide it, but I know you ogle me at work! It's sort of flattering. My ex wasn't particularly subtle, and not very adventurous. He wasn't one of those guys who wanted to explore new strange new worlds, so to speak. You, on the other hand, are sort of a James T. Kirk of bedroom fun!"

"Do you have any particular limits on this booty call? I can just feel my creativity revving up!"

I could hear the doubt forming within her head. She almost whispered into the telephone, "You do still remember the 'no marks' thing, right?"

"Yep. Have a little faith, I think you will enjoy the novelty of your experiences this weekend!"

"Ok, I guess we'll see. Our previous dates turned out pretty well!"

We ended the call, agreeing I'd pick her up the day before the conference, and we'd enjoy a leisurely drive to the hotel.

I had an old girlfriend, Linda, who was no longer a regular romantic partner. We had remained friends, and occasionally would meet up to, well, "scratch each others' itches". She was a little wild, and had been completely on board with my explorations with her of unusual encounters. She had spoken of her interest in sharing a guy with another woman, although we had never followed that particular path.

I called Linda up, and discussed a meet-up at our conference. She was intrigued, and when I laid out my plans for Sandra, she was all for it.

"So, you are sure she has never been with another woman, right?", she asked.

"Nope. If this plays out the way I think it will, you will be the first."

"Is she on board with this? Have you discussed it with her?"

"A little, not directly. She wants to play at being my servant for a while. She enjoys it, and it allows her to go places she never could allow herself to decide to go. Like, with another woman, I suspect."

The night before our departure, I packed, and, having tucked everything away in the truck, went to bed. Sleep came easily, and I soon found myself dreaming, considering the fun to be had about the conference. I "observed" my dreams, and waited until Sandra made her appearance. For a moment, I admired her trim figure, her bobbed light brown hair, her firm modest sized breasts, and her finely curved bottom. Noticing my gaze, she smiled, and drew my gaze to her golden brown eyes, her smile extending to her entire face. I stepped into the director's role, and "told" her that I was eager to push the boundaries of her experience, and that I had plans for her. I praised her beauty, and let her know how arousing I found her, and how much she had pleased me, both in her submission, as well as carnally. I could almost feel her pleasure at my compliments radiating from her skin, as she smiled, in her dream self, and turned as if for my inspection.

I told her that she ought to be certain that she wanted, really wanted, to submit to me. She "asked" me what sort of thing I had in mind, but I responded that, if she indeed wanted to submit to me, if she really wanted to be under my control, she would have to accept my decisions.

In our "conversation", she appeared to reflect, and then replied. "I invited you to a booty call. I suppose I shouldn't be surprised if it develops into your particular brand of booty call, should I?"

My dream self smiled. "No, you shouldn't. You will be surprised, but then, that is nothing new, is it? Sort of a grand trust exercise, right?"

"Sort of. But that is kind of your trademark, isn't it? It does make things more exciting for me, when I stop to think about it."

I "suggested" that she might want to get a little sun tomorrow, and ought to prepare herself to really enjoy our adventures this weekend. I figured, establishing a positive tone could only end well!

I awakened, and stumbled through my morning routine. I had taken a vacation day, so our drive Friday would be unhurried. I arrived at Sandra's door, and she met me there, luggage in hand, and we stowed it and set off.

Once we were on the road, I waited for a pause in the conversation, and asked Sandra to reach into the console. She found a sleep mask, and some small dog collars, with some loops of paracord, already knotted. She considered the items, turned to me, and sighed. "I don't suppose that I have to ask you what these are for, do I?"

"I assumed that you were well aware of their uses, from previous dates."

"Oh, yes, how I remember! I will never forget that weekend! Uh, you do notice that the sun is still up, right?"

"Sure do! You have noticed that we haven't seen another car for, what, 20 minutes?"

She turned the collars and mask over in her hands. "You didn't even tell me to ride naked, in that dream last night! How is it that I cannot seem to tell you no?"

Helpfully, I offered, "Would that be because you enjoy all the adventures I arrange for you? And you do not doubt that I will protect you from harm?"

She began to unbutton her blouse. "Are you expecting me to ride naked, or do I get to keep my pants on?"

"I think your blouse and bra will be as much distraction as I'll be able to stand. We can get creative, later."

"Surprisingly, I'm both anticipating and dreading that possibility!" She folded her bra in her blouse, turned and placed them in the back seat (with wonderfully enticing effects upon her breasts), then donned my fashion accessories. The sleep mask effectively blindfolded her, and she slipped the paracord loop through one of the dog collars, securing it upon one wrist. She paused, and then asked, "Do you want me bound with my hands in front of me, or behind?"

"In front, please."

She secure the other collar upon her other wrist, pulling it secure with her teeth.

"Now that you have me all trussed up and helpless, what is the next thing my master has in mind?"

"Well, we have another hour or two on this trip. Let's talk."

"Talk? I knew you were not a master like in the erotic stories I read, but, really? You have me nearly naked, I'm helpless by my own hands, we have, what, two hours on this trip for you to have your way with me, and you want to talk? Really?"

"Yep, really. Part of this is an opportunity for me to enjoy trifling with your head, but part of it is something I've been wondering about."

"Alright, ask me your question."

"Sandra, part of what attracts me to you is your grown up, focused, confident demeanor."

She interjected, shaking her chest, "You mean, it's not my tits?"

Flustered, I stuttered a bit. "No, no! Your tits are fine! I mean, I like your breasts, er, um ... I think you are very pretty generally, but that is not the topic I want to explore right now!"

She wasn't going to let it go. "What if I want to talk about how my tits leave you unable to speak?"

I held my tongue for a moment. She had a point. Two, actually. "I cannot believe that, after our last several encounters, you have a shred of doubt in your mind about how I like your body, how I enjoy it when you share your body with me, and how much pleasure your body provides me. But, I have a serious question for you, right now."

She relented. Only a little. "Are you serious? I'm nearly naked, I'm tied up, and you don't want to do despicable things to my soft young body, you want to talk! And, maybe worse yet, you want to talk seriously!" She sighed theatrically. "So, this is how it ends! This is how I discover that I'm over the hill! You, who I formerly held speechless with my beauty, now, you only want to talk! Oh, the disappointment!" Another theatrical sigh. "If I have lost my ability to render you speechless, I suppose that I shall have to listen to your question!"

"Glad we could resolve that little issue. Now, something I have wondered about. When we have played with bondage, you have play acted the frightened maiden. Does that role really excite you? You seem to get so aroused when I tie you up. Does that really do it for you? Or, anal. Some women hate it, some tolerate it, but you seem to explode in orgasms."

She reflected for a moment. "Being tied up, or anal, really doesn't ring my chimes one way or the other", she explained. "What really gets me revved up, is the effect it has on you when you tie me, or fuck my ass. That's what brings me back for more!" She paused, thoughtfully, then continued. "You really seem to like it when I play the innocent young girl role. You do realize that pretending to be a silly adolescent does nothing for me, right?" I murmured assent, encouraging her to continue. "On the other hand, I know how it stimulates you, and that, well, that 'inspires' me. Seeing you all wound up makes me more excited, and pushes me farther into our sexual games. The fact of role play? Meh! I can take or leave it. It strikes me as a bunch of bother that distracts from the good times at hand. You seem to be caught up in it, and you seem to get hotter and hotter when we play that game. That is what rings my chimes. Similarly, bondage gives me a bit of a thrill, but watching you get all hard and throbbing as you secure me, or direct me, gets my juices flowing. Anal? You are gentle, and you are confident, and you take care that I'm hot to trot, and well lubricated. All those things make me able to relax and not hurt when you fuck my ass. What gets me going, however, is the steel like nature of your erection when you take my ass, and how you get this look of such intense concentration as you plunder my little butthole. What really gets me steaming, is the thought that I am getting you so hot, and that I am the one who is chasing you to the shattering climax that you enjoy in my butt, or when you have me tied."

She delivered all this with a professorial air, and gestured from time to time with her bound hands. Her breasts swayed with this gesture, or that, and as she took each breath to continue her reply, the feminine sway of her bosom punctuated her words.

All good things must end, and so we neared the hotel the conference was to be held at. That meant we were soon to leave the rustic back roads I had selected, and with them the solitude that had allowed our naked ride and games. I told Sandra this.

She made a bit of a moue, complaining, "I think my tan on this side is not nearly complete! Are you sure I have to get dressed again?"

"Yeah, pretty sure. I do not think it will have the effect we want, if you stroll into the conference dressed as fetchingly as you are right now."

We arrived, checked in to the hotel, and registered for the conference. Things would begin around 9 am the following morning, so we had some time to kill. I suggested dinner, and off we went. My consort had selected a clingy strapped dress, plunging low enough that I was sure there was no bra there, but the effect was not trashy. The hem just above her knees, with each step it's movements called attention to her toned, fit legs. It fitted to her butt, following but not stretching over her curves.

Sorella Magiore is one of the finest Italian restaurants in northern Michigan. Being on a side street, there is not a lot of parking, so a moonlit walk was in our cards. She took my arm, and pressed her breast against it. Plans for evening delights flitted through my head, until I resolved to savor the moment. And there was plenty to savor.

The waitstaff was engaged, on their toes, and thoroughly knew the menu. Their counsel was taken, and the results were, like previous visits, an explosion of flavor upon our tongues. That made the entire trip worth it! Well, that and the delectable company I was keeping.

We lingered over our meal, finally retrieving the last straying morsels, and I paid the check. We meandered to the truck, and then, clinching at the curb, she murmured, "Let's go back to the hotel. I'm feeling adventurous!" She kissed her way up my neck, and drew my ear down with her teeth. Once she had me positioned as she wanted me, she whispered into my ear, "Have you ever fucked a girl on a balcony? My room has a balcony, and you can bend me over the railing and fuck me as we watch the moon reflect off of the bay!"

I did not want to ruin such a perfectly wonderful opportunity with too much conversation, so I helped her up into my truck, and, as I made my way to the driver door, I texted Linda that the time was near for our little adventure.

I drew Sandra past her own room, to her surprise, leading her by the elbow. Once I had the door opened, I drew her inside, and, kicking the door closed, pulled her to me. She wrapped her arms around my neck, as we revisited our roadside clinch, and the probing tongue revealed her own arousal. I broke the clinch, and, separating a bit, drew her straps over her shoulders, and, leading the way with her zipper, settled the dress onto the floor about her feet.

I was correct in my appraisal, beneath the dress she wore only bikini cut panties. Her breasts, again freed, swayed as she lifted first one foot, then the other, to allow me to remove her dress, and drape it over a chair. I loosened my necktie, and turned her from me, as I gathered her wrists at the small of her back. I tightened the knot of the cravat about her wrists, then took a couple of additional turns for security. Once I turned Sandra back to me, she was wide eyed, and I could see her gaze travel up and down my own body.

"Aren't you a little overdressed?", she asked. "You have me all eager for our tryst, and you still have your shoes on!"

Unspeaking, I led her to the balcony, opened the door, and we stepped outside. I bade her kneel, and, reaching back through the door, I retrieved some more rope, and secured her hands to the railing behind her.

"I think that I will tease you for a while," I began, "until I decide that it is time to take you. While you are being teased, I will consider the manner I wish to take you. Do you suppose that you will attract attention, if I buttfuck you out here on this balcony?"

The look upon her face told me that she had not anticipated this sort of permutation of her generous offer. Her fidgeting with her bonds provided the measure of her nervousness.

I stepped back into the room, lights still on, and laid my clothing over a chair. Naked soon as she, I walked to her, my rigid tool leading the way. Sandra licked her lips, and her eyes followed my waggling fuckstick as I drew near.

"First, I want to see if you have kept up on your deep throat practice. Once you have pleased me with your fine mouth, I think I will grease you up, and re introduce Mr. Happy here to the delights that are your wonderful ass. Then, once I have you a limp dishrag of post orgasmic bliss, I'll carry you inside, and wash the rest of your cares away."

She smiled at me. "I thought you would be conducting a tour of exotic pleasures. This sounds like a 'Greatest Hits' evening. Not that I'm complaining, but you promised me strange new sexual worlds. This sounds like a review before the quiz!"

"I remember my big talk. You simply let your bad old master do all the planning. All you need to do, is remember your safeword, and let things unfold as I predicted."

She widened her eyes. "Are you going to broaden my horizons tonight?" The note of eagerness in her voice was unmistakeable.

"Hush, little slave girl! Your mission at present is to remember your lessons on pleasuring a dick. The quiz begins now!"

As I approached her, cock first, she opened her mouth, draping her tongue over her lower lip. I settled the crown upon her tongue, and enjoyed her efforts to convince me that the only place for my tool, was buried in her esophagus. Her argument was compelling, and I soon fell into her head bobbing, tongue wrapping vortex, settling my full length into her pretty face. I withdrew promptly, and stepped away. She whimpered a complaint, until I returned with a bell on a lanyard. I clipped this to her wrist, and directed her to sound it. Satisfied that she could do so, I resumed enjoying her oral skills, remarking, "If you need a break, ring the bell. That will be your safeword, while your mouth is otherwise engaged."

She "Hmmm-mmmm'd" her understanding, and I settled my hands upon her head, caressing her soft warm hair. I held still, allowing her to set the pace and depth of our coupling, entirely happy to let her do so. She was working my entire pud into her face, and I could feel my glans tapping at her tonsils with each downstroke.

After a few minutes of this delight, I felt her swallowing at each tonsil tapping, until I felt her nose against my pubis. She held there for seconds (that felt like minutes!), slowly withdrawing along my length, until only the corona rested within her mouth.

"I see that you have lost none of your skills! Strong work! You keep that up, I'm sure you will get about a half a cup of cock yogurt flung down your throat!"

She had developed a wild eyed air about her. "That's pretty much the effect that I'm going for! Now, bring that cock over here, so I can slurp him down!"

Sounded like a plan I could support. I stepped closer, and thrust myself down the length of her throat (or, such length of her throat, that my steely joint could reach). I sawed into and out of her mouth, and she began to moan and hum each time I settled in. The effect, as you might imagine, was wonderful, and did absolutely nothing for my self control.

Simply to try to prolong this encounter, I drew my gaze from the bound beauty sucking me, and looked about us. There were trees here and there, framing but not obstructing the view of the bay. The lights of Harbor Springs were visible across the bay, and the moon was full and high. The silver beams played upon the water, and the beauty of the vista nearly approached that of the woman kneeling before me, and the beauty of her submission. My life was wonderful!

I returned my attention to both the slobbering sweetheart breathing around my joint, and the sensations she was creating in that joint. I curled my hands in her hair, drawing her closer to me, and then drawing her off my tool. She gasped, and then made to dive back onto my lance. I felt myself approaching the point of no return, and sawed her head onto and off of my throbber, until pleasure overtook me, and I jammed myself into her furthest depths, feeling my essence pour into her gullet as if from a faucet. I pistoned her in short strokes, rubbing my cockhead on her palate, squeezing out my last drop of man goo, and then stepped back. I collapsed upon a chair, and noted her panting, tear streaked visage. A tendril of my spend caressed her chin, seeking to jump to her heaving bosom. She raised her eyes to me, grinned around her panting, and asked, "So, did you enjoy that?"

"As if you had to ask! Hell, Yes! I loved it! You are a consummate cocksucker, and any and every man who you bless with this delight, has had his life enriched." Then, as an aside, "Did I enjoy it? Do politicians take bribes? Are big cities bankrupt? Do congressmen spend money that nobody has earned yet? Did I enjoy it? How is that even a question?"

I retreated into the room, and returned with a bottle of water, which she rapidly drank down. "Thank you sir, may I have another?", she asked with a mischievous smile. That, as well, she guzzled. Once I was certain she had recovered from her throat fucking, I released her from the railing, helped her to stand, and then, bending her over the railing, re-secured her hands.

I had retrieved some lubricant as I returned the bottles to the room, and I employed it now. Filling my hand with the slick sauce, I covered the fingers of my other hand with it, and slowly introduced one into her clinging star. She cooed at that, and I sawed this digit in and out of her. Once she had relaxed her grasp upon that finger, I paired them, and returned to stroking her from the inside. She arched her back, and murmured, "Yeah, just like that! Open me up, take my ass again!"

I tarried there, savoring the oily embrace of her tightest hole. She relaxed, and I sped up my deep caresses. I stepped to her side, my fingers not abandoning her ass, and turned her to face me, hand on her cheek. I kissed her then, probing against her lips with my tongue, and she opened her mouth to admit me, her own tongue probing back. We kissed there, naked, for long moments, and I felt her passion rise. Satisfied with her arousal, I broke our kiss, and returned to stand behind her. My joint, throbbing with my own excitement, reached for her firm ass. I anointed myself with more lubricant, and edged closer. She looked over her shoulder, and, waggling her taut tush, invited me to climb aboard.

"You know how giving head revs me up, and now you have taken advantage of my invitation for a little balcony sex, well, I'm just about to boil over! I can see how hard I've made you, and now is the time for you to let me benefit from all my hard work! Work your cock into me, and fuck me senseless!"

I stepped up to her and laid one hand upon her slim muscular hips. I steadied Mr. Happy with one hand, and slowly pressed into her warm snug hole. Her sphincter relaxed, admitting me into her grotto, and I met her exhaled breath with continued pressure, inching my way home.

Once I had seated my length within her, I paused, and began to caress her sinewy flanks. She breathed her way through my initial entry, lamaze-like in her "Whoo! Whoo!" panting, until the flutters of her anus settled down, and a relaxed grasp resulted. My organ approved.

She again looked at me, over her shoulder, and smiled. "You certainly make me feel every inch! I'm ready, fuck my ass!"

I slowly drew out, pausing with my glans settled within her, and again returned to her depths. This was my pattern for several minutes, as I leisurely had my (our) way with her. I soon determined that it was time for my "change up pitch", and took to taking short pushes into her, going for rapid, shallow strokes. She approved, as her gasps and moans indicated, and I figured that she appreciated the variety. I presented her with another change of pace, taking to sinking my full length as deeply into her colon as I could reach, holding there for several breaths, and rapidly giving her a full length stroke, only to hold my position again.

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