The Power of Word of Mouth Advertising
Copyright© 2015 by Reltney McFee
Chapter 2: The Naked Ride Home
Sex Story: Chapter 2: The Naked Ride Home - Sandra's suggestion that I spend time with Maryann, pays off. Dreams occasionally come true!
Caution: This Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Fa/Fa Consensual Mind Control Heterosexual Fiction DomSub MaleDom Light Bond Group Sex Oral Sex Anal Sex Double Penetration Doctor/Nurse Workplace
One Thursday after our parking lot conversation, Maryann asked if I could run her home after work since her car had died. "You don't live very far from me. Would you, please?"
"Sure. You know the dress code, right?"
"Huh?" After a moment, she reconsidered. "Do you mean... ?
I waited.
"You want me to take my bra off?"
"Yep. That will work for me!"
"Didn't we do this once already?"
"And, didn't you enjoy it?"
She glowered at me a moment. "Yeah, it thrilled me. I was afraid that everyone would know I was I undressed. I was embarrassed. I was tingling with excitement. But, we've done this. Why should I do it all over again?"
"Well, you should do it again because it will please me, it will give you a thrill, and will provide an opportunity for us to play some more. What you have to decide, is how interested you are in exploring submission."
She continued to glower at me for another moment, then turned, walking into the staff bathroom. She returned a minute or two later, smiling at me. "Let's go. I'm all dressed."
"This way! Your driver has been waiting for you!"
We stepped into the parking lot, and I held the car door for her, shutting it once she had settled herself. Her wrap scrub top gaped a bit as she secured her seatbelt, providing a tantalizing glimpse of firm flesh. Seating myself, I noticed her looking at me.
I responded like any guy: "What?"
"You have done it again! I never go without a bra, and you simply suggest it, and it is just like you commanded me, and I have to obey! How do you do that?"
"Because you let me. Now, I have another assignment for you. I want you to untie your top, and show me your breasts."
"Here? Now? Are you crazy?"
"Here. Now. And, I don't think I'm any more crazy than my baseline." I smiled at her, waiting.
She muttered something sounding like "I so do not believe I'm doing this", and untied first the left tie, then, drawing her top to her right, the right, inside tie.
The sun was setting this autumn night, and the lights from my truck's interior softly lit her feminine curves. She sat still for a moment, then turned to me. She had uncertainty written all over her face, and her hands wrung together in her lap, as if each hand were telling the other to not draw her top closed, not to cover her nudity. I admired her bust's firm catenary. She seemed aroused, trembling in the seat, eyes wide.
I mirrored her excitement. I had, of course, admired her, but had never expected coming closer to her than my imaginings. Our dream "conversations" of the past had opened a door of possibility, but the reality of Maryann really being here, seeing her unclothed beauty here next to me, had the pressure building in my pants.
She narrowed her eyes, as if to focus upon me, and appeared surprised to find my gaze on her face. As attractive as her naked breasts were (and I have not done them justice in this narrative), her face and her eyes truly glowed and drew me into her. Her turn, now.
"What?" Her question drew me away from admiring her, and returned me to my surroundings.
"I'm unclear on your question."
"Why are you looking at me like that? You have me here, alone and nearly naked, my tits are on display just as you wanted, and all you can do is look in my face? What?"
"Oh, that! Your breasts are simply one part of you. I love looking in your face, your eyes are pretty, and it is tremendously exciting to experience you submitting to my directions. While a picture would last longer, I cannot believe that it would do you justice."
"So you, the big bad old dominant, now that you have me nearly naked in your truck, simply want to gaze into my eyes? Am I right?"
"Yep. Welcome to the world of BDSM. When folks who aren't particularly damaged walk into this world, they simply share additional things, that are not part of the mainstream. When you grant me the gift of your trust, of your submission, I hope that, in return, I'm enriching your life by providing permission for you to do things you did not think you could do, and safety for you to do them. The fact that I expect you will provide me with carnal pleasures, ought to be balanced by the pleasures, of various sorts, that I expect you will enjoy, yourself. So, of course, I'm looking into your pretty face, because it pleases me to do so. Unless I miss my guess, you're finding it pleasant, yourself. Unless your nipples are lying to me."
She arched her back a bit, which had pleasing effects upon her bosom, and swayed left and right, just a little. Yep, my gaze was captured by The Girls, and I admired their sway, reflecting the firmness and uplift of youth. Myself, I responded with some uplifting of my own. She noticed, and commented.
"A girl likes to be appreciated. Did I do all that?"
"Certainly did!", I confirmed. "Remember that business about BDSM being an interactive process? Here is the evidence of my response to you! Are you having a good time?"
She considered this for a moment, and surprise crept across her face. "Yes, yes I am! I'm just buzzing with excitement, and I'm just a swamp 'down there'!"
"You ready to take your submission to the next level?"
That made her look at me dubiously. "I want you to open my pants, take out my organ, and run your hand up and down my length."
"Do you mean jack you off? You can say it, you know!"
"Well, yes, to start, I do mean you should jack me off. However, after we have driven a little ways, I want you to bend over, and take me into your mouth."
"Oh, you mean, give you a blow job, don't you? I not only know what that is, I may have performed one a time or three!"
"Well, no, not now. You are correct, I do anticipate enjoying your oral pleasures at some point, right now I mean simply hold my erect organ in your mouth. You may wash it with your tongue, if you wish, but the 'blow job' portion of the festivities is for another time."
Maryann looked at me, shocked. "Did you just turn down a blowjob? Don't you think I'm pretty? Don't you want me to blow you? Aren't you the same guy who told me he'd be fucking my ass, once we got this affair started?"
"Yep, I'm that same guy, and, yes, I do indeed want your mouth, as well as your throat, and your ass and your puss. As far as pretty, you need to know that I cannot describe how pretty you are to me. Me, the guy with all the words, cannot describe just how beautiful you are. But with all that being said, and every word of it is true, what I want even more, what makes my cock throb in anticipation, is your submission. I want you to do what I tell you, when I tell you, because it thrills you to be under my command. Because you know how much pleasure I will bring you, when you submit to me. And, if you are to trust me, if you are to be willing to submit to my instructions without hesitation and without question, you have to know, with absolute confidence, that you are able to give me complete control over you, because I have absolute control over myself. Tonight, no matter how much I want to skullfuck you, to drive my dick into the deepest reaches of your throat, and spray my hot jism all over your tonsils, all that we are going to do is, you are going to be half naked, you are going to taste my cock, and neither one of us will reach climax in this vehicle this night. Any other questions?"
She still looked surprised. I would be astonished if she had ever had any man turn down her favors, at any time, for any reason. I gave her a minute.
She considered, then asked, "You want to fuck my throat?"
"But you aren't going to do it, even after ordering me to suck you?"
"Nope, incorrect. I am directing you to take my cock into your mouth, but not suck me or bring me off with your lovely mouth. Tonight, simply get acquainted with "Little Bob" and consider what sort of adventures we may enjoy together, later on."
Again, I thought I heard her mutter "I so do not believe I am doing this!", before she turned to her left, tucking her left leg beneath her, and, releasing my belt and my fly, extracted my steely throbber from my uniform pants. She looked around, quickly, and settled her head in my lap, suckling upon my glans as if she was starting a lollipop.
I eased out of the parking lot, trying to allow for the considerable distraction the woman in my lap was providing, and began the drive home. After a block or two, she began to ease my length into and out of her mouth, and I patted her head. "That is cheating! We will enjoy that pleasure at another time! This is get acquainted day!"
She pulled off my shiny dong with a "pop!" of her lips, and looked up at me with big eyes. "I know, but I just wanna eat him up! He's so hard and tasty, and he's starting to give me some salty sauce!"
"You will comply with instructions on your own, or I can make sure that you will!"
She sat up, licking her fingers reflectively, and turned her topless hard nippled self to face me more fully. "Oh? How would you do that?"
"It is about control. You can control your self at my direction, or I can impose that control upon you! Select the alternative you prefer!"
"I think," she smiled impishly at me, "that I would like to see you impose that control." She batted her eyes at me, visible even in the streetlights.
I pulled into a parking lot, parked beneath a street light, and retrieved her blouse from behind her. I made a loop around one of my wrists with the tie of the garment, and, grasping her left wrist, slipped it over hers. I levered her arm behind her, nearly bending her in half with this maneuver, and worked her other wrist behind her as well. I wrapped several more turns of the tie around the two wrists, and then finished with a knot on her left wrist. The old pioneering mnemonic sang itself through my head: "wrap it thrice, frap it twice, end with a clove hitch!" You certainly learn all sorts of useful things from camping!
She sat herself upright, again, or as upright as she could manage with her seatbelt on and her hands restrained behind her. Looking at me, she appeared to continue to be surprised that I had declined her favors, and surprised again at how effectively she had been tied, with no prior evidence of the tools to do so. I licked one finger, and drew it across her left nipple, which was hard even before my approach. She shivered, and squirmed. "If you are going to continue to do that right here underneath the streetlight, somebody is going to see us!", she hissed at me.
"Yeah, and won't they be jealous that I have this young hottie, topless and tied, here in my truck! They likely will imagine all sorts of fun and games between us. I wonder what they would think, if they knew that once we get you home, you are going to get dressed and go inside, alone?"
I tucked my tool back into my pants, and, adjusting everything just so (I was considerably erect, and the half clad beauty next to me was not doing anything to resolve that issue!), I turned out of the lot, and continued toward Maryann's home.
She was feeling chatty, now that there was nothing in her mouth. "Bob? Do you really think I'm a hottie?"
"Yes, I do. Why?"
"My last boyfriend, he told me that I wasn't exciting, and he was bored. He dumped me for some younger woman!"
"That certainly bruised your view of yourself, didn't it?"
"Yeah, it made me feel plain and used up."
"When you had me in your mouth, did you feel plain, or used up? Rather, did it seem to you as I thought you were plain, or boring, or used up?"
"Hah! No, you were starting to throb, when you pulled me off of you! Your dick sure seemed to like what I had to offer!"
"Honey, every bit of me wants what you have to offer! Simply to be clear, I want every bit of what you have to offer, and I intend to savor every little piece of you, in detail, and in the fullest! You ought to consider the possibility that he simply lacked the ability to bring you along to any sort of new place. If you are self disciplined, you can accomplish a lot of things that you cannot make happen if you are not. I want to drive you to places that you have never been, but in order for you to reach them, you have to trust me enough to let yourself go. Unless and until you are convinced that I have that control, you are unlikely to relinquish your own control to me. That is part of my intention for tonight, to test my control over myself, so that you can have no doubt of it."
She made a moue, and looked up at me from beneath lowered lids. "You have a tasty cock, and I just wanna suck it right up, so I can drink you down! I want you to drain yourself down my little throat, and let me taste how excited you are! Don't you want to do just this one little thing for me?"
She made a tempting case, but I had a plan, and determined that the end game was going to provide a larger payoff, both for her as well as for me. I told her so. "I find you tremendously exciting, and some of that is the potential that you have, a potential that I think you and I can realize. You well know, from your brief taste test, just how much I want to drain my balls into your face. We are not going to do that tonight. I will move you along, and you will learn to trust me and to trust my plan. You will learn that my end game will be tremendously pleasurable for you, and I am confident that you will be glad you followed my directions. Remember that business about how you desired to submit to me? Here is one more opportunity for you to do so. Getting a little frustrated now..."
She burst in, "A little frustrated? My panties are a swamp, and I just know I'll leave a wet spot on your seat!"
I continued. " ... getting a little frustrated now, will pay you dividends in the future. One aspect of d/s relationships, again, when neither party is particularly damaged, is that trust is essential, as is discipline, both self discipline as well as externally imposed discipline. Tonight, you are enjoying externally imposed discipline. Another night, you may reap the harvest of tonight's frustration. You do, however, have to have trust in me, in my self discipline, and in your decision to submit to me."
She settled back against her seat, a pout across her pretty mouth. I attended to the drive, stealing a glimpse of her curves from time to time, as we passed beneath the occasional streetlight.
Nearing her street, I again pulled over, and, reaching behind her, released her bonds, handing her top to her. She shrugged it on, and asked, "Are you sure you don't want to come in for a coffee, or something?"
"Hell, yes, I want to come inside, and you know that coffee is not on my list. What I am going to do, however, is give you a chaste kiss goodnight, walk you to your door, and, once I am sure that you are safely inside, return to my truck, and go home."
"You are really serious about this self control thing, aren't you?"
"Yep, serious as a heart attack. If I do not have self control, then you would be foolish to submit to me. If you are not absolutely convinced that I am paying attention to you, and your reactions, and the environment, then, again, it is foolish to submit to me. If I am to control you, then, first, I must have control over myself. This ride home provides you a basis to determine whether I have that sort of self control, and whether you ought to submit to me, or not."
"I'm confused. So, you don't want to fuck me?"
"Wrong. I very, very much want to fuck you. I want to take you in every way a man can take a woman. I want to do things to you that, I expect, you have never experienced before. If you are to experience these things, and do so safely, you have to know that you can trust me and my restraint. If you can have that trust, you can be free to relinquish all control to me, and trust that I will not take you to any place that you do not really want to go, and to stop if I am getting there, too quickly for you. By bypassing your generous offer tonight, I think that you and I will enjoy greater pleasures another time. So, truly, my actions tonight are selfish, because you will please me, later, to a greater extent than we might share tonight."
I leaned over, and kissed her cheek gently. "Goodnight. Have pleasant dreams."
"Will you be in them?"
"Likely that is up to you. Let's see!"
I walked around the truck, once I parked in her driveway, and walked her to her door. She unlocked the door, and turned to me. "You have given me a lot to think about, in addition to unsatisfied excitement. I'll have to take care of a few things, before I can get to sleep tonight!"
I grinned at her, said goodnight, and left.
That night, I went to sleep promptly. Soon, I felt as if I were in Maryann's dreams. I "watched" her, as she went through the motions of her day. Once she got to the drive home, I "saw" her look shyly my way, and watched her blush as she recalled the wardrobe change she underwent. "Following" along, I saw her eyes follow me around the vehicle, once I had ushered her into her seat, and watched the lose-your-top interplay, from her perspective. I watched, this time in her dream, as she disrobed, and admired anew her youthful naked figure.
I watched, as if from her own eyes, as she took my tool into her mouth, and felt her own urgency grow. Once I removed her from my prod, I observed the surprise she felt once she was restrained, and the uptick in her arousal.
She was puzzled by the conversation about self control, she indeed had never had this sort of conversation, particularly while nearly naked. I took this moment to "step into her dream", and "spoke" to her.
"Do you understand, now, why I made us wait?"
"Not exactly, although I think it is clearer to me than it was tonight. So, Mr. Self Control, what is next?"
"If you are convinced that you can let me direct events, and that I will protect you, you may consider spending this weekend with me. I expect that I can show you some things that you have not participated in before, along with some activities that are generally highly thought of!"
"Are you going to tell me what you have planned, or will I simply have to trust you..."
She paused. "So, I AM simply going to have to trust you! That is what you were getting at!"
"Yep. If you are not dead certain that you can trust me, you would have to be an idiot to let me do the things to you, that I am planning on doing. I do not think you are an idiot, but only you can determine if you can, or will, trust me that much."
She looked at me, appraisingly, in her dream state. "You are going to want to take my ass this weekend." This was a statement, not a question. "You are going to tie me up. You are going to take my mouth, and my pussy. Is there anything else I should be prepared for?"
"If I told you, and you objected, then you would not be submitting to me, would you? If you want a veto, you are saying that you do not believe that you can trust me. I will tell you, that you will have an out. If you speak a 'safe word', you will be telling me that you need to stop, and this will all end. Once you decide to submit to me, you have that degree of control. But, you are all in, or you are altogether out. Once you use your safeword, this, whatever it is, ends."
"So, you could bring a dog in, and order me to fuck him?"
"Under these rules, I could, yes. I will not, that is one hard limit for me. You need to identify your own hard limits. If there are things that you may or may not agree to do, well, you still have your safe word."
"How about..."
I cut her off, in our shared dream. "You need to develop your own list of things that you will not do, and those things that you might or might not do. From that list, we will identify your limits. And, things that you do not 'want' to do, do not constitute hard limits. Now, we are working together again tomorrow. I want you to forget your bra altogether, leave it home. I will pick you up for work, and you can get your car repairs organized on your break. I'll drive you home, again, but this time I want you to be naked. Wear a scrub dress, and bring a raincoat. I saw some clouds tonight, and I don't want you to get soaked tomorrow."
Her dream self looked at me, a small grin playing at the corners of her mouth. "You don't want me to get soaked, or you don't want to be too obvious about the fact that I'm riding home with you naked?"
I grinned at her. "Bring a gym bag, for your clothes. We'll come over to my place for dinner, and I'll handle all the arrangements. Bring a change of clean clothes for the next day."
She grinned at me, and lowered her eyes. "I've never done anything so risque. You do realize how much trust this requires, right?"
"Yep. And, you do realize how much self control I will have to have in order to get us home in one piece, right?"
She smiled, "stood" a little straighter, and drew her shoulders back. Her nipples were hard, swollen, and reaching for me. That drive home tomorrow was going to rife with distraction!
The next morning, I arrived at her place early, not wanting to throw the day off pace by being late to work. I walked to her door, and immediately after my knock, she drew the door open, hiding behind it, and calling me inside.
Once inside, I noted that she was entirely naked. Her hard nippled breasts reached for me, and her shaven mons framed her womanly folds. I admired her wordlessly, ranging my eyes over her firm curved form. She grinned at me, closed the door, and, turning to her sofa, retrieved a scrub dress, which she drew over her head, and, tying the belt, settled it upon her. She drew panties up her hips, settling them in place with a cute little wiggle. She sat, placed socks and shoes upon her feet, grabbed her purse and a gym bag, and brightly said, "I'm ready! Let's go!"
She nearly skipped to the truck, waiting for me at her door. I opened it, and assisted her up. Once settled in my own seat, I turned to her, drinking in her prettiness, starting with her face. The dress was modest, v-necked, snug but not slinky. Her youthful breasts were hinted at by the fabric, her trim waist emphasized by the cut of the clothing. The fabric was molded to the swell of her hips. Returning my gaze to her face, I noted her looking back at me.
"What?" (I'm nothing if not original!)
"Again, you have me under your thumb, and all you can do is ogle me! And, ogle me while I am clothed! Here, you had me naked, not 10 minutes ago, and you are ogling me clothed! You have got to be the strangest master I can imagine!"
"Well, if I am indeed your master, then I can enjoy your pleasures in any manner I desire, right?"
"And, while that might include suspending you naked in my back yard over a pool of toe nibbling goldfish, while the rope suspending you slowly frayed, lowering you into that pool, I could also elect to smear you in bacon, and sprinkle you with bread crumbs, simply because it amused me to do so, correct?"
She grew wide eyed at that imagery, and, after a moment to wrap her mind around the concept, nodded silently.
"Therefore, I am confused: if I am your master, or at least am acting as your master for the time being, unless I am closing in on one of your hard limits, or pushing you into a grey area that you are not presently ready to enter, your objection to my enjoying you in any manner that I choose would be... ?"
Another moment to process. "Uh ... I thought that having a master would be all about ... er, about..."
Helpfully, I interjected, "Sexual slavery and debauchery?"
Nailed it! "Yes, yes, that's it! I thought you would spend all your time using me sexually. I figured that the braless thing, and the hold your cock in my mouth thing were warm ups to your making love to me in new ways, and while, oh, I dunno, while you had me tied up and stuff! You ogling me, well, while you tried to be subtle about it, you were doing that before you started to control me!"
"Ok, you are correct. On the other hand, I certainly enjoyed it, and I have to tell you, ogling you while thinking that you are going to be submitting to me is particularly fun for me!"
Almost to her self, she seemed to mutter something like "You are sure a strange one!" Turning back to me, she brightened up. "Let's get to work! I'll buy coffee!"
I pulled out of her drive, replying, "Outstanding! Off to Tim Horton's!"
We arrived at work before nearly everyone else, although Sandra favored us with a knowing smile as we deposited our coats and suchlike in the break room. We settled in, and began our day. When lunch time arrived, Sandra and Maryann took first lunch, leaving me and Karen out on the floor to keep things moving.
Once they had returned, and we gave report, Karen and I went to lunch. Karen was relatively newly married, and her husband, Jim, worked at another site of our clinic. She sidled closer to me, and in a hushed tone, asked me, "Is it true? Is it true what Sandra told me about you and Maryann?"
"Wouldn't it be easier to answer, as well as more accurate, if I had some idea of what you are talking about?"
"Sandra told me that you and she had an affair, and that she broke it off so she could date Tim. She told me that you are dating Maryann, now, and that you are going all 'Fifty Shades of Grey' on her!"
I pondered for a moment. "Well, If I and Sandra had any sort of out-of-work relationship, I would not say one way or the other. She has told most of us that she is dating Tim, and that things are going swimmingly. I'm happy for her, I always liked Sandy. With regards to Maryann, I would encourage you to talk to Maryann herself, and let her tell you everything that she wants you to know, and in the manner that she wants you to hear it. Me, I have nothing to say either way."
"So, you neither confirm nor deny any relationship with Maryann? How politic of you!" Her sly grin told me what she thought of that gambit!
"Well, just as with Sandra: if I have or had any out of work relationship with Maryann, I will not talk about it. If there is anything there, I'm not talking. If there is nothing to the rumors, there is nothing to say. Let Maryann speak for herself. After all, if you and I had any sort of entanglement, I expect that you would want the same courtesy."
"You are sure the discrete one! I wonder what Sandra and Maryann had to say at lunch?"
"Karen, I expect that they will tell us everything and anything that they want us to know. Might not be a lot!"
We smiled at each other, and finished our lunch, passing idle conversation.
The afternoon passed uneventfully, and Karen and Sandra packed their things up and departed, as I pleaded the need to finish some charting. Maryann wandered to the bathroom, returning shortly with her gym bag, and wearing her raincoat.
"How did the weather turn out? Have you looked outside lately?"
"Yep, sunshine and seventy! Good thing that I won't look conspicuous, or something, dressed like this! I'm just happy you do not have a convertible!"
"Did you get your business done with your car, today?"
"Yep, they came and towed it, and predict it will be ready Monday afternoon. I guess I should never ever talk about getting overtime when I'm in my car, eh?"
"Yep! Last time I was talking to my wife about our tax refund, I was washing clothes. My damned washer totally crapped out the very next day!"
"Wife?", inquired Maryann, eyebrow raised.
"Yep, two years ago now. She traded me in for a new model, and I can only hope that for the both of 'em, their every pore runs stool until the end of time! But, enough about my dismal love life. You ready to go home?"
She got less cocky. "I suppose so. Right now? The sun hasn't altogether set yet!"
"Very good, then! Let's go!"
We strolled out to the truck, and I placed our lunches and bags into the back seat. I assisted Maryann up into her seat, and walked around to take my own seat. Once I was buckled up, I turned to Maryann, and noted she was still wearing her coat. "Forgetting something?"
She blushed. "Do I have to? Really? What if somebody sees?"
"No, you do not have to. If you prefer, I can take you to your home, and walk you to your door, and bid you good night. I can and will, if you wish, pick you up Monday, and then you can drive yourself home Monday night. But, that decision will end our little games. I will be very disappointed, and I suppose you will be as well. As regards somebody seeing, did you notice how high you had to step to get into this truck? The likelihood of anybody, besides me, seeing you is very low. Not zero..." She flinched at that. " ... but low. We are the last two in the parking lot, and you are relatively safe on that score. Remember that trust thing? You have the opportunity to decide to trust me, or to be concerned that you cannot completely give yourself to me. If you cannot fully trust me without reservation, and that is your decision to make, then I really ought to take you to your home now."
She closed her eyes, and appeared to slightly shiver. She took in a deep breath, and turned to me. "So, this is all on me, huh?"
"No, the only part that is on you is your appraisal that you can trust me or that you cannot completely trust me. If you cannot completely trust me, then for you own safety, I need to take you home. Once you make the decision that you can trust me, then the only thing that remains, is your decision that our playtime is over. You can make that call at any time, simply by saying "carnation". Once you do so, we stop, I help you get dressed, and then I take you home. Period. No drama, no do-overs, no recriminations. If you are not into it, that is fine, as it is not to everyone's taste. The one certainty you can have, however, is that I will not harm you."
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