Hot Wife Katie - Cover

Hot Wife Katie

Copyright© 2015 by HotWifeKatie

Chapter 52: Katie’s Brutal Reunion

True Sex Story: Chapter 52: Katie’s Brutal Reunion - A true story mixed in with fantasy of a 35 year old wife and her sexual journey.

Caution: This True Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Teenagers   Blackmail   Consensual   Reluctant   Heterosexual   Fiction   True Story   Black Male   White Couple   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Smoking   Prostitution  

Mrs. Jackson stood in her bathroom as she glanced over at the clock. She frantically tried to get ready for her dance class. The hot wife assumed that it would be at least an hour before her husband came home as Fred had left early in the morning to pick up Phil Dorman from the Missouri State Correctional Center. As Phil had demanded, she had testified at his parole hearing and talked her husband into allowing him to move in with them temporarily. It seemed the board was very interested in her testimony as they were intrigued that a beauty queen and reality tv star would speak on behalf of a felon.

It nauseated her to think he would be living in her home but Phil releasing the Rodney Moore video of her would ruin her life, her husband’s business and her family. Upon arriving home from the facility she tried to remain calm as she read the legal document that she had signed at Norman had prepared. She cringed as tears had filled her eyes as she saw she agreed to use her spouse’s employment as collateral if the video was released. She would do whatever she needed to protect her family so she tried to be upbeat as she spoke about Phil’s opportunity to get out on parole and living with her family.

Fred felt this was another example of his wife’s forgiveness and generosity that so many in the media have spoken about during her interviews about Mrs. America. He knew the subtle headlines about her testifying at Phil’s hearing would be great for her career and what would hopefully be a lucrative stay on Dancing with the Stars. He couldn’t wait to see her on the television and couldn’t wait to see her dancing closely with some of the male stars on the show.

Mrs. Jackson had rearranged furniture in the house to allow Phil to sleep in the basement bedroom which would have his bathroom and living area. She hoped it would be far enough away from the upstairs that he wouldn’t bother her or her family until he moved out.

The hot wife glanced over at the clock as she wanted to be at the fitness center before they arrived home. Katie pulled up her tight yoga pants over her perfect ass and slipped on her sports bra. She sat down on the corner of the bed and put on her ankle socks and tennis shoes. Getting up, she walked briskly back into the bathroom when she heard the front door open. Her heart dropped.

She heard Phil’s deep voice talking with her husband but couldn’t make out what they were saying. She froze in fear. “Katie?” Fred’s voice echoed down the hallway.

“In here,” the hot wife’s voice strained.

Fred popped in around the corner, “Good! You’re still here! I got Phil settled in the basement.”

Katie’s face reddened, “That didn’t take long. I figured you wouldn’t be home for another hour.”

“I know,” Fred explained, “they had his paperwork ready and the warden signed him out on the spot. The warden couldn’t stop talking about you! Apparently he’s quite a fan!” He leaned up against the door frame and admired his sexy hard bodied wife. He knew he was lucky to be married to such a sensual woman and loved the way other men looked at her with lust as the warden did, “He wanted to make sure that I told you that he hoped you do well in the Dancing with the Stars show.”

“That was nice,” as she touched up her lipstick, “Was...,” Katie was worried about finishing her sentence, “Was the ride home okay?”

“No problem. Phil’s very appreciative of our kindness. He couldn’t stop thanking us. Apparently the prison was quite the hell hole for him,” Fred glanced down at his watch, “Shit! I gotta run.” He leaned in and kissed his wife on the cheek and hurried downstairs.

As if time stood still Katie heard the front door open and close. The sexy married woman breathed deeply as she knew she was now alone in her house with her obese old neighbor. She cringed as she tried to get ready as fast as she could.

From the entry way she could hear the old man wheezing and limping as he pulled himself up the steps, “I’ll be right down Phil!” the hot wife hollered towards the hallway. But the wheezing kept getting closer until the fat man stood in her bathroom doorway.

“Freckles, how nice to see you!” Phil growled, grinning from ear to ear as he admired the way her tight fitting pants showcased the hot mother’s toned legs and sexy ass.

Mrs. Jackson drew a deep breath as she took in the sight of her old neighbor, the man whom she had sent to prison in order to free herself from his sexual blackmail.

His ill-fitting suit did nothing to hide his huge beer gut and he emanated the stench of cold sweat and tobacco. His face was red and bloated with just a few unkempt hairs on his otherwise bald head. He looked hideous as ever.

Trying to show as much confidence as she could muster, Katie took a step towards the old man and poked her perfectly manicured nail into his flabby chest, “Let’s get one thing straight! You are not allowed upstairs, much less in my bedroom!”

As if he didn’t hear a word she said, “I need to pee.” Phil coughed as he shuffled past the dumbfounded wife, who stood at least three inches taller than him and made his way to the toilet. The beauty queen watched open mouthed as he lifted up the seat and reached for his zipper.

As his pudgy hand slid inside his pants, Katie cringed as she heard a sigh of relief followed by splashing noises as her disgusting old neighbor relieved himself in her bathroom. Not knowing how to react, she turned to the counter, applied some more make-up to her beautiful face while studying herself in the mirror in an attempt to appear nonchalant.

While doing so, her gaze wandered sideways as she took in the reflection of the obese man hunched over the toilet, steadying himself with one hand against the wall. After a minute or so, the splashing came to an end and the toilet was flushed.

“You’ve got a bathroom downstairs, Phil.” Katie sighed as she applied some more lipstick to her sensuous mouth, “Next time you...” Her voice trailed off as she saw the fat man turn towards her and caught sight of his huge cock hanging out through his open fly. It was the first time in months that the hot wife was face to face with her old neighbor’s mammoth prick.

Mrs. Jackson turned around in shock as she eyed the monstrous schlong. She didn’t mean to stare but was unable to look away. Not even erect, it was still so incredibly long and fat, rippled with thick veins.

Phil stood and stared at the sexy woman in her tight clothing, his huge cock dangling in front of him. He felt blood rush to his groin as he pulled off his suit jacket and tossed it to the edge of the bathtub.

Katie took a step towards him, trying hard to look him in the eyes, “Get the fuck out of...”

Before she could finish her sentence Phil grabbed her slim waist and turned her around. He bent her over her bathroom counter, cosmetics crashed to the floor as Phil’s flabby arm knocked everything to the ground. He grabbed the back of her head and pressed her freckled face against the mirror, smearing her makeup against the glass. The old man grabbed the woman’s flailing arm and forced it up the small of her back.

“Let. Me. Go!” squealed Mrs. Jackson.

“After what you did?” Phil gritted through his teeth, “Not a fucking chance! It’s payback time, you slut I haven’t had a pussy for months and that ends today!”

Struggling frantically, Katie tried to loosen the grip Phil had on her forearm. She was helpless, so vulnerable with her ass jutting out as he bent her over the bathroom counter, her face pressed against the mirror.

“I didn’t do anything!” she sobbed as she flung her elbow back against the fat man’s chest. Phil didn’t even budge as he reached up and grabbed her hair with one hand and pulled her head back towards him while he yanked her arm further up her back.

“I know what you did!” he snapped as he let go of her arm and reached around and roughly squeezed her perfect round breast over her grey sports bra, “You come over and fuck me and my friends like a slut and that’s how you repay me? I fucking saved your ass by giving you money!”

She didn’t say a word until the sexy wife’s eyes and her tormentor’s met in the mirror, “Let go of me Phil!” His mouth grimaced as he pulled her hair harder as her head flung back, “Arrrgghhhhhh!” Mrs. Jackson continued to try and escape the clutch of the old man. She even felt like screaming for help but knew nobody could hear her.

The hot wife finally stood still as she was exhausted from struggling with her neighbor as he released her grip on her hair. Phil took his other hand off her breast after he paused to pinch her nipple which took Mrs. Jackson’s surprise as it was already engorged. He ran his fingers along her torso until his hand was firmly planted on her perfect ass that looked so luscious in her tight pants.

Phil looked down at her long legs, her ankle socks with white tennis shoes. He rubbed her hard butt as he pressed his swollen, naked cock against her backside. Katie could feel the girth of his huge dick through her tight pants as it nestled up between her ass cheeks. “You missed my cock didn’t you Freckles?” as he slowly humped her from behind, “Burt wasn’t enough for you was he?” His cock grew quickly as he pressed it against her, “He says you were a good cock-sucking slut! I knew you wouldn’t let me down after a little motivation of losing your fucking world!”

“Stop it! Let me go!” The hot wife’s pussy and asshole clamped tightly closed. Her body quivered from her head to her feet. She was completely at his mercy as she craned her neck back towards him, “Please! Please let me go!”

“Arghhhhhh!” she shrieked as Phil pulled her arm further up her back as he refused her request.

He pressed his body up against hers so she was impaled tightly against the counter. Phil grinned wolfishly as he ran his hand against her small mouth and traced the outline of her lips, “You have such a hot mouth! Remember when you sucked my cock before you put me away? You couldn’t get enough of it!”

The married woman’s mind flashed back to Phil depositing his seed into her wet mouth as she swallowed his tasty load.

“Open your mouth,” Phil whispered into her ear.

Hesitantly Katie did as she was told as the old man’s pudgy finger disappeared past her lips. Phil slowly moved his finger in and out as he scraped it against her teeth as though he was fucking her mouth, “You are such a good cock sucker Freckles. You can’t get enough of it!”

Phil’s heart thumped loudly. His breaths were labored. His grin disappeared. Lust had built up inside him. He saw that the hot wife’s eyes were wide open as his finger rubbed against the inside of her cheek and around her tongue. He pulled it out slowly as he rubbed his wet finger against her lips.

The hot wife couldn’t move with the weight of Phil behind her. He held her arm against her back tightly, “Please let me go!,” she softly spoke.

He didn’t move nor did he release her arm. Instead he pressed himself against her tight body. Her neck was so pretty and graceful, so fine and delicate but he wanted to wring it for what she had done to him. The fat man had waited the past year and a half to get the proud, haughty bitch in this position and now she was going to do everything he wanted. He had become enraged with jealousy when she won the Mrs. America crown. Her sexy freckled face graced the cover of tabloids that spoke about what a great mother and wife she was but he knew differently. The old man knew deep inside she was a slut.

Katie shivered as his fat lips touched the back of her neck. Chills rushed through her body. His lips kissed and sucked up and down the side of her neck. His hand forced itself under her body until it found her tits and squeezed them roughly. His cock was stiff and throbbing as he hunched against her. He enjoyed her smooth, warm flesh and felt her tits.

“Now,” his voice rose, “Why did you have to turn me in? I lost everything because of you!” Wide eyed, Katie looked back at him and swallowed hard. Her tits throbbed from his squeezing and tugging of his hands.

The hot wife cleared her voice and smirked, “I don’t know what you are talking about!”

A blinding white flash caught her off guard as she felt the sting of his hand across her face. Katie looked back at him as she held her cheek. It burned. It throbbed. Her mouth hung open.

“Freckles,” growled Phil, “Why did you turn me in?” The married woman looked at him in shock.

Another slap across her face brought her back to reality, “Why did you turn me in?” the old man grumbled.

“I,” still in shock, “I didn’t.”

“I don’t believe you!” as he grabbed her arms and spun her around so they faced one another. His face moved closer to hers, “You are going to be my slut and repay everything you did to me!”

“Wh-what?” she yelped as Phil’s hand rose and gripped her neck.

“Tell me you’re my slut!” His fat lips moved within inches of Katie’s freckled face.

Fear began to overcome the hot wife, “Sto ... stop it!”

In a moment, Phil had removed his hand from her neck and spun her around until he had her pressed up against the counter. She felt his cock pressed against her tight ass as she struggled but the weight of Phil was too much.

The fat man moved his hands to her pants and yanked them down to thigh level exposing her perfect buttocks. Her ass looked perfectly framed with her black thong. The obese neighbor opened his hand and slapped her ass cheek that echoed throughout the house, “Owwwww!” yelped the hot wife.

“Tell me why you did it!” as he slapped her ass again leaving a red handprint.

Katie’s ass stung as she looked back at him and panted, “I didn’t!”

“Fucking liar!” he yelled as a series of slaps echoed through the room as Phil continued to forcefully spank the married beauty queen’s sexy behind. Tears welled up in Katie’s eyes from the pain and humiliation she was being subjected to.

After a minute or so the old man stopped and admired his handiwork. The hot wife’s cheeks looked red and swollen. He wrapped his fingers around the string of her thong and pulled it upward. Katie’s body rose as her face grimaced in pain as the fabric dug into her pussy lips. Suddenly it snapped as he grabbed the waistband and pulled it until it broke. The thong broke loose from her body and he tossed it into the corner of the bathroom.

Mrs. Jackson looked over at her torn underwear as it was in tatters in the corner. The married woman felt like she was hyperventilating. She panted, not knowing what would come next.

Phil reached for her ass cheeks as he released the sexy wife and backed away. Katie remained against the counter as she watched the reflection in the mirror of Phil lowering himself behind her. Butterflies exploded inside of her as she closed her eyes and tried to fight her body.

She felt him grab the waistband of her pants and lower them until they were down to her calves. Hungrily Phil spread her ass. The sexy married mother’s asshole quivered.

“Ohhhhh, Freckles,” the old man moaned admiringly, “You have a sweet asshole! I have done nothing but thought of getting inside it again.”

His cock twitched as he moved his thumbs closer to her shit hole. Keeping her ass cheeks spread wide with his fingers, he put his thumbs on the sides of her hole. He applied pressure as he spread her wide. But Katie was so tense that her asshole resisted his efforts.

“Relax!” Phil demanded, as he slapped her ass hard with his pudgy hand.

“Ouch!” the hot wife hollered as her ass cheeks recoiled.

“Relax! You know you want this!” The old man’s voice boomed in the small bathroom, “I know what you like!”

Mrs. Jackson closed her eyes as she fought her desires that were blossoming in her body as her asshole instinctively relaxed for her disgusting neighbor.

Phil spread her ass again as he placed his thumbs next to her shithole. His heart lurched. Her brown eye gaped open. He pushed harder, making her shitter stretch a little more. It turned him on to see it spread wide open. It turned him on more to know that her body was his to do with as he pleased.

Putting his nose into the crack of her tight ass, he inhaled. The heady, erotic smell filled his nostrils. Keeping her shithole open, he sniffed several times. He put his nose right on the rim, then slowly snaked his tongue out.

“Phil,” she whimpered, “Stop it!”

The old man laughed sarcastically, “I remember a time when you couldn’t get enough of this! What? Are you scared you may enjoy it more than with your husband?”

The hot mother quickly remembered how it wasn’t that long ago that she would not put her mouth on any part of her husband’s body except his lips. And she would not allow his lips on her body, either. To touch or even to look at her asshole was strictly forbidden. But then one morning, she felt her neighbor’s expert tongue exploring her backside and she had fought to forget what he had done and how he made her feel. Reality came smashing back to her as she felt Phil’s tongue as it swirled in and out of her open asshole.

Phil swirled his tongue deep into the wife’s sweet shithole. The taste was so good it was making his head swim. His cock was raging hard and his balls were tingling with the need to be released.

Mrs. Jackson moaned, squirming with shame. Phil’s mouth felt hot and slippery. His tongue was slick and wet as it licked her asshole inside out. She could feel her sphincter stretch open for Phil Dorman’s tongue. He pushed his face hard between her cheeks and sucked. His hand slid to her pussy. She couldn’t help but moan as his hands began teasing her cunt lips.

Sometimes his fingers slid over her moist pussy slit. At other times, they brushed over her cunt and the landing strip above it, softly stroking her pubic hair. Now and again, his fingers would teasingly brush her inner thighs on both sides before caressing her pussy lips again.

“Phil ... please ... stop this! Please, stop it!” she sobbed. Katie’s protests only made him suck harder.

Mrs. Jackson was relieved to feel his mouth leave her shithole but was startled when Phil grabbed her around the waist and spun her around. Her eyes immediately went to his crotch as she stared at his magnificent cock, now fully engorged as it stuck out menacingly through his open fly “You want to suck my cock don’t you? You are my little Mrs. America slut!”

He grabbed her waist as he walked backwards to the edge of the bathtub, as he sat down on it. Katie could only shuffle her feet with her yoga pants tangled around her calves.

As the hot wife watched him her eyes grew wider as the old man unbuttoned and dropped his trousers, pulling them over his dirty shoes and socks together with his underwear and tossing them in the corner. Phil unbuttoned his stained shirt and threw it on the pile, leaving his obese, hairy body naked. He spread his fat legs and positioned himself with his cock right between his flabby thighs. His balls hung down, resting on the edge of the tub. The married woman’s eyes were drawn to them as they were swollen and huge. Her mouth instinctively began to water.

“Okay, Freckles. Put your mouth on my prick!” he ordered.

“Phil, please!” as she took a half step towards the door but the growing feelings inside made her want to move forward.

The old man had no desire to debate as he raised his body from the tub and slapped Katie’s face with an open hand. In one motion he pulled her face down and rubbed his hard prick along her smooth freckled cheeks. The heat of his meat burned into her face.

She felt his swollen cock slide over her chin and over her lips. The smell drifted into her nostrils as she breathed harder. The silky, velvety feel of his hot lusty skin burned into her lips.

Phil moaned, “Lick it! Put your hot fucking mouth on it!”

His hot, hard, rubbery cockhead pressed against her soft pink lips. She kissed his head and brushed it lightly with her tongue.

She stood in front of the fat man, bent over at the waist, her tight pants rolled down between her legs and her naked ass sticking out. His hand was firmly planted on the back of her head, making it impossible for her to leave. Even if it had been her choice she wasn’t sure her body even wanted to leave.

“Open your mouth, Freckles!” Phil ordered as he rubbed his cock across her perfect features.

His prick head bounced across her face. The hardness and smell of his cock took her breath away as Katie imagined the thick jets of foaming cum his piss slit could produce. She felt a bit of precum at the opening as her lips parted.

Swiftly, her fat neighbor fitted his cockhead between her soft lips.

“Ohhhh, fuck yes, slut!” he moaned loudly, “Suck my cock!” as his pudgy fingers tangled in her hair.

She felt his cock scorch the sensitive insides of her mouth. The wonderful flavor of precum teased her taste buds as it stuck to her tongue. The sexy wife had forgotten how his cum tasted as she flicked her tongue back and forth. Softly, she began nursing on his cock, trying to draw out more of his precum. Her old neighbor pushed his cock deeper into her mouth. She opened wider. Katie felt degraded and vulgar as Phil’s hot, hard cock knob slid into her mouth. Her tongue swirled more vigorously.

“Ohhhhh!! My little slut! Do you love sucking my cock?” Phil crowed, enjoying the sight of the hot mother’s naked ass in the mirror, her fine toned legs slightly parted as she vigorously sucked him off.

Mrs. Jackson closed her eyes, sliding her lips farther down his shaft. His cock felt thick, hard, hot and rubbery. Her lips gripped tighter and her tongue slithered around and around. The wetness of her mouth made her lips slide easily up and down. Slowly, as Phil’s hands guided her head, she sucked in more and more of his cock. When about half was being pulled with her lips and tongue, she couldn’t fit any more cock in her mouth. Softly she sucked, her head turning from side to side.

Phil stared into the mirror at the wife’s ass. He released the back of her head and bending over the hot wife’s back, reached towards her cheeks and spread them lewdly in front of the mirror. His fingers danced around her still wet backside. He spread them harshly until her ass gaped open.

Katie slurped and sucked as she felt him spreading her ass wide.

“That’s it, Freckles,” urged Phil, “Suck it! Suck my prick, you whore! Oh, I’ll make you pay!” His cock was swollen monstrously. His fat face gleamed with excitement as he manipulated the married woman’s backside. He spread it wide and then allowed her tight ass to close.

Her hands resting on his fat, hairy thighs, Katie slid her lips up his shaft as she locked them underneath his head and sucked gently. She gripped his meaty cock with her lips and then bathed his meathead with her tongue. The velvety feel of his hot, slick precum burned into her tongue. She swirled her tongue around his piss hole.

“Fuck yeah Freckles,” Phil breathed heavily, “I missed that mouth of yours!”

Sensuously, she slid her tongue up and down the length of his piss slit and was rewarded with the flavor of his cum. The married woman pointed her tongue and gently stabbed her tongue in. Thoroughly wiping out his piss hole and swirling her tongue back toward the crown of his cockhead.

“Ohhh, damn, baby!” croaked Phil as he guided her head with his hands. “Fuck yeah! You missed my cock didn’t you?”

She was revolted by her old neighbor but her tongue craved the taste of his salty cum as she slid her lips back down on his shaft. Slowly she opened her mouth as her tongue swabbed the underside as his prick pulsed between her lips.

“Ohhhhh,” Phil cried in delight. “Get it fucking wet!”

Katie’s heart thumped loudly as she slurped and sucked at Phil’s huge prick. Strands of saliva hung from her mouth and chin, dripping onto the floor.

The married woman desperately tried to not enjoy his cock in her mouth but her body was taking control.

Suddenly Phil stood up. The sexy wife straightened at the waist as she looked at him with a wet mouth. Her ass tingled from him pulling her cheeks widely, “Get on the floor,” he ordered in a deep voice.

“I need to go,” Katie stated as she tried to walk past Phil.

He grabbed her and forced her to the floor. The wife dropped to her knees on the bathroom rug in front of his mamoth cock that hovered in midair in front of her face. Her yoga pants were bunched by her socks and tennis shoes. Her sports bra was above her left breast as it shook in the air. The sexy woman’s arms were down at her sides as though she was waiting for him to tell her what to do next.

Slowly he hobbled around behind her. She turned her head to follow him when she felt his pudgy hand in the upper part of her back, “Bend down,” the old man demanded as he pushed her slightly forward. The hot wife bent over at the waist with her knees firmly planted on the rug. She turned her head as it nestled into the plush tan rug on the floor. Her elbows were by her rib cage and her hands were splayed out next to her face. The sexy wife’s wedding ring glistened from the lights next to her face. Her stomach turned with excitement as she felt her naked ass sticking straight out into the air.

“You slut,” Phil snarled, eyeing the hot wife’s gorgeous, round cheeks, “I’m going to fuck your ass like they do in fucking prison.”

Katie shivered as she felt so vulnerable in this position. Her body convulsed and chills ran down her spine as she felt her neighbor’s hot, heavy mushroom head nuzzling her asshole. It was already slick and wet. He slowly pushed as he spread the wife’s ass. His head pressed against her backdoor as he pushed harder as Katie’s asshole opened and slowly his cock pushed into her little hole.

“Uuhhh! Uuhhh! Owwwwwww,” Katie cried as her asshole stretched over his knob as she tried to move forward but in the position she was in she found nowhere to go. Her fingers dug into the carpet. The monstrous cock felt bigger than ever before.

“Shut up, slut!” he roared. He pulled back as he felt the pressure on her shithole. Mrs. Jackson groaned with relief as her backdoor pulsed as Phil’s prick head burned into her.

Phil stared hard between her spread ass cheeks, “Damn you are tight! Doesn’t your husband fuck you there enough?” Her sphincter had relaxed since he had pulled his cock back. Her hole was brown on the rim, then turned lighter inside. It looked so inviting to the old man. The disgusting neighbor leaned forward and spit directly into her crack. “Ohhhh, fuck! Freckles! You got a tight ass!” he puffed as he used the tip of his cockhead to spread his saliva around the hole.

“Please Phil if you’re going to do this,” the wife choked, “Can you use lube? It hurts!”

He looked down at the shuddering woman and grimaced, “Don’t you get it? I’m in charge!” He grabbed the back of her hair and pulled her up until she was back on her knees. He pulled her head towards his crotch and pushed his cock towards her mouth.

Katie tried to quickly protest that the cockhead had just been in her ass but her mouth opened instinctively. Her mouth was so wet that instantly Phil’s cock was coated with her wet saliva.

The fat man looked at her pretty face as her lips were stretched widely apart. He slowly thrust into her mouth until she pulled off and coughed as she gagged from his length.

“Spit on it!” as he grabbed his cock and held it underneath her small mouth. The wife looked up at him pleadingly but there was no mercy to be found in his eyes. Slowly, she spat ther saliva out of her mouth and onto his steel rod.

“All right slut,” he barked as he pushed her forward. Katie fell at her waist and again her freckled face was firmly planted on the rug. Her ass jutted up in the air. Phil got behind the wife’s small backside as he aimed his spit-covered shaft at Katie’s throbbing hole and slowly increased the pressure until the head sank into her ass. He groaned at the warm, velvety feel of her rectum, “Mmmmmm! Fuck yesssssss!”

Katie knew from experience that her ass could take Phil’s huge prick but her face grimaced with pain and her body was tense. Her sphincter split widely to receive Phil’s thick cock. Pain shot from her stretched asshole until it opened wide enough to take his cock. Then the sensation moved deep inside her as the obese man continued his assault.

“Ohhh damn! I missed your ass!” moaned Phil as he grabbed her hips and pulled her back towards him, making the sexy woman take more of his thick cock into her tight small ass.

Katie hardly heard him as she moaned deeply, “Oh, oh ... oh, God ... oh, God ... it’s big! It hurts!”

“You need to get my cock wet,” as he slowly pulled his cock from her ass leaving it open as it had not yet restricted. He grinned down at her gaping hole and hocked a loogie directly into her bowels. The hot wife winced at the depravity of her fat neighbor.

Her eyes were tightly shut as she felt him grab her hair and pull her up. His cock pressed against her thin lips. It was the same cock that had just been in her ass. Katie swallowed hard as she caught a whiff of the slick member pointing at her pretty face.

“Phil!” she objected but as her mouth opened he pressed it across her tongue and past her lips. Phil humped her face as the wife’s wet mouth took his cock deeper and deeper. “Ackkkkkk!” she gagged as her body heaved.

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