Hot Wife Katie - Cover

Hot Wife Katie

Copyright© 2015 by HotWifeKatie

Chapter 51: Katie’s Atonement

True Sex Story: Chapter 51: Katie’s Atonement - A true story mixed in with fantasy of a 35 year old wife and her sexual journey.

Caution: This True Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Teenagers   Blackmail   Consensual   Reluctant   Heterosexual   Fiction   True Story   Black Male   White Couple   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Smoking   Prostitution  

A cold wind blew across the parking lot of the Western Missouri Correctional Center. Katie Jackson ran her hand through her soft brown hair as she examined herself in the rear view mirror of her SUV. Her favorite song was playing on the radio and usually she would have hummed along but today the hot wife felt uneasy and nervous. She glanced out of the car window at the barbed wire fence in front of the red brick wall, her thoughts drifting back to the events that had led her to this place.

How she had let herself be fucked repeatedly by her old neighbour Phil Dorman. How she had sent the evidence of his insurance fraud to the authorities in order to get him out of her life. However she didn’t expect the old man to be sent to prison.

It had been 18 months since she had submitted the compromising material and the old man had been charged and sentenced to three years to five years in the state prison facility. Katie’s life had changed for the better after that. After winning the Mrs. Missouri pageant, to everyone’s surprise, she went on to win the national Mrs. America competition. This had brought her an unexpected amount of media attention with dozens of tabloids, TV stations and other organizations requesting interviews, photo shoots or public appearances. She had graced the cover of several well-known magazines and people recognized her on the streets of Kansas City. She loved the attention she was getting as did her loving husband Fred. Finally she was cast on Dancing with the Stars.

She knew her popularity would continue to grow but then she made an error as karma caught up with her. The sexy mother used the attorney Norman Williams and he used her in return. He only had a small request for her to visit her old neighbor Phil Dorman. It had been a long time since she last saw him but with everything that happened and what Norman had done for her she felt obligated to visit.

Taking a deep sigh, the hot wife got out of the car and closed the door holding the sealed envelope that Norman requested she deliver to his incarcerated friend. She didn’t know what was in the envelope but felt the rectangular thumb drive through the paper. Katie figured it was legal paperwork for his case or documents related to his house being sold. She took one last look at herself in the reflection in the window as she turned and walked across the parking lot toward the main entrance.

Her high heel boots clicked on the concrete as the chilly wind swept through her hair. Katie zipped up her black leather jacket and wrapped her arms around herself, protecting herself from the cold. Two guards passed her through the entrance and they couldn’t help but stare at the stunningly beautiful woman. They turned their heads, taking in the sight of her tight black leggings that clung to her shapely ass and legs, showing off her sexy curves. They looked at each other, silently forming the word, ‘Wow’.

Katie hardly noticed them as she was used to men giving her looks due to her growing popularity which had increased even more with the Dancing with the Stars announcement.

Upon entering she walked up to the guard who sat quietly at a reception desk. She handed him the envelope, “I’m here to visit Phil Dorman. His attorney requested that I give him this. Do I give it to him or...”

The guard cut her off, “Sorry ma’am but you can’t deliver anything to inmates. It will have to go through his attorney.”

Katie looked at the envelope in her hand and back at the guard, “His attorney was leaving and...”

Suddenly an older man appeared next to her. He was dressed in an impressive dark gray suit with wire rimmed glasses on his nose. He stood tall next to the beauty queen as he had silver white hair. He gave her a wink, “I’ll take care of this! I was notified by inmate Dorman’s attorney that this was to be delivered.”

The guard nodded, “Thank you sir.”

The frail old man pulled out a piece of paper that he filled in with the description of what she was bringing, “I’ll just need your signature here.” He handed the pen to the beautiful brunette as Katie quickly signed it, “Did you need a receipt?”

She shook her head, “No I don’t think so.”

“Perfect. I’ll give this to inmate Dorman. Please have a seat Mrs. Jackson. The guards will take care of you shortly,” as he briskly walked towards a steel door. He pressed a button and a loud buzzing sound echoed in the room as it opened and he disappeared down a hallway.

After going through a rather unnerving registration and security process the hot wife was led to the visitation area by a guard. The room was full of small cubicles separated by a window with a phone that hung on each wall.

The same older man who had taken her envelope earlier walked into the room, “Window number 8 ma’am,” pointing to a chair. Katie sat down, feeling totally out of place. She looked around, taking in the strange surroundings.

As far as the hot wife could make out, there were only two other visitors talking to inmates and they were several feet away so Katie could not overhear what they were saying.

The older gentleman walked next to her and after she sat down, “You won’t have to wait long,” he calmly stated, “My name’s Burt. I’ll be right over there, in case you need anything,” he told her. “I’m thrilled that you are visiting us! I’m very excited to see you on D.W.T.S. this season!”

Katie nodded, “Thank you!” She sensed he was very nervous. Maybe he was wondering why she would be visiting the prison. She looked over at him and remembered the guard called him warden so he must be in charge and perhaps he was being diligent and protecting her against any harm in the prison filled with criminals. Besides that he looked familiar but couldn’t place him or maybe he had been on the news.

She silently hoped she wouldn’t be recognized as the last thing she wanted was to be photographed at the facility. But it was something about the way Burt stared at her that caused Katie to look up. He was a frail man who appeared to be at least in his late fifties, judging by the wrinkles on his face and neck. He had a long, thin nose and thick eyebrows which gave his face a slightly menacing appearance. His thin hair was strictly combed-back and he sported a white silver mustache. Katie wondered how this skinny, old man would hold his own in a confrontation with some hard-nosed prison inmates.

She was snapped out of those thoughts by the familiar figure of Phil Dorman appearing on the other side of the window. He was wearing the standard orange inmate two-piece, his huge beer gut clearly visible underneath the clothing. His limp seemed even more pronounced than the hot wife remembered, making him look more ridiculous. Katie’s eyes trailed over the obese man’s body and immediately focused on his groin. Phil stood on the other side of the window, beaming from ear to ear. The hot mother felt her heart pounding in her chest as she slowly looked up into his eyes. Phil gave her a devilish smirk as he sat down on the other side of the window. His eyes seemed to pierce right through her. Katie still could not understand how this disgusting old man was able to fuck her like no other and how the thoughts of him kept haunting her. They stared into each other’s eyes as just looking at her obese neighbour made her blood boil of what he had done to her. Already, she deeply regretted her visit.

Confidently the hot wife looked into the disgustingly fat man’s eyes. She picked up the phone on her side as Phil picked up his, “Norman told me you wanted to see me.”

“I’m going to ruin your fucking life,” Phil snarled.

“Wow! It’s nice to see you as well.” She tried hard to sound nonchalant as she brushed away a strand of brown hair from her forehead.

“Fuck you! I’m going to ruin your fucking life,” as a grin erupted upon his face.

The hot wife smirked, “I don’t know what you are talking about Phil,” she confidently whispered. She leaned forward towards the glass, “What did you need? Norman asked me to bring you an envelope. That Burt guy over there,” as she pointed down the hallway, “took it from me...”

“He gave it to me. Everything that I needed,” Phil growled.

The hot wife stared at the old man as he grinned back at her. Finally sighing loudly, “What do you want? Norman sounded like it was important.”

“You are going to do things for me,” he sternly said, “That reminds me. Congratulations Mrs. America and your silly tv show.” Phil chuckled, “But calling you America’s Sweetheart? They obviously don’t know you like I do.”

Katie hung her head low. She was ashamed to look at the obese man through the window.

“I’ve watched all the news about you on the TV we got here. The warden over there happens to be your biggest fan,” he added as he pointed to the old man in the suit that was standing at the other side of the room. “I had him deliver all the newspapers and magazines with your pretty face on the cover. Those pictures of you all dressed up and showing off that hot body of yours helped me through some lonely nights,” the fat man cleared his voice.

He gave the hot wife a devilish grin and lowered his voice. “Jacking off while looking at photos of you knowing that those dirty, married lips will soon be sliding up and down my meat again...”

“Phil...” Katie gasped, blushing while she looked around, frightened that someone may hear. The other inmates and their visitors seemed to be caught up in conversation though.

“Tell me, freckles,” the old man leaned forward and whispered “Have you thought about my cock?”

Katie’s face turned a deep red. She stared down at the floor and sighed, slowly shaking her head. “No,” she mumbled.

“I bet you spent every day thinking about getting fucked by me again. Don’t worry, I’ll be out of here soon and you’ll be getting much more than you can take, my little slut.” Phil’s face had grown redder in anger.

The married woman slowly looked up at him and their eyes locked. She was revolted by him and scowled, “Well that won’t be for at least a few more years. What do you need Phil? I thought this was important.”

The fat man confidently spoke, “Oh it is really important! Don’t tell me you wouldn’t like my cock again! I know how much you love my cum!”

The sexy wife closed her eyes. His words stung deep into her heart. She felt her face turn crimson.The smell, the texture and most of all, the taste.

“Tell me, Freckles.” the old man ordered, “Tell me how much you missed my cock.”

Katie opened her eyes and stared at him, “I don’t know what you are talking about. What do you want from me anyway?” the hot wife asked pleadingly.

“I would say, the question is, what do you want?” the fat man laughed as he reached down and grabbed the outline of his cock in his orange prison pants.

Katie quickly looked away as she saw the outline of his girth in his pudgy hand.

Phil couldn’t help but giggle as he released his cock. “Alright Freckles, let’s not beat around the bush. Here’s the deal. The warden over there has taken care of me after a rough start in this hell hole. And now I need a letter of recommendation from him to get early parole.”

“What are you talking about, Phil?” Katie sighed.

“I need him to write a letter to support my release and I need you to do the same,” Phil quietly demanded.

The hot wife snickered, “I don’t see how my recommendation helps anything.”

The fat man’s mouth hung open and his face turned red. “I’m not finished! And since you ratted me out about the insurance deal to the cops.”

Katie swallowed hard as she stared at him. It felt like a punch to her stomach, “I ... I don’t.” She cleared her voice, “I didn’t do that Phil.”

His voice deepened as his face turned redder. The veins popped out on his neck, “You are a pathetic liar! I know you reported me! I lost my house! I lost everything! I took a deal to protect Norman! Fuck! I even protected you!” Phil took a few breaths to calm himself and spoke slowly into the phone, “and I’m going to live with you and your family until I get back on my feet!”

The hot wife laughed at the fat man in the window, “That’s not going to happen! You can stay in your cell! Karma’s a bitch Phil!” She quickly stood up, “I think we’re done!” She slammed the phone onto its base and began to turn away from her fat old neighbor.

Before she could walk away Phil reached into the envelope that was next to him and pulled out a sheet of paper and slapped it against the window with a loud smack that startled the married mother. Mrs. Jackson’s eyes focused on the window. Her breath was instantly sucked out of her. Her heart sank and almost stopped. She silently sat back down as all the blood rushed from her face. She stared at the picture which clearly showed a screenshot of her video with Rodney Moore. She quietly placed her hand over it as her eyes watered. She picked up the phone and held it against her ear.

“Now that I have your attention, Freckles,” as Phil pulled the picture back and slid it back into the file, “if you want me to keep the footage of your little video to myself, you’ll have to be really nice to me and the warden.”

Katie’s hands trembled and her voice shook, “Where did you get that?”

Phil adjusted himself in his chair, “Norman is a really good friend. But it wasn’t just your little porn escapade. If you log into somebody’s computer and don’t log out, that person can look at all your emails,” he laughed. “I’m glad he helped you with your legal troubles. Unfortunately he also found the pictures of our accident.”

Katie’s heart froze. She didn’t blink as she stared at him.

The fat old man pulled out a picture with the timestamp of an email to herself as he pointed at it, “See that? That’s the day you fucked Mike, Norm and me! I’m guessing right before he saw me in the bathroom showering wasn’t it?”

Katie’s face didn’t move; she sat frozen in her chair.

“Well say something you fucking bitch?” Phil’s voice raised. He coughed loudly into the phone breaking her from her trance, “Like you said karma is a bitch. I can sell your little video when I get out and get back on my feet. What would a video of the Dancing with the Stars getting fucked by a pornstar be worth?”

Katie didn’t say a word. She tried to speak but her breath still hadn’t returned.

“Oh I know what it’s worth! You signed the fucking papers! I bet Norman even tried to warn you, didn’t he?” He breathed heavily as he watched the hard bodied wife squirm in front of him, “I love the part how Norm added the part about your spouse’s assets being open to a claim by the porn company! You basically signed away your husband’s portion of his business if the video was released!”

Her eyes watered as she stared at the old man. She felt the tears beginning to form. She felt nauseated. The hot wife’s head buzzed. Her heart skipped beats. The room began to spin around her. She vaguely remembered Norman trying to point out what would happen if the video was released. She cut Norman off numerous times when he stopped by to have her sign the papers, “Phil, please don’t,” the sexy mother begged, “Fred’s worked so hard to get to where he was at! Please leave him out of this!”

“You signed the papers, Freckles!” He sat back in the chair and rocked back and forth. He hadn’t felt this alive in years.

“Phil! Please. I’m begging you.” Katie’s voice shook.

“Oh now I have something you need? Are you going to write a letter? Allow me a place to stay? I’m sure a letter of recommendation from Mrs. America and a famous television star would go a long way in front of the board.” He triumphantly stated into the phone.

The hot wife fought her trembling hands. Her voice quivered, “Fred wouldn’t allow you to live with us. There has to be another way.”

“You’ll have to convince him. There isn’t any other way,” Phil boasted, “Or I can sell this to some website! Could you imagine how much some website would pay for a video of Mrs. America, America’s Sweetheart and cast member of DWTS getting fucked?”

“Shut up Phil!” Katie’s heart dropped in her chest.

“Not only that but then you will owe that pornstar’s company a ton of cash including her hubby’s portion of his business!” his laugh echoed throughout the room. Katie’s eyes filled with tears, “Now that you see my point,” as he pointed towards the warden, “You need to convince Burt as well.”

Katie turned her head to the door where the warden stood. He was openly staring at her. She knew exactly what Phil was referring to, “I’m not doing anything like that!”

“I don’t care what you do. A blowjob, a handjob, sex, or ass sex,” smirked the fat man, “I just need him to write a letter of recommendation for me and help me out!”

“No!” Katie hissed. “Not in a million fucking years. In fact I’m leaving.” The hot wife got up from her chair and turned to leave.

“What a shame,” the fat man shook his head. “Well, at least I’ll make a ton of cash by shopping around your little movie. I bet Dancing with the Stars would love to see this!” he smiled widely, “Hell I can see the title now ‘America’s Sweetheart Gets Fucked! I know you love the popularity but I don’t think you want this...”

Katie grimaced as she pressed the phone to her ear, “Fuck you Phil. That was given to my attorney. He had no right to give you anything! I’m going to get Norman’s license removed! I’m sure it was illegal so maybe he’ll be your cellmate and you guys can jerk off together! That video will never be posted! I’ll get it removed immediately!”

Phil’s voice crackled, “He’s retired! Didn’t you see all the boxes in his office? He’s probably halfway to Florida by now!” The fat man held up the envelope, “Besides you brought me the video to distribute! Good luck finding anyone who will believe you, especially when you emailed me about selling it.”

The sexy wife’s brow narrowed, “I never fucking emailed you about that! Whatever you think you have I’m sure any...,” she quickly spoke into the phone.

Before she could finish speaking Phil held up a copy of an email from her Gmail account. Katie leaned closer as she read it to herself telling him to try and sell the video, “I never wrote that! I’m sure that it can be proven that Norman sent it to you...”

Phil interrupted her, “One step ahead of you as usual, Freckles!” He smiled wide, “I’m sure any court proceedings that you bring up will discover that this email was sent from your home!”

Katie’s face froze. She remembered seeing Norman in front of her house typing on his laptop after she signed into her wi-fi for him. Tears welled up in her eyes, “Fuck you Phil! You can’t do this!”

His lips tightened as he snarled, “I can’t do this? You put me in fucking prison! Why? Why did you fucking report me you dumb slut?”

Katie wiped a tear from her cheek, “I didn’t. I swear. Remember we talked about how...”

“You’re a fucking liar!” He interrupted.

Mrs. Jackson closed her eyes. The hot mother could feel the blood rushing in her head. She despised her ugly neighbor and hated him. It was announced last week on Entertainment Tonight that she was one of the guest stars for next season of the hit series Dancing with the Stars. She was dubbed ‘America’s Sweetheart’ and ‘America’s Perfect Mother & Wife’. The WE channel had even emailed her about potentially doing a reality television show about her family. She couldn’t even fathom what would happen if Phil exposed her as she was fucked by the pornstar.

“C’mon, what’s your decision?” Phil demanded, “You gonna help me get out of here or what?”

The sexy wife, her eyes still closed, bit her lips and shook her head, trying to come up with a way out of her predicament. The image of her fat neighbor drooling over her sexy ass disgusted her. However images of the old man’s mammoth prick flashed before the married woman’s eyes, the fat, fleshy shaft with the protruding veins, the giant mushroom head. Katie’s mind traveled to the creamy torrent that was stored inside his large balls. The sexy woman knew she had no choice, “I’ll do whatever you want Phil. Just don’t sell it or give it to anyone.”

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