Hot Wife Katie - Cover

Hot Wife Katie

Copyright© 2015 by HotWifeKatie

Chapter 49: Katie’s Date Night

True Sex Story: Chapter 49: Katie’s Date Night - A true story mixed in with fantasy of a 35 year old wife and her sexual journey.

Caution: This True Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Teenagers   Blackmail   Consensual   Reluctant   Heterosexual   Fiction   True Story   Black Male   White Couple   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Smoking   Prostitution  

“Cody Rigsby,” Katie texted to her husband. She actually didn’t care who her assigned dance partner was as she was just happy to finally find out. She had seen him online and knew he was a good instructor and dancer so it helped her confidence.

Upon receiving the text in his office Fred quickly used Google to see who would be holding his wife on the popular show. He nodded with approval. He was a handsome guy and in great shape and couldn’t wait to see his wife being groped by the dancer as she wore some scantily clad dancewear, “I think he’ll enjoy having you as his dance partner!” He typed back on his phone.

Katie couldn’t help but laugh out loud when she saw her husband’s text as obviously he had no clue who he was, “I think he would be more into you if you know what I mean!”

Fred’s heart dropped as he saw the text, “Seriously?”

“Yes! Very flamboyant!” she shot back, “But as long as we win I don’t care who I dance with!”

Fred sighed as he stared at his phone. He didn’t know what he wanted but he fantasized about the dancer with his hands all over his wife’s body. He quickly texted, “Let’s celebrate! It’s Friday and we need a night to ourselves! I’ll have your mother stop by at 6 and a car will pick you up at 6:15.”

Her stomach released butterflies as she received the text. A warm aura came across her body as spending a night away from their children would be amazing since they have had no time alone since Fred had returned home. As she held her phone in her hand she looked again for an email, a call, a text or anything from Norman Williams about her pending case. As much as she wanted to be with her husband she knew her marriage would be over if he found out what she had done.

“That sounds amazing!” She texted her husband, “I think we need a night like that!”

Katie finished up paperwork with ABC for her performance and spoke with Cody on the phone. He sounded very excited to be working with her and she felt they would be the perfect couple for the show. She finished her afternoon by running errands around the city but her mind drifted off to what she and her husband would be doing that evening. She hated surprises and was worried about what Fred had planned but loved the thought of him planning something for the two of them.

The sexy wife was excited about a night alone with her husband. Hotel sex was always the best as they didn’t need to be quiet or worry about anything besides the feeling of each other’s bodies. She knew exactly what to wear so her husband would want her the minute she walked into wherever they were going.

She had a beautiful black Veronica Beard Colebrook cocktail dress that Fred had purchased in Paris for her. This dress was different from any of the other styles in that the hem of the dress was shorter than others. After she had applied her makeup and carefully curled her hair she walked naked into her bedroom. A devilish smile appeared in the corner of her mouth and knew exactly what her husband would enjoy as she didn’t select any panties and instead pulled her dress on her hard body. It fit her like a glove with deep cleavage where her apple sized breasts popped out of the curved top. It had a sweetheart neckline and fitted silhouette that exaggerated the curves of her body.

Katie felt the moisture building between her legs already as she felt sexy and very naughty.

“Mom! The car is here!” their daughter yelled up the steps. Katie did one last spin in front of the mirror and knew she was going to have a fun evening.

She grabbed her black stiletto heels and pranced downstairs, “Mom! Look at it! Look at it!” as her daughter pointed out the window to the street. Katie glanced out and saw the black stretched limo with an elderly lady driver standing by the back door dressed in the perfect attire. “Can I go? Please?” Her daughter begged.

“Not this time!” Katie answered as she quickly slipped on her heels. “Be good for grandma!” as she was quickly out the door as her mother yelled, “Have a fun night!”

Katie cringed at her mother as if she only knew what they do when they are alone. The sexy wife quickly walked up to the back door of the limo as the driver opened it for her, “Good evening ma’am.”

She sat alone in the back of the limousine as it drove onto the Interstate. The partitan was up as she felt her body melt into the leather seat. She remembered the time when she and Fred had fucked in the back of a car like this after she won Mrs. Missouri. She blushed slightly as she recalled how she let the driver feel her up while she was fucked by her husband.

She texted her husband, “I’m on my way.” But then added, “Would you want to tell me where I’m going?”

“You’ll know when you get there,” Fred texted back, “Just wait in the club.”

“Club?” Katie asked. She quickly typed with a twinkle in her eye, “I figured you would be trying to get me back to the Strand!”

Fred quickly replied, making her smile, “Is that an option?”

“No!” she typed even knowing that it would cause his smile to turn upside down.

“I may be late.” With the added message, “Don’t enjoy getting hit on too much.”

“So you’d be fine with other men hitting on me?” Katie teasingly sent back.

Fred swallowed hard as he looked at the message and knew what he wanted as his thumbs moved across his phone.

After a few moments Katie’s eyes widened, “I think it would be totally hot.”

“Oh yeah? How far would you want them to go?” She felt her body catching fire in the playful texts that they were sending back and forth. She loved Fred so much and she only prayed that everything could be fixed of what she had done with the pornstar and he would never find out.

“Only as much as you felt comfortable,” he replied.

“That’s not what I asked ;)” Katie quickly texted.

Fred fidgited as he stared at his phone before quickly typing, “I’d love it if you were a bad wife.”

Katie felt the moisture in her bare crotch, “And what would a bad wife do?” The teasing texts to each other was a turn on for the married woman.

“What wouldn’t a bad wife do?” he texted.

Katie winced. She knew exactly what a bad wife would do because she was that bad wife. Her stomach turned, “I’ll see you soon honey! I’m excited for tonight!”

The limousine pulled up to the Kansas City Hotel. It was recently renovated and was one of the oldest standing hotels in the city. The driver quickly exited and opened the door for the beauty queen. “Mr. Jackson requests you wait in the Nighthawk.”

Katie smiled as she scooted out of the car as she felt the glances of guests wondering who she was. Her decline in appearances had led to her increased anonymity. She knew that was going to change suddenly once the cast was released for the television show.

The Nighthawk had recently opened with live music on weekends but tonight no bands were booked. As she walked in she saw that the club was already a quarter full mostly with men in business suits and button down shirts. The club gave a vibe that it was only for the wealthy of Kansas City. The room itself was a wide semicircle with many of the chairs free around the bar. The club had an old decco that was a throwback when the building was constructed.

She stopped and scanned the room as she looked for her husband. Her eyes didn’t adjust from the darkened room but she noticed a few of the men in the room staring at her with mouths wide open. The distinctive click-clack of her heels caused several men to stop their conversation, turn towards her, and watch her every move. She noticed the men move to allow her to pass straight to the bar. She felt a sense of power in this male dominated club but yet she was nervous and anxious from the looks she received.

Katie knew Fred loved showing her off. Ever since they began exploring each other sexually, he became enamored with buying her sexy clothes. He had purchased clothes that he wanted to see her in, whether it was a new bikini, a low cut sexy top, or short dresses. It wasn’t something he would have done early in their marriage. It made her feel sexy and wanted by her husband.

As she looked around the room she noticed a group of young men were looking straight at her and not even trying to be covert. She looked at her phone but Fred hadn’t texted her yet. The sexy wife continued to scan the room as she saw two college boys staring at her and whispering to each other. One had a Kansas City College polo while the other had a polo with greek lettering. She quickly surmised that they were both fraternity brothers. She felt their hard stares as her nipples hardened and a gentle tingle grew between her legs. Katie scanned her phone again and quickly typed on it.

Fred smiled wide when his wife walked into the club as he sulked into the back shadows where he had reserved a booth that gave him a perfect view of the bar. His cock immediately swelled at the sight of her. The dress clung to every curve and she looked so sexy. He ordered a bourbon from the waiter as his cell phone went off. It was a text message from Katie, “Are you here?”

He quickly wrote back, “Not yet. Just wait at the bar.” Before the waiter left his table, he handed him three $100 bills. “Make sure the woman dressed in black doesn’t run empty and whatever she orders make it a double.”

The waiter glanced over and smiled, “Absolutely sir,” as he took the bills and walked away.

Fred relaxed back into the plush booth as he texted his wife, “How’s the bar? Sorry I’m running late.”

Katie began to text when the waiter asked what she wanted to drink. She looked behind the bar and wanted to feel good tonight, “A amaretto cranberry kiss please.” The bartender nodded as she quickly typed, “It’s really fun! They did a great job with the renovations.”

“Any hot guys flirting with you yet?” he asked as he sipped his bourbon. He smiled and noticed his cock reacting ever so slightly to the thought of what he hoped was to come. He wanted to watch his soon to be television star wife flirt with strangers, and maybe even try to get picked up in the club. He understood that she didn’t want to return to The Strand but he knew what he saw when they were at the theater and wanted to feel that thrill again. He felt like a voyeur watching his wife alone at the bar but it gave him an undeniable thrill.

Katie turned her head and saw the two college boys still staring at her. She admitted that something inside of her loved that the boys were drooling over her. She loved to be desired and had taken things too far on too many occasions since her husband was away. She glanced back over at the two boys and smiled. She couldn’t help herself as she knew that if she was there alone that she would be considering doing something she shouldn’t.

As her labido was in overdrive Katie remembered back to their vacation in Mexico. She felt so naughty having the stranger take a picture of her with her top down to send to her husband. Her inner sexual desires, long suppressed earlier in their marriage, that she previously did not even know still existed had erupted the past few years. She found that being topless on the beach, camming or sucking and fucking strangers and being the center of attention was a huge ego boost. Katie loved the attention she received.

As she pulled herself up on the tall bar stool, the hem on Katie’s black skirt rode up her thighs and exposed her perfectly toned legs. Katie settled in on the bar stool. She crossed her legs and instinctively tugged her skirt down slightly, but her halfhearted attempt combined with the shortness of her skirt still left a bit of her thighs exposed. Her top moved as well to show a good amount of her upper breasts.

Fred slowly sipped his bourbon as he stared at his wife and watched with surprised amazement on how nonchalant she looked attempting, but not completely fixing, her rising dress. He felt guilty for not telling her that he had already been in the club thirty minutes before she arrived but he wanted to watch her and, most importantly, see others react to her.

As she settled in on that bar stool, she suddenly felt that odd sensation that someone was watching her. Katie sipped from her drink as she looked back and around and saw seemingly every set of eyes in the bar on her. None of the men made any effort to discreetly watch her out of the periphery or hide their lust for her, but instead had the look of a predator hunting its prey. They had no idea, and did not care that it could be someone’s beautiful wife waiting for her husband. They clearly wanted her attention and wanted to be the ones to fuck her that night.

Katie also noticed a few of the women in the bar gave a hostile stare. Her inner thoughts resulted in a little smile as she knew all too well how catty and competitive women can be. She was used to that while working at Bank of America and knew exactly how cutthroat women can be especially in regards to attention from men.

She looked back at the two college boys who smiled and nodded her way. One of the two boys raised his glass and winked at her. She smiled at them both as she raised her glass as the three of them in unison downed their drinks. Both boys smiled widely. The bartender quickly came over and replaced her drink with another. She turned towards him, “I didn’t order another one.”

The bartender smiled and nodded towards the room, “He did.” Katie smirked and figured it was one of the college boys as turned back to them as she raised the glass and quickly poured it into her mouth in one fill. She closed her eyes as she swallowed the alcohol as she sat the glass back down on the bar. As before, the bartender quickly replaced it. Katie laughed at the old man tending bar, “Seriously?” He just shrugged and smiled.

The sexy wife was feeling a bit dizzy from the two drinks as she scanned the room again, “Where are you Fred,” she whispered to herself. She felt her initial nervousness and anxiety from being dressed was replaced now by an unexpected thrill from the attention she was getting throughout the room...

Katie looked down and noticed that her short dress had ridden up higher from turning slightly on that bar stool, exposing a bit more of her upper thighs. She took a sip of her drink as she sat on the bar stool. She was acutely aware of not only how she was dressed, but also the attention the men around her were giving.

A few minutes later one of the young boys from the table behind her came up to the bar next to her to order a drink. He looked over and smiled, “Hi! I just wanted to say I’m just trying to drink here with my friend, but you’re very distracting!” His cheesy opening line made Katie smile as she shook her head to acknowledge him.

The college guy looked down and noticed the tops of Katie’s twin orbs. His glances made her feel sexy and confident. A mature woman, the kind of experienced woman a young guy fantasizes about is what she told herself. She looked up quickly and noticed the young boy’s eyes taking note of her black stilettos, and then moving up her legs, then continuing up to her open dress partially exposing the top of her breasts.

“So, can I sit with you and buy you a drink and tell each other lies?” he calmly asked.

Katie looked up stunned by the bold silliness from this overly confident and much younger guy. Clearly he was a player and was not shy about his intentions. Belying the age difference, she felt both goosebumps and a wave of warm arousal pass through her body when she looked up to see this young, hot guy smiling down at her, perhaps trying to stake a claim in order to see what was still partially hidden beneath her clothing. She smiled, “Thank you but I’m waiting for my husband.”

The young man nodded as grabbed his drink and returned to his table. The humor of the young man was adorable. She reached for her glass and took another long sip. She noticed her hand was trembling, but she did not know if it was due to fear of what she would do or excitement. She glanced back at the college boys. They both were in incredible shape and could be models for a college magazine. They were perfect and she suspected they were trust fund brats who always got what they wanted. In her intoxicated mind she imagined that they would take what they wanted in bed.

Katie used the reflection in the mirror behind the bar to covertly see what was happening around the bar. After several minutes of observing the room she could see both the young guy and his friend at the high-top table behind her continue to pay interest in her; constantly looking towards her and continuing to eye her up and down.

Her thoughts wandered to the high school boys or the homeless men. If her husband was still overseas and she was alone; she knew exactly what she would have done with the two college boys. She glanced at her phone to see if he had responded as she swiped up and looked at their conversation, “Whatever a naughty wife would do.” She cringed but at the same time looked at the reflection again in the mirror in front of her.

Katie stared silently into the mirror behind the bar, a plethora of thoughts and emotions running through her head.

Another ten minutes went by. Katie again looked at her reflection in a mirror behind the bar as the alcohol soaked into her body. She felt sexy and desired as she saw the men glancing at her. She reminded herself how much she loved her husband and couldn’t wait for him to be by her side. But the glances from the men in the club were making her nervous but excited as well. The dress she wore flaunted her assets so openly to the men around her.

The bartender placed another drink in front of Katie. “Compliments of the gentleman,” the bartender motioned towards the bar but wasn’t specific. She figured it was from the boys behind her again.

Katie turned her head and smiled. The boys at the high top table looked straight at her and gave her broad smiles. She smiled again and gave a nod of her head to say thank you. She then raised the shot glass towards them and quickly poured it into her mouth. She coughed slightly as she turned back to the college boys as they both in unison raised their own glasses and took one swig before slamming them down on their table.

The sexy wife smiled and laughed at the attention of the college boys as she looked around the bar yet again for her husband. She noticed a group of three men, all dressed in business suits at an adjacent table, pointing at her while in an intense discussion. When she looked at them, all three raised their glasses to her in a way that both acknowledged and showed appreciation for her drinking ability. As before the bartender slid another full drink in front of her. Katie couldn’t help but smile as the alcohol continued to loosen her inhibitions.

She knew both tables were clearly interested in her or perhaps she was merely a trophy to be admired. She did not mind the stereotypical behavior that the men were exhibiting—even a married woman enjoyed the validation that she was attractive. Since the Mrs. America pageant she enjoyed the spotlight. She enjoyed the attention from her fans, the media and men in general. Katie was surprised at how good she felt; knowing every guy in the bar was straining and staring at her with such intensity.

Katie pulled out her phone and began typing a message intended for Fred, “Where are you?”

“Hi again. Still waiting for your husband?” The voice startled Katie as she placed the phone down on the bar, “I’d never leave someone like you alone for a minute!

She looked up and saw one of the handsome boys from the table behind her. He had wavy blonde hair and blue eyes. He was obviously in good shape as his polo stretched across his chest.

“Ye ... yes,” a clearly startled Katie responded. “I don’t know where he is though.”

“May I join you while you wait?” The boy asked.

Fred shifted in his booth as he watched Katie smile as she moved her purse on the bar giving a silent acceptance of his offer. Watching covertly from his booth, Fred knew that it was only a matter of time before one of the guys in the bar would make a move. His wife looked so sexy, sitting in this bar dressed so seductively, and was temporarily alone. This guy was exactly someone Fred could imagine Katie being with. He was young, well-dressed, good-looking, in shape and confident. It was a validating experience to notice the interest and attention lavished upon his wife by other men.

Fred wanted to see how his wife would act. He knew what he saw at The Strand and often wondered if he imagined what he saw or if she was interested in actually being with another man. He also wondered how long this handsome college boy would spend trying to pick up his wife. He knew boys like him would invest the time only if they knew they had a shot of going home with her. Fred watched the young man talking to Katie. He watched both of them laughing before the young man turned with his drink and motioned to his friend at the high-top table to join them. The other boy stood up and stood on the other side of his wife as both began engaging his sexy wife.

“I’m Steve,” the first boy introduced himself, “and this is Hunter.”

She was taken initially by his blue piercing eyes as he gently shook her hand. She turned as Hunter who stared into her hazel eyes with his dark brown pupils and did the same, “I’m Katie.”

Steve quickly summoned the bartender, “Three shots of Tequila!”

Katie tried to interrupt them, “I shouldn’t! I’ve had enough alrea...”

Hunter spun Katie towards him and interrupted her, “So where is your husband?”

Katie glanced around the club, “I don’t know.” She said with a smile as the bartender sat down three shot glasses, a lime and salt in front of them.

Hunter looked down and noticed that she was wearing a wedding ring, validating she was in fact married. “Well, I’m glad he’s not here!”

Katie smiled nervously as she stared at him. He was very attractive as she felt her body warming to the alcohol and her libido. His tight shirt clung to his chiseled torso. He had a little scruff of a beard, brown eyes and a wonderful smile. She turned and looked at Steve. He was equally as attractive.

“Okay!” Steve announced, “On 3,” as he tipped the salt shaker onto his hand. He slid it down the line as Katie did the same followed by Hunter. “1. 2. 3,” and in unison all licked the salt from their hand, picked up their shot glass and downed the alcohol and quickly grabbed the lime.

Katie winced when she finished, “Ugh! I haven’t done that in a while.” She felt the room spinning as she glanced back and forth between the two college boys. The sexy woman felt a flash of heat welling up from deep within her body as her pulse quickened. She was unsure, however, if this reaction was from her blushing from the attention she was receiving, or if it was due to her alcohol consumption.

Her fingers made little nervous circles around her glass of alcohol. She looked down and noticed her thighs were now even more visible, the tight short skirt betraying any modesty. Subconsciously her hand moved down and pulled the hem of her dress down in an attempt to adjust it. She looked back up at the college boy. He had obviously noticed her dress as well.

She looked down again at the v-line of her dress and her breasts now bulging and practically hanging out of their confines, heaving with every breath she took.

It was impossible for Katie to ignore the boys blatantly taking in every curve of her body. The alcohol glass she finished seemed to not only calm her nerves, but enhance her feelings as well. She had to admit, she was enjoying being objectified by these younger men in the bar. They were obviously different from Phil, the high school boys or the homeless men.

Katie’s arousal was subconscious and uncontrollable, startling her with a sudden flush throughout her body at all the attention thrown her way. She felt her nipples hardening under her dress. The dampness between her thighs as her pussy juices flowed was unmistakable.

Fred fidigited in the booth as he felt his erection rising as he watched his wife surreptitiously. On occasion, he watched Katie laugh and, at times, he watched as she played with her hair. He tried to imagine what was being said between the three of them...

More so, Fred wondered what the young kids could see. He was certain the boys were getting some pretty good views of Katie’s legs and down her dress. He wanted to know what she was thinking. He noticed that his wife seemed to be engrossed in a deep conversation with one of the boys as she drank from her glass. She was smiling, giggling and flirtatious. Fred watched as they paid attention to his sexy wife. Then unexpectedly, he watched as the boy on the left pulled Katie close to him and whispered in her ear. When his wife shook her head as if to say “no”, Fred wondered about the subject of their exchange and wished he could eavesdrop on every word. What did he ask? What did she say “no” to? Strangely, with mixed emotions, he was becoming fascinated watching this unfold. In his demented mind he had asked her to go home with them. That thought then framed a mental picture of Katie on her knees while getting fucked from one of the boys while the other used her mouth.

Katie re-crossed her legs. She looked down as the now-too-short skirt seemed to have a mind of its own. The garment once again rose even higher, revealing a bit of her uncovered thighs almost to the point where she would be exposed to not wearing panties.

The act of crossing her legs drew the boys’ attention as well. But this time, she did not even attempt to pull the hem of the skirt down, even though she knew the handsome boy’s eyes were glued to her legs. Katie felt their eyes all over her body. She thought again about re-adjusting her skirt. Normally she would continue to tug and pull it down, not allowing her upper thighs to be visible. But for some naughty reason, she left it as-is. She knew her decision was based on her alcohol consumption and the warm moisture that had formed between her thighs.

Katie feltl her face turning red, and the heat welling in her pussy. In such a short time, she was becoming completely enamored by the attention of the college boys; their demeanor matched their good looks. They engaged Katie in conversation that she enjoyed as they chatted about the Chiefs, the Royals and which school they attended. They peppered her with questions about the Jayhawks when she spoke about attending college. Yet during their conversation, she also noticed that their eyes drifted away from hers, to the opening in her dress, down to her legs, and finally to her heels.

The boys crowded around the sexy woman. Steve, on her left, moved his right hand onto her thigh. Hunter, on her right side, moved his arm around her shoulder.

Fred’s eyes watered as he stared wide-eyed as he watched the boys flirting with his wife began making their moves. He adjusted his prick in his pants and he quickly downed his bourbon and raised his glass to the waiter to have a refill.

The sexy wife’s body was on fire. She felt the boys move closer around her. She inhaled deeply at their young aroma. Hunter leaned into Katie, “You are so sexy,” he whispered directly to her. She blushed, but this time not from embarrassment.

Steve grinned next to her and whispered, “Do you want to reconsider? Want to go get some air? We could get out of here and go for a walk? Maybe your husband is waiting outside?”

Katie’s combination of her libidio and alcohol heightened her arousal. She couldn’t avoid the overwhelming feelings and her body’s involuntary responses from the boy’s appreciation of her body. She felt her pussy lips swelling and moisture dripping as she felt the heat of her arousal flood between her legs. She had lost track of how many drinks she had as the room spun around her. She knew Fred could walk in at any minute. She pulled herself off the bar stool and quickly announced, “I need to use the restroom.” She was unsteady on her heels as she reached out the bar to steady herself. She quickly unwedged herself from the boys as she stumbled towards the restroom door next to the bar.

Fred’s and the boys all watched the hard bodied woman as she was unsteady on her feet as she walked to the doors. Fred’s eyes returned to the boys after Katie was out of view as they gave each other a slap on the hand. The one on the left leaned over the bar and spoke to the bartender who nodded. For a moment he thought about intervening and meeting Katie at the bar but wanted to see what transpired.

Katie took a deep breath as she stared at herself in the mirror. She knew her husband was coming but loved the attention of the two boys. She looked at her phone, “Where are you?” as she texted him. A reply came quickly, “I’ll be there shortly. Just have fun.” She cringed at what her body wanted for fun. She shook her head and fixed her lipstick as she returned to the bar.

Both boys were waiting for her at the end of the bar that was void of chairs. Their chairs had been filled by two elderly couples, “Sorry,” Steve spoke, “but we thought they should have our chairs,” as he motioned towards the couples.

“That’s okay,” as she shook her head in agreement, “I can stand for a while.”

Katie was very light-headed as she leaned against the bar. The alcohol seemed to not only enhance her feelings, but also increased her enjoyment of being the center of attention.

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