Bonded and Bred - Cover

Bonded and Bred

Copyright© 2015 by angie65

Chapter 6

Fantasy Story: Chapter 6 - A shape shifter story

Caution: This Fantasy Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Romantic   Heterosexual   Fiction   Science Fiction   Were animal  

Iris stood under her shower, just letting the water pour over her.

Her muscles still ached from her exertions from the night before, and her bones still felt more than a little sore.

Her skin was bruised in places and there were a few scratches as well.

She tentatively rubbed soap over her flesh and winced as she felt the telltale stings, and burns.

"Oh well," she muttered as she switched off the taps. "Just one more night, and then we are done with it for another few months."

It was true that she did not relish these experiences; that the only real pleasure she gained from them was the chance to go out with her father and her sister; although last night had been something else again.

She smiled as she remembered Laurie's jubilation the night before, when she made contact with that stag. "The kill is mine!" she had howled out to the night and for the first time in her life, sweet little Laurie was a fearsome beast.

Iris's smile faded as quickly as it came, when she remembered the stranger.

He had been so big! So powerful, and yet he had also been so respectful of her father.

Last night she had met the wolf, and today she would meet the man.

Her lips parted on a soft pant as she felt a thrill of excitement at the prospect; but then the image of James Atherton wiped away the feeling, leaving her feeling confused and on edge.

There was a light rap on her door, and Laurie came strolling in, looking fresh and bright after just a few hours of sleep.

"Hi there, I thought that I heard you moving around," she exclaimed happily.

"Gosh, someone's feeling chirpy," Iris mocked lightly, but she could not keep the happy grin from her own face either.

"I had fun last night," Laurie shrugged, "and I find myself really looking forward to tonight as well."

"It was good to break loose for a bit, wasn't it," Iris agreed.

She brushed through her damp locks quickly and throwing her brush down onto her bed, she draped her arm through her sister's arm. "Shall we go and find some food now?" she asked lightly.

"Oh, yes please – I am absolutely starving!"

They strolled into the kitchen to find their father already there, and making the most of a rather nice looking breakfast.

"There is just something very enjoyable about having breakfast at two o'clock in the afternoon," he grinned as he sipped at a cup of hot coffee.

"Isn't there though," Iris agreed as she grabbed the eggs and bacon and began to efficiently cook herself and Laurie some, high energy and high protein food.

Laurie poured them both coffee from the percolator on the side, and in no short order, they joined their father at the breakfast table.

They were both famished and for a little while it was silent in the room as they enjoyed their late breakfast.

Laurie and Iris were just finishing putting the washed dishes away when there was a loud knock on the front door.

Iris turned to look at her father.

"Is that?" she asked a little nervously.

Greg nodded his head. "Yes, that is probably our trespasser from last night ... why don't you brew a fresh pot of coffee and I will take him through to the living room?" he suggested.

Iris nodded in agreement and a small amount of relief, for some reason she was suddenly feeling all shy and tongue tied about meeting this man!

The door bell peeled and her father stood up and ambled out of the room with a muttered, "Yes, yes I'm coming ... the youth of today is just so impatient!"

Laurie put the last plate away and dropped down onto her father's just vacated chair. "I'll wait for you, Iris."

Iris glanced quickly at her sister, and realised that she was a feeling apprehensive about meeting this man as well; but then after yesterday's encounter with Bill Frawnings' friends who could really blame her.

"Well, what do we think he will do, for crying out loud," she muttered under her breath. "Eat us or something!"

And she was mortified at the heat that rushed through her at the mere idea.

"Bloody full moon!" she cursed under her breath.

They heard their father open the front door, and the low murmur of voices.

The voices were too low to hear what was being said, but Iris gave a little shiver as the male tone vibrated across her flesh.

She filled the reservoir of the percolator with water, and spooned in coffee, and then flicked the switch with an impatient click of her tongue. This full moon had so much to answer for! It was playing havoc with her hormones right now – even though it wasn't even in the sky right now, she was all too aware of its power, and energy.

"What do you think he is like?" Laurie whispered suddenly, and Iris flashed an irritated glance in her direction, which thankfully her younger sister did not see.

"He's just a man – like all the rest, probably." She shrugged trying to sound indifferent.

The coffee maker spluttered and dark liquid began to pour down into the jug, and so Iris took clean cups down from the cupboard and added them to a tray with a sugar bowl, and a jug of cream already sitting there.

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