Menagerie - Cover


Copyright© 2015 by Wolfdragon76

Chapter 35

BDSM Sex Story: Chapter 35 - Some people keep exotic animals at pets, but others prefer to turn beautiful women into their sex pets and dress them as exotic animals.

Caution: This BDSM Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Fa/Fa   ft/ft   Fa/ft   Reluctant   Slavery   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Furry   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Daughter   DomSub   MaleDom   Spanking   Light Bond   Group Sex   Harem   Interracial   Black Female   White Male   White Female   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Petting   Squirting   Cream Pie   Exhibitionism   Voyeurism   Tit-Fucking   Analingus   Big Breasts   Slow   Violence  

As we left Faith’s cabin, I realized it was almost time for lunch so walked with Faith down to the dining hall. We walked inside to find Julia and Samantha setting out lunch. I noticed Samantha giving Faith’s awkward steps an envious stare as I walked her to her seat, so I went over to Samantha. I wrapped my arms around her and whispered in her ear, “Don’t worry my pet. I have a desire to fuck two sexy redheaded teenagers at the same time this Friday night, so you will get to spend time with me sooner than you thought.”

She squeezed me tightly. “Thank you Master. I’m just upset that I missed last night, because I know you said you were taking my pussy next time, and now I have to wait longer for what I really want. You’re the only one who can satisfy that itch for me, and knowing you just took Faith’s ass for the first time makes it worse.”

“I know how needy your ass is little one, and I have plans for that soon enough as well,” I replied with a smirk. “Now, what happened to Cadence, I would have expected to find her here with you.”

“That would be my fault Master,” Julia said as she set out a bowl of seafood salad. “I told her to stay and get her fill of the others, as she may not have a chance for any girl on girl action for a few months. I’m sure you were expecting to hear this, but Sharice wasn’t the only one to climax before we left to make lunch.”

“I kind of figured that would happen,” I replied as I got two plates of food put together and handed them to Samantha. “Go eat with your new sister. I happen to know she needs a place to sleep tonight, and could help with your ‘let’s unleash Mandy’s inner child’ plan.”

Samantha shook her head as she took the plates, “Yes Master. I was looking forward to spending some time with her, and I know Mandy was as well. I didn’t think Mandy would have mentioned that already though.”

“We ran in to Sophia on our run this morning, and got to talking about a few things. I think it is an excellent idea, as I would love to see more of her playful side,” I told her. “Now go sit down and eat so I can go find the rest of your sisters.”

She went over to sit with Faith as I walked out and headed down to the courtyard. I found my pets half way there, helping along a very unsteady Sharice. When Cadence looked up at me with a grin and said, “Job completed Master. It was fourteen,” I just shook my head and laughed. No wonder the poor girl could barely walk straight.

I helped get her back to the dining hall so she could sit down and eat. Julia saw us come in and brought over a plate of food as Sharice sat down. I smiled as she tore into her food as if she hadn’t eaten in a week and went to get my own lunch.

As I was sitting down to eat, Antonio walked in. “I’ve been looking for you, Julien. You left your radio in the cart again, and I’ve been trying to get a hold of you. James is ahead of schedule, and will be landing in ten minutes. I sent Anna to meet the plane and bring him back to the offices, but that only gives you twenty minutes or so before he gets there.”

“I’m still going to finish my lunch first,” I replied. “So you might as well grab a plate and hand me your radio. What one did you sent with Anna?”

“Your radio actually,” he told me as he handed it over. “I sent mine with Anna and grabbed it off the seat as I came in.”

I smirked as I set the radio channel. “Anna, I need you to do me a favor. The folder with the contracts is in the top drawer of my desk. After you pick up James, could you grab that and bring James to the dining hall. We will save a plate for both of you, as I would hate to drag Cadence away from her sisters early just because he is ahead of schedule.”

“Of course Julien, I doubt he’ll object to the change in venue if all your pets are going to stick around. He may have a hard time keeping his eyes in his head though,” She replied with a laugh.

“Thank you my dear, we’ll see you when you get here,” I replied with a chuckle before putting the radio down. “Well, get yourself a plate already. Julia is an amazing cook, so whatever you choose will be delicious.” Antonio just shook his head as he went to get his lunch.

I relaxed and enjoyed my meal, taking my time and chatting with my pets until Anna and James arrived. “You know we’re not exactly formal around here, so grab a plate, pull up a chair, and enjoy the view. We can get to the business part after we eat.”

“I figured that was the case when Anna said we were going to lunch. Sorry I was so early, the new jet is a lot faster than my old one. Thank you my dear,” he said as Cadence walked up and handed him a plate. She leaned in and kissed him quickly before walking back to sit with her sisters as he sat down across from me.

After we finished eating, I pulled two copies of the contract for Cadence out of the folder and slid them across the table to him. As he read over them, he reached into his inside pocket and pulled out a packet of papers, handing them to me. I read over them as he signed the contracts and then handed them back to him. I checked the contracts then slid them back in the folder.

“You’re free to do as you wish of course, and I would be honored. Cadence, your new Master has something he wishes to discuss with you,” I called over to her.

James stood up as she walked over and stopped in front of him. “You know I wanted to purchase you and Julia together. When Samantha came into the picture, I thought about purchasing her as well, just to keep the three of you together, but I knew that wasn’t really possible. I spent a lot of time thinking before deciding to place the offer on you, Cadence. This won’t affect you being able to come visit them, but I have decided I’m not going to try to purchase your sisters.”

“As soon as we return to Auckland, you’re going to start learning to fly. Within two months, you can be certified to fly the five-part trip here on your own, and you can visit your sisters anytime you wish. This packet of papers contains the title to the jet I flew in on, in your name so you have a way to make that flight. The plane is yours unconditionally, but I was hoping you would accept it as a wedding gift. Cadence, Will you marry me,” he asked as he dropped to one knee in front of her and pulled a ring out of his pocket.

Cadence’s eyes went wide when she saw the diamond. “I don’t want you to feel obligated to answer yes because you are my pet,” he said as he handed her the packet of papers. “The rest of that packet is documentation declaring you a citizen of New Zealand. As soon as we land, you will be free to do whatever you choose to do, although I do hope you’ll choose to stay with me as my pet and my wife.”

Cadence looked at James and the ring he was holding with longing. “You have given me my freedom and asked me to marry you. I would have accepted as your pet, but as a free woman, I don’t know if I can remain faithful to you. When I come back here to visit, the urge to play with my sisters and Master would be too strong to resist if I wasn’t obligated to obey you.”

James chuckled at her honesty. “You may want to read the last page of that packet of papers,” he told her. She looked confused for a moment as she unfolded the papers and flipped to the last page. I watched her eyes go wide as she read it, and then start over to make sure she actually understood it. She looked down at James again, who smiled and nodded.

Her sudden shriek of joy was almost deafening as she threw her arms around him and accepted his proposal. The other pets looked confused, so I explained part of it. “James and Cadence will be staying with us for a week, on their honeymoon. He knew she would want her sisters at the wedding, and he has no family left, so he has asked me to perform the ceremony tomorrow afternoon.”

The screaming was deafening this time, so I picked up the folder with the contacts and nodded to Antonio to meet me outside. As we left the building, Antonio looked over at me. “I was almost expecting that. Only two pets have left the Menagerie so far and not had a ring on their finger within three months. I’m curious though, what was on that last page?”

“It was a letter to her, stating that she was free to make her own choices and that she would still be free to play with her sisters any time she visited. There was also a passage stating he didn’t mind if she wanted to play with me in the future, but he asked her to take precautions to be sure any children she had were his,” I told him. “Plus the note that they would be getting married tomorrow if she wished, so her sisters could be at the ceremony.”

“That would explain the shocked look on her face,” Antonio laughed. “I’ll print out the standard marriage license and certificates. Did you want me to print out her citizenship papers as well?”

“You would have to ask her if she wishes to have dual citizenship,” I replied. “She is a free woman now and it is her choice.”

“I would Master, if it is alright with you,” Cadence said as she walked out behind us. “I asked for a moment with you before going back to the celebrations to make a special request. You know it is supposed to be bad luck for the groom to see the bride before the wedding, so I can’t spend the night with him at the resort cabins. Would you allow Julia and Samantha to stay with him tonight, as my way of showing I won’t object to my husband playing with my sisters either?”

“I think I can grant that request my dear, and you’re more than welcome to keep you citizenship here,” I told her. “All the pets that leave still have legal citizenship here unless they or their new Masters request to have it revoked. You may just need the paperwork for it, with you becoming a citizen of New Zealand as well. Do you think you will be happy with your new arrangement?”

“I think I’m going to be deliriously happy, Master,” she replied with a smile bright enough to light up a room. “It’s just going to be a busy next two months for me. I’ll be spending my days learning to fly, and my nights fucking my new husband’s brains out so I get pregnant as soon as possible. If he has already knocked me up, there’s no need to worry about you doing it when I come back to play.”

“I suppose that would be one way for me to avoid getting you pregnant,” I replied with a laugh. “I’m assuming the noise level has dropped enough for me to hear myself think again, so let’s go back in and explain the plan to your sisters.”

She smiled as I put my arm around her waist and led her back inside. “If I could have everyone’s attention for a moment, this is a special occasion, but we don’t have a lot of time to set it up. From the letter James wrote, the bride will be dressed as he has always seen her, so the rest of you will need to be appropriately attired as well. With it being a special occasion, I believe a little extra finery would be appropriate.”

I watched as my pets eyes lit up. “I’m sure a few of you can find something to help your newest sisters fit in. We can hold the ceremony at the lagoon beach tomorrow afternoon. I’ll cancel the exercise class so you can all get ready after lunch. Katherine, the bride will need a veil, and my newest pets don’t have their collars yet. Will you and your sister be able to finish them by then?”

Katherine had a smirky little smile as she replied. “We just need to make a veil, Master. We finished the collars for all your new pets, including Sharice, last night. We knew they would need them eventually and wanted to get it done.”

“Perfect, but as they don’t have the final addition yet, you can come with me to the stables after we’re done here. We can pick out something appropriate for them,” I told her. “Julia, Samantha, your sister has requested for the two of you to spend the night with James. She says it is bad luck for the groom to see her before the wedding, and she wants him to know she still approves of his playing with you. One of the trainers can give you a ride over to the resort after the twin’s party tonight.”

“Addison, I need you to go into the village and talk to Betty. We will need finger foods and drinks for probably a hundred. Make sure you spread the word around the village, as most of them would love to see any of you getting married, and I’m sure the children would love to come as well. Tell Violet in particular that she will be appropriately dressed for her age, or I will spank her and send her home. Cadence, am I missing anyone you would like to invite?”

“No Master, I wasn’t close to any of the trainers at the Stables or Aviary. I spent the night with a couple of them on requests, but never anything more than that,” she replied. “We will need music for the ceremony though.”

“Don’t worry, that will be Scarlett’s assignment,” I chuckled. “Scarlett, I told Jason I would arrange for you to come see him so you could talk. After yesterday, he probably has a few things on his mind. I would like you to go talk with him, and arrange for a few of the little birds to perform at the wedding while you’re there.”

“The only thing we are missing now is the bouquet, but I think the rest of you can make a trip down to the south side of the island and find enough flowers for that and a couple arrangements. Any other questions?” When I got no response, I sent the pets off on their assignments and told Antonio to drop the contracts on my desk so I could file them when I got to the office.

When Katherine and I got to the Stables, I was pleased to see Periwinkle wasn’t in her stall. We went up to the office to get the keys for the vault, and I was surprised to find Dale helping organize the papers that had been strewn all over. “That doesn’t look like taking time off.”

“Well I was trying to take some time off, and came to visit my favorite pony,” Dale replied. “I guess I just started helping while we were talking.”

“Ignore him Master, it was my fault,” Periwinkle told me. “He visits me every chance he gets, ever since he was given permission to breed me all those years ago. Normally he plays with me then tells me about how our daughter is doing. With me being retired early I have other duties for now, so we were just talking while we try to get all of this organized. Mostly he was trying to convince me to move in with him as soon as possible now that I’m retired. I have already told him my conditions for that to happen.”

I looked over at Dale, who for the first time I can recall, was blushing. “Sir, Periwinkle would like to become our permanent flight attendant, and we would like permission to get married.”

I grinned as I looked back over to Periwinkle. “Is that what you want my dear?”

“Yes Master, although I’ll be finishing my job here first. I need to stay at the stables until it’s finished anyway, as I still haven’t dried up completely. I don’t mind him playing with the other pets, and he has no objections to me playing with the flight crew or the pets. Now that I no longer have to pretend that I don’t enjoy sex, I’m looking forward to having some fun,” she told me as she walked over and wrapped her arms around me.

“I want to thank you for what you are trying to do for the other ponies. I overheard Raoul talking with the trainers, and I doubt they will be able to accomplish it, simply because none of them is that good. At least the new ponies won’t have to deal with learning to suppress how they feel,” she whispered in my ear.

I leaned down to whisper back. “They may not be that good, but if they can’t do it, I will. Even if I have to fuck every pony in here myself, they will learn they’re allowed to enjoy sex again.”

“The new computer system should be installed within two weeks, so there won’t be much more backlog after that. Once you’re finished with this job, come see me about being assigned to the flight crew. I think you’ll make a lovely flight attendant. Now if the two of you will excuse us, we have a lot to do to get ready for Cadence’s wedding tomorrow. Tell the rest of the flight crew, one o’clock tomorrow at the lagoon, as you are all invited. Hint, you are allowed a plus one,” I said with a nod to Periwinkle as I walked out the door.

“They do make a cute couple,” Katherine said as I led her down to the vault. “Wait a minute; you have a bank vault under the stables?”

“It has been here for years,” I told her as I inserted the key then typed in the key codes. “We’ve upgraded the security features a few times, but we really only use it to store the gemstones for the ponies’ competition harnesses now. You should be able to find something to work for the new pet’s collars until they get their diamond.”

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