Menagerie - Cover


Copyright© 2015 by Wolfdragon76

Chapter 33

BDSM Sex Story: Chapter 33 - Some people keep exotic animals at pets, but others prefer to turn beautiful women into their sex pets and dress them as exotic animals.

Caution: This BDSM Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Fa/Fa   ft/ft   Fa/ft   Reluctant   Slavery   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Furry   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Daughter   DomSub   MaleDom   Spanking   Light Bond   Group Sex   Harem   Interracial   Black Female   White Male   White Female   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Petting   Squirting   Cream Pie   Exhibitionism   Voyeurism   Tit-Fucking   Analingus   Big Breasts   Slow   Violence  

My statement was met with a stunned silence. “Let me clarify this before you get too excited or upset. This is not saying you will be raising your children yourselves. They will still be living in the village and being raised by the retired ponies as they have been up to this point.”

“A few of you have heard me talk about allowing the children to know who their mothers are, but it would be impossible for an active pony to raise a child. That’s no reason they shouldn’t be allowed to see their children, or have their children visit them in the afternoons. I have been watching the retired ponies with the children for years, and they treat all the little ones as if they were truly their own.”

“You see children in the outside world with the same love for a step-parent that they show to their biological parents, and there’s no reason to think the children here will act any differently. Knowing who their birth mothers are won’t affect them seeing the retired ponies as their mothers as well.”

“Remember that this is an experiment and a possible action for the future. If things don’t work out with Sophia spending more time here, it won’t happen with other children. I’m sure you have questions, so I will try an answer some of them, but before anyone asks, no I’m not planning to start breeding any of you for a couple years.”

After a round of disappointed sighs from the pets, Kayla stood up. “While I don’t agree with your idea to not start breeding us all tomorrow, I’m guessing one of your concerns is that the children are not exposed to sexual situations. If they were only going to be here in the afternoons and on weekends, there wouldn’t be much to change. We rarely play any sexual games in the courtyard during the afternoons, mostly because we’re worn out from our exercise class, and on the weekends we would know there might be children around and not engage in sexual activities in the open.”

“I think I can speak for all of us when I say we want this to work out, as we all love being around the children in the afternoons anyway. The biggest concern would be keeping them occupied and away from whatever cabin you were playing in. That will be easy, as we spend most of our time with them playing games on the beach. I’m sure we can keep any interruptions from happening or at the very least an extremely rare occurrence.”

I looked around the room and saw the other pets nodding as Kayla sat back down. Cadence looked around the room and smiled before standing up. “I know it won’t affect me as I’ll be off with James raising children myself, but I’m glad you are going to try this Master. Knowing my sisters will have a chance to know their children, and be able to acknowledge them as you have allowed Scarlett and Elizabeth to do is wonderful news.”

“I’m glad you are not upset,” I replied. “With this change coming so close to you and Sarah’s departure, and knowing how much you both wanted to have children. I was worried you might feel you were missing out and regret your decision to accept the offers.”

“I thought a change was coming when you mentioned something similar the other night Master,” Sarah said as she stood up. “I don’t regret my decision though. This is a wonderful change, and it will make my sisters happy. I’ll have my own happiness, and with any luck, I’ll be able to come back and see all of my sisters’ children regularly.”

I smiled over at Sarah and Cadence as they sat back down. Sarah was right that this was something my other pets would like, but wasn’t what she or Cadence truly wanted. Those two dreamed of actually raising a family, and that was something they could never have here. “I’m glad you feel that way, and I hope both of you are happy in your new lives. I’ll make sure you both have a way to contact me if you ever want to know how your sisters are doing or to schedule a visit. Did anyone else have any questions or concerns?”

I looked around the room and had no response. I think they were still a bit shocked at the news, but it may have been acceptance. The thought of not knowing their children was the part they hated the most about being a pet. “If you do think of anything you’re free to bring it up in the future. I honestly hope this does work out, as I’ve seen how happy being able to acknowledge their family ties has made Amanda, Elizabeth and Scarlett.”

“With that being taken care of, I do have one other thing to do. Scarlett, come over here.” She looked startled, and a bit confused, but got up and walked over to me. “Bend over the table, hands behind your back.”

Her eyes went wide as she quickly did as I told her. “I’m sorry Master, am I in trouble?”

I chuckled and looked over at Kayla, who smirked and shook her head. “I see Kayla didn’t tell you about what happened Sunday night. She wasn’t there, but I’m sure the others told her about it. I’m just going to give you what you asked for, my pet. That quickie you requested, the first one happened to Isabella over a table as well.”

Scarlett turned beet red and closed her eyes as I reached down and started caressing her pussy. “I think I’m going to make it a new tradition, to take one of you over the table after meals while all of your sisters watch.”

I felt a gush of her juices as she shuddered and panted. “Oh gods, Master, please don’t. Too embarrassed.”

I stepped behind her, dropped my shorts and slapped her ass. “I think you’re lying to me mother,” I said as I dragged the head of my cock up her swampy gash. “I think you’re insanely aroused at the thought of all your sisters watching as I fuck you, but if you really don’t want me to, just ask. I’m sure one of your sisters would love for me to fuck them right now.”

“Please Master, don’t make me say it,” she whimpered as I continued to rub the head of my cock along her slit.

“Say what my pet? If you want me to stop, you have to ask. Or did you not want me to stop,” I asked as I slipped the head of my cock inside of her then pulled back out. There was a long drawn out ‘no’ as I pulled out, and I had to tease her a bit more. Her body was already flushed with humiliation and arousal as I asked, “No what? No don’t fuck me here on the table with everyone watching, or no don’t pull out Master?”

“Please Master, please just take me,” she whimpered out quietly. As she had finally asked, I pushed forward and sank my cock into her waiting pussy. Her loud moan and the convulsions of her pussy as she immediately started to climax showed me how aroused she was by the situation.

Grabbing her hips, I started to take her hard and fast over the table. Normally we enjoyed a slower build up, but we were both far too aroused for that. As her climax ended, she opened her eyes and saw all of her sisters watching her, enthralled by the vision of her so aroused. She clamped her eyes closed and moaned as she started to climax again.

I kept up the hard fast thrusts as she fell into a pattern. Every time she would finish cumming, she opened her eyes and saw everyone watching her, which would make her so aroused she would start to climax again. As I wasn’t trying to hold back, after fifteen minutes of the constant convulsions of her pussy in climax on top of the fast pace I was right on the edge myself. Clenching my PC muscles a few times, I waited until she started to climax again before I let go and began flooding her pussy.

Her eyes snapped open as she felt my cum splashing against the inside of her pussy. The added sensation, plus seeing her sisters still watching, pushed her climax to a higher level and she screamed out before collapsing limply on the table.

As my climax ended and I pulled out, she looked up at me with tears in her eyes. She stood up, turned and embraced me as she cried on my shoulder. “Please Master, promise you will never do that again. It was so amazing, but if you’d been holding back I think my heart would have given out.”

“I won’t promise that my pet,” I replied quietly. “That was the first time I have ever heard you scream out during an orgasm.”

Her sobs intensified. “Please Master. I’m begging you, not in front of everyone again. I know I get off on people watching me, and feeling humiliated because people are watching me, but it was too much. You know I would do anything you want, anytime you want it, and I will do this again if you really want me to. I can only beg you not to ask again.”

I could hear how distraught she still was, so I relented. “Very well my pet, I won’t take you in front of everyone again unless you ask me to. I’m going to start taking you more often with groups of your sisters watching though. I fully intend to put you through as much pleasure as you can handle my dear, and we’ll discover how far we can take it before it’s too much for you.”

She squeezed me tighter, then held me for a few minutes until her tears stopped. “Thank you, Master. I understand what you are saying, and if I work up to it, I may be able to handle this again someday. I’ve had everyone watch me give you a blowjob or titfuck before and it was fine, but I’ve never had more than four people watch me having sex before. It was so intense that I just couldn’t handle it all.”

“It is alright my pet. I didn’t think it would be that hard on you. Next time we will start with six and work our way up from there. I’m sure your sisters will happily volunteer,” I told her with a grin. “I’m pretty sure they all climaxed just watching that.”

Scarlett laughed. “It certainly does smell that way in here. If you will excuse me though Master, I have a bit of both of us running down my leg, and a good deal more of you I have been trying to keep from doing the same. I really need to go to the bathroom and get cleaned up.”

“Which one of your sisters were you going to ask to help you? They would be very upset if you wasted it,” I teased her. I already knew what she intended, but was too embarrassed to do in front of the group.

“Master, please,” she whispered. “You know I’m not going to waste it. You know how I like to clean up after you take me.”

“I know my pet,” I chuckled quietly. “I just had to tease you a bit more. Go and enjoy your snack, my love, although you could save some for the twins.” She smiled as she rushed away to the bathroom with one hand cupping her pussy.

The other pets laughed quietly once she was out of the room. Kayla saw the twins confused looks and explained. “Scarlett has a bit of a cum fetish on top of everything else. To be more specific, she loves to eat Master’s cum. If she is with him and another one of the pets, she always cleans them both up if Master lets her. She also prefers to clean herself up after Master cums in her if she can.”

Faith still looked confused. “She didn’t try to clean me up after I let Dale cum in me on the plane, and I know she wasn’t cleaning herself up after Dale or Ethan came in her pussy.”

Kayla shook her head. “It’s just Master’s cum, sweetie. She doesn’t object to swallowing after a blowjob for anyone else, but she’s only obsessive about Master. She says every drop is precious and should be savored.”

Faith giggled as she got it. “Well I will admit it was tasty, and I would happily lick it out of my sisters, but I don’t think I would go that far.”

“Well my pets,” I said as I pulled my shorts back on. “I’m going to go relax a bit, as I have some very playful monkeys showing up at my house a bit later. Kayla, as the twins are spending the night with you and Scarlett, can you apply more aloe to their bottoms and make sure they stay off of them as much as possible?”

Kayla laughed at the question. “Of course we will Master. You ask as if we’ve never had to deal with a spanked bottom before. We have a lot of practice, and they’re in very good hands. They’ll be treated like the adorable little dolls they are.”

“I know they’re in good hands my dear,” I replied as I leaned down to kiss her. “But I’m just a bit over protective. I know you’ll have fun with them tonight, just make sure you ask them to do what they did to Shelly.”

Kayla gave the twins an inquisitive glance. “We would like to spend some solo time with each of you first, but we would really like to work together on each of you after,” Faith told her. “We’re very good at working together.”

“I think Shelly would agree with that statement, but with that I am off,” I told them. “I’ll see all of you tomorrow. Faith, I’ll be looking for you tomorrow after I finish up at the office. I have a special birthday present for you.”

“I’m looking forward to it Master, more than you can imagine,” she said as her and her sister got up and kissed me. “Although I think it is as much your present as mine.”

I made the rounds and kissed all my pets goodnight before heading back to my cabin. I knew my monkeys wouldn’t be showing up for an hour, so I decided to take a shower. It had been a long hard day, and I could use a bit of freshening up.

After my shower, I wrapped a towel around my waist, got a glass of wine, and turned on some relaxing jazz music before sitting down. I kicked back and relaxed, sipping my wine and enjoying the music. Now that the issue with my uncles was finally over with, I hoped life could get back to normal.

My thoughts were interrupted about an hour later by a knock on the door. I smiled and went to let my little monkeys inside, but was a bit surprised to see just Julia and Cadence waiting outside. “Sorry Master, Samantha begged off tonight,” Julia told me. “She has been having some cramps all day, and they got worse after dinner. You know the implants also stop our periods, but sometimes we still get the cramping associated with them, especially the first few years.”

“Of course, I just hope she starts feeling better,” I replied. “I know it hits hardest after the first time it is replaced, and that was last month for her. I’m surprised you didn’t offer to stay with her though; I know how close the two of you are.”

“I did offer, but she insisted I had to come and complete our devious plan for Cadence’s last night, Muhahaha,” she said with a fake evil laugh that ended in a giggle. “Sorry Master, I had to do it. Anyway, Cadence said you had already cum in her pussy and mouth earlier, your cock was between her tits and in her hands as well. We decided to ask you to fully claim her one more time before she left and take her ass tonight.”

“I believe I can do that, although I rarely take her ass because she doesn’t enjoy it as much. I’m going to guess you had to come along to lick her pussy so she would enjoy it more. Although I am still worried about Samantha,” I said. “Is someone staying with her?”

“Of course, Master. Mandy offered to stay with her tonight, and they made a date for tomorrow as well. Mandy is still in her first implant cycle, so she knows how bad the cramps can be,” Cadence told me. “She said she was going to put her to bed and pet her all night, as a few gentle orgasms tend to help ease the cramping.”

“Perfect, but you should both come inside so I can admire you. You both look exquisite tonight.” They both did look amazing, even with the breaks in their outfits due to the size of the skins. The corsets were made of four skins, with the breaks right up the middle of their stomachs, and along the sides. The lines in the middle seemed to point up to the cleavage of their perfect 38E cups, and on their 5’6’’ bodies, their chests seemed massive. The three-inch heels on their monkey skin boots pushed their asses up into a glorious little heart shape, with their long monkey tails peeking out from between their cheeks. “So, do you want me to take your ass and fully claim you again before you leave my pet?”

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