Copyright© 2015 by Wolfdragon76
Chapter 3
BDSM Sex Story: Chapter 3 - Some people keep exotic animals at pets, but others prefer to turn beautiful women into their sex pets and dress them as exotic animals.
Caution: This BDSM Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Ma/ft Fa/Fa ft/ft Fa/ft Reluctant Slavery Lesbian BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction Furry Incest Mother Son Brother Sister Daughter DomSub MaleDom Spanking Light Bond Group Sex Harem Interracial Black Female White Male White Female First Oral Sex Anal Sex Masturbation Petting Squirting Cream Pie Exhibitionism Voyeurism Tit-Fucking Analingus Big Breasts Slow Violence
Since Jacques and Pierre were already in the wing chairs in front of the desk, I waved Jason and Adrien over to the divan I kept in my office for the occasional afternoon nap. While waiting for Antonio to sort through his papers I went and got more wine glasses and the bottle, pouring for my brothers and Antonio before refilling my uncles and my glasses. I already knew Sharice wouldn’t take more than the one glass after her first time so I never offered.
She didn’t realize how the three glasses of wine she had with dinner would affect her until I took her hand to lead her away from the table. She stood and took a single step before falling into me. As I tried to help her stand, I quickly realized she wasn’t going to be able to manage it so I picked her up, cradled her in my arms, and carried her to my bed. She was fast asleep as soon as her head hit the pillows so I had carefully removed her feathered outfit and tucked her in.
“Before we get started, I need to have Sharice retire to the waiting area. Some of the business is private and shouldn’t be discussed outside the family. You can leave your instrument here; we’ll call you back in once we are ready. “ While Antonio wasn’t related to us, his family has been working with ours for generations now and was as close as you could get without being a blood relative.
Sharice stood and curtsied. “Of course sir, I’d be happy to. Maybe I can convince Anna to finally start the private lessons she keeps talking about,” she said as she walked out and closed the door behind her.
Antonio looked over at me, his confusion clear. “What was that about?”
I had to grin. “Your wife loves to listen to Sharice play, and keeps commenting about how she wishes she could learn to make such lovely music. Sharice keeps offering to teach her, but Anna always puts it off, saying she is just too busy.”
Antonio grinned as he cleared his throat and started addressing the group. “First off I have several things to go over, and I know you all have things to do, so I’ll try to dispense with the family issues before I bore Julien’s ear off with the rest of it. I finally received the full report from our investigators on the causes of the crash. We all know Enguerrand wanted to learn to fly and purchased the smaller Skycatcher when we got the new Beechcraft. Dale said that while he wasn’t fully licensed, he was certified for daylight solo trips, so there was no question of him taking an unqualified risk in flying it. There was no evidence that the plane was tampered with, but the right wing sheared off the plane. From what the investigators were able to dig up on the history of this model aircraft, it was not the only occurrence of the craft taking damage from a sudden shift in wind currents. We may want to consider speaking with the legal team about a wrongful death suit against the manufacturer.”
“I’ve already spoken with the insurance company, and as one of their investigators was involved with the inquiry, they already have the reports. They have assured me that it was clearly an accident and there was no cause for delay. The benefits should be issued for both your parents and the vehicle in as timely a manner as possible. I’ve arranged for the payments to be made to the primary fund in our Swiss accounts so it will be available for other business as needed,” Antonio concluded.
“On a side note before I let you all get back to you respective businesses; I have been following the cases before both the US Supreme court and the International Court of Justice that would be of concern to us. The international court’s ruling came out yesterday. It is not considered enslavement if the enslaved party enters into the contract of their own free will and is under no duress at the time of signing. The contract will require the signature of two public notaries, and they both have to sign and notarize a separate statement that there is no sign of the enslaved party being under duress that will have to be kept with the original contract. The US. Supreme court has not ruled yet, but has indicated that they were waiting to hear what the international court said and were very likely to follow suit. Our lawyers arguments that whatever name used to refer to our employees was irrelevant, as they entered into the contract by choice. The fact that the contracts give a clear out at the five year renewal point showed that no one was being kept by force.”
“I think the biggest blow to the arguments against us was from when Addison and Sharice’s families filed the joint suit claiming we were holding their daughters prisoner last year. When Julien entered the courtroom with the girls and let them testify against their parents, it showed that not only were they here by choice, but very happy to be so. The kicker was when the prosecuting attorney tried to get Addison to admit she was enslaved against her will when they had her on the stand. Her response, and I’m quoting this from the transcript, ‘Yes I am a slave. I’m being imprisoned in the horrid squalor of a five star resort on a private tropical island. My onerous slave duties include being forced to laze around on the beach, work with a personal trainer, and make love to people who treat me like a princess. I’m forced to endure the horrid attentions of our private doctor if I so much as stub my toe so they can be sure I’m healthy enough to endure the backbreaking labor of frolicking in the ocean and playing with my friends. I may be a slave, but I am a happy slave. Can I go back to my never-ending vacation, I mean, servitude now?’ Was priceless.”
“Needless to say, she made quite an impression on the court and that testimony has been played in every appeal. They have made a moot point out the name ‘slave’. We all know the contracts are meaningless since most of them are fabricated, but having a case over two of the girls who came to us by choice certainly helped our cause. Now, did anyone else have any other private business to bring up before we split up?”
Jason stood and shook his head. “Nothing current, I have some scouting reports to go over with Pierre, but we haven’t made any decisions yet. We’ll let you know next week if we decide to pursue any of them.”
I stood and thanked my brothers and uncles for coming, and asked them to keep me abreast of any important changes. Antonio asked if one of them could send Sharice back in as we were finished with the private part of the business. Pierre told us he would send her in, then Antonio and I sat back down to go over the rest of the business.
“I only have one more thing we actually need to go over,” Antonio told me as Sharice walked in, sat down and started playing again. “An update on our discussion from earlier. The twins are being picked up in about an hour. I approved of the idea she came up with to get them down here. Their mother had them stay home today, and then told them she won a contest for an all-expense paid, week-long trip for two to a tropical resort. She asked the girls if they wanted to go as an early birthday present, and told them there were two conditions. First, they would have to leave today as the private jet was stopping in town to refuel after picking up another guest of the resort, and second, they had to agree to check in with the resort concierge every morning so she would be able to get a hold of them if she needed to. Needless to say, they were both so ecstatic about the idea that they agreed immediately and didn’t stop to contemplate how odd it was.”
“That was the phone call I was on when you came in, her telling me they went for it and asking me to send a car to pick them up. I called the pickup team after I got off the phone and updated them. They’re renting our usual from Enterprise, so Ryan is on his way to get them and take them to the airport. The 550 is being refueled and will be ready to take off as soon as they arrive and receive clearance. They will switch planes and pilots in Tahiti as usual, and should arrive here around two in the morning. I called Betty and told her to put the twins in one of the guest cabins for the night, so you can decide if you want to take them right away or leave them to enjoy their vacation.”
“That does leave me an interesting proposition. I’ll have to think about all the ways I can have fun with that situation, but it’s fine for now. The only other cabin in use is the older retired couple, and they were specific in their requests for pets that were over forty. Make sure the resort staff understands who the girls are and to treats them the underage entertainments. It’s still a tropical island; I think we can keep them occupied for a few days,” I replied. “Will there be any issues with Dawn traveling with them? I know new pets can be a bit unhappy.”
“The pickup team said once she woke up from the sedative she asked a few questions, but has been very pleasant to deal with. They did say she is quite the little spitfire. Apparently the team showed up right after Dawn received the sedative and her mother was explaining the situation to her. Half way through it Dawn said she had heard enough, stood up, walked over and slapped her mother across the face. Then she turned, told the crew she was ready to go and walked out the door. They say she managed to get in the back seat of the SUV before the sedative kicked in and knocked her out. She woke up while they were waiting for the fog to clear so they could take off and was chatting with the crew. Was apparently excited when she heard there would be other girls her age to talk to on the flight, so I think they will be fine.”
I looked over at him and grinned. “Now that we have the part that is going to put a smile on my face done, why don’t you hand me the rest of that stack of papers you’ve been avoiding talking about. Since it is Wednesday, I’m guessing purchase orders and packing slips from the supply boat?”
“Yes, it’s unfortunately time to deal with mundane matters,” he said as he handed me the stack of papers. We spent the next hour and a half going over the less exciting details of running a private island with a population of around three hundred people. Our only interruption was when Joshua called just before noon to tell me Mandy had arrived at the pens. I asked him to make sure she got lunch and I would deal with the rest later.
We wrapped up around 12:15 PM and Antonio picked up all the paperwork. “I will get this order sent off and have Anna file them before we go to lunch, we should be back in the office by one if you need us.”
Sharice started packing up her gear as I finished cleaning off my desk. She turned and asked, “Would you like anything else, Master, or should I head back to the Aviary?” I saw her smile grow larger when I told her she was coming home with me for lunch and I would take her back before I went down to the pens. She bowed her and replied, “Of course master, I am yours to command.”
I chuckled as I took her arm and walked out of the offices. It was a constant source of amusement, the way my pets respond to the prospect of private time with me in contrast to what outsiders would expect to see. I regularly saw that guarded look in people’s eyes when they were meeting me for the first time. Knowing I was a master with a collection of sex slaves, they build up this picture of a beast in black leather with a whip in one hand and chains in the other who was constantly cruel and domineering. It’s when they see a handsome yet normal looking man in Bermuda’s and thongs, with my pets hanging on me lovingly, that the confusion starts. They expect to see subjugation and fear, not happiness and love.
There’s no denying that I have a domineering streak. All of my pets know that if they misbehave I’ll punish them quickly and thoroughly, but I don’t believe in routine punishments outside of the very first one. My uncles believed that the pets should be punished at least once a day as a means to remind them of their place, and I knew they practiced it in the Stables and the Aviary. If one of the pets had not been punished through the day for some infraction, they always received ten swats after dinner. I’ve noticed a few of the pony girls committing minor infractions in the training ring, usually delaying before following a command, just to receive a couple swats from the trainers crop to get them back in line rather than waiting for the punishments at the end of the day.
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