My Life With My Father - Cover

My Life With My Father


Chapter 6

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 6 - Michael is a fifty-year-old man who lost his wife four years earlier. They had met in the theatre, got married, having two girls. He, in a change of pace, went to an audition and since then, his life started to change. All because of the young girl he met. Her name is Karol and at first look appears only seventeen years old. This is their story.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   Tear Jerker   Incest   Father   Daughter   Safe Sex   Oral Sex   Petting   Pregnancy   Cream Pie   Exhibitionism   Voyeurism   Slow  

We arrived at the theatre with plenty of time before the play started ... we paid for and picked up our tickets, and decided to mingle with the crowd. I saw some of the people who'd been at auditions for our play, including Nichole. She said hi to us, and wished us good luck on our show. I looked and saw Phyllis arriving to see the show ... I waved her over to us.

"My, you clean up very nice, Michael ... and this one, who is she pretending to be tonight?"

"I don't know what you're talking about," I said, as Karol started laughing at Phyllis' remark.

"We've been practicing so much, that a night out seemed like the appropriate thing to do! And where should an actor and his muse go, if not the theatre," Karol responded with a wide grin on her face.

"Well said, dear!" Phyllis said chuckling in response.

"Did you get the message I left you about our Wednesday rehearsal being at my place, instead of here?" I asked.

"Yes, I did, Michael! Something tells me, that you have something remarkable planned for that evening!"

"Yes, actually, he does ... but I've been sworn to secrecy, Phyllis," Karol said. "Oh, bring a suit for hot tubbing!"

"I'm not sure you two want to see me in a swimsuit?" she replied.

"Don't be a party pooper, Phyllis! George will be there, and he's gonna bring a suit!" Karol responded sounding a bit manipulative.

"George is going to bring a suit where?" The booming voice of George Howell, our director, came from across the patio. "Is somebody bringing a lawsuit against the theatre?" George asked.

"NO, No, no, no, no, George," I said laughing a bit... "Bring a suit to the rehearsal at my house on Wednesday!"

"Sure guys, sounds like a blast! Michael, who directed you back when you played Sheridan Whiteside in THE MAN WHO CAME TO DINNER?" George questioned.

"Kenn ... Kenn Browning! He was the theatre's biggest queen at the time. I don't know how he ever got the directing gig of 'Man' at the time. He's passed away now, but he did OK as the director. He was a little too 'hands on' for me. Maybe I gave off a 'gay' vibe to him ... I don't know! Phyllis, didn't you play June Stanley in that particular production?"

"Yes, I did, Michael! That was my first big role with this group. I don't remember him being all that good of a director either — he was a very good comedic actor! I'd seen him in a couple of comedies, usually playing the goofy friend or sidekick. I had been with this troupe for only a year. I was, I guess either 24 or 25 and, as I remember, I was the only younger woman there at auditions!"

"Yeah," said Karol, "Sometimes it's talent that gets you the part, and sometimes its chemistry, isn't that right, Daddy?"

"Yes, it is, Jessica! Don't worry J-bird, I won't let anyone molest you, except me!"

"Ha-ha, so this is a practice night for you two, isn't it?" George said with a slightly devious laugh in his voice.

"Well, George ... any night we go out, is something of a practice night, isn't it J-bird?" I said as I gave Karol a big kiss! "Who's your Daddy?"

"You are, Daddy — I love you so much, Daddy! I'm so excited; you've never taken me to a show before. At least not since mommy left and we have become lovers, Daddy?"

"Oh my," said Phyllis, "This could get messy, George ... let's just stand back and watch this unfold, OK?"

"I agree, Phyllis," George replied as they stepped back a bit to observe.

"Daddy, why have you brought me here tonight? You said you were going to keep me on my back all weekend?"

I heard a snort come from the direction of George and Phyllis, probably George.

"Jessica Honey, I ran out of condoms. We have to keep from getting you pregnant from your own daddy again, don't we?"

"But Daddy, I want ... to have your baby?"

A couple nearby said, "What the hell!" I heard another person say, "Shush, be quiet, I'm listening!"

"Jessica, why would you risk having your own daddy's baby again, when we both know you had that abortion just last year?"

Another couple could be heard to say, "Oh my god ... can you believe that? She had an abortion, she looks like she's ... only 16!"

One last tumbling run, I decided, "J-bird, you know how much your daddy loves you — do you want to stay and watch this play ... or would you rather go home and make love to your Daddy? I know that I want you so bad, right now!"

I heard a rumble of people all very disturbed over what Karol and I were saying, but I knew what was about to happen, so I just waited for it!

"Ladies and Gentlemen," George announced, "You have been treated to a Early Sneak Preview of the next play on this stage, MY LIFE WITH MY FATHER, starring Michael Manning and Karol Lebrecque! The play is for adults, but is about the love that can grow ... between a father and his daughter. Thank you!"

There was some applause, along with some "I knew it all along!" and "They sounded very believable!" along with a few "I'm going to go see that!"

George came up to Karol and me, and said, "You were just waiting for me to jump in there, weren't you?"

"Yeah, George ... this is one way to create a buzz for a play, isn't it?"

"Michael," Phyllis said. "That was so believable and incredible, you two truly have a ... magical kind of chemistry, don't you?"

"Yeah," Karol said. "That's my Daddy, and I love him very much!"

We enjoyed a very erotic kiss as the crowd applauded again. The lights blinked, telling us to go inside and be seated. The show was very good; the actor playing Sheridan Whiteside was the other man at the 'My Life' auditions. As we watched the play together, Karol put and kept her hand on my inside thigh, dangerously close to my tumescent manhood. She would occasionally use her pinky and scratch at the top of my dick. Every time she did it, I would glance over at her and smile, mouthing 'I love you' to her! As the first act ended, we got up to go outside and stretch our legs.

"Michael, did you contact John Miller?" George inquired.

"Yeah, George I did! Is there a problem?"

"No, actually he's always wanted to put an ad in our program. He figures actors would need to unwind, and what better way to unwind then to get in a Miller Hot Tub!"

"That's what we do, every night after rehearsal," Karol said, "Ask him if we'll get a commission or not!" I laughed at that.

George questioned, "So, you want Robert to have a Hot Tub; I presume for getting in at the end of his long day doing nothing, because of his disability?"

"Yeah, he needs to relax ... he just kicked his wife out of the house and now he'll need to 'chillax' as the kids say!"

"So, with his wife gone, I suppose he and his seventeen year old daughter hot tub together, talking about their life ahead?"

"You got it, George!" I said.

"Please tell me that you plan to have something on, when you go in the tub on stage?"

"Answer this, George ... do I need to wear something? Or do I simply need the illusion of wearing something?"

"Oh, you're a bad, bad Daddy ... aren't you, Michael?" George said, shaking his head.

Karol chimed in, "He may be bad, but he's all the Daddy I want!"

"So, you're getting a two person tub from John and you plan on filling it with water?" George continued.

"Yeah, but the jets may be too noisy, so we'll have to find a substitute way of making bubbles in the tub!"

"Did I just hear you say 'bubbles in the tub, ' Michael?" Phyllis joined in.

"Yeah, Phyllis! The final two scenes will be played in the Hot Tub!"

"And how little, is Karol wearing in this reinterpretation of Act 2, Scenes 2 and 3?" Phyllis wondered.

"That's what you two will see on Wednesday Night!"

"Have you blocked both scenes yet, Michael," George queried.

"Only 2 — 2 is blocked out. Tonight, when we get home, I figure J-bird and I will work out 2 — 3!"

"Oh, Daddy! I can't wait to get back in the Hot Tub with you! It's so much more fun when we don't worry about having any clothes on, isn't it?" Karol said, with a satisfying look on her face!

"Michael ... NO NUDITY, OK?" George leaned in to me and whispered, with a bit of exasperation in his voice!

"I understand, George ... no explicit nudity ... but plenty of sugges..."

"Daddy, don't tell him! Let him and Phyllis find out on Wednesday night!"

"I've created a monster, putting you two in this play together, haven't I?" said George.

"I like Daddy's big long monster, especially in the tub! Sex is so much more fun naked in the tub, isn't it Daddy?"

This remark actually caused both Phyllis and George to blush, which means that Karol and I have brought just the right tone to our characters.

"Yes it is, J! It's a lot more fun, especially when you have someone you really love in there with you," I said.

The lights blinked. "Saved by the lights! See you after the play, guys!" George said.

We enjoyed the second act very much! It's funny how much you can enjoy a play so much more, when you have an investment in it, like I did, from playing the lead before. As I watched it, I realized that if I were to play that part again, I would bring a different set of life standards with me. I've known a few 'Sheridan Whiteside's' in my life.

I just recalled; my Louise played Miss Preen in that same production. That was one of the most enjoyable plays that we got to play antagonists in. When we got home each night, after arguing for two and one-half hours on stage, we would make sweet and beautiful love, being careful not to wake up our teenage daughters.

When they both moved out, it was tough on Louise, but she also enjoyed not having to hold back her joy during sex anymore. She went from being loving and docile in bed, to a fiery, loud, cursing bundle of love, in a matter of a week!

I miss her so very much, but I have Karol to hold me, and to keep me on track. I've got to be sure to tell her I love her, all the time.

The play was over. Phyllis and George stopped by us; to say goodnight, and verified that on Wednesday at 6:30pm we'll be having rehearsal at our house. I told Phyllis to not worry about coming over on Tuesday after all!

Karol and I stayed to meet the cast of the play. We identified ourselves as being in the next play. Phillip Monsibias, who played Whiteside, said he heard about our little preview we had. He said he couldn't wait to see us play such a controversial storyline. I told him that my research tells me that over 75% of fathers wish they could have sex with their daughters. Of course, he had no idea that I had just made that up to fuck with him. Tonight in the Hot Tub is going to be a whole lot of fun!

"Let's stop there OK, Karol?"

We'd gotten back to the house and realized we hadn't had anything to eat, so we drove to a local 24-hour diner and ordered some sandwiches to go. While we were waiting, something interesting happened.

A 40ish year old man walked in, and apparently recognized Karol, and walked up to her and said, "Hey bitch, who's the old geezer you're with?" I saw her flinch when this guy called her a bitch so, I casually said, "She's with me, we came by to get a late meal after the theatre," The guy came back with, "NO, old man, she's with me, and I'm taking her with me right now!"

Now, I am anything but the 'hero' type of guy, but I wasn't about to let this creep take Karol, god knows where! I walked up to him, and said very softly, "I can't hit you or I'll be arrested for murder! Since I was let out of prison last week, I've put in the hospital four separate guys who've hit on my little girl, so leave through the door right now ... standing upright, or you can leave in five minutes ... in a body bag."

I must've gotten through to him because the guy backed off, and left the diner. Our food was ready so I went to pay, and the guy said, "He comes in here all the time and gets some poor slob in a fight and they break a bunch of my glasses and tables, so thanks a lot, the food is on the house!" The people that were in the diner then broke into a surprising round of applause?

The owner turned around and said to me, "This is a weekly drama group that puts on different improvisational theatre, that centers around what can happen in a diner, late at night. Rudy, your assailant ... Come back in here Rudy, and shake this gentleman's hand ... Rudy has had 15 consecutive wins in the 'confrontation scenario' you two just went through. You are the first folks to talk him down in almost three months. Congratulations! Can I ask you two your names?"

"I'm Michael Manning, and this is my significant other Karol Lebrecque. We're actors from a local community theatre, who just so happened to come in here, and find ourselves in the middle of all this! Wow ... the ultimate improvisational situation. Well done Rudy!" We shook hands.

"So none of what you said to Rudy was true? It was all a bluff?" the owner asked.

"Damn," said Rudy, "I was scared spitless Michael was about to beat up on me. Good job, Michael!"

"May I please make an announcement?" I asked.

"Sure thing Michael!" The owner replied.

"Everyone ... In approximately six weeks, Karol and I are starring in a new drama, called MY LIFE WITH MY FATHER at the Community Theatre on Union Avenue. We both would love it if you would come and see us ... our play is quite controversial ... Thank you!"

There was a smattering of applause, we were handed our free dinners and we left for the house. On the way home, I turned to Karol and asked, "Did you know that was going to happen, Karol?"

"I'd never been there before in my life, Michael! You were magnificent! Let's eat and go to bed, I'm too tired to tub tonight. We can work on 2 -3 in the morning, OK?"

"Sounds like a plan, Karol! It was exciting, but very stressful, let's eat, I'm really hungry after all that!"


The next couple of days, we went over all we'd previously rehearsed, focusing on Act 1, putting off working on Act 2, specifically Act 2 - Scene 3! Now this morning it was time to focus on the final scene of the play, MY LIFE WITH MY FATHER!

George and Phyllis were coming over tonight. Karol, Phyllis and I would 'clean up' the Confrontation Scene, with George and Phyllis getting their first look at 2 - 2 and, if we can work it out in time, 2 - 3!

Karol put on a flesh-colored ultra small bikini top, and then, over that, her dark blue bikini. "I thought the fluorescent orange bikini was a little too skanky, Michael!" she admitted.

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