A White Knight Reaps His Reward - Cover

A White Knight Reaps His Reward

Copyright© 2020 by Zak

Chapter 1

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1 - Helping out a lady in her hour of need brings its rewards

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Analingus   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Sex Toys   Tit-Fucking  

So let me tell you a little bit about me and where I live.

The apartment block I lived in was very small, there were less than a dozen apartments and all the residents knew each other really well. Therefore, when Ted and Angie decided to move to the coast to be near family, we all attended their leaving party and we all also waited to see what the new neighbours would be like. The apartment was up for sale for a long while before the sold signs went up but once sold a new couple moved in quite quickly.

They were a young couple, I had been the youngster in the bloke as a forty-year-old, the rest of the occupations were either retired or near to it. When Craig and Leanne moved in they brought the average age down by twenty years at least.

I met them a few times, as they walked in or I walked out of the block. He was a mechanic of some sort judging by his clothes and she worked in a legal office in town. I never noticed him, but she was a real beauty in a girl next doorway.

She was tall, with long legs cute butt and lovely tits, not huge but on her, they looked very nice plump and full. Most days I saw her in her office clothes, tight skirts that showed off her ass and white blouses that revealed the outlines of her lacy bra. She had long dark hair and gorgeous eyes. She was all woman with great curves, curves in all the right places. and she walked with a strut that showed them off. She knew she was a ten...

Some Sundays I would see her leave in her lycra sports gear on the way to the gym. Clothing that moulded her body and really showed off her feminine curves. To be honest, after a few weeks apart from the odd glance I took little notice of her, I figured a youngster like her would have no need to chat with the likes of me. Plus she was a ten and I was a five at best.

We left for work at the same time each weekday and she said hello and we did the weather thing but apart from that, I had little to do with them.

All was good for a few months then one weekend our quiet Sunday afternoon was torn apart by a blazing row from their flat, they screamed at each other and there was the sound of crockery being smashed. It lasted for two or three hours at least.

Old Harry who lived opposite me knocked on the door and asked if we should go up and check that everything was okay. The choice was taken out of our hands when we heard the front door slam and saw Craig, complete with a sports bag, run down the stairs and out of the front door.

A silence fell over the block and Harry and I both returned to our own flats. I did not see Leanne go to work all that week, but on Saturday, she passed me as she took out the trash. She looked like she had not slept all week; the bags under her eyes gave her away and was dressed like a bag lady.

We exchanged pleasantries and I asked if she was okay and she grunted that she was fine and scuttled off. I am not one to pry so I left her to it.

The following week returned to normal and every morning she said hello as we left our building, but most nights I heard her come back late and a few mornings she smelt of booze. I guessed she was drowning her sorrows at the wine bar at the end of the street.

It was three weeks later, late on Friday night that I dropped into the wine bar. I had been out to meet a friend and fancied a beer before I went home.

The bar was busy and I left the bar after getting a beer and went to sit with a guy I knew from the block next to ours. We chatted for a while; it was a good thirty minutes before I took any notice of the group in a booth on the far side of the bar.

Four young guys that I had not seen in there before and a girl seemed to be having a great old time, the guys were up and down to the bar a few times and I saw tray after tray of beers and shots going into the booth.

It was only when the girl stood up and tottered drunkenly to the ladies that I realised it was Leanne. She was well hammered, totally off her face, her blouse was unbuttoned a little too far and her cleavage was on display for all to see. She was gone for a while and when she came back, the lads all crowded around her again and I saw that they were handing her more shots. She would suffer for it in the morning I thought to myself.

My friend left and I ordered another beer and sat back down. The booth was getting louder and louder. I felt sorry for her and angry with her at the same time, but she was a grown woman and I guess she knew what she was doing or did she?

Oh well, it was not my business really...

I drained my glass and headed into the gents to take a piss before I went home. As I pissed, I heard two guys come in, they stood by the condom machine and I heard cash being fed into it. A lot of cash...

“So, Drew, how many shall we get?” I heard one say, giggling with excitement.

“Fucking loads mate!!” his friend replied, “she is so pissed she won’t have a clue how many of us fuck her, and once we have had our fun, we can dump her on the street outside the hotel.”

“So, if she is that pissed why the johnnies,” his mate asked.

“The less evidence we leave the better mate!” was the reply.

My blood started to boil ... I felt anger rising up inside me.

“Yes, the booze and the little table dropped into a drink back in your room will make this so easy!” his mate laughed.

“What about the night porter?” I heard one say.

“Fuck him, we will let him have a go as well, she will never know after I give her one of Jimmy’s little tablets” and they both laughed like drains.

I headed out of the toilets before they did and stepped out of the bar. There was only one door in and out and they would have to come out this way, I stepped into the shadows and waited for them.

I did not have to wait long. Two of the lads came out almost carrying Leanne, who looked like she was out on her feet, the other two followed. I stepped onto the path in front of them, four to one the odds were not great but they were drunk and I was not.

“Can we help you there mate?” the first one asked aggressively.

“Yes, you can take your dirty mits off my friend!” I replied trying to keep my voice low and level. Inside I was as nervous as a kitten but I had to hide that and show these lads I was not scared of them.

“Fuck off mate!” he growled, “she drank our booze and now she can come and party with us!”

“Yes mate, she is going to come and pay us back for our generosity!” his mate laughed and stepped toward me.

It was his big mistake, I stepped forward and hit him low and hard, a big hard fist into his booze-filled gut, he doubled up and as his head dipped, it met my knee coming up at speed. He was out of the game before he hit the floor.

Three to one, the odds were getting better. One of his pals stepped forward and swung at me, it was so obviously telegraphed and I dodged it easily. He was off balance and I smacked him on the chin and he rocked back, then I kneed him in the balls.

“Fuck!” he moaned.

He dropped to his knees and vomited on the pavement. Two out of the game. Much better odds the other two looked at each and one let go of Leanne and ran at me, I smacked him right on the nose and followed it with a hard punch in the gut, he tried to throw a punch but slipped in his mate’s vomit and left himself vulnerable. I hit him twice in the face and he too dropped to the floor. I kicked him hard in the ribs and he went down face-first.

Only one of the lads was left standing and he was holding Leanne, there was a stand-off for a few seconds, I wondered what he would do and then he did it, he pushed her toward me.

“Mate if you want her that bad, you can have her!” he spat, his voice full of venom.

I grabbed her to stop her falling, at the same time getting ready to defend myself, there was no need as he just looked at his fallen mates and then walked off leaving them on the ground.

“The fucking tart was up for some fun trust me!” he spat at me as he walked off “But if you want her all to yourself so be it.”

I saw the first lad I had dropped starting to come around, we needed to get out of there.

I was shaking, I was not sure if it was the cold, fear, or adrenaline. I took Leanne and sort of half-walked her and half-carried her to the door of the apartment block. I leaned her against the wall as I unlocked the door; she was halfway to the floor when I turned back to her. She was so pissed she could hardly keep her head up. Her chin was covered in drool and she was muttering to herself.

I managed to get her through the front door and into the lift and was soon holding her up as I opened the door to my flat. She was talking, well burbling something I could not understand. Then she vomited all over my shoulder. The acrid smell of regurgitated alcohol filled my nose. I walked her into the kitchen and used a damp cloth to clean around her mouth.

I sat her down at the kitchen table and gave her a bowl in case she was sick again and went and stripped off my clothes and jumped in the shower. I put on some old clothes and walked back into the lounge Leanne was near the sofa. She had kicked off her high heels, her skirt was on the floor and she was unbuttoning her blouse.

“Mmmm come on let’s fuck, you know you want to fuck me!” her voice was slurred, and she was so drunk it was hard to understand her.

“Let’s get you dressed Leanne,” I said and did up the buttons on her blouse.

“Nooooo honey!” she leaned toward me, trying to kiss me, her breath thick with the smell of vomit and at the same time, I felt her hand cup my groin. She rubbed it hard. I pushed her hand away and she tutted at me.

“Come on let’s fuck, let’s fuck all night!” she slurred and tried to grab my groin again.

“Come on Leanne sit down, let me get you some water,” I said pushing her hand away.

“You know you want me!” She giggled drunkenly, trying to unzip my jeans.

I tried to keep her at arm’s length but she was giggling uncontrollably and still trying to paw at my groin.

“Come on and let me suck your cock,” she slurred again and then she slipped back onto the sofa. She was out before her head hit the cushions. I laid her down and covered her with an old duvet.

Then I made myself a coffee, grabbed a bowl in case she was sick again and some water from the kitchen and sat on the chair next to the sofa. As she drunkenly snored and slept off the booze, I sat and read, just in case she vomited in her sleep. I guess I managed to stay awake until the early hours but then I dropped off.

It was ten o’clock in the morning when I woke, and she was gone. The water bottle was empty, as was the bowl. Her high heels were next to the sofa but her skirt was gone at least that was a bonus. I just hoped she had sobered up enough to have gone home and not gone out into the street.

I did not see her during the following week, she seemed to be leaving for work earlier than normal.

I was just glad to see she was in the land of the living and was unmolested.

It was early the following Saturday morning when the door was knocked on and she was stood there, she looked ashamed and embarrassed. She was dressed in jeans and a t-shirt and still looked like a million dollars. For a brief second, my mind went back to the view I had had of her in her panties and blouse the week before but I banished it from my mind.

“Hello Zak,” she said, her voice no more than a whisper “Please can we talk?”

“Leanne, of course, we can please come in, I had just made a pot of coffee would you like some?” I asked as I showed her into the lounge.

She was silent while I poured out the coffee, she sat on the chair and I took the sofa. She sat silently and sipped her coffee for a few minutes. The silence was deafening we sat and said nothing both staring at our coffee cups.

“So, I am here to talk about last weekend!” she said, unable to look me in the eyes.

“Okay,” I said not pushing the issue.

“So, you will have to forgive as I don’t remember all of it clearly, I have been told some of what happened and I have a dream-like memory of some bits,” she said, her face was red with embracement or shame. I could hear the nervousness in her voice.

“Okay, so tell me what you know and I will fill in the blanks where I can,” I said picking up my coffee and taking a sip.

She told me she remembered going to the bar, chatting to the lads, and getting drunk, she knew about the fight as one of the other residents had seen it and told her all about it.

She knew I had carried her back to my place; and how I had looked after her. The more she talked the redder her face got.

“That all sounds about right,” I said, not wanting to add to her story.

“And then there is the dreamlike bit,” she said looking at me, her face was now puce.

“Okay, you tell me what you think happened “I replied.

She told me she thought she had thrown up on me and stripped before trying it on with me.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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