Christy's Comeuppance - Cover

Christy's Comeuppance

by Master Jonathan

Copyright© 2021 by Master Jonathan

BDSM Sex Story: Christy fears her Master has forgotten their special day so she acts up to get his attention. She succeeds more than she figures...

Caution: This BDSM Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   BDSM   MaleDom   Light Bond   Spanking   Oral Sex   Sex Toys   .

Woman in lingerie standing in front of a dressed man

Christy and I started the day just like any other normal day. I woke up and took my shower and got dressed to go to work. Christy went into the smaller bathroom, which I had told her was her bathroom, and put on her makeup like she always did. Then, while I got things organized and put into my briefcase for work, she went downstairs to cook breakfast.

When I was finished, I went into the dining room to eat breakfast. I had trained Christy to wait for me to seat her at the table, so when I came into the dining room and saw her standing by her chair I smiled. Such a good girl. I seated her as always and then took my place at the head of the table.

“Good morning pet,” I said in a cheerful tone. “Did you sleep well?”

Christy didn’t say anything. I repeated myself thinking perhaps she hadn’t heard me.

“Good morning, pet. How did you sleep last night?”

She mumbled something just barely audible and kept her eyes on her breakfast.

I brushed off her response at first because I knew she wasn’t exactly a morning person and I figured she just hadn’t woke up fully yet. We ate breakfast that day quietly ... I gave her the benefit of the doubt as she sat across from me eating her breakfast silently.

She didn’t make eye contact at all during breakfast which is totally uncharacteristic for her – she was trying to make herself disappear. When we finished eating, Christy started to clear the table and put the dirty dishes in the dishwasher as she was supposed to do.

I had about a half hour before I needed to head off to work, so I went into the living room and sat down on the couch. When Christy finished in the kitchen, she normally would come in and sit with me for awhile before I left. But today, she walked past the living room and I heard her start to go upstairs.

“Pet, come here,” I called for her. She came trudging into the living room with her head down and her eyes on the floor, shuffling her feet. She came up and stood in front of me with her arms crossed, watching for a reaction from me.

“What’s the matter, Christy? You aren’t your usual self today,” I asked her.

She just snorted and turned to go upstairs again. As she started to walk away, I quickly grabbed her arm. She jerked her arm away ... I stood up and grabbed her by her hair and jerked her back to me.

“What in the FUCK is the matter with you, slut?! I haven’t excused you! And when I ask you a question, you had better fucking answer me!” With a good handful of her hair, I pulled her head back and held it there, looking up into my eyes. She looked up at me but still didn’t answer me right away, waiting to see if I would pursue the matter further.

“Have you lost your voice? Or maybe you’ve lost your mind?” my eyes narrowed as I looked at her and she could see that she had better come up with some kind of response. “I asked you a question, slut, and I demand an answer. What in the hell is wrong with you this morning?”

“Nothing, Master,” she said, looking away from me.

“Nothing?” I asked “You have been acting strange all morning!”

“May I be excused now?” she said almost mockingly. I looked at my watch quickly.

“I haven’t got time for this now, but you can bet we will be discussing your behavior when I get home. And you had better have a damn good reason for acting like a spoiled brat!” I said letting go of her hair with a shake. I grabbed my coat and stormed out of the house without my usual kiss goodbye.

That day at work, I thought about what could possibly have made my girl act in such a bizarre manner. Normally, she is well-behaved and very happy. But today for some reason she was acting like she was pissed off at the world. I couldn’t for the life of me figure out what was wrong with her. But the day progressed and soon the events of the morning were lost amid the day’s business dealings.

The afternoon was slow, so I decided to knock off early and go home. I was still perplexed at Christy’s behavior and I wanted to get to the bottom of it. If there was a problem, I needed to deal with it – the way she was acting that morning was not acceptable. I called her on the cell phone to let her know I was on my way home so she wouldn’t be surprised.

“Hello, pet. I am on my way home. I knocked off work early today,” I said.

“Okay, Master,” she said flatly. I was stunned. Any other day she would have been so excited I was coming home early she could hardly contain herself. But today she hardly seemed to care! That settled it – something was definitely out of place here!

Now I have taught my pet the way I want her to greet me when I come home and she knows what is expected of her. She was to be kneeling on the floor in front of the door, naked except for her heels.

Her legs were to be folded under her and she was to be sitting on her ankles, with her knees spread wide and her back straight so her tits are sticking out proudly (she has a great set of tits and I like to see them displayed prominently!). Her hands are to be behind her back, her head down, and her eyes on the floor, waiting for me to come through the door.

This is the position I have taught her to be in when I come home. And she understands what is expected and normally I have no problems with her about it. But today was not a “normal” day.

I know she heard the key in the lock and the front door open. Our door tends to squeak as it’s opened – something I keep saying I will tend to, but I kind of like the warning that it gives me to let me know someone has come in the house. What greeted me at the door this afternoon was not at all what I expected.

I walked into the house and Christy was not where she should be. I called out for her, thinking she might be upstairs, but I got no answer. I went into the living room and my jaw dropped.

There she was, sitting in my chair with one leg thrown over the arm, slumped back, watching TV. She was dressed in the rattiest oversize sweats I have ever seen, her hair not done, no makeup, she looked like she had just come home from the gym. But I knew that wasn’t the case at all.

“Christy, did you forget that I said I was coming home early today?” I said.

“No, I remember,” she said calmly.

“So why weren’t you in place and ready for me? You know how you are supposed to greet me at the door.”

“Yeah I know. I just didn’t feel like it today. I’m not in the mood to play,” she said, still not looking at me.

“I see. Well did you get your chores done?” I asked.

“I did some of them. I am taking a break right now,” she said, flicking the channel on the TV remote. Well that did it! I didn’t know what was going on, but I was damned well going to find out right now!

I reached down and grabbed a big handful of hair and dragged her bodily out of the chair and to her feet. I shoved her up against the nearest wall and pinned her there by the throat. She struggled bringing her arms up as if to hit me.

She paused, not sure if she should swing or not and that was her mistake. I grabbed her wrist and twisted it around behind her, spinning her around and forcing her face first into the wall. As I held her wrist behind her back with one hand, I pulled her head back by her hair.

“I don’t know what the hell is wrong with you today, slut, but if you don’t want this to get way out of hand you had better get your ass upstairs and go to your corner and think long and hard about how you have been acting today.

“I will be up in a bit to see what kind of an explanation you have dreamed up by then – it had better be a very good one too!” I hissed at her. She must have known that I had been pushed as far as she dared to test me, because when I turned her loose she ran upstairs without any more comment or complaint.

After she left, I sat down on the couch for a bit to cool down. I make it a point to never discipline her when I am angry or upset. I had to take some time to let my emotions calm before I dealt with her again.

In addition, I wanted some time for her imagination to work on her. I have found that her mind is her own worst enemy. It will betray her most lascivious feelings when she is aroused, and it will conjure up all forms of horrific imaginations of punishments when she is in trouble. I was counting on the latter now.

After about 30 minutes I went upstairs to see if I could sort this all out and get to the root of this bizarre conduct. As I walked into the bedroom, I found her crouched down in the corner of the room, with her knees pulled to her chest. Her face was buried in her knees and she was rocking back and forth.

She knew she fucked up, she knew she went too far, but she didn’t mean to. Christy heard my footsteps coming up the stairs and as I entered the room and came to stand in front of her, she slowly raised her head to look at me.

As she looked up at me I saw the fear, and confusion in her eyes. I also saw the tears. My sweet Christy had been crying! My heart melted seeing her curled up like a little girl with her red eyes and wet, tear streaked face.

“Come here,” I said, extending my hand to her. She looked at my hand and took it as I helped her up. I held that little hand as I walked her over to the bed. I sat down on the bed and pulled her around in front of me.

“Now, I want to know what is going on with you and I want to know now. No more games and no more attitude. You understand me?”

Christy dropped her gaze to the floor, as was she was expected to when in front of me, and stood there trembling.

“Oh, Master! Oh, I am so sorry for the way I’ve been behaving! But ... you ... you didn’t remember what today is!” she said, starting to sob again.

“Christy, I know what today is. Today is the anniversary of your collaring. How could I forget something like that? I didn’t say anything this morning because I thought you were just being grumpy since it was early and you hadn’t had your coffee yet. I know how you are first thing in the morning! But then when I came home tonight and you...”

“Master, I am sorry. I have been a total bitch today and you have every right to be angry with me,” she said. “I should have known better than to think you would forget the day you collared me.”

“How many years has it been, pet?” I asked.

“Eight years, Master,” she said with her beautiful smile returning to her face.

“Eight years ... and have I ever forgot it before?” I asked her.

“No, Master, but every year before you would say it first thing in the morning. I guess when you didn’t say it this morning, I ... I thought...”

I cupped her soft face in my hands and pulled her to me. “If I remember right, somebody didn’t really give me a chance this morning!” I said, kissing her gently.

“I’m sorry, Master.”

“Well, I want you to go into the bathroom and get cleaned up and looking proper and then come downstairs. Because of the way you acted today I am going to have to punish you. Even though in your mind you thought it was justified, such behavior cannot be dismissed without some form of punishment.”

“I understand, Master,” she said. “And you are right as always. I should be punished for how badly I behaved. May I be excused, Master?”

“Yes, you may. I will be downstairs getting ready,” I said. She smiled and turned to go to the bathroom.

After about fifteen minutes she came down into the living room where I was sitting in my chair. She was naked as she should be wearing only her collar and her heels. Her hair had been brushed and her makeup was perfection. She was as she should be always. A vision.

As she entered the room, I stopped her and without saying a word I pointed to the floor. She knew what that meant and knelt on all fours, crawling slowly, seductively, towards me. She knelt down in front of me like she was taught and waited for me to speak.

“You know why you’re here, slut?” I asked.

“Yes, Master.”

“Suppose you tell me, then.”

“I am to be punished.”

“That’s right. And for what?”

“Because of my terrible behavior today, Master.”

“That’s right. And you know better than to act in such an obstinate, disrespectful, and defiant manner, don’t you, slut?”

“Yes, Master. I am sorry.”

I began stroking and pinching her nipples, just hard enough to start building her excitement. She kept her hands behind her back as I played with her tits, closing her eyes and mewling softly as her fire was lit.

I played with her tits for a bit then I pushed her down on all fours. I took hold of the end of her hair and using it as a leash began walking her around the living room. I took her for a short “walk” around the room a couple times before stopping at the coffee table in front of the sofa.

On the coffee table in front of me I had placed several items that I could use as implements of her punishment. But I had covered them prior to her coming downstairs so she had no idea what was on the table until now. As I removed the black cloth, she looked at the table with a mixture of excitement and apprehension.

“Before you lay several different items with which I could discipline you, slut. I intend to use a number of them on you this evening. How many will depend on you.”

“Master?” she said a bit unsure.

“See these playing cards on the edge of the table? There is an ace through 6 in a mixed up order and laying face down as you can plainly see. You will pick one card and that will be the number of these tools I will use. Then you will pick out all but the last one – that one is for me to choose. Should you happen to pick the ace, then you get to pick the only tool. Understand?”

“Yes, Master.”

“Then pick a card and let’s see how lucky you are!” I told her.

She knelt in front of the table and studied the cards for a couple moments. She thought about it and then picked one. “This one, Master. I choose this one,” she said pointing to one of the cards.

“Turn it over then and let’s see,” I said. She flipped the card over to reveal the four of hearts.

“Okay, then. I will be using four of these items on you. Now pick three of them,” I said. She looked over the array I had laid out. There was a leather covered ping pong paddle, a wooden paddle with holes in it, a riding crop, a cane, a quirt, and a set of nipple clamps

“Master I have chosen,” she said. “I choose the nipple clamps, the ping pong paddle, and the riding crop.”

“So you are thinking I should take it easy on you then?” I asked. She looked up at me and smiled shyly.

“Okay, it’s my turn to pick. Since you have already taken all the easy things, I guess I shall choose the cane,” I said. She gasped a bit at my choice and her eyes got big.

“T ... the cane, Master? Please not the cane!” she said.

“That’s right, slut. You already took the easy choices. All I had to choose from was the wooden paddle, the cane and the quirt. The wooden paddle would be redundant since you chose the ping pong paddle, the quirt might be too severe for you, so that leaves the cane.”

I ordered her onto the floor, and Christy quickly got down on her hands and knees, her cheek pressed to the carpet and her ass high in the air. I put my big, strong hand on the back of her neck, holding her in position as I picked up the ping pong paddle and began to spank her ass, exposed and vulnerable in its present upraised position. My slut delighted in the feeling of being under such control and as the blows increased in intensity, she began to moan and wiggle.

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