Easter 2019 in the South of France - Cover

Easter 2019 in the South of France

by LittleMo

Copyright© 2020 by LittleMo

True Sex Story: A total departure from my usual stories describing a holiday in the South of France last year and the machinations of a naughty boy with unexpected consequences

Caution: This True Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Rape   Reluctant   Heterosexual   True Story   Black Male   Anal Sex   Bestiality   Oral Sex   .

2019 Easter in the South of France

Marc had told me that he had arranged door to door transport, but the stretch limousine was a surprise.

The driver pointed out the champagne and comestibles and I settled back into the leather with a glass and a plate of crackers and pate.

The limousine had TV and I found a channel with David Attenborough and beautiful scenery. I woke as we arrived at the airport.

I was only carrying a small case and I was through check in and int the first-class lounge in a surprisingly short time.

I had never flown first-class before and I was surprised at the luxury and space. A couple of complimentary glasses of champagne and with TV in the back of the seat in front. I glanced down at my thigh length black leather boots acquired on my last visit, and tight black mini dress and giggled as I watched Julia Roberts in “Pretty Woman”, amused by the parallels as I flew towards my rich lover.

I had a surprise waiting at Nice airport.

I passed through the passport informalities I spotted Marc holding a board with my name on and rushed up to him. It wasn’t Marc.

If you have followed my stories, you will know that Marc is a dwarf and black! (Don’t ask)

As I was almost skidding to a halt in front of him, no doubt a surprised expression on my face, he beamed up at me and extended a hand towards me. Still puzzled I took his hand to shake it but instead he turned my hand and kissed my fingertips.

“Hello! “He said, I am Armand; Marc’s big brother.” He laughed “It is a family joke.”

I smiled.

“The car is this way. Just follow me.” He seized my case and headed towards an exit door and I stepped in beside him

“The car” was a white stretch limousine and the scene from Pretty Woman. The rear door opened, and a small black man reached out and hugged me to him.

“Bonjour. Mo.” It was Marc’s son Leo who had participated in the party at Christmas.

After stowing the luggage, Armand didn’t join us but went to the front and sat next to the driver.

He peered over his seat and called “Everything OK?”

Leo had his hand up my dress and was stroking my pussy and I called out “Is he supposed to be doing this?”

“He’s a growing boy, it is up to you.” The smoked glass partition between the passenger compartment and the driver slid silently closed.

I had done nothing to deter Leo and a black lacy thong hung from one foot; I gasped as his mouth clamped down on my pudenda, his tongue deep inside me.

His hands roamed my body as his tongue lapped and stabbed me and my skin tingled and flamed as my defences weakened. My hands encountered hard flesh and I realised that his trousers were gone.

It was a game.

I laughed and gripped his black rod.

Although like his father he was a dwarf; there was nothing dwarfish about his male parts.

I orgasmed and felt his wetness on my fingers.

Panting, I sat up and rearranged my clothes.

I leaned across and bent my head to his cum coated penis; I gave it a lick and a kiss saying. “You will have to wait mon cher. There is a party tonight I think?”

I was hot and breathless. “Do you have something to drink on board?”

Leo grinned and went to a side seat and lifted a section to reveal a mini bar. A moment later he returned with a large glass of white wine chilled with condensation formed on the glass.

I drank it greedily and accepted another

We were sitting primly looking out at the world as we drove through the town to Marc’s house. I hadn’t eaten and the wine wafted through my brain, slowing my thoughts.

Leo’s hand was again stroking sensitive flesh as we drove in through the gates and Armand parked the car.

Armand had told me that Marc had been delayed by a business meeting in Marseille but would return soon.

Armand opened a cupboard and a box of snacks and a bottle of wine was produced. As we sat in the kitchen chatting, eating and drinking our wine; I was getting quite befuddled and said I needed some fresh air.

Armand said he had some preparations for the evening meal and suggested that Leo should show me the town. I thought this, especially a bit of fresh air, might be a good idea and agreed readily.

We were an incongruous pair as strolled the streets and the market, but few seemed to notice.

“We can cut through here”. said Leo, taking my fingers and gently tugging me along a street. I felt quite dreamy as I trailed obediently after him

“We must visit here” he said, and we entered a decrepit looking building and the sign on the door “Centre de la Commité” seemed to awaken a memory which only served to increase the heat in my pussy.

The African art brought muddled thoughts flooding back. “Like a sacrificial lamb, they took my hand and led me onto the mattress where they began kissing and fondling me.”

Leo looked guilty “I told my friends in College you would join us here and they wouldn’t believe me.”

He looked at me quizzically, his head tilted to one side.

“You wouldn’t want to make a fool of me, would you?”

I giggled for some reason

I thought I heard movement behind me but didn’t turn.

I seem to be prone to walking into difficult situations (understatement)

He stood in front of me, a wicked smile on his face as he fixed his gaze on my eyes.

Satisfied, his hand began undoing the buttons on my blouse while the other caught mine and led me unresisting towards a mattress which appeared the same as the memory flooding my brain although in a different part of the room.

I reached the mattress and my skirt and panties pooled around my feet.

I let Leo pull me down and enter me in a single movement.

I was on fire

My hips jerked up to meet his thrusts in a vain attempt to quell the flames burning between my legs. The first of many orgasms was spectacular.

My head floated and I sucked as an anonymous penis exploded in my mouth while below, Leo roared as his body stiffened with some exquisite pain and I sensed rather than felt him pour his seed deep inside me. He rolled clear and I looked down my body in time to see a large black penis; attached to a large black body slide into me to the testicles. My gasp presented the opportunity for another penis to take control of my mouth.

Time passed and although still in a curiously semi-connected but excited mental state, consciousness was seeping back.

The faces of the two youngsters using my pussy and my mouth contorted and I sucked as a stream of semen pumped into my mouth while below the boy dug deep to release his jism into my belly.

Two hands pressed my knees apart and I glanced down to see a huge fat, grey haired blackman with what looked like a foot-long truncheon. It was the caretaker who had also nailed me last time I was here at Christmas.

I was wondering where the other older guy was when another penis, this one with a grizzled grey bush attached, nudged my lips and slid inside.

They took their time.

They erupted copiously and to my surprise swapped places.

A slow languorous pumping was followed by gasps of “Mon Dieu!” and the quick digs before the deluge.

I was now fully awake as the two muttered “Merci! Mademoiselle!” and left me to recover. Leo and a few of the remaining youngsters sat beside me on the matt

I looked at Leo accusingly “Did you feed me a date rape drug?”

He grinned “No! It was a mild preparation used in sex therapy and sometimes for sleeping disorders. It’s effects only last an hour or so”

“It stimulates the libido but does make the subject almost totally compliant. Date rape drugs usually render the subject unconscious whereas you can recall “tout”? I think.”

Not altogether satisfied with the explanation, I let them drag me to the shower where the driving hot water and their rough scrubbing of every inch of my body cleared the last of the clouds in my mind and left my flesh pink and tingling,

Leo and I slowly ambled a circular route back to Marc’s house.

The kitchen was hot and the most delicious aromas of cooking filled the room.

Armand spotted my still damp hair and looked at Leo who gazed at the ceiling whistling tunelessly. Armand laughed and patted my bottom, he then turned and gently clipped Leo across the ear.

I was shown to my room and I simply stripped naked and lay on the bed. Dinner was a few hours away and I swiftly dozed off to the sound of some gentle jazz playing in the background.

I didn’t so much “wake up” as become aware.

My pussy awoke to a delightful rainbow of sensation.

The following day was sublime.

Following a sumptuous breakfast we went for a drive along the stunning coastline. Armand. His three brothers, all black dwarfs, like him and Leo who continues to grope whenever he saw the opportunity and collecting a box around the years each time he was detected.

Back at Armand’s house, we had a glass of wine and a small portion of melt-in-your-mouth gateau.

Mt glass and plate was then removed from my hands and black fingers began tickling me while carefully removing my clothes. I saw someone press a handle and the huge settee on which we sat became a huge bed. Armand was kissing me, his tongue exploring my mouth; I glimpsed a head between my legs, this tongue reaching up inside my demented pussy. I could feel mouths on my anus and belly as they drove my lust to bursting point.

I squealed with genuine pain when someone pinched my nipple and Armand’s head lifted in time fo me to see Leo reel back at a full blooded slap across the face. He strode to a distant chair and sat there glowering.

The scene disappeared from my mind when my vagina was occupied. I was rolled onto my penetrator who was gently thrusting up into me; when a second, well lubricated penis gently pressed into my bottom. A nudge and another slipped into my mouth.

They all swapped positions, but left no hole unfilled and this continued into second and third orgasms by me before they began to release their man-juice to coat my throat, bowels and womb.

We went together to the showers and they all soaped and dried my body before we went to they led me to the “games” room. In addition to a round king-size bed, there were some items of an S&M nature. When I asked about this I was assured that they had no S&M intentions.

Instead they produced a strange, padded piece of equipment like an oversize spit. Curious, I allowed them to fasten me to the device and found that the heavy padding made it quite comfortable while my sex and face etc was well exposed. They demonstrated how they could rotate and manoeuvre the occupant (me) allowing access to my holes to someone on their back below me and others at my head and pussy.

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