Jean and Ric - Cover

Jean and Ric

by Harry Bolo

Copyright© 2020 by Harry Bolo

Romantic Sex Story: Jean a mother of teenagers re-connect with Ric a retired widow. A time of future connections for Jean.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Sharing   Exhibitionism   Oral Sex   Safe Sex   .

What a beauty. She was in a slim cream bikini which did not leave much to the imagine. With her black hair, Italian features of slim face, sharp nose and angelic smiling lips. When she looked at you, she captured you with her deep blue eyes. Her body shape of 34d 26 and 32 hips and a slim 170cm gave her a genital hour glass look. I then recognised her from the show which she just attended and I was showing my models. I smiled at her and waved. Walking towards her she realised who I was.

Smiling at me, we sat down on the beach, very close together looking at the waves.

“Where is your son?” I asked.

“He is in the water with my daughter, just playing near the group of body wave people. They seem to be enjoying themselves. What are you doing here Ric?” Jean asked.

“Well this is my beach. I live about 3k away and come here for some exercise and eye sight training.” Jean smiled at me.

“What do you mean eye sight training? I though that had to be in a dark room?” replied Jean.

Smiling I stated “Um well, I look at all of the pretty sights, like you, thinking about how I would like to please you!”

Laughing Jean replied “In other words you are checking out any talent on the beach to dream about playing with.”

I looked at her, seeing her nipples poking out of her bikini top, “Yes and I see it has pleased you as well.” I expected her to retreat, but she pushed out her chest and smiled, licking her lips.

We carried on talking whilst people were walking along the beach sitting very close and gently touching each other arms. We seem to be in sync with our views. I asked “I take it you are checking out the guys as well?”

Jean smiled “Yes I have to have something to use for my nightly pleasures.”

After some ten minutes sexy chatting, Her children came out of the sea looking for a drink and some food. Her son who was around 15 and her daughter was 17 and built just like her mother, very beautiful. 32C, 18 24 and 166cm. Before I could say anything Jean introduced me to her daughter Tammy. Tim then recognised me “You are that guy from the model show who talked to mum for a while.”

I smiled. Tammy seemed to relax on Tim’s words.

They both asked the eternal child question of “Whats for lunch please mum?”

I smiled at her, Jean replied “We will go the shops and see.”

I asked “How about the surf club, they don’t look busy like the shops.

Tim stated “We are not members?”
I smiled “I am!” Looking at Jean “Interested to go together?”

Jean smiled in a way of thanks “Yes, that’s sounds interesting, OK kids?”

Collecting the towels we all started moving towards the surf club. Tammy was asking questions of Tim about me. They were about seven steps in front. Jean was walking very close to me and our arms kept touching. I feel Jean was making the contact not walking on the soft sand type contact. I did not mind, actually I enjoyed it.

Inside the club we got a window seat. Four seats all side on over looking the beach. The waitress came over and explained the kitchen could not serve hot foods other than hot chips. They were awaiting delivery of a new gas bottle. I asked “Can you do toasted sandwiches?”

She replied “Yes Ric. What would you like?”

I asked the kids “Ham, cheese and tomato OK with all?”

Everyone agreed. I ordered “Can we have 4 sandwiches and a bowl of chips and in ten minutes repeat the order please together with 2 jugs of coke and a jug of ice please 4 glasses?”

“OK Ric.” she walked away.

Jean asked “Why the split order?”
I smiled “If you order the lot now it will be cold by the time you finish it and it takes longer to prepare. Hope the drinks were OK?”

The kids said “Yes.” Jean looked at them, then me and shrugged her shoulders in defeat.

Jean mentioned “They only get soft drink on a special occasions, I’ll let this on pass as you ordered this quickly.” I noticed Tammy had her eye on me with caution.

Tim asked “Mum I need the toilet please?” I showed Tim and Jean the toilet. They walked away.

I asked Tammy “I understand you are nervous with me and your mum, We are just friends. Is that a problem?”

Tammy replied “I just don’t want mum hurt?”

I replied “I personally will never do anything to hurt your mum. I promise you OK?”

She seem to relax a bit. I asked her to place her hand on the table face down and close her eyes. This she did. I placed my hands over her without touching. I asked “Keep your eyes closed. Am I touching you?”

“Yes” she replied.

“Open your eyes but do not remove your hands please.” I asked.

She looked astonished, You are touching me I know you are but how?” Tammy asked not believing her eyes.

I replied “Yes, I am touching your aura field not your physical body. You can see it, feel it but never told anyone, have you.”

She pulled her hands to her chest over her heart, quietly saying “How do you know? I never told anyone. A kid in school claimed she did and they were cruel to her so I hid it.”

I smiled in kindness “It’s the way you look at people, if you have the gift you understand others with it. Your aura field is purple, blue with an outer tinge of fire red. A warning to others that you do not trust easy.”

She sat back in her chair. “Am I not normal because I can see. Your field is passion pink and deep looks like healing green?”

“Personally to me no. I feel sorry for those who do not see the life force of the universe. I have a book at my home on the subject, I’ll try and remember to pass it on to you. You will understand a lot more after reading it. Too much to go into now. Your mum is coming back.” I replied and smiled.

Jean looked at Tammy when they sat down “OK Tammy?”

Tammy smiled at her and me “Yes, now mum.”

Jean looked at me “I promised, to her, I would never hurt you, that was her concern.”

Jean smiled at me and touched me on the arm “Thank you Ric.” This time Tammy smiled at me with seeing mums touch, she could see my field hugging her mums.

Our food arrived and I took out a few chips and loaded them into my sandwich. Tim looked at me and copied. Her mum said “Tim what are you doing?”

Tim quickly replied “Copying Ric!”

“The sandwiches taste better with chips.” and took a bite smiling at Jean and Tim.

They tried it and Tammy answered “Yes it does, Thanks Ric for teaching us!”

Jean looked at Tammy then me wondering what was going on.

Just as we finished the first the second lot came out. Quickly eaten by the kids. Tim finished his mum’s half she did not want. After sitting for some ten minutes and general chatting Tim asked “Can we go back on the beach please mum?”

Tammy replied “I’ll go with Tim please mum.”

Jean asked “Ready to return Ric?”

I smiled replying “We can watch the kids from here, Stay within the flags please. We have our drinks to finish.” They ran down to the beach and played.

Jean asked “What happened with you and Tammy?”

I explained “She asked me not to hurt you and I showed her I would not. She is getting mature and has a lot to learn about nature and life.”

Jean moved next to me and placed her hand on my upper leg. I moved my hand around her shoulder. She claimed my hand and placed it over her boob squeezing my hand over her boob. She saw me react and moved her hand up almost touching me. She was so close to my cock, any closer then she could grab me. We were seated so anyone around the same floor could not see but the people on the beach could. I squeezed her boob and flicked her nipple showing through her bikini.

Jean moaned in pleasure. Saying quietly “It’s been a long time since any man has held me.”

I kissed her hair saying “Same for me with female company. My wife passed some 6 years ago and until I spoke to you two weeks ago I had no real interest. Whats your story?”

Jean seemed to shiver, then explained “My ex, lost his job, a good job some 3 years ago, he started drinking whilst looking for work, then the drink took over. I tried to help, then he started to hit us. I took all of the money from our account and placed it in mine, pack up the kids and left him 24 months ago. He has found us twice and keeps telling us where we are, so I moved interstate and here we are. We are staying in an airbnb for the next week then moving on. I’m sorry to unload on you but I’m worried about the kids. They are happy I left their dad and his hitting. I have an ABO order. He ignores it.”

I held her whilst she cried releasing pressure. After a few minutes she wipes her eyes with the napkins. “Thank you you are kind.” We just sat in silence for a few minutes. Then chatted about the beach and other miscellaneous items until the kids came back. I had forgotten how much a persons company can be rewarding. We laughed at silly thing both in the club and on the beach. It seems like we were in sync.

After an hour the kids came back and they were bright pink almost red from sunburn. I asked Jean “Do you have any after sun cream?”

Jean asked the kids “Where is your sunscreen? Um No Ric.”

Tim replied “In the bag with you!”

I advised “I have plenty at my home if you wish, I would prefer you to use it up as I do not use any. It will save you buying it.”

Tim quickly answered “Yes please then can I see your Lego collection please?”

Tammy shook her head “OK with me mum.” That comment did surprise Jean.

Looking at Jean I answered “Just follow me home in your car.” Walking back to their and my car we were parked next to each other. I backed out waiting for them. They followed me to my home.

At home I showed them around so they could find the bathrooms etc. I advised the kids to have a cool shower. I made tea for Jean and myself. Tim showered first then put on shorts and a loose t-shirt. Jean put the cream on his shoulders and back. I gave Tammy the book I mentioned and to shower after Tim. She put on a summer dress with no underwear. Jean called me to my bedroom and closed the door. She pulled down my shorts and started to give me a lovely head job. She stood removed her bikini and lay on the bed. I removed my shirt and entered her. Jean grabbed a pillow and screamed in pleasure of my entry and came bouncing on the bed. Jean did not stop she continued to make me pump into her hot sweet pussy. It was like a demon had taken her over. I kept pumping and when finally about to shoot I removed the pillow from her face and kissed her. As I came she screamed into me and came again. She must have come at least seven times. This was just pure raw sex, this time. We rested on the bed until we heard the shower stop. We dressed then went out to the kids and our drink. Tammy asked me to put the after sun on, I did in front of her mum. She was careful I did not see her body too much. Sitting around the table I mentioned about the after sun and the need not to go back out this afternoon. I also gave them a vitamin A tablet to help, explaining the reasons. Jean was surprised with my knowledge in herbal medicine. Tammy stated you should see his books on it.

Jean said “It time for my shower.” I mentioned to use my ensuite.

I gave Tim a Lego car to build in the lounge room then asked Tammy how things were.

She hinted they were sick and tired of moving around but they don’t want their father to find them again. He hurts mum both physically and mentally. They have missed out on the last year of school. I asked if she would like to be here with me. We can give it a months trial and if happy then continue, if not then move on. I have not asked your mum yet as I feel you need to approve me more than your mum. It would also give you time to read my books to help with your magical journey more than your standard schooling. As I mentioned at the club I will never touch you except your hands unless you approve. Your decision. Tim will be happy because of our Lego connection. Think about it and tell me later. I got up and walked away knowing she has a major decision to make.

Entering the bedroom Jean was naked, a lovely view. I offered her one of my vests but it was too revealing and it did not cover her boob. I stated it was OK with me, I gave her a t-shirt. This looked better on her than me. She went to put on her wet swimmers, I gave her a pair of my departed wife shorts, they were loose on her but covered her. I did explain one of the jobs I yet to do is remove her clothes. My kids did take what they liked and left the rest. As I did not need the room. Jean kissed me saying “I understand, my dad was the same.”

On returning to the lounge room Tammy was reading my book and Tim building the Lego. We went into the kitchen and made a cuppa. Sitting at the dining room table I asked Jean “How long are you staying around?”

Jean replied, “We have another three nights in Kingscliff then either extend or find another place.”

I asked “Well you” That’s as far as I got, her phone and Tammy’s went off.

Tammy came to her mum saying “It’s found us again.” The anger in her voice was extremely strong and eyes of fire.

Looking at them I responded “He is tracking you. Where does he say you are?”

Tammy replied “At the airbnb. How does he know.”

I called Tim, “Tim where is your mobile phone mate.”

Tim replied “I left it at the unit.”

Jean and Tammy said together “When did you get a phone?”

Tim, all innocent, replied “Dad gave me one two years ago just after he found us. He told me never to tell you and Tammy. I have never used it other than playing games at night. I told Ric as he asked.”

I asked Tammy “Have you made a decision yet?”

Tammy looked at me then her mum “Yes and Yes, but how is he finding us?”

I asked Tammy “Can you explain my offer to your family please!”

“Mum, Tim, Ric has offered us the opportunity to say for a few weeks, If we are happy we can stay on, if not then we move on. Mum he asked me as he felt I needed to make the decision. He is very happy with you, and you seem to be with Ric, but he understand my concerns and needed me to be involved.”

Tim yelled “Yes.” and his smile could not be mistaken.

Jean looked at me “Are you sure, I would like to say yes as well. Though I don’t understand the connection you have with Tammy. It is safe, is it.”

Tammy smiled “Yes mum it’s safe. He is a gentleman and, um, knows, understand, Help Ric how do I explain.”

I asked Tim “Where exactly is your phone?” He explained in his bag side picket. I sent him back to his Lego.

I held both of Jean and Tammy hand and got her to sit down. “Your daughter has, what others like me call a gift, others devil skills. She can see the life force around the universe, around any living thing, you may call it an Aura. She senses awareness, good things, bad things etc. She was scared of me because I recognised she has the skill and for years she has hidden it. Tammy is still trying to find out how I know and I am not going to tell her, She has to find out herself. I will help her but not tell her.”

Tammy looked at me “My god, Ric your colour is deep green and bright purple. It radiant around you and our hands and along mum and my arms. It feels so heavenly.” Jean started to tear up. I dropped Tammy hand and held her. Tammy moved to cuddle her, “Whats wrong mum.”

Jean replied “My granny had what you call the gift of sight. She was disappointed I did not have it. She called it a gift and a curse. What can you do about it.”

Kissing Jean’s forehead I replied, “Ensure Tammy has proper training and allow her to control it in lieu of it controlling her. One of the books she is reading will instruct. I have a few other that will allow her to expand her skill set for her safety.”

Jean looked at Tammy, “Do you want to learn and learn from Ric?”

Tammy held her mum and with wet eyes “Yes and Yes please. It hard to explain what I see, having Ric will help me. It means I can talk to someone who understands. I would have loved to meet your Granny.”

Jean looked at me “When can we come please?”

Smiling “Now. You are here. How about you and I collect your things. I will need your phones and stop the tracking he has placed in it. I will suggest we ditch these phones and get you on a new family plan with different models and company. I can assist with that. Tammy will you stay here with Tim whilst we collect your things and some shopping. Actually can you cook, you could look in the fridge and prepare some dinner for us all?”

Jean smiled “Yes Tammy can cook. Tammy I will leave it to you darling.”

I took Tammy’s phones and removed the sim card.

Jean and I left in my car. I removed Tim’s phone and sim card. As soon as I did the phone came back on and wanted location on. Bastard he had a root tracker. One that is impossible to remove. I had an idea. We collected all of their items and returned the key and cancelled the airbnb. Once finished I took Jean’s phone and removed the card. The same action occurred. Jean cried on my shoulder. I was glad to hold her. The relief of knowing was a blessing to her. We collected some shopping and returned home where I allocated the kids their room. They were most pleased to have their own room.

Tammy made a lovely Sheppard’s pie dinner with all of the trimmings. It tasted fantastic. After dinner I walk over to where Tammy sat held her head and kissed her forehead saying “Yes I have broken it, but thanks for a fantastic dinner. You can stay as my chef for ever.”

Tammy looked at me with wet eyes on receiving a reward like I did. “Acceptable, Thank you Ric. However you have not had mum’s cooking yet, she is a super cook, um chef.”

Again her mother looked at us puzzled.

Once dinner was cleared away and the dishwasher stacked we sat around the table and I explained how they were tracked. The three of them were very angry. I laid out my plan, smiling they all agreed.

Tammy asked if I could put some more cream on her sunburn and it is beginning to sting again. I set up my massage table in the dining room with an extra towel. Tim returned to the lounge room still making his car. Tammy just dropped her dress naked she laid on the table. Jean looked at me. I put my finger to my lips. She remained quiet. I got the cream and two hand towels. I smooth rubbed the cream softly over her shoulders, arms, back and legs. I asked her to roll over this she did. What she did not expect was the towel to protect her modesty for me. Jean smiled at my action. I then placed the hand towels over her boobs and vagina area again another shock to Tammy. I completed the cream all over the burned front part of her body. I did not feel the normal heat associated, I felt she had some ulterior motive. I moved the towel and semi dressed her with it. I did recommend she place the towel on her bed so the cream would be absorbed. This Tammy did because she went straight to bed after the cream and semi massage.

Jean sent Tim to bed then came out to me undressed and laid on the table. I gave Jean a full body massage from the tip of her head all the way down to her big toe with the exception of her pussy. That I left for last. She became very dreamy with my hands on her body. Finally I opened her legs and with my fingers I massaged her pussy lips and clitoris. She came bouncing on the table but no screaming this time. I then, to her surprise, carried her to our bed. Then opening her legs again I used my tongue to lick and suck on her pussy parts. She grabbed my hair and pulled, I stayed between her legs licking away collecting her juices, fingering her hole with short and long strokes. Realising I would not move she came in abandonment pushing more juices into my hungry mouth.

After a few minutes rest I undressed and climbed on top of her. She opened and lifted her legs and I entered her beautiful pussy on the first attempt. It sank deeply into her, Jean wrapped her legs around me tightly like she never wanted me to go. Using her muscles and me pumping we soon came. Again I kissed her as we came to stifle the noise. Covering our selves with the sheet we fell asleep. It was such a deep sleep together neither of us woke up until eight thirty am.

Jean and I talked about Tammy. Jean asked what is going on between us. I explained “Tammy and I can see life forces and I want her, not, to be scared of it. I want her to enhance and accept it. Tammy is now making a play for me over you. That was the tease she did last night more or less saying I am available for you. I canned it in the way she knew, I knew what she was playing for. Yes she has a very beautiful body, almost as good as yours” Jean hugged me for that remark. “but I want her to find her partner in life not a 65 year old man like me. I will certainly help her but not have sex with her. We have an agreement I will not touch her except her hands without her permission, I broke that last night with the kiss for dinner, if you noticed she did allow me and accepted it that in this instance. I also feel she really appreciated the complement. I enjoy you, your mind, your touching, your cuddling and your body.” Jean kissed me, climb on me and bounced up and down on my hard cock until we came together. This time she kissed and screamed into me. It was an enjoyable morning start. I held and tightly cuddle her. We showered together

The kids were dressed and both reading books. Tammy on natural therapies and Tim on Lego. He found my Lego books in the shelf next to Tammy’s books. I must say though Tim, when I saw him reading asked permission, after the event, to be allowed to read them. I was very happy he did and approved.

Jean and I enjoyed some coffee and toast together the kids had already eaten. Lucky today had some cloud cover so the kids did not want to go to the beach. I got them to have some ID and we went shopping in Robina shopping mall. I got Jean and the kids on a new family phone plan with new numbers I did show the clerk the AVO order and this meant the customer file is now confidential and they must Ring Jean for any permission to see the file except a court order. Jean did ask for some photographs from her old phone to be copied over I did inform her it could copy over the tracer program. I will attend to it in a difference way. This I did later via a CD disk.

At home after some shopping as well, we made up some new email addresses and new Facebook accounts. I did email Facebook asking for them to delete their old files due to discovery and sent them a copy of the AVO file. Surprising the old accounts were closed within three hours. I did copy out their pictures they wanted. Tim was surprised with my computer skills and I handed him a technical book together with an old laptop internet attached via WiFi. He went into the lounge room to read and use the laptop. Jean was surprised I had both kids reading. Smiling I replied “Got to feed their wants not our musts.”

She pulled me to our bedroom, quietly, she closed the door and stripped me. I lay on the bed for her to take the dominate role. She started by sitting on my face pushing her pussy lips onto and into my mouth. I licked her juices but not her clit. I licked her lips, her vagina, her ass, along to the spline but did not lick, what she wanted, her clit. She rubbed her body against me trying to get me to lick her clit even moving. Finally without licking it, she came, leaking all of her juices down my mouth, tongue, along my face and down my neck. After she recovered I quickly turned her over and attacked her clit with my tongue pushing two fingers into her well and juicy pussy and grabbing one of her boobs roughly. She came again this time I held her bouncing down which made her come longer. She fell exhausted on the bed. I rolled her over again and entered her from the back in a doggie position. She just laid there as I came into her moaning in pleasure feeling my spunk hitting her womb.

Jean fell asleep. I covered her, dressed and checked on the kids. Tammy asked if I would like a coffee and made me one. Asking where mum is. I replied asleep. I had my workshop opened and my neighbour girl came in. Today she was dresses in a short skirt and loose top. She is 15 small boobs say A cup 30, 18, 22, and only wears a training bra when told to by her step mum. I called Tim and introduced them. They did have the same interest in Lego and computers. What surprised me was Lisa’s attitude, normally she is yuk it’s a boy person. Maybe she has changed. Whilst Tim was with Lisa Tammy came in with her book. “Who’s the girl?”

I smiled “My next door neighbour. Lisa comes here when she is bored at home and/or her parents want her to babysit her step mums six year old twins. It’s the parents second marriage for both. She feel’s used, not accepted. She sits with me daily whilst the holidays are on.”

Tammy smiled “You should see them, they are head to head connected in the computer book sitting so close their aura’s are making love to each other. Why cant I get some action like that?”

Smiling “Tammy you will, you will in time. Just don’t be too choosy and the other hand listen to your inner voice in safety. Tell me when did you loose your virginity?”

Tammy looked at me “How the hell did you, what you read it in my aura!”

I smiled “Yes. Have you got to the exercises yet?”

“That’s the next chapter. Now you have me intrigued.” she replied.

“I’ll say this, please don’t rush them, it’s easy to miss things, I did, take your time. Read your aura before, record, then after, hopefully you will see the differences. Some times small, other times major. If you can see the changes with Tim and Lisa you will get to be a bigger reader than me. I do and truly hope so. You have tremendous power.” I stated.

Tammy held me and gave me a kiss on my lips. “I realised, after my performance last night you did not reject me but let me down softly. Thank you. I’m surprised with mum, she has not said anything yet. I waiting for her to tell me off for it.”

Looking into her eyes I replied “We spoke about you and me this morning. She realises we have a different connection and she is not going to interfere unless you try last night trick again. Just be open and honest with her, that is her concern for and about you. Also she will always, at present, choose you over me. That can and could change as you mature and become yourself.”

Tammy smiled, “I am going to start the exercises now.”

I replied “No, have some time out you have been reading all morning. Let the mind process your reading todate. Do something different for the next hour or so.”

Smiling “In other words make lunch.”

Laughing ‘Now that is a brilliant idea, please include Lisa. When she is here I usually make her a sandwich.”

“OK, OK, OK” as she walked back to the kitchen, at the door she turned around and blew me a loving kiss.

Lunch was called and Jean came out of the bedroom and introductions were made to Lisa. Tim and Lisa sat so close and chatted about the computer whilst eating. Jean was about to say something when Tammy put her hand in front of her mouth. Jean looked at me. I put my finger to my lips. The three of us then chatted about other things quietly. As soon as Lisa and Tim had finished they asked to leave the table. We agreed. They were back into the lounge room reading and both using the laptop.

Tammy stood, kissed my cheek and said “Yes the making of lunch was a good idea.”

I stood and from a cupboard I gave her an old unused school note book. “Use this for your recordings. If you do go out, make sure you carry your phone. Your mum and I are going for a walk can you, not that’s it’s necessary today. Can you look after your dearest brother and his girlfriend please?”

“Yes Ric, I will, enjoy your walk.” Tammy said trying to look sad but her eyes could not hold her laughter.

I had cleared out the three apple phones and reset them The virus tracker was still evident. We visited a friend of mine who is an interstate trucker. I gave him a brief overview of Jeans troubles and asked him to take the phones with their tracking software and drop them off at any aboriginal camp he agreed, except if I give them away they become suspicious. I’ll sell them to those black fellas and give you the cash. Jean told him to keep whatever he gets for petrol money as thanks to get rid of them far far away. He smiled, my next trip is to the Northern Territory, they shall be far far away.

Jean was holding me with tears knowing he would be on a wild goose chase.

We returned home after an hour and saw Lisa and Tim still sitting in the same position reading and using the laptop. Tammy looked at us, I knew, as an exercise. “Mum have you been crying, a happy cry?” Yes I thought Tammy is great in power.

Jean replied “Yes Ric has helped to get rid of those bad phones in a brilliant way.” She held me in pleasure. Tammy could see her aura cuddling and blending into mine. She wrote in her book.

I called Tim and Lisa. “Kids, Lisa you guys need a walk. Lisa can you take Tim for a walk and show him the area, then you can go back to the book please?”

They looked and me and stood up feeling the stiffness from sitting in the same position. They walked out not holding hands but rubbing shoulders together. I looked at the laptop and saved their work and left it with the mistakes I made. They needed to learn.

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