Emma's Seduction - Cover

Emma's Seduction

Copyright© 2015 by Lorenzo Abajos

Chapter 1

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 1 - An English professor marries a younger instructor later in life. He gains a stepdaughter that he learns may be his own daughter. As he learns to live with them both, he also learns about himself. This is a journey of discovery, played out in a small, but stimulating, world.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Consensual   Reluctant   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Father   Daughter   Spanking   Rough   Humiliation   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Fisting   Voyeurism   Foot Fetish  

It was the summer of the year. My marriage to Erica took place right at end of the school year. Now we were living together in my home. It was just Erica and me, and her daughter Emma. I'm Richard. No one had ever called me Dick. It may be because I'm rather formal in my personality.

We met when Erica came to work at the university. I was a professor of English, and Erica was a new instructor. She divorced her husband some years earlier. Then she attended a private college, and finished her degrees in English. She was rather old to be starting out as an instructor, but she loved the work.

She was thirty-eight years old. She married while still in college, because she was pregnant. Her daughter, Emma, was born and Erica didn't finish her education at that time. She became a mother and housewife. When she broke up after ten years she decided to complete college, and finished her BA, MA, and PhD in just six years.

We fell in love after one semester and decided to marry. I barely met her daughter, who turned sixteen at the beginning of her school year, just as Erica was beginning her new career. Emma was at a private school that her father's family was paying for. In any case, our marriage happened at the end of our winter semester. Emma was out of school, and we moved in together. I had a large house just off campus.

I was fifty years old. Since I was a full professor I didn't have any courses to lecture during the summer. Erica, on the other hand, was instructing three courses, and was gone most of each day. She was either teaching, or advising, or holding office hours. I was at home, doing my preparations for the coming fall semester, and my own writing.

Emma was there at home most of the time. My backyard had a privacy fence. She was working on her tan quite a bit, or else she was in her room, playing her music. She also had her own television, so she could entertain herself with that. She seemed to be a rather quiet girl, and Erica told me she was devoted to her father. She missed him.

I married Erica because I loved her. But I also desired her. She was a lovely woman. I never married before, and was rather naive with women. But she was so easy to get to know. In fact, she was the first to make a sexual move, during one of our early dates together. Making love to her was wonderful. She taught me some things, and I was grateful for that. Our marriage was going to be a success.

It may sound odd in this day and age, but I had only two other lovers in my life, before Erica. My first sweetheart was in high school. We had lost our virginity together. It was not a perfect introduction to making love. I was naive, and so was she. We stumbled through the sex act, were rather embarrassed by it all, and never tried it again.

The second woman I made love too was some years later. I was thirty-three years old, an instructor at a large university, and my fellows learned of my lack of education in the sexual field. At a large faculty party I became rather inebriated, and a friend apparently placed me with a senior coed. I didn't remember her at all. I just know that we made love. I assume it was unprotected. I didn't really remember anything.

Now I needed to make friends with Erica's daughter. It would be so awkward if Emma and I couldn't get along. She took after her mother. She was a pretty girl. She would turn seventeen at the end of the summer. Her hair was brown, usually in braids, and she was tall for a girl. She was almost as tall as me. She didn't appear to have any of the shyness that some girls had. She was rather forthright, as a matter of fact.

I noticed how desirable she was, as she sunbathed in her bikini. The patio was right outside my library. I had some french doors that opened to the outside. Looking out I couldn't help but see her, right there in the bright sunlight. Her breasts were small, and she was slight. She didn't have a lot of fat, but she wasn't skinny, either. Just right, as a matter of fact. I did find her attractive. Her legs were especially nice.

After a few days we settled into a routine. Erica and I would arise, and she would prepare for going to campus. I would get up also, so I could do my work around the house. Emma was allowed to sleep in. She was out of school and this was her vacation, after all. Then, after two or three hours, I would hear Emma up and about. She prepared her own breakfast, usually cereal, but I would cook for her if she asked. She smelled so good there at the kitchen table.

We didn't have long conversations, but we spoke, and it seemed that she and I were coming to terms with our new situation. She was even smiling at me as we talked. That was pleasant. I tried to keep the feelings I was having from overwhelming me. I knew it was wrong to lust for my stepdaughter. I couldn't help getting hard sometimes as I looked at her out the window. I had to struggle not to become erect as I spoke to her in the kitchen or the living room.

Emma seemed to be a very demonstrative girl. She was quite often touching me as she spoke. Her delicate hands would reach out and pat my arm, or my leg, if we happened to be sitting at the table together. She would even call me Dick. I didn't correct her. I wanted her to like me, after all. But I didn't touch her in return. I knew it might be wrong. However, when Erica came home after work I needed some relief.

As soon as Erica arrived at the house I would hear her come in. I would sometimes go out and draw her into our bedroom. She knew what that meant. I wanted her, and she was eager to please. Erica did enjoy sex. All kinds. I could see she was often worried about Emma noticing. But Emma would usually be outside on the patio.

Erica loved to be fucked in every way I could. And I often needed it, because her daughter had aroused deep feelings of lust in me. I could be forceful, and she didn't mind. She liked it that way, and would become vocal as I fucked her deep and rough. My cock would ram my new wife and she would squeal out her passion. She was a great lover. I was learning to fulfill her needs.

On the weekends Erica would join her daughter out on the patio. They would both sunbathe in their bikinis. They could be sisters. The two were quite similar in form, and in personality, too. I watched out the library windows. I admit I took out my cock and stroked it as I watched the two of them. I masturbated for a long time, holding back as I approached climax, but finally shooting out spurts of sperm into a handkerchief. I wasn't quite sure which one had made me come. Perhaps both.

One Saturday afternoon Erica came into the house in her bikini. I took her hand to go into the master bedroom. She was smiling. I glanced over at Emma as we walked away, and she smiled too. I wasn't sure what that meant, but I wanted my wife. I wanted some pussy. I needed to make love to her. And I knew she wouldn't mind.

This time I hadn't jerked off. I was very horny and I wanted to do things to my wife. I almost ripped her clothes off, as she giggled like a girl. I liked the sound of that. I was stripping quickly also. When we were both naked I pushed her down onto the bed and I did something I hadn't done before. She had never asked, but I had read about it, of course. I was going to perform cunnilingus on her. I was going to eat her pussy, as they say.

"Oh, my, Richard! Where did you learn to do that? Very sweet, dear. Oh, god, yes, right there Richard."

I was a quick learner. I always had been. And I liked what I was doing. I often wondered why Erica kept her pussy hairless. Perhaps this was why. It was a pity I hadn't thought of this before. I enjoyed licking her pussy. It was an unusual taste, but it made my erection extremely hard. I was eager to fuck her when she climaxed from the pussy eating I was doing.

"Jesus, god, that is so fucking good. Richard, you're my big lover. Oh, baby, eat me. I keep coming Richard."

She was coming for me. And letting me know it. That was pleasant. It made me even harder to think that perhaps Emma could hear her mother. I thought of Emma, and I rose up and rammed my prick into my wife's cunt.

"You want that, Erica! You want me to fuck you now? Take my prick, take it, take me, god, take my cock."

I was thrusting very roughly. I think Erica was moaning loudly, but my own groans were loud enough. I kept fucking her with long, slow thrusts, and then speeding up, to keep fucking her into submission. She was crying out as she had orgasm after orgasm. My sperm was finally filling her cunt, as I came and came. It was so much, and I wanted it so badly. I knew Emma could hear us. I knew she could. I hoped she could.

Chapter 2 »



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