Men Strike Back: the Right to Rape - Cover

Men Strike Back: the Right to Rape

Copyright© 2015 by Sterling

Chapter 2

Sex Story: Chapter 2 - Feminism continues its gains and goes too far -- a third of men are stripped of the right to vote because they are guilty of sexual harassment. A coup d'etat with moderate aims deposes President Chelsea Clinton, but it turns out that nothing satisfies angry men but the right to rape any woman they want.

Caution: This Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Rape   Coercion   Post Apocalypse   Gang Bang   Group Sex   First   Oral Sex   Masturbation   Pregnancy  

To the American woman, from the Men's Equity Party:

You have a monopoly on a bunch of sex organs, most interesting to us being the vagina. This will henceforth be known by our term, "cunt". We men have a monopoly on a different set of organs, most prominent being the penis, or "cock". Cock slides into cunt and ejaculates -- this is how our species reproduces. The cocks have been willing and eager, but the cunts have denied entry to cocks over and over again.

Woman, you have used your cunt as a weapon.

Before marriage it was women who let a man treat them to dinner, movies, entertainment, all in hopes of a chance to fuck a woman's cunt, but no ... It was just a scam. She got what she wanted, to hell with him.

From the school years on, girls letting boys do nice things for them, sensitive sweet talk, knowing the boys were hoping for a chance to slip into a cunt ... but no, false advertising.

Of course, some access was granted, now and again. Enough to keep the men trying. Like little rats, pressing the bar hundreds or thousands of times, hoping that just once they might get a reward.

In marriage, a man swore that it was his wife's cunt and hers alone that he would penetrate, and in return she would meet his needs. And she did, for a while -- often a very short while. The bait of marriage, followed by a switch -- 'I'm tired, I have a headache'. There once was a concept of conjugal rights, but it was eroded to nothing. Feminists fueled this -- no woman should engage in sexual activity with a man unless she really felt like it -- like from the very core of her being, it must be exactly what she felt like at that moment. Of course, it was a safe bet that she wouldn't feel like it unless he had done every last thing she wanted. On those rare occasions that the concept of sex was grudgingly agreed to, the foreplay had to be everything she desired, and lengthy. The sex had to be in the position that suited her best -- often with her on top, going on and on and on, in search of her orgasm. And if that even occurred, all too often the man's reward for his patience was, "Hurry up, I'm getting sore."

This is now at an end!

We haven't just gone back to the old ways. We've gone beyond. In the pre-feminist days, women belonged to men. A father owned his daughter until he transferred her ownership to a man in marriage. Husbands got sex, unlike in recent years. But so many other men were left out. The poor man, the awkward one, was left out. No more! Sex is now available to all men!

Everything is reversed. The old rule was that sex only happened if a woman felt like it. Now sex happens whenever a man feels like it! All imprisoned rapists have been set free, because rape is no longer a crime. The crime now is resisting sexual intercourse.

You may be glamorous and rich, and the man may be poor, ugly, unkempt and unwashed. But if he wants to fuck you, he can. On your back, panties around your ankles, legs spread wide. Or if he prefers, you get it from behind, like a bitch gets taken by a dog. If once isn't enough, he can do it again. And again.

We are fortunate that sexually transmitted infections were eliminated in 2033. Now cocks can slide from cunt to cunt freely, with no risk of disease.

There is still the risk of pregnancy -- but this is a hope, not a risk! Given the power to decide for yourselves whether to have babies or not, you mostly decided not to. You blew it. Individual choice was a fine idea on its own, but the collective effect was a disaster. Now men get to decide, and you can bet a whole lot of men will be doing their best to make a whole lot of women pregnant.

Birth control has been banned. Diaphragms and caps and contraceptive gels are no longer for sale. With the help of medical records, we are tracking down hormonal implants and IUDs and removing them. Most important of all, the condom -- hated symbol of male oppression -- is to be found no longer. Cock and cunt flesh are meant to slide together smoothly, giving pleasure to man until he ejaculates inside and leaves his semen behind. This is the natural way -- the way of life.

Some of you women may not like this. Some already have said so. Some have asked how they can avoid this fate of cum dump for any man who has the urge.

There is one sure way. That is to not have a cunt. This is how men avoid getting fucked. If you really want to avoid getting fucked, use your will power and make that cunt go away. Just like we men were told to make our sex drives go away -- unless we were in a long-term, monogamous relationship with a woman who was truly, deeply interested in sex at a particular moment.

If you still have a cunt, it must be that you really do want to get fucked. If between your legs is a cavity offering a hot, tight, lubricated massage to invading cocks, surely you must expect that they will invade! They will invade, and after however much sweaty, grunting fucking the man feels like, they will disgorge their sperm inside.

If you have a cunt, you do not have the right to refuse a cock that desires entry.

But you do have rights. You have the right not to be physically hurt. You do not have to let a man kiss you on the lips. You do not have to pretend that you are enjoying yourself. You do not have to give blow jobs or hand jobs or take it up the ass. The only orifice of your body that you must make available is the one needed for reproduction -- your cunt. You are allowed to masturbate and use sex toys. Men are not prohibited from giving you pleasure if they want to.

And a few closing details you may notice. You can no longer vote or hold elected office. You no longer own anything. Your former assets are administered now by your fathers, husbands, or brothers, or if no suitable such male relatives are available, the state will appoint a guardian.

Are there any bright spots? You can look forward to motherhood! Sometimes your belly will swell and you will give birth. Your job is to nurse, nurture, and raise whatever children may come of this. We'll provide the sperm -- you get to do the rest.

Men have suffered too long under your emasculating power. We will henceforth fulfill our deepest desires -- fucking and ejaculating in every cunt that we want.

Jacob looked at Max and Max looked at Jacob. They had just heard the announcement -- guys could fuck any girl they wanted.

"Wow, anyone?"

"Anyone. Who should we go for first?"


"Oh, yeah, Carly!"

Carly was gorgeous, popular, always well-dressed. And Carly was mean. She was mean to the girls who weren't cool, and she was mean to the guys. Making fun of them all -- the nerds, the ones who struggled with the work, the poets, the average guys -- everyone but a few star athletes.

They jogged on over to her house. It was 9:30 at night. There were lights on, but no one answered the bell.

"Hey!" said Max. "We want Carly! Let us in."

Jacob called, "You've got to let us in. Or else we break in." The two of them began heaving themselves against the door.

It opened a crack, and a 50ish man appeared...

"You will go away," he said. "Or I'll call the police."

Max pushed the door open, and he and Jacob occupied the inside foyer. "You can try. But they're on our side. We want to fuck your daughter, and you've got to let us. You can't interfere."

The man made Jacob nervous, but the prospect of getting into Carly's pants was a strong motivation.

"Where is she?" he asked.

The man didn't answer.

"Probably upstairs, right? In her bedroom?"

The two boys tromped up the stairs. There were several rooms with closed doors, light coming through a crack at the bottom of one.

"Hey, Carly!" said Max, knocking at the first one. "Is this your room?"

Jacob tried the door and it opened. And there was Carly, sitting at her desk in front of her laptop. She turned around and looked at them, frightened.

Max said, "Carly, baby! It's so nice to see you! We were listening to the news and they said we could fuck anyone we want. And we thought of you! You've been so nice to us..."

Jacob said, "Yeah, so let's see you strip, show us those great boobs of yours. And definitely show us what you've been hiding in your panties."

When Carly didn't move, Max grabbed her arm. "It's a crime to resist," he said, tugging her to her feet.

Jacob closed and locked the door, and said, I've got to get a video of this..."

"No," Carly said, "No, please! I'm sorry for any things I said."

"Too late for that," said Jacob. "Smile for the camera."

"Please, no camera!" said Carly.

"That's not for you to decide," said Max. "Now, strip, damn it!"

"Ladies and gentlemen," Jacob said to his phone, "We bring you the fucking of Carly May, in the era of male liberation! ... She doesn't look too happy about this, but maybe she'll think about how everyone felt when she made them feel like dirt ... Oh, there goes her shirt, and we see a bra ... There goes the bra, and ... Oh my, they are nice tits. Not quite symmetric, but they'll do just fine, wouldn't you say, Max?"

"Yeah, I'd say so." He grabbed one in each hand and squeezed, then bounced them up and down. "But we want the main attraction ... What do you have in your panties, Carly?"

"Aw, she's crying now, but there goes the button, there goes the front zipper -- and she's wriggling her hips to get them off ... those jeans sure are tight! ... Oh, black underpants, kind of lacy. But show us, Carly, show us what's inside those underpants! What have hundreds of boys been dreaming about for years? ... Ah, c'mon, Carly. Don't hesitate. It's natural. The human body is natural, right? ... There go the panties, and I see some brown pubic hair, nicely trimmed. And what do you think, Max?"

"I think this is promising. I bet she's got a hot cunt down there, and I'm really hot to fuck it..."

He pointed the camera to the right. "Oh, I see! There's Max's cock. Quite stiff, very impressive, look at that ... That's a cock that's ready to fuck Carly May! ... but Carly isn't quite with the program, she's just standing here with her hands in front of her privates. How are you going to take Carly, Max? From the rear? Up against the wall?"

"I thought I'd just go for the missionary position..."

"She is not a happy camper, but there she goes, folks, on her back, legs apart ... And there goes Max, kneeling between her legs. Carly's got her face covered up. Do you have a comment for the viewers back home, Carly? No comment? OK."

"Oh, let's get a close-up there, Max -- he's found her pudendum, and holding her labia apart we can see what's inside. A vaginal orifice, it sure looks like. Those big words were on my SAT vocab list, I swear! But that's a cunt, to all you guys at home. We always knew you had one of those, Carly ... Max is moving in, making contact, his cock tip lodged right between those lips, where the opening is. He's got it in a bit, now he's letting go of the lips with his fingers ... And, he's sucking her left tit ... And now her right."

Max raised his head. "I've jerked off dreaming of this, Carly baby, but now here's the real thing."

"Max is going to take her ... And there it goes, we can see his cock disappearing into that pussy. He's going and in out, getting more and more of it into her ... And now from this angle we see it, Max is fucking his cock in and out of Carly May's cunt, he's really getting the whole thing in there. I'll bet Carly wasn't a virgin ... Her pussy has done this before..."

"And how does it feel in there, Max?"

"Fantastic," gasped Max. "Just amazing..."

"You can see he's speeding up -- he's really giving it to her good! There's only one way this can end, folks. It's gonna happen soon, he's going at her so hard ... any second now ... And there it is! A big push and a gasp from Max. We all know what that means. It means he's creamed the inside of Carly's cunt ... And here it comes out again, Max's cock, and we can see some of the cum with it, yup."

Max was panting.

"What did you think, Max? How was that?"

"It was great, Jacob. Dumping my cum up in Carly -- a real dream come true."

"And look, Carly's stomach contracting like that -- I think she's crying. Aww, poor Carly. Well, I sure want my turn."

Max took the camera and took over the narration. "There's Jacob's cock ... Impressive and ready to go ... He's mounting the girl, he's opened her up, he's pushing ... And he's in!"

Jacob said, "It's pretty amazing, Max. Really smooth and hot ... Tight too. God, I could plaster her any second, but I want this to last. Let's get a really good fucking motion going here..."

"Yes, no doubt about it, Jacob is really pounding away. Carly should have no doubt she's been fucked hard ... And what's this? He's pulling Carly's arm away so we can see her face ... Yes, Carly's face is streaked with tears ... Yeah, he's got both her wrists pinned now, and he's sure got her cunt pinned with his cock! Let's take a close-up of Carly's face while Jacob fucks her ... Does that feel good, Carly? Getting fucked like that? Are you going to have an orgasm? ... She doesn't answer. But there's no condoms here, folks, and unless Jacob pulls out --"

"No way I'm pulling out!"

"There's going to be more sperm up in her pussy, sperm to mix with mine. Maybe she'll get pregnant, folks. That is what that is all about, of course ... Jacob's speeding up, here's a close-up of where his cock is ramming in and out ... you see a little of the base of his shaft, then nothing, back and forth ... and..."

"I own you!" shouted Jacob. "Arrggggh!"

"There it goes! You heard his roar, folks. Jacob's sperming the inside of little Carly May. Very satisfying, Jacob?"

He dismounted. "Oh, ... very satisfying ... indeed. I'd have to tell all our viewers that Carly May is a very good lay. A very nice place to dump your cum!" He took his phone back. "And what's that I hear? More commotion below ... Let me open the door here ... Well, it looks like Max and I aren't the only ones who had this idea ... Four more guys from our high school."

"She's here, we can fuck her?" said a voice.

"We both have," said Max. "She's taken a load of cum from each of us. I think given how sexy and mean and cock-teasy little Carly May has been, she's going to get shafted a lot. She could get to be one tired girl! And her pussy is going to get very sloppy."

Pronouncement of the Revolutionary Council

Security Necklaces

All females above the age of three are henceforth required to be outfitted at state expense with a security necklace for their protection. This necklace allows tracking of their position, and it allows for the monitoring or recording of events in the immediate vicinity

While universal sexual access is a cornerstone of the revolution, there have been excesses committed by men in their exuberance while exercising their new freedom. In practice, there are many restrictions on sexual access, though most adult females are available at some point during each day.

While the ability to enter personal residences was initially required for men to exercise their rightful sexual freedom, it occasionally led to theft or destruction of property. The necklaces will now allow men to track the location of all nearby females and identify those who are sexually available. Now the only reason for forced entry to a personal residence is an available female within who does not make herself sexually available outside of the residence.

There have been tragic cases of men who interpreted the law as allowing sexual access to small girls. A girl's necklace will now mark her as off limits until she has had her first menstrual period. Females of all ages are off limits during their periods. They are also off limits in the event of a serious illness.

Good order also requires that females be available for universal sexual access during only certain times of day. Many women are employed and cannot do their jobs effectively if an interruption for sex is possible at any time. Similarly, they need to be able to get to work and back, and they need several hours of uninterrupted sleep. Mothers cannot be interrupted for sex when they have childcare responsibilities.

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