Human Chair (02) Gamer Girl and Friend - Cover

Human Chair (02) Gamer Girl and Friend

by Hungry Guy

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

BDSM Sex Story: A week after being Michelle's gaming chair, Ryan becomes Zoe's gaming chair. Other weird and kinky stuff happens, too.

Caution: This BDSM Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Magic   DomSub   FemaleDom   Humiliation   Light Bond   Rough   Sadistic   Analingus   Food   Oral Sex   Spitting   Water Sports   Caution   Slow   .

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. You may copy it, create derivative works, and redistribute it for any purpose provided that you attribute the original author (Hungry Guy) and provide a link to the original story. To view a copy of the license, visit


This story was inspired by these videos:

Ryan’s phone rang Friday evening one week after his previous erotic adventure.

“Hello,” he said.

“Hey Ryan,” said Zoe. “Tomorrow’s Saturday. Get your ass over to my place, bitch!”

“I’ll be over early tomorrow morning,” said Ryan. “Okay?”

“Not okay!” she said. “We got a surprise for you. Come now.”

“Okay,” said Ryan. “I’ll be there in a little bit.”

Ryan checked his phone. It was only a little after 5:00 PM. He rode the elevator down from his fourth floor apartment and backed his blue minivan out of the garage on the side of the building onto a narrow alleyway. Waiting for an ambulance to scream past, he turned onto 69th Street and was on his way to his second kinky adventure. He stopped at Submergin’ Crullers along State Highway 69 to get a coffee and a bite to eat along the way. It was a short drive to Nut Tree Trailer Park. Turning into the park and driving down the dirt driveway, he came to plot #69 where Zoe said her trailer was parked.

Zoe answered the door and grabbed him and kissed him hard.

After catching his breath, Ryan noticed another girl there. She had a bright green Mohawk, and even more tattoos and piercings than Zoe. They say the colors blue and green contrast, but the two girls looked good standing next to each other, despite being dressed in baggy gray sweatpants and sweatshirts.

The other girl looked out the door. “You drive a minivan? Only dorks drive minivans.”

“Well, here’s the TL;DR,” said Ryan. “True story. Ex girlfriend. Enough kids to start her own army, all from different guys. Wanted to leave her abusive husband. Dude had some serious anger issues. She felt trapped. I used to write amateur erotic stories and post them on the internet, and she was a fan. She was a nurse and wanted to start a new life in a new city. He was a retired Marine and a train engineer or something and was away from home weeks at a time, and so she was sexually frustrated, too. Plus, she was really kinky. I bought the minivan to help her escape with her hoard, and she was gonna make the payments. She didn’t know about my apartments, but I was gonna knock a wall down and make one ginormous apartment. I also owned a townhouse outside Albanelbow near Saracloak race track ‘cuz some friends and I went in together to buy a racehorse years ago. The nag never won a race, so we finally sold him. I kept the house for reasons and that’s where she came to stay with me for a few days. I was letting her believe I worked for the government and we were all gonna live crammed in that tiny townhouse because I was leery of gold-diggers. But then her husband called the cops and said I kidnapped her. The cops knew something didn’t add up since she’s the one who drove all the way to me from several states away, so they just took her away and handed her back over to him, and that’s the last I heard of it. Her husband then hacked my Facebook and tried to get me fired from my ‘job,’ but that didn’t work, of course, because ‘landlord.’ After that, I heard she hooked up with some quack doctor who was keeping her dosed up on happy pills. She then gave me the minivan back because I, the registered owner, lived in a different state than her and she couldn’t register it in her state. Yeah, I was a stupid simp when it came to girls back then. Anyway, turned out owning a minivan was very useful, so I paid it off and kept it. End of story.”

“That’s more than we wanted to know,” said Zoe.

“So what’s the surprise that can’t wait ‘till tomorrow morning?” said Ryan.

“Chloe and I bought something you’ll like,” said Zoe.

“Okay,” he said. “Show me.”

The two girls brought him into one of the bedrooms where there was a gaming rig set up against one wall opposite the bed. Perpendicular to the TV was a wooden frame made of wooden struts about six inches high, about two feet wide, and about six feet long. It was adorned with leather belts and buckles and had a PVC pipe sticking out of a bracket in the middle with a 45 degree angle connector mounted on top. The end closest to the TV had a small padded V-shaped cradle about three inches higher than the rest of the surface. It looked like the girl could sit normally, like in a normal chair, with her legs out in front of her and her feet flat on the floor.

“Okay,” said Ryan. “That looks scary.”

“Don’t be a wuss,” said Zoe.

“Yeah,” he said. “Let me guess. I’m going in that tomorrow.”

“Give the man a gold star!” said Chloe.

“So, what are you waiting for?” said Zoe.

“Tomorrow morning,” said Ryan.

“Oh, c’mon,” said Chloe. “Try it out!”

“Yeah,” said Zoe. “Get naked! No need for a catheter up your dick this time.”

“Okay,” he said. “I like that part.” He stripped while the two girls watched, and then he sat on the contraption.

“Lie down,” said Chloe, “with your head on the end with the padded bit with your neck passing over the lower half circle and your arms and legs in the little cradles.”

Ryan lay down on it as instructed. This time, his head was closest to the TV rather than his feet.

Together, the two girls buckled all the belts over his wrists, elbows, ankles, knees, waist, and chest. They then went back around and made them all extra tight so he couldn’t wiggle the slightest bit. Chloe then lowered a pillory over his neck that completely encircled his neck and also served as the straight back of the chair. At the same time, Zoe placed a shallow tub under his ass and then slid that PVC pipe through the bracket with the angled bit over his penis.

“There!” said Zoe. “Now you can piss and shit into that tub under your ass whenever you need to.”

His head was cradled in the V shape thing and, even though it was padded, it was difficult to roll his head from side to side. He tried to squirm, but the only movement he was able to make was to wiggle his wrists and feet.

“How is it?” asked Chloe.

“Comfortable enough, I suppose,” he said. “Better than being wrapped in plastic. That got hot and sweaty after a while. And I like that you don’t have to stick a tube up my dick. So now you can let me out until morning.”

“Nuh, uh!” Chloe said. Each of the belt buckles and the pillory had loops for two padlocks each. Each girl produced a separate set of small luggage padlocks and placed their padlocks on all the shackles and the pillory, resulting in two padlocks on each.

“What the fuck!” he yelled.

“Calm down, asshole!” said Chloe.

“Yeah,” said Zoe, “We just want you to be ready to go in the morning.”

“You’re making me sleep in this thing?!”

“Yes,” said Zoe. “That’s what we’re doing.”

“Deal with it,” said Chloe.

“C’mon, Chloe,” said Zoe, “we need to start getting ready.” The two girls then left the room.

Over the next hour, he heard random noises elsewhere in the trailer. It sounded like a shower running and the two girls talking and giggling on the other side of the wall, like they were taking a shower together, but the sound of rushing water in the distance made it impossible to make out what they were saying.

They returned to the bedroom wearing towels and spent a half hour doing their hair. Then they spent about 15 minutes picking clothes out of their closet. Chloe settled on black leggings so tight he could see her camel toe, and a black fishnet top with a bare midriff that he could see her black bra through. Zoe chose cut-off denim shorts that showed the bottoms of her butt cheeks from behind, and a black string bikini top that he could see her nipples.

Chloe then sat at a vanity desk and put her makeup on while Zoe sat on Ryan’s chest doing the same after laying all her makeup on the bed next to them.

“What are you doing?” he asked Zoe.

“We’re going out to get laid,” said Zoe.

“What?!” said Ryan.

“Put a sock in it!” she said. “We might not even get lucky. In any case, we’ll be back before morning.”

“Why do you need to go anywhere to get laid?” he said. “I’m here.”

The two girls gagged and made eyes at each other for a moment before breaking out laughing.

It took another hour for Zoe and Chloe to get their faces on. They then left the room and turned off the light.

“Hey!” he screamed. “Don’t leave me locked in this thing while you go out! Hey!”

A few minutes later, the lights went out in the hallway, plunging him into complete darkness as the front door slammed shut. A car started just outside and drove away. He could see a digital clock glowing on their nightstand that showed 9:21 PM.

A clock ticked somewhere. The refrigerator cycled on and off in the distance at regular intervals. Water dripped from a leaky faucet somewhere. Cars drove by in the distance. The drum beat of rap music pounded the air in a car that drove by. Country music played in another trailer the distance. A train horn sounded in the distance. A baby started to cry. A plane flew past overhead. A police siren blared getting higher in pitch, then lower as it sped away. A cat screeched in the distance. A dog started barking. Some woman yelled, “Shut up!” in the distance. Someone played a piano badly. The clock continued to tick. The refrigerator continued to cycle on and off. He finally fell asleep.

Ryan was startled awake as blinding light shone in his face. Zoe and Chloe staggered into the room kissing and groping each other. Their hair was ruffled and their clothes were disheveled. Their makeup was smudged. Zoe’s bikini top was on inside out. Chloe’s bra was missing under her fishnet top and he could see her bare nipples. The two girls staggered over to the bed, where they fell into bed together still kissing and groping each other. Zoe reached over and turned the light out, throwing the room into darkness again. The digital clock on the nightstand showed 4:36 AM. He fell back to sleep.

Ryan woke to Zoe standing over him straddling him and slapping him on the cheek. “Wake up, bitch!” she said. “It’s show time!”

He yawned and said, “Oh.”

She sat in his chest wearing just a black thong; nothing else. “Chloe is making breakfast so I’m gonna grab something to eat,” said Zoe. “I’ll bring some for you, too.” She then stood and left the room.

Some time later, Zoe and Chloe returned to the room carrying plates. Zoe said, “You hungry?”

“Yeah,” he said.

Zoe knelt by his side and scooped some hash browns into her mouth. She chewed for a minute and leaned forward, pressed her open mouth to his, and spit the chewed food into his mouth.

He grimaced and swallowed. He coughed and said, “Is that how you’re gonna feed me?”

“Yes,” she said and took another bite, chewed, and fed it to him.

Chloe just sat on the bed and giggled. “I love it when you do that to me, babe.”

Zoe’s phone chimed and she went over to the night stand to get it. She returned and sat on Ryan’s chest.

Zoe looked up at Chloe and said, “It’s Michelle. Do me a favor babe, and finish feeding Ryan while I chat with Michelle? Okay?” She then started tapping.

“Sure, babe,” said Chloe. Chloe came over and sat on the floor next to Ryan’s head. Like Zoe did, she took a bite, chewed, and fed it to him from her mouth.

Zoe continued texting Michelle while Chloe fed Ryan. After a couple of minutes, Zoe set her phone down and said, “Michelle says she and Greg are gonna be online in about 15 minutes.” His diaphragm started to become sore from breathing in against Zoe’s weight sitting on his chest.

Chloe finished feeding him. “Zoe, I gotta pee. Do you mind if I use him?”

“What’s mine is yours, babe,” said Zoe. “You know that!”

Zoe stood, pulled her thong down to her knees, and sat on his face. Unlike Zoe who had a thick blue bush, Chloe’s crotch was totally shaved. With her sitting facing ‘up’ his face toward the top of his head, her pussy was over his mouth and his nose was pressed to her crotch, allowing him to breathe a little. Yet, his diaphragm started to become sore from breathing in against Zoe’s weight still sitting on his chest.

Chloe flooded his mouth with full force, forcing him to swallow rapidly. He still couldn’t keep up and coughed her piss out of his nose onto her crotch.

“Stop that!” she said and pinched his nose closed and then resumed peeing.

She finally emptied her bladder and stood. Ryan swallowed the last of her pee and coughed, breathing slowly to try not to vomit.

“I gotta get set up now, babe,” said Zoe.

“Okay,” said Chloe. Chloe spun around, kissed Zoe, then stood. “I’ll go watch TV while you have fun.”

Zoe slid forward on Ryan’s chest and leaned on the chair back. She looked down at him. “Are you okay?” she asked. “Chloe can be a bit cruel. I love it, but not everyone’s a masochist like me.”

“What’s a masochist?” he asked.

“Oh, I forgot,” she said. “You’re not really into the scene. A masochist is someone who gets off on being tortured, beaten, whipped, or generally used in a painful way.”

“Oh, I see,” he said. “No. I just wanted to live my fantasy of a girl sitting on my face and just using me as a chair. If it’s painful or uncomfortable, that’s okay. But I’m not into pain for its own sake.”

Zoe then stood and walked around to the front and pulled her thong down to her ankles and kicked it away. “So how long can I make you hold your breath at a time?” she asked, standing over his head, looking down at him upside down.

“Well, I’ll tell you the same thing I told Michelle,” said Ryan. “That’s up to you. Let me take a breath whenever you come to a point in the game whenever you can pause for a moment. I want you to be able to play your game without thinking about me. Especially if you’re in the middle of a Battle Royale or a Deathmatch.”

He knew he had just made a huge mistake telling her that, but it had been a week and he wanted the thrill of being used and abused solely for a girl’s amusement again.

“Right,” said Zoe. “Michelle did say you’re very accommodating and can hold your breath for a long time. I’m glad she’s right.”

“I like to please,” said Ryan.

“Ready?” said Zoe. “Shit’s about to get real.” She turned her back to him and sat on his face.

He caught a momentary glimpse of her blue-haired pussy lips and brown-stained asshole come down on his face before the world went black and he felt 100 pounds of female flesh crushing his skull.

“Oh, I gotta pee,” she said. “I hope you don’t mind.”

He couldn’t answer, but she did slide back a little so her clit was over his mouth. He looked up at her from between her legs, but she looked down to see him looking up at him and closed her legs.

For the second time that day, a girl shot a stream of hot piss out of her cunt directly into his mouth. Having had a little practice already, he gulped it down without spitting any of it out his nose onto her thick blue muff. At least Zoe, unlike Chloe, paused every few seconds to let him swallow.

After emptying her bladder, she slid forward again. She squirmed a bit, adjusting herself, letting his nose slide up into her vagina. She squeezed her pelvic muscles and felt her anus pucker against his lips.

She leaned down and picked up her headphones and placed them on her head and then picked up the controller. She then launched Fortnite and waited for Michelle and Greg and the rest of the team to connect.

Ryan began to struggle and fight for breath, but her weight pinned his head down. It became uncomfortable, then painful to hols his breath, but that V-shaped cradle his head rested in prevented him from rolling his head from side to side to roll her off his face. He was strapped down too tightly to thrash or struggle or make even the slightest movement at all. All he could do was wiggle his wrists and feet, but her back was to his body and she was totally unaware of his distress.

She did eventually lift up and let him take a breath. He gasped and struggled to catch his breath for a few seconds before she sat again.

Zoe’s gaming session continued like that for hours. She peed a few times during the day, which Ryan started to accept as a something disgusting he has to do for a girl if he wants to be a human chair.

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