Dan Adams - Cover

Dan Adams

Copyright© 2015 by Westside24

Chapter 7

Sex Story: Chapter 7 - A man continues to do what he did at work after taking an early retirement and along the way meets some liberated women.

Caution: This Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Romantic  

The purchasing of this new property was proceeding without problems and would be concluded in two weeks. Dan would be using the Declarations and the condo offering letters that he had done on the prior property as guides in preparing those documents for this soon to be acquired property. Sue had been managing this property for the previous owner and was providing Dan with the information on the present renters. This time she said she would include the information on how long it was till the individual leases expired.

The letter Dan drafted gave the renters a deadline by when they were to respond if their decision was to purchase their unit. After that time it was indicated the unit would be given to a realtor for sale at a higher price.

In preparing the renter’s information for Dan, Sue had indicated that she would drop this information off at his condo. Her insistence on bringing them to Dan rather than him picking up this information led him to suspect that she wanted a ‘nooner’ and it turned out he was correct in that assumption.

When Sue brought the renter’s information over for Dan she was anxious to have sex. She put the papers on his dining room table and walked into his bedroom taking off her clothes. When she stepped out of her skirt Dan was surprised because he could see she was wearing thong panties which were a change from what she usually wore.

He did notice that Sue was becoming more demanding and more vocal when they engaged in sex. She also wanted to experiment with different positions in having intercourse. Dan had gotten a supply of the little blue pill which helped him in meeting Sue’s demands.

It didn’t surprise him when she asked that he do the same thing with the vibrator he did the last time they had sex. He inserted the lubricated vibrator in her butt and with his other hand massaged her clit. As he was doing this he heard her say that he should put it in deeper.

The stimulations Sue received gave her very intense multiple orgasms. Dan saw her body’s shuddering reaction to what he and the vibrator were doing to her. In a way he was proud that he could bring her to this high state of excitement. He watched her as her body shook and finally froze as she climaxed. While he was stimulating her she had been muttering about the feelings she was experiencing and encouraging Dan to do what he was doing.

It was an afternoon of having good sex that he spent with Sue. As she was finishing dressing and touching up her makeup, Sue couldn’t thank Dan enough for how he made her feel. She said for her to reach that high level of sexual excitement was becoming addictive.

Sue said, “You may have been kidding me about my butt when you made that remark after the first time we had sex. I know I was teasing you about its availability to you. What you and your friend now do to me brings me to such a state of enjoyment that I doubt many women have had the pleasure of ever experiencing it. They don’t know what they are missing and I sure has hell can’t tell them. You are a good lover and one who cares about his partner. Thank you.”

Sue who had that freshly fucked look on her face was not done in making comments because when she was walking out his door she turned to Dan and mischievously said, “I wonder how you would feel if at the same time while I was giving you head I would put your friend up your butt” and she closed the door.

That remark caused Dan to take a mental step back and think about the possibility. He wondered if Sue really would try to do something like that. He shuddered at the thought in thinking about it. He did think however that her saying she was sexually satisfied when she left his condo was a gross understatement.

After Sue had left he thought further about them being together and wondered what she would do or how she would react if he had used another vibrator to stimulate her. If he had two vibrators and used them with Sue putting them into her two special places he thought she would go ballistic. He chuckled to himself as he imagined Sue’s reaction if he did this and put purchasing another vibrator on his ‘to do’ list.

The letters offering the tenants the first choice on purchasing their units were sent out the next day after the closing. Dan as usual was anxious to see what sort of a response he would get. The realtor Dan dealt with had told him the market was heating up which should help in selling the units the renters were not interested in purchasing.

Dan continued to golf twice a week with the golf association and had met a number of nice people. One Monday after golf Dan was sitting with his playing partners having a beer. When the beer pitcher was empty Dan rose to purchase another pitcher of beer.

Dan was walking by a table with the empty pitcher where Glen Carpenter and his wife Cathy were sitting. There was a fairly attractive lady Dan had not seen before also sitting at the table.

Glen in seeing Dan walk by looked up and said to him, “How did it go today?”

“I have done better.”

“Haven’t we all” remarked Glen.

Cathy said, “Dan I would like for you to meet Emily Armor. We went to the same university and I was her big sister when she joined my sorority.”

Looking at Emily and seeing that she indeed was very attractive Dan responded, “Nice to meet you Emily, I hope these two are showing you a good time.”

“Yes they are.”

Glen said, “Are you playing this Thursday?”

“I did register to play but I will be playing with the single guys as the tournament format is a couple best ball net and I don’t have a lady to be my partner.”

“Why don’t you play with us and have Emily as a partner. She has an eighteen golf handicap.”

“Sure, that would be nice but it will be embarrassing when her gross score is better than mine.”

They all laughed at Dan’s remark. Glen said he would tell the tournament director of the pairing and Dan said he would see them Thursday at the course.

Walking away from the table Dan thought Emily based on her appearance was an interesting lady. She was younger than Cathy who was much younger that Glen. Emily was probably a freshman in college when Cathy was a senior. Her figure seemed athletic but it was her eyes that drew Dan’s attention. To Dan her eyes seemed to deeply penetrate into him when she looked at him.

Dan had covered all the bases as what he needed to do as the owner of this new property. All he could do now was to wait and see what kind of a response his offers to purchase to the present renters would bring.

After arriving at the golf course on Thursday and putting on his golf shoes, Dan carried his golf bag to the lined up golf carts. He saw that Glen and Cathy were already there and based on the golf bags on their cart it looked like they were riding together. This was a little unusual since the men usually road together and the women rode together. Behind Glen’s cart was a cart that had one golf bag on it. Walking up to that cart was Emily which had Dan conclude that was his assigned cart.

He put his golf bag on the cart so he could start taking out golf balls, tees and sun tan lotion. Emily was holding her putter which had him think she probably was coming back from the putting green.

He greeted her and looking at their two golf bags said, “By this arrangement it looks like Cathy and maybe Glen are playing matchmakers.”

Laughing she said, “I agree, Cathy has a good heart but she can’t stand the fact that I am not married.”

“Well her doing that gives me the opportunity to golf and ride with a very attractive lady.”

“Thank you kind sir for saying that and based on that remark I would guess you are in sales.”

“No, I was more on the buying and selling end of a property business but I took an early retirement a few months ago.”

There was a little more talk which was interrupted when the starter asked all the golfers to get in their carts and follow the guides out to their assigned starting tees.

Dan enjoyed golfing with Emily. She had a nice swing, knew the game and played fast and well. She looked very appealing in the white skort and checkered pullover she wore.

As they rode together during the round Emily did say again that she had never married but had come close one time. Back in Chicago she worked in the trust department at a large bank that was downtown. She was staying in Sarasota at the Oceanside building and was using one of the two time shares she owned. Her time here was coming to an end as she was heading back to Chicago this Sunday.

Dan asked her if it would present a problem with Glen and Cathy or maybe her if he asked her out to dinner. No it wouldn’t but it would need to be tomorrow as she had committed to going out with Cathy and Glen and some other friends tonight.

As he had jokingly feared Emily’s gross golf score was one stroke better than Dan’s. He could tell she was a serious person as she golfed and assumed she was the same way in business. Just watching this attractive woman play golf and talk to him during the round of golf made for a pleasant day.

After golf they were sitting at a table when the ladies had excused themselves to go to the restroom. Glen asked Dan how it went with Emily.

“Things went well, I asked her out to dinner tomorrow and she accepted. She told me she works in the trust department at a bank in Chicago.”

Glen laughed and then said, “Yes, I guess she does work in the trust department at the bank. What she didn’t tell you is that she is the head of this large trust department which is a very responsible position for someone her young age.”

Emily in understating her position had Dan wondering why she would do that. The ladies came back and after another drink everyone decided to leave.

Dan in checking with Sue heard her say there still was no letters received back from the renters as to what their intentions were going to be on purchasing the units they resided in.

That evening Dan received a phone call from Janice the realtor he had used before to sell the unpurchased condos.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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