Project: Prometheus - Cover

Project: Prometheus

Copyright© 2018 by C.H. Darkstrider

Chapter 50

Sex Story: Chapter 50 - A crew of smugglers, on the run from pirates, stumble upon an ancient and long lost ship, from humanity's Golden Age. Join this intrepid crew of women as they unlock the mysteries of the ship and determine the fate of the galaxy!

Caution: This Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Mind Control   Romantic   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Humor   Military   War   Science Fiction   Aliens   Space   Sharing   Group Sex   Orgy   Polygamy/Polyamory   Swinging   Interracial   Black Female   White Male   White Female   Indian Female   White Couple   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Double Penetration   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Safe Sex   Sex Toys   Tit-Fucking   Voyeurism   Big Breasts  

Inari and Priya were busy in the galley of the Darkstrider, fixing themselves a bit of breakfast. While they did their best to stick to the clock on board the ship, it was a tough go adjusting to it. Having spent the last couple of weeks on Prodosia threw their rhythms off and they were just starting to ease back into it.

The reason these two were up at the early hour was because they were due to arrive at the Voleskar hyperspace waypoint in thirty minutes. So, the pair figured since they were up anyways, it might be prudent to get some food in their bellies. Inari was busy making some biscuits while Priya was whipping up some scrambled eggs and bacon. A pot of coffee was perking while they cooked, anticipating the breakfast sandwiches to come.

“You know, I never thought I could feel this way,” Priya commented.

“Oh? What way?” Inari wondered.

“That I could feel the same way I feel about you ... for someone else,” Priya admitted while she blushed a little.

“Getting yourself a case of the feels there, Pree?” Inari asked with a smile.

“Yeah! I mean, it’s exciting, terrifying, eye opening and ... everything else out there!” Priya told her girlfriend.

“You’re not the only one who feels this way! I thought that Zuzanna and I were done after I left all those years ago. I figured that being around her again was like being around a friend and I could leave it at that, no problem. What I didn’t expect was those feelings to surge back the way they did,” Inari confessed.

“Deep down, you still cared about her, didn’t you?” Priya asked.

“Now that I think about it, yeah, I did. I just couldn’t admit it to myself at the time,” Inari replied.

“I could tell that was the case. When we first arrived and I saw the way Zuzanna looked at you, I could tell it wasn’t over. Not for her, or for you,” Priya stated.

“Why didn’t you say anything, babe?” Inari asked, hoping she hadn’t inadvertently hurt her lady.

“I was thinking we’d be there for all of a few days and then be gone. Then when it turned into something longer than that, not to mention the mess we got mired in, I knew I was just going to have to deal with it,” Priya said softly.

“Sweetie, I’m so sorry!” Inari apologized.

“I wanted to hate her.”

“I’m sorry, what?” Inari asked, caught off guard by this declaration.

“Zuzanna. I wanted to hate her. I wanted to hate that woman for the pain she caused you. For the fact that she held a piece of your heart still. Hell, I wanted to hate her for everything that she was!!” Priya said a little vehemently.

“Why didn’t you?” Inari queried, curious about where this was going.

“It started out that way, but the more I was around her, the less fiery the hate was. I don’t know it was like ... the hatred I had just ... lessened. Like there was something that made me reconsider why I hated her. Eventually, it got to the point where I ... started to like her,” Priya admitted while blushing.

“I know exactly what you mean, sweetie!” Inari replied with a laugh.

“You do?”

“I was the same way when we first met, but for far different reasons, of course! Learning that the doctor who people praised as a Godsend was a Confed gave me an itchy trigger finger. There were times I just wanted to off her and be done with it!” Inari stated, a little abashed at this admission.

“How close did you come to doing it?” Priya queried out of sheer morbid curiosity.

“I was on a hair trigger more than once. The only thing that stayed my hand was the good that she was doing for the people of Prodosia. Especially the children, who looked up to Zuzanna like she was their hero,” Inari went on.

“Something I noticed while we spent time in Tanith’s Gully,” Priya agreed.

“I would learn later that when it boiled down to it, Zuzanna didn’t, and still doesn’t, have a malicious bone in her body. That woman is literally built to where, if she’s given the chance to be an evil woman, she just walks away. Zuzie just can’t do the dishonest or dishonorable thing. Not to good people anyway,” Inari told her girlfriend.

“Evil people are treated differently?” Priya wondered with a chuckle.

“Let’s just say that just because she can’t do evil, doesn’t mean that she won’t reach for justice, or vengeance, when it calls for it,” Inari giggled.

“So she’s like us? The OG Darkstrider crew?” Priya queried with a smile.

“Yup! Very low tolerance for asshats, and none for bullies. No matter who they are or what rank they hold,” Inari clarified.

The pair of them then migrated to the bridge, still chattering away as old friends and lovers do. They ate up and continued to talk about Zuzanna and their evolving relationship. It did seem a little fast for Priya, but she was managing the concept of and being a triad very well. She did have some concerns, but Inari allayed them the moment they came up.

“You truly love the both of us, don’t you?” Priya asked her.

“Fuck yeah, I do!” Inari stated without hesitation. “I thought I was only a one woman girl. Now it seems that my heart is big enough to fit the both of you into it,” Inari stated.

“For all the things about how things are about love and its power, the poets and bards of ages past were right about one thing,” Priya stated.


“The power of love and the capacity for it is infinite. If love is there, then there is no reason to think it would ever diminish, no matter how many people are involved,” Priya said as she finished a swig of coffee.

“Amen to that, love!” Inari agreed.

The conversation would have continued on, but for the alarm that sounded at that moment. It was the waypoint proximity alarm, which let the women know they were approaching the Voleskar hyperspace waypoint in the next five minutes. Sighing, but attending to their duties, both women left the lounge and headed for the bridge, mugs of java in hand.

“Feels good to be out in space again, doesn’t it?” Priya asked as she settled into the navigator’s chair.

“That it does! While shore leave is nice, life planetside is a little too static,” Inari replied as she did her checks, getting the ship ready to drop out of hyperspace.

“I think what you mean is ‘too boring’?” Priya laughed.

“Got it in one, babe!” Inari giggled. She then hit the lever and dropped the ship out of hyperspace into realspace. The waypoint was as it always had been, full of the usual traffic, with nothing amiss.

“Business as usual at the waypoint? Isn’t that a bit odd?” Priya wondered as she observed the traffic around the waypoint.

“Not really, if what I remember of Confed operating procedure is correct,” Inari replied.

“Which is ... what?”

“The Confeds love to broadcast their victories all across every channel that will have them in it. When it comes to their losses, they like to keep that as hush-hush as possible. They like to keep up the image of being an implacable wall of strength that no one can crack. It’s one of their most effective tools to not only keep the galactic community on their toes but also its citizens in line and belief in them strong,” Inari explained.

“Hmm. Makes a certain level of sense, I suppose. It still boggles the mind that the Confederacy has lasted as long as it has,” Priya sighed, still in disbelief that such a xenophobic group of humanity was still as strong as it was.

“Jaesa, Stanley, Delilah, are you guys there?” Inari called out.

“We are, captain. What did you need?” Jaesa asked, as she materialized on a holograph table nearby, flanked by both Stanley and Delilah in their respective military uniforms.

“Would you three mind doing a quick scan of all frequencies in the area, both civilian and military?” Inari asked.

“Thinking we might be watched by Confed spies, captain?” Stanley asked, looking concerned.

“Considering we upended their entire operation in the Abandoned Frontier, I certainly would!” Inari told him.

“Scanning now, captain. Standby,” Delilah informed the pair as she, along with her friends, got to work. A few minutes later, Inari got her answer.

“Nothing outside of the ordinary on all available and known frequencies, captain. Seems like the Confeds are lying low for the moment. I don’t foresee them being an immediate problem. Why are you fearing an immediate retaliation?” Jaesa wondered.

“I don’t know. Something is just telling me that the whole situation doesn’t smell right. It’s not just a cut and dried operation like the Confeds would normally pull. There has to be some sort of other element to it. I can’t place it, but something about everything that had been going on lately is just ... off,” Inari said to the AI.

“Off? Off how?”

“Call it what you will. Intuition, a gut feeling, or ... something. Whatever it is, some things just aren’t adding up,” Inari finished.

“Another one, babe?” Priya asked, mystified that Inari still wasn’t feeling better about the situation yet.

“Same one, just like there’s something I’m missing. I can’t put my finger on it, but it’s there,” Inari said worriedly as she continued making the calculations for their next jump.

“Babe, you need to stop worrying so much! We sent the Confeds running like the cowering dogs they are, kept Prodosia as a free world and saved many, many lives! I don’t think there’s anything else we need to worry ourselves about!” Priya told her girlfriend soothingly.

“While I do lack the intuition and senses that you organics do, I do find myself agreeing with Inari. There is something else that doesn’t add up,” Jaesa told them, causing Priya to groan.

“What did you find?” Inari asked, glad to see that her paranoia was being vindicated.

“Nothing solid. Just odd bits of data that I caught while sifting through the communications channels on Prodosia. It might just be random comms from the planet to other people out in the galaxy. But I will continue to monitor all frequencies, so I can be sure that these unknown variables are just people being tight vested about their particular business. In case something more concrete forms from what I find, I will inform you immediately,” Jaesa informed the couple.

“Thank you, Jaesa,” Inari said with a grateful smile. Just then, the navi-computer finished spitting out the jump co-ordinates. Inari then guided the ship to the co-ordinates and hit the lever, sending them into hyperspace once again.

“Well, if your mind is put at ease, love, can we go and chat some more?” Priya asked, as she was still munching on some food from the galley.

“Yeah. Let’s go!” Inari agreed, and the pair left the bridge, heading for the lounge, where they could be more comfortable and chat without being interrupted.

Back on Prodosia, Dagan Min had just finished explaining to his men about the situation he found himself in. He told them everything Vincent had told him, along with what bits about the pirates that were after him that he felt were relevant. They all knew what was at stake and could predict the options that were coming.

“So, it is with a heavy heart that I must ask you all to make a choice. Either you can stay here among your friends and newfound families, or you can continue to fly with me, out into the stars, once again,” Dagan told the group.

“Captain Min, you have been a most generous employer and more than fair with many of us gathered here. While I do enjoy the adventures that we have had and the places we have seen, I feel that here is where my employment with you must end. On this world, among the many others I have been on and seen, I have found that which I seek the most,” one of the men in the back said out loud.

“Ragnar, my good friend, must you leave my crew?” Dagan asked, knowing that it was one of his most loyal lieutenants who had spoken.

“I am afraid so, sir. You know Manda would skin me alive if I were to leave her here, with two little ones and a third on the way,” Ragnar said with a chuckle.

Some of the other men had a good laugh at that, as they knew what he was talking about. It had been no secret Ragnar had gotten involved with one of the locals, a Rondathan woman known as Manda. She was a total fireplug and was the sort of woman that many a man desired. How she wound up picking Ragnar out of his entire crew was a mystery to everyone and one that Ragnar refused to divulge.

“Just Manda? Or would Nyleen be helping her?” one of the other men joked.

Nyleen was Manda’s older sister who had come to live on Prodosia some years ago. Rumor had it that she was in some trouble with the Rondathan authorities and needed a place to lie low. Since she had arrived, she and Manda had been thick as thieves, always spotted together around town. More rumors swirled around about them, on how they were both involved with Ragnar, which the man refused to confirm or deny.

“They both would likely do this. Besides, since my children have arrived, I can’t leave them. Not like this,” the man told his captain, his decision resolute.

“I understand and accept your resignation, Ragnar Sigurdsson. If anyone else here is of a similar mind to the lieutenant, know that I will hold no grudges and bear no ill will towards you or your families,” Dagan told the lot of them.

Some of the men exchanged glances, and a few nodded and then voiced their own reasons for wanting to leave. Some of them had families of their own, while others felt that the life they had on this planet was, for lack of a better word, perfect. Nearly an entire third of his crew had decided to stay planetside, as their lives were there.

Dagan Min sighed, as he had somewhat expected this. While his ships would be a bit shorthanded of crew for the first few stops out in space, they would find other good crew out there. It hurt to lose so many good hands, and some of which he even dared to call his friends. But he knew their lives were their own and he couldn’t force them to do anything they didn’t want to do.

“Steinbeck, gather a list of the men who wish to stay on and those who wish to leave. Once you have the list, initiate the selloff of all planetside assets to those who wish to stay,” Dagan told one of his lieutenants.

“Yes, sir!” Steinbeck replied. “Wait, where are you going?”

“To speak to the sheriff, along with running a few personal errands. I’m certain you can handle this bout of business,” Dagan stated as he clapped the man on the shoulder.

Steinbeck nodded and got to work, grabbing a few books so as to ensure that every sale was noted. Dagan then left the building and made his way through the town of Tanith’s Gully. He walked alone, as with the end of the hidden Confederate influence along with the dissolution of the gangs, ramped up individual safety.

Most people could now walk out into the streets and not have to carry a weapon, most of the time. Not only was the presence of the deputies much more prevalent, but so too was that of the unofficial militia, the Children of the Wolf. Many people still looked sideways at the Children, but they were slowly endearing themselves to the populace.

Many of them walked the streets of the towns, making their presence known, which in itself was quite the deterrent. Having survived the harsh wastes of this broken world had forged them into a hard people. This made them capable of things that even the most hardened cutthroat would have trouble carrying out. A fact which was made known quite recently in fact.

A former ganger had been found accosting a woman while she was out getting groceries for her children. They had been found with him in the middle of raping her, while she tried to call out for help. The Children had found them before anyone else and stopped the man. They not only stopped him, but dragged him out into a public avenue, declaring what he had done so people knew his name.

The public had gathered around to see what would happen, and they were not disappointed. Because some townsfolk had also witnessed it, along with the Children, they handed down a brutal sentence for the man. He was exposed to everyone as the Children went and removed one of his balls in the most painful way possible. The screaming could be heard many blocks away, with most witnesses being shocked out of their minds.

The man survived the process, as the Children viewed death as an easy punishment. People like this rapist had to be punished in such a way that they would live to remember their crime. Living with a reminder of what they had done would certainly be a level of torment that most people would have a tough time getting over.

The punishment had been enacted long before any deputies had arrived. While they were chastised for taking the law into their own hands, the townsfolk rallied behind the Children, as they punished the rapist fittingly. Not only was this man now known as a rapist, but having his ability to enjoy himself severely hampered for months, possibly even years, was exactly what he deserved.

It wasn’t long after that, that the law had been rewritten to include the forms of justice that the Children of the Wolf adhered to. While it might have been seen as barbaric, no one could ignore the results of such brutal punishments. Much in the way of crime had dropped drastically, with the more violent offenses falling to nil almost overnight! Not to mention that people actually felt safe with the Children walking around the town.

Dagan chuckled to himself and kept on walking, knowing that even he, a notorious smuggler, was safe on the streets of Tanith’s Gully. He got to the Sheriff’s station in no time at all, with even some people he passed by calling in greetings and thanks. The smuggler smiled and puffed up his chest with pride, as he was one of the vaunted heroes of Prodosia now. It was a shame that he had to leave what he had now.

As he entered the doors of the station, he was greeted by a few deputies and Children, who were learning the ins and outs of the new laws. While the Children had been little better than barbaric nomads, they were quickly adapting to life in Tanith’s Gully. With the new lease on life the world had picked up from the Unified Systems Alliance, much was changing and already had changed for the betterment of all peoples here.

He asked after Daved and was directed to the man’s office, where he saw not only the sheriff, but the sheriff’s wife, Jenque, as well! That factored in perfectly with what he had in mind to do, as he wanted words with them both! He strolled on over and knocked on the door, before Daved called for him to enter. While Dagan was a hero to the people of this world now, that didn’t give him any excuse to forget his manners.

“Dagan! Glad to see you here!” Daved said enthusiastically as he got up and shook his hand. Jenque also gave the man a warm welcome in the form of a hug, as his bravery had been instrumental in helping Prodosia stay free.

“To what do we owe the pleasure of this visit?” Jenque asked as she sat back down.

“I wish it was to deliver good news, but sadly, that is not the case,” Dagan started, knowing that he had to be truthful with them.

“What are you talking about?” Daved wondered, his joy dissipating quickly.

It was then that Dagan told them about what Vincent had found, along with his own history concerning this band of pirates. How he had been close with the newly anointed Pirate Queen once and how he had inadvertently wronged her. A transgression that she hadn’t forgiven him for, nor was she interested in doing so. Of how there were now pirates on Prodosia, who were likely after him.

“So, this ... pirate crew, you believe they are here for you?” Daved asked, making sure he was hearing everything right.

“Yes. I came here, thinking they wouldn’t think to look here for me and for nearly a decade, this was a truth. No one ever came here looking for me and I could enjoy my life here, such as it was. But, now that they have found me, I feel I must take my leave of this world, lest anyone I consider a friend here get caught in the middle of this,” Dagan sighed heavily.

“Why didn’t you tell us about this when you first arrived here, all those years ago?” Daved questioned, a little miffed that Dagan hadn’t been honest with him about this after they had become friends.

“Simple. It was for your safety. The less you knew, the less likely chance it would be that these pirates would come after you and your families. The only way to keep anyone that is in my orbit safe is if they could honestly say, ‘I don’t know anything’,” Dagan explained.

“Where will you go?” Jenque queried, concerned for the man.

“I have no idea yet, but I do know that once I leave, these pirates will probably come after me, leaving you and your world alone. That is my hope, anyway,” Dagan stated.

“And if they don’t?” Daved asked, playing the Devil’s Advocate.

“This is why I’m telling you everything I know about these pirates now, on the off chance that they don’t leave. That way, you at least have an idea of what it is you are up against,” Dagan told him.

“Which I appreciate! At least now, we have some idea of what to expect and can plan things accordingly,” Daved said with a sigh, as he knew he was going to have to put off the chance of a vacation with his family for a bit longer.

“I wish you well on your journey, Dagan! I do hope that you find a way to get this whole debacle resolved and can find your way to a place of safety,” Jenque told him with a hug.

“As do I! Seriously, do you have nowhere you can go that would be considered even remotely safe?” Daved asked, as he came forward to shake his hand one last time.

“Now that I think about it, I believe the safest place to go might just be with the crew of the Darkstrider. With the amount of firepower and defense they have, I think being around them might provide a good deterrent to any looking to claim my head,” Dagan said, as he felt his neck uneasily.

“Well, if you mean to go after them, you might want to hurry. They have at least a day’s head start on you and if their hyperdrive is as advanced as their weapons, you’ll need all the time you can muster!” Jenque told him.

“Do you have any idea as to where they might be headed? Anything you can tell me would be greatly appreciated!” Dagan begged, hoping she knew something.

“I don’t know where they are going, but I do know that they were going to need some exotic materials to help fix Zuzie up,” Jenque replied in remembrance.

“Yeah! I remember something about them needing Star Forged Promethium, or something along those lines. I also heard something about them needing some sort of ... bone?” Daved said, scratching his head in confusion.

“Naucturi Wychbone?” Dagan queried, hoping that was what Daved was trying to remember.

“Yeah! That’s it! Does that help at all?” the sheriff questioned.

“That helps me out immensely! Thank you!” Dagan sighed, as he now knew where the Darkstrider was headed.

There was only one place that had those materials, along with whatever exotic materials that they might need to help Zuzanna: Drahl’tothen station. It was the closest station that had what they needed and was far enough away from major trading hubs to go unnoticed.

But that put them in Naucturi space, which was risky, as the Naucturi had an annoying habit of getting into people’s business when discretion was required. He only hoped that whatever they did in acquiring the materials they needed, they wouldn’t be loud about it. He knew Inari was a savvy trader and would conduct their business as discreetly as she could manage. Then there was the personal risk he was taking by going there himself.

Regardless of the risk, Dagan knew that getting there was necessary if he wanted to stay a few steps ahead of Zarkazh. Not only that, but he knew of a few hidden hyperspace routes that were known only to smugglers to get there. He was certain that Inari knew about a few of them, but not all. Though she might have the faster ship, Dagan was confident that he could get there before the crew of the Darkstrider departed.

“Also, you must know that while I am leaving, a good portion of my crews are not. Nearly one third of them are staying behind, as they view Prodosia as their home,” Dagan stated.

“Well, it’s good to know that there will be others here to help us in dealing with these pirates!” Daved said with a grin.

He knew that Dagan leaving was a big hit to having experienced, battle ready crews on hand to teach those who wanted to fly. As far as ships were concerned, Daved wasn’t too worried. The carrier they had captured was churning out as many ships as its foundries could produce.

But, with the Confederacy having been beaten back, it would take them time to muster a new fleet to come for them. Time they would have to train new pilots and even crew for the ships that would form their new defense fleet. They even had a few former Confed officers who had defected and were willing to help train the new crews in return for amnesty. It wasn’t the ideal situation, but it worked.

“Indeed! But also, since I am leaving and likely not returning for some time, I have a gift for the two of you,” Dagan said, catching them both by surprise.

“A gift? What kind of a gift?” Jenque queried.

“A new home, for you and your growing family,” Dagan told them, pulling out a small tablet, which was loaded with the deed to his house.

“A new ... Dagan, this is your home!” Jenque said in protest.

“Not anymore. I planned for such a contingency years ago and was wondering who I should gift my home to, should I ever need to leave. After a few years on this planet, living here among the people, I knew that you and your family would need it most, should that day come. And now, that day is today,” Dagan told them seriously, placing the tablet in front of them.

Both Daved and Jenque stared at the tablet in disbelief, still shocked that Dagan Min was gifting them his home! Jenque picked up the tablet and went over every line of the document to be sure there were no legal flubs. Her eyes widened as she continued to read the document, and soon, tears filled her eyes as she finally put the tablet down.

“Are you really sure about this?” Daved asked, looking at the tablet and noting that he was practically giving the house away to them.

“As sure as I can be, and just so you know, I am completely sober. Haven’t had a single drop today, so you know I’m not off my rocker or losing my mind to the drink,” Dagan told the couple.

“Dagan ... this ... this...” Jenque started before she broke down, crying tears of happiness before mobbing the man in a bear hug. Daved was only a few seconds behind his wife, wrapping his arms around his friend for his most generous gift!

“Now you and your entire family will have a home that can actually be a home! Where your boys can have their own rooms and not have to continually share as they do!” Dagan chuckled as he hugged his friends back.

“You certainly made sure everything was done on the up and up! Even up to date with today’s new laws!” Jenque said as she continued sniffling.

“I make a point to always keep any documents I have up to date so I avoid any potential ... mishaps. I have some experience with such things and they tend to be ... most unpleasant,” Dagan informed them.

“No doubt! Well, I’m all for this!” Daved said as he bent down with a stylus ion hand and signed the document. Jenque took the stylus from her husband when he was done and signed her name as well. Then Dagan went and added his signature, completing the transfer of the property to them.

“It is done. You and you family can start moving things in tomorrow if you so choose. I will be out before the day is over,” Dagan told them.

“Won’t any of the possible spies from this pirate ship spot you leaving with all your things?” Jenque asked.

“I am only taking that which can be put into a mid-sized storage cube or be taken over to my cabin on The Steadfast. The furniture is too cumbersome and would eat up too much time when time is of the essence. You and your family can decide what to do with it,” Dagan told them with a smile.

They both were taken aback by this declaration, as they had seen some of the furniture in Dagan Min’s home and they knew it wasn’t cheap! Some of the items were worth more than what the couple owned in furniture all put together! While Jenque almost refused outright, she knew it would be nice to have a solidly built sofa that the kids wouldn’t wreck inside of a year!

“We are sad to see you go, my friend,” Daved said as he shook Dagan’s hand once more.

“Well, this was always the plan. But, should I somehow manage to settle my business with Queen Zarkazh, which sees me keeping my head, I will come back,” Dagan promised.

“And you will always be welcome back here,” the couple promised.

“Thank you. I must be going to pack my things quickly. With any luck, I can be packed and spaceborne before the queen’s lackeys even know I am gone,” Dagan stated.

With that, the man left the sheriff’s station and headed to his home. It was a bit of a walk and time was precious, but on the off chance that pirate spies were watching him, he took his time. He reached his home soon enough and walked inside to the sight of several storage crates lying around the main floor.

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