David's Life - Book I: I Dreamed of Djini and So Much More - Cover

David's Life - Book I: I Dreamed of Djini and So Much More

Copyright© 2014 by Diederik Rask

Chapter 2: My Wish Came True, or Was it a Dream

Fantasy Sex Story: Chapter 2: My Wish Came True, or Was it a Dream - David , begins to dream dreams based on the various types of stories he's been reading for years now on SOL. Stories of genies, the Master PC program, and them damned aliens who like to drag unsuspecting men off to new worlds for the entertainment of other aliens. Now, if only they had stayed dreams. Maybe, it's a dream come true. Let's see what dreams may become.

Caution: This Fantasy Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Mult   Teenagers   Consensual   Magic   Heterosexual   High Fantasy   Humor   Science Fiction   Extra Sensory Perception   DoOver   Paranormal   Genie   Slow  

I woke up the next morning to the light and warmth of Sol warming me, and the beauty beside me. I don't remember returning to my bed, but what does it matter. I was feeling well, rested, and ready for this new day.

Stretching and working the kinks out, I looked over at Nekita, who was wide awake and garbed in a new, though similar, outfit to the one she wore when she had appeared last night. Smiling at her, I moved into a tailor's seat and began asking her more questions. There was so much I wanted to know about what I had bumbled into. We went back and forth for what seemed to be a long time. At some point Mari came and joined us and had her own questions. Mari sees things from a different enough point of view that she often things of things I miss, and vice a versa.

We learned that Nekita's granting of my daily wishes were limited, but mostly in such a way as to not allow me to become a deity, or to gain such powers as the Djinn. I could refine my wish, to ensure it is what I intend, past what basic intentions she could read from my mind. No, she could not read my mind, only my wishes intentions. I'll give an example, once this accounting is done. The daily wish was for things outside of hearth and home. Simple wishes to improve my home, provide sustenance, protect us from harm (of any kind) were limitless. She could not make me rich, directly. So, no wishing for lots of money, or precious metals to be dropped into my possession. I also learned she could, to a limited extent, twist reality slightly by opening small doorways into a nearby alternate dimension to give a closet the space of a mansion, if I so wished. Best part of that was it wouldn't count as a Wish. It didn't have to be a closet. It could be a room. Let me tell you, we ended up with our basement fully redone, waterproofed, and with a huge luxurious, hedonistic bath and Jacuzzi.

The basement was just one change. The upstairs bathroom was upgraded, but left within its original size and shape. It was more a case of rearranging where things were placed. The bathtub was removed and a large multihead shower was put in its place. It was tiled, with in floor heating, a towel keeper that warmed the towels with the heat from the hot water pipes. Additionally, I had the entire hot water system made into a recirculating one so that hot water was always on hand. I could go on and on, but Mari has told me I'm getting off track, as usual.

For my first wish I decided to have Nekita modify our eyes. I wanted extremely sharp vision that was comparable to that of a hawk. Additionally, I wanted great night vision, so that starlight alone would be like being out when the moon was full. Finally, to protect our eyes I had a nictitating membrane added that would work in sandstorms, and even in salt water. As a test, we went out and drove to the top of a hill that would give us a view of the highway and air traffic on the ground and in the air. It's pretty awesome to be able to read a license plate on a car, clearly, as it speeds on by at 100 meters. Even more inspiring is being able to read the tail numbers on an aircraft a mile high above you. We did learn that the NM (nictitating membrane) reduced the clarity of vision by about 50%, but not the focus. It did take some getting used to as it did affect our ability to judge distances at first. Night time was like wearing the world's best binocular night vision glasses, but without the weight and other problems that went with wearing such. Later I would want to see how it affected my shooting.

I also learned that Nekita was bound to protect me from all harm, to the best of her ability. I hoped that this particular charge of hers would not be tested anytime soon.

We returned home and talked, enjoyed a wonderful meal provided by Nekita, which we all enjoyed. I made sure to make her feel appreciated for everything she did for us. I could not treat her as a slave, object, or tool. She was, to me, a real person, although one with special powers I had only dreamed of before her unexpected appearance. As the day turned to night, I started asking about the Djinn in general and then her specifically. Hers is, to me, an interesting story. That, however, is for another time.

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