Whatever It Costs - Cover

Whatever It Costs

Copyright© 2014 by DeeBee

Chapter 12

Drama Sex Story: Chapter 12 - Eric, a high school student, faces violence and betrayal while growing up and struggling towards independent life. He loves and gets hurt and loves again while learning the responsibilities of adult life. 57 chapters total. Codes will be updated while the story progresses.

Caution: This Drama Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   Romantic   Rape   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Tear Jerker   Slow  

I was there again in the middle of the day, on Saturday, with a bunch of flowers in my hand. I had not warned Sara in any way, simply because I did not have her number. When Sara came to door, she did not look happy. I looked at her.

"My mother thinks I should not have resigned."

"But, Sara, you did not ... Oh, my. Can I talk to her?"

"You can try."

I wish I could say that I charmed the mother of my new girlfriend. Well, at least she tolerated me. Somewhat. She was not happy at all that they'd need to discuss Sara's termination with lawyers! It had been lawyers who had made sure that she could not get anything from the insurance for her sickness, and lawyers who had also made sure that her layoff had been legal.

'Good luck with her, Aunty, ' I thought.

Once I left the house with Sara, I first asked for her mobile number, and then for her home number. I immediately sent a message to my aunty and asked if she could call Sara's mother. A message I sent with a 'please.'

Sara seemed apologetic when I looked at her. I used my index finger to press the tip of her nose a bit. The look on her face changed from apologetic to confused. I repeated the procedure. She actually had a cute nose. Now she actually smiled the smallest bit. But enough for the dimples to show. I quickly tapped her dimples with the same finger.

"That's better. Those I do want to see as often as possible."

"Goof. You really are a goof."

But she giggled while saying that. Her giggle had a nice sound, too.

Soon we were at our private appointment with the lady doctor. It turned out that we were the only clients she had, this Saturday. I guessed that 'someone' I knew had asked for another favor. It turned out that she would be running a full series of tests, as she wanted three kinds of samples from both of us. Of course she asked us about any possible symptoms, which neither of us had.

When Sara was in the examination chair, I sat by her head offering some modesty to her. But when it was time for my visual inspection, the nice doctor asked for Sara to help hold my dick, pull back the skin, and check my balls. She smirked and I saw her nipples stiffen. I started smelling a rat. But that smell was not enough to stop me from reacting in the obvious way. After a while the doctor felt that she had humiliated me enough, and allowed me to adjust myself before she started speaking.

"You both look like healthy teenagers, to me. But of course, we should wait for the test results, first. There are still some questions I'd like to ask. Sara, as you do not seem to be a virgin, I'd like to know if you have had any unprotected intercourse, lately?"

"No. Not ever."

"Fine. How about you, Eric?"

The smell of rat was so very clear, now. Shit. I had suggested this all by myself, though. Bitter, but now I just had to take my medicine.


"Hmm. With more than one partner?"

Rat! That lady doc was actually smirking.


"More than two?"

"Actually five."

OK. Now it was out. Sara's eyebrows were suddenly somewhere very high. I could not figure out what she was thinking. For some reason, it mattered to me, but the doctor had not released me yet.

"Young man, do you know that your behavior is totally reckless. You should inform all your partners, and maybe ask them to get tested, too. And then there always is the question about possible pregnancies."

That was enough. I knew that I should have stayed quiet but I had to make things crystal clear.

"Madam, it is my policy to never speak a word about my partners, or about what I have or what I have not done. Now, though, you have accused them of questionable behavior. So I'll speak, as it is also important for Sara to understand what I have done."

I took a deep breath.

"I was in a long stable relationship, for almost a year, during which we were sexually active for almost ten months. During this relationship, we always used condoms. We were each other's firsts, and only, as far as I know. After that, I had some partners who were on pill. Each of them had had only one partner besides me, kind of like a closed circle. Then there was one partner who had been tested before she had anything to do with me."

"And you are heterosexual, Eric?"


What kind of question was that? That damned doctor was smirking in her eyes. She had probably known all that. When I turned to look at Sara she looked confused. Then suddenly it was like a switch was turned and she started to smile.

Once we were back in my car, Sara suddenly started to giggle. When I turned to look at her she managed to say,

"I would never have believed that my boyfriend is such a sexual monster. You have had more partners than I. And they say that I'm a slut."

I blushed. And she giggled ever more. A part of me felt a bit humiliated but I really felt grateful to the lady doctor ... and to my aunty ... and probably also Beth. Yesterday, they must have sensed that Sara thought that she was not good enough for me. Though my idea might have been to make her feel better about herself, their idea was much more straightforward. I sighed and Sara launched herself from her seat to kiss me. I guessed I would survive.

Instead of going out to have lunch, we drove to my house and I started cooking something. Or I tried! After half a minute, we were doing it together. I didn't mind. Occasional kisses were nice, too. After our late lunch (or early dinner), we decided to sit together in living room. Instead of watching the tube, or something else, we decided to have our first serious girlfriend-boyfriend -talk.

"Eric, how come you want me to be your girlfriend? You know how it is at school, I have a reputation of being a slut and you are a nice guy."

"You haven't had sex with more than four or five guys?"

"Five. My first was two years my senior. Then there was Anton - and he gave me to his friends."

"So currently there is no-one at school, who has been with you?"

"No. I have given a few hand-jobs on occasional dates, but nothing more."

"So, you are no slut."

"I was with those three."

"No. At that time, you had no choice."

A kiss was exchanged to seal that. Of course, it was not over, just like that; but I was open with her about my relationship with Marie. She giggled, as she had guessed that my other experiences had been with bi-curious lesbians. Finally, she looked at me.

"There was one you did not tell me anything about."

I looked at those blue eyes. Put it all out in the open. Wasn't that what I wanted? Still, I hesitated for a moment, but only for a moment.

"Sara, I've learned to like you a lot in a very short time. Much faster than it ever happened with Marie. When my relationship with her ended, I was seriously in love with her. I guess part of me loves her still, even if our relationship is all over. But when I think about you I guess already love you some. I'm not yet in love with you, but I already love you."

There were tears in her eyes when she kissed me. I guess her eyes made mine wet, too. But I was not off of the hook yet.

"You did not say anything about her."

"No, I'm not sure if I can, yet. Or ever."

There was a short silence.

"When I think about the situation you and your mother are in it seems silly to whine about this. But I do remember how I felt when I lost my parents. That was something similar. Some cruel game that fate plays with the two of you. It shows you that there really is such a thing as your soul mate: someone who fills all the empty spaces you have, even the ones you didn't know anything about before. Fate lets you taste each other, to find out that you are a perfect match to each other. Then it makes sure that everything you could have, were only some stolen moments that can never be repeated again."

I looked at her.

"It's probably not a very clever thing to tell to your girlfriend during second date, but I decided to be totally honest with you."

To say that she attacked me, was an understatement, and a serious one at that. The amount of kisses I received within the next few minutes had to be some astronomical figure. When she stopped she looked deep into my eyes.

"I guess I need to be honest with you, too. I'm not sure if I have ever been actually horny before, but I am, now. Please, Eric, say that you have condoms. It is not that I would not trust you, but..."

I tried to return all the kisses on our way to the bedroom. But once we got there I decided to take it slowly. I was so hard that it hurt, and she was shivering with anticipation, but I forced myself to behave. To be slow. Since we were waiting for our test results there would not be any serious licking, and no blow-jobs, but we both turned out to be quite talented with our fingers. My first load came between her nice titties and she came to my cupped hand. When my covered prick finally found its way inside her we kept on looking into each other's eyes. If I had not loved her before that I would sure love her after this.

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