Plenty of Time
Copyright© 2025 by soopad00pa
Chapter 1
BDSM Sex Story: Chapter 1 - After more than a decade of failure, I finally crack the code of time travel. What's the first thing I do? Go grab my wife as a kid and drag her kicking and screaming into our BDSM relationship.
Caution: This BDSM Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Ma/ft Fa/ft Mult NonConsensual Rape Time Travel Incest BDSM Rough Sadistic Torture Anal Sex Sex Toys
I can tell you’re still in shock. Shock that I figured it out after all this time. That I pulled it off. Shock that this twisted idea has manifested. Your whole perspective on the world has shifted. I’ve done that to you before but never like this.
We stand together over her supine, still body. Your body.
“Wake her up,” I tell you. You look at me, eyes big and wet. “Now.”
You reach out and touch her toe, barely. Then a gentle tug on her pajama bottoms and she stirs momentarily. You half crawl onto the bed so you’re above her and tug again on her pants, harder. Her eyes squinch and her head rolls and after a few blinks she looks at you. A beat of processing and she’s wide awake, body stiffening like a current runs through it.
It’s dark in the room. Not a cave, but cave like. I went for the dramatic with heavy velvet drapery in blacks and purples to deaden sound and hide blood. Candles that make it look more cultish than romantic. Implements line the walls, many just for effect, but enough were practical to offer variety and utility.
“Tell her who you are,” I say, my voice husky, and she notices me. Little fourteen year old you finally looks at me and her eyes show the first hint of alarm. My cock twitches.
“I’m you, from the future,” you say. “Or really, the present. You’re me from the past.” Her eyes move back and forth between us filled with skeptical disbelief and confusion.
I step over to the wall and pull down a couple hanks of jute and turn back to both of you. “And I’m going to rape you.”
She immediately scrambles back away from you, back pressing into the sturdy bed frame, knees pulling close protectively. You follow, perhaps to comfort. Don’t know, don’t care. I can tell she’s trying to decide between running and screaming and crying.
“We’ll talk about all of this soon enough. I’ll answer your questions, address your concerns. But this has been a long time coming and I’m out of patience.” My knees press against the bed and I uncoil a length of rope as I speak. “You need to keep your fucking mouth shut and do as you’re told. I’ve been fucking you for more than a decade and I know what you’ll like. Someday.”
I knee walk across the bed and grab her wrist and pull it to me. She hands me her other wrist along with it and I smirk. Her eyes are trembling and almost about to spill. In a moment her hands are tied and wrenched above her head and secured to the bedframe. Her jaw sets with a touch of defiance as tears begin to trickle down her cheeks.
My hand lashes out and grabs a fistful of your hair and I yank you back onto the bed in front of little you, my other hand wrapping your throat and choking you out. I rip your shirt open and slap you awake just to choke you back out again so I can yank your leggings off, exposing your cunt to her.
“Watch and learn what a greedy whore you become,” I say.
I slap you out of your groggy panting and give you a hard kiss, tongue deep in your mouth, teeth tugging at your lip. Your moan trails off to a whimper.
“Take off your shirt and then take off her pants,” I say as I stand up and strip out of my clothes.
Little you’s eyes are like a panicked puppy, darting all over the room. She squirms, drawing her legs in close as you reach for her. You’re mumbling reassuring nonsense to her as you clumsily paw at her pajama bottoms.
I’m watching her watching me as I sidle up behind you, cock in hand, and shove it into your cunt in one stroke, crushing you down against her. Your hands curl tightly into her pants as I batter into your soggy hole for a few hard strokes. You grunt and cry out against her retreating form. I lean past you and fish my hand into her waistband and yank hard. A seam gives way with a rriiippp and her small body is yanked forward as she cries out. I jerk a couple more times, counterbalanced by pumping your cunt and the bottoms give way, revealing her simple white panties and skinny legs.
“Shut up,” I say. “And you, you useless whore,” I slap your ass hard, “get her fucking panties off and you can cum.”
I reach out and grab young you by her chin and look at her hard while I fuck you as you fumble at her panties.
“I’m gonna ask you a question - can you focus enough to listen to me?” I ask her. She’s not at the bawling and snuffling stage of crying, more shock and helpless disbelief. Maybe numb. But after a moment she whispers a small “Yes” between my clamping fingers. I look down for a moment and she’s absently cooperating with your almost useless panty tugging. Progress is being made, in spite of your efforts. I see a flash of her cunt with just a light dusting of hair. Gonna hafta fix that, I think.
“Are you still a virgin?” I ask. “I know all about it, I’m just not sure if it’s happened yet...” I trail off and she looks away, ashamed.
I pump. You moan and fumble. She trembles and after a moment her eyes swivel back to me and delivers an even tinier “Yes.” Good, I smile to myself, but then I see your hand waving a pair of panties at me. I take them from you and hold them up close to my face, squinting in the low light. They’re wet.
“Open your legs, kid. Show us your pussy,” I tell her. She complies almost mechanically, knees dropping open, feet together. I press your head down into her thigh, facing her hole. Her eyes are fixed on the junction of our hips as I batter you into her. I’m regretting the candlelight - I can tell there’s a cunt there but it’s frustratingly dim. Guess I’ll have to get closer. Soon enough...
I lean down into you and grind my cock deeper into your guts. “Now you can cum,” I whisper in your ear and you cry out, your body shuddering it’s release under me.
“See what you’ve become?” I ask as I pull out of your cunt and roll you onto your back. “What you’ve got to look forward to? You’ve told me all about how much you crave this. How you dreamt of being kidnapped. Taken away to have unspeakable things done to you. I know you don’t know what that means yet, but you will. But first, I’m gonna fuck you and it’s gonna hurt.”
As I speak, I lengthen the rope holding her wrists to the headboard so I can tug her flat. I grab more rope and tie an ankle, pulling it up high above her head. The tears are flowing freely down her cheeks and she’s shaking her head in a continual no.
I give you a quick slap. “Hold her other leg,” I tell you. You reposition yourself so you’re lying atop her leg, hugging it, face just above her knee. “Hold it higher, you dumb cunt! Spread her fucking legs.” You readjust, hooking her leg in the crook of your elbow, sidling up to her, almost spooning. “Better”, I say, looking down at both of your cunts open before me. Yours clean-shaven and drooling, hers fuzzy and turgid. I bet if there were enough light, I would see it glisten, just a bit.
My head is full of need, this insane fantasy that’s been growing in me for so long is about to become real. I’m almost overcome with the need to rampage through this little body, destroying it with my demands but I don’t want this to be too traumatic. I don’t want to end this before it begins. I am somewhat comforted by the thought that If I do break her irrevocably, I can just get another one...
This girl is the culmination of my life’s work. I’m a scientist. Really, I suppose I now qualify as a mad scientist, having actually succeeded at traveling through time. It took me over a decade to figure out a likely hypothesis and then more than a decade of tedious trial and error to get the engineering right and actually make it happen. In the end, it was far simpler than I’d imagined, though not without cost. That’s not an issue any more - I didn’t only go back in time for pussy.
I’m almost paralyzed by indecision - how to start? A few moments have passed as my brain raced and I see you’ve settled in and are more entwined with your younger self, arm around her neck, almost cheek to cheek, other hand stroking her hair.
“Get her top off,” I tell you as I drop to the bed and approach her pussy. I can feel her body tense as I hook her other leg and pull my face to her lips. I look up along the expanse of her as you’re revealing her flesh with your unbuttoning and look right into her leaking eyes as I run my tongue through the length of her lightly furred pussy. It is wet.
I study the two of you as I absently taste her hole. She’s you at fourteen - where your breasts are fuller and heavier from childbirth, her’s are small and conical with tiny, pale nipples. Her hips are skinny where you’ve got curvaceous junk in your trunk. Her features are small and doll-like. You’ve settled into your life, your lips are fuller, you have a hint of crow’s feet and laugh lines. Your cunt is religiously kept bare and while her pubic hair is sparse, I doubt it’s ever been maintained. The singular thing that’s identical are the unruly mops of curls on your heads.