Thomas Grey & His Friends - Cover

Thomas Grey & His Friends

Copyright© 2025 by Argon

Chapter 4: The False Major

August 1818

It was a week later, and Thomas and Mirabel, with Robert Bryce and his fiancée Harriet-Anne, were returning to Grey Manor. Three days earlier, they had witnessed the wedding of Admiral Rodney Harrison to Miss Alice Houghton. The bride was given away by her grandfather, Mirabel had been the matron of honour, and Thomas had served as the groom’s best man. Of necessity, it had not been the grandest of weddings, but the ailing Rear Admiral Harrison had managed to stay on his feet, wearing his Nº1 uniform, until the vows had been exchanged. Even afterwards, at the festive dinner, he had sat bravely at Alice’s side, grimacing frequently with pain, but keeping up the facade of the happy groom. Alice, too, had played her part, or rather, she had shown that she honestly cared for her ailing husband. However, after two hours, the poor man was too exhausted to continue the charade, and they had retired to his home. Admiral Moorbanke had left at this point, too, and the small party dissolved soon after.

Thomas and Mirabel had paid visits to the Harrisons and to Admiral Moorbanke the day after, and Thomas was quite convinced that he would not see either man alive again. Alice had thanked them for attending her wedding, but she was a little disheartened, too, over having to undergo a charade to gain an independent future.

Now, their coach was taking them back home and the depressed mood in which they were, lifted with each mile they travelled. Arriving a little after noon, they enjoyed tea in the garden, before they perused the accumulated mail they had received. There was a letter for Robert, too, and he smiled sadly after reading it.

“Is something amiss, dear?” Harriet-Anne asked.

“It would seem that my parents are happy with me again,” Robert answered with a wry smile.

“Is it about me?”

Robert nodded. “It would seem that wooing a wealthy widow is putting me back into my father’s graces. Forgive me!”

“I am who I am. As long as it makes our lives less complicated...” Harriet-Anne left the sentence unfinished, but the meaning was clear.

“They wish for the wedding to be held in Kilmarnock.”

“I was hoping for that, my dear,” Harriet-Anne smiled. “I shall be the Lady of Kilmarnock one day, after all. Besides, I want to meet your family.”

“You will, my dear,” Robert sighed. He looked at Thomas. “Will you serve as my best man, Thomas?”

“Of course! Unless they think poorly of me for leading you into depravity back then.”

“They don’t know about your unsavoury influence,” Robert grinned, his mood improving. “They feared that I had disappointed your family.”

“I believe you were both handfuls,” Harriet-Anne smiled. “Don’t you agree, Mirabel.”

“I am quite certain of it,” Mirabel agreed. “Yet who wants a bumbling novice for a husband?”

“Or a dotty old fool! Not I, anymore. So, promised of mine, you are forgiven your youthful indiscretions,” Harriet-Anne declared. “Speaking of dotty old fools, we must visit Madeleine soonest.”

“Yes, let us plan this for tomorrow. Say, Harriet-Anne, shall we ready a guest room for you? We should hate to have you leave so soon, and I am quite certain that Robert feels that way, too.”

Harriet-Anne thought about it briefly and nodded. “If it is no imposition, I should like that.”

After breakfast in the next morning, Mirabel and Harriet-Anne took the coach to visit Madeleine Egerton, whilst Thomas and Robert had horses saddled for a morning ride. When they returned to the manor, they saw the coach driving up, too, and after handing the horses to the stable hand — a tenant’s son living on his father’s parcel — they waited for the coach to stop, offering their hands to their ladies. Thomas immediately saw that they had brought along a man whom he recognised as Major Carson, the victim of Mister Egerton’s poor handling of his pistol. He alighted from the coach, too.

“I wish you a good day, Sir Thomas,” he offered, holding out his hand which Thomas shook without hesitation.

“It is good to see you restored to health, Major,” he answered.

“Thank you, Sir Thomas. Lady Grey was so kind as to give me transport since I have urgent news for you.”

“Then you are doubly welcome, Major. Is the news too urgent to join us for a small repast?”

“If I may, I would rather you knew what I must tell you first.”

“As you wish, Major. What is it?”

“I spent the last months in London, hoping to find full employment. I frequented some of the places where officers like me congregate and I chanced upon an acquaintance, a former brother in arms, who has fallen on hard times. Major Collins — well, he lost his commission — served in the 28th of Foot in the Waterloo Campaign, quite with distinction, until he was discovered pilfering fallen officers’ pockets after the battle, British officers, and was reduced to the ranks.”

“And how, pray tell, is this important for me?”

“Well, Sir Thomas, the man has accepted a payment for finding you, bringing about a duel, and killing you,” Carson answered simply. “He is a crack shot — that I know personally — and quite adept with the sword. He already fought three duels, killing all three opponents.”

“How did you learn of that, Major?”

“He’d heard of my mishap here, and learning that I know you, he asked me all those questions about you, where you live, what places you may frequent, and also about your wife, if she may be amenable to a dalliance. That’s when I asked him bluntly what his scheme was, and he casually answered that he was paid to kill you. He even offered me money for information. I declined, of course.”

“That is indeed very gentlemanly of you, Major, and your warning is duly noted. I am not overly familiar with such affairs, but I would hazard that he plans to insult me or give me another reason to challenge him?”

“That would be my guess, too, Sir Thomas.”

“I am Captain Robert Bryce, Royal Navy, Major. May we surmise that the Collins character will pose as an officer? He’d have no standing in a gentlemanly affair without a valid commission.”

“Yes, you may, Captain. He was still wearing his Major’s insignia when I met him. The whole theft affair was hushed in the aftermath of Waterloo, so few people know him to be a thief. I suppose his instigator purchased a new commission for him.”

“That’s quite an outlay, isn’t it? A major’s commission runs at over £4,000,” Thomas mused. “The instigator must have rather deep pockets. Did you recognise his badges, Major?”

“Now that you ask, Sir Thomas, the markings made him an officer in the 60th, The Duke of York’s Rifle Regiment. They’re based at Winchester.”

“They’re a proud regiment. They might not be pleased learning that one of theirs was previously drummed out of the 28th for theft, and Winchester is rather close.”

“What do you suggest, Sir Thomas?”

“It’s only 35 miles on a good road to Winchester. I believe it best to travel there and interview the Lieutenant Colonel. He is actually in charge of the regiment, isn’t he?”

Carson nodded. “Yes, the nominal commanding officers do not interfere with the command in peace times. If you don’t mind, Sir Thomas, I’d like to come along.”

“Just in case an active commission becomes available, Major?”

“Just in case, Sir Thomas.”

After sleeping a night over the news, Thomas summoned the magistrate and the bailiffs and ordered the assize opened for the next four weeks. That would make him the sitting Justice of the Peace and give him wide-ranging powers.

Major Carson had been given the last available guest room, and Thomas used the rest of the day to plan their excursion to Winchester. He also learned more about his guest. Carson was a well educated man of thirty-two years and not without means. His desire to gain an active commission in a regiment’s first battalion — most regiments had disbanded their second and higher-numbered battalions after Waterloo — stemmed from his ambition to attain a higher rank. It also became clear to Thomas that Carson pretty much worshipped Madeleine Egerton, and not only because of the care she had given him, but also for her gentle disposition and quiet strength. On the whole, Thomas thought that the young widow could do and had done worse with regard to husbands.

The coach ride to Winchester afforded them more time to converse. At one point, the major also voiced his admiration for Mirabel.

“I must say, Sir Thomas, that the Lady Grey has left a deep impression on me. She is such a warm-hearted person and such a loyal friend to Missus Egerton.”

“She is only returning the friendliness she received from Missus Egerton. Both Egertons were always supportive of her and ready to defend her against bigotry and worse. That, too, was my reason to be loyal to Mister Egerton, even though I despaired over his unfounded jealousy.”

“It cannot have been easy for him, being rather old and weakly, and being married to such a lovely woman. I expect that many men envious of him fed to his jealousy on purpose.”

“I believe you are not far from the truth, Major. Sitting in the Commons makes you few friends and many enemies. That’s why I refused standing for the by-election myself. Obviously, I already have enough enemies.”

“Perhaps, our visit to the 60th may reduce that number, Sir Thomas.”

They arrived in Winchester still early enough to pay a visit to the headquarters of the 60th and were indeed received by the commanding officer, Lieutenant Colonel Waterton, a grey-haired veteran officer with a commanding presence and a firm handshake. He greeted them politely.

“Sir Thomas, a pleasure to meet you. Major Carson, welcome. What may I do for you gentlemen?”

“Thank you, Colonel!” Thomas answered. “We came to inquire about one of your officers, one Major Herbert Collins.”

“Oh, I am sorry. Major Collins has not yet arrived, Sir Thomas. He only recently attained his commission, and he has some business to finish before he’ll join us.”

“Yes, that business is what brings us here. Perhaps Major Carson can alert you to a few facts about Major Collins?”

Carson took over, relaying what had happened to Collins in the 28th, in the Low Countries, after Waterloo, but also what his current scheme was with regards to Thomas. Waterson listened with growing worry, and when Carson ended his report, he took a deep breath.

“Sir Thomas, Major Carson, these are indeed shocking revelations if proven. Theft you say, Major?”

“Yes, Sir. Plundering dead comrades’ bodies, Sir!” Carson answered calmly, but with palpable disdain.

“Very disturbing, Major. I trust that you won’t feel offended if I sent an officer to Gloucester for verification?”

“Not at all, Sir. It can only support my account.”

“Right. Another thing that disturbs me is your recollection that the major is already wearing our colours and badge. He has not been formally inducted into the regiment so far, so this is quite unacceptable. Add to that the dishonourable scheme which you say he is undertaking, and this may develop into a terrible embarrassment for the Regiment.”

“My dear Colonel, no blame will attach to the 60th of Foot, regardless of how this will play out,” Thomas said quickly. “I served on the French Atlantic Coast during the Hundred Days, and the despatches we received often mentioned the 60th and its superior conduct.”

Waterton actually blushed. “Thank you, Sir Thomas, for those handsome words. What will you do about Major ... let’s call him Mister Collins for now?”

Thomas allowed himself a smile. “The assize is in session, and I am the presiding justice. Should he dare to insult me, he will soon find himself in rather uncomfortable accommodations.”

The two army officers stared at him open-mouthed, but Thomas continued, infusing some steel into his voice.

“The outlook of two dozen strokes with the cat-o’-nine-tails may even induce him to reveal the instigator. Afterwards, I can send word to you, so you may deal with the man as you wish.”

Waterton took a deep breath and nodded. “That is quite agreeable, always assuming that he is indeed the man remembered by Major Carson. I shall write to the commanding officer of the 28th immediately to find out about — ha-hm — Mister Collins’s past. I shall send note to you of the results.”

“That will be helpful, Colonel. We are indebted to you.”

“Not at all, Sir Thomas! Whilst I admit to my hope for this matter to be due to a misunderstanding or mistaken identity, the regiment will be best served if this matter is resolved either way.”

“One more thing, Colonel. Are you at liberty to divulge who purchased the commission?”

“Yes, I can see no hindrance. It was not a purchase per se, but a devolvement of the commission to a new holder. You see, the commission in question was held by Major Gordon Gardiner, who commanded the 3rd Battalion, but fell at Quatre Bas. It remained in the possession of the Gardiner family, but we received a written notice from the elder Mister Gardiner three weeks ago, ceding the commission to a Major Collins, formerly of the 28th Regiment.”

“How interesting,” Thomas nodded. “Perhaps I shall undertake to inform Mister Gardiner of the man’s past, too, but let us wait for the confirmation from the 28th.”

“Yes, that would be sensible, Sir Thomas. I see that it is past six. May I entice you gentlemen to join me for dinner? Our mess hall is quite adequate.”

“We should feel honoured, Colonel,” Thomas answered for both of them, not able to fully suppress the satisfied smile on his lips. Now it only remained to find out, who the mysterious Mister Gardiner was.

The evening in the mess hall was moderately entertaining for Thomas, but Carson enjoyed it far more, having discovered shared acquaintances with Waterton and the officer commanding the 1st Battalion, Major Jeffrey Hurst. On Carson’s urging, Thomas had to relate his own exploits in the Mediterranean, but the only tale they found interesting was the capture of the bullion ship. With an inward sigh, Thomas decided to accept this as his permanent mark of distinction.

They started back to Guildford early in the next morning, a little the worse for wear after imbibing heavily the evening before, and they reached Grey Manor by mid-afternoon. At dinner he related their findings to Mirabel and Robert, and they discussed the next steps.

With a plan in place, Thomas drove into Guildford in the next morning and sought out Mister Hanson, former boatswain, former tenant farmer, and now bailiff. In short words, Thomas explained what was happening and gave his trusted former shipmate detailed instructions to establish an early warning network around town, not only to alert Thomas if the false major showed up, but also to feed the man the right information.

Back at home, he next instructed the house staff to deny Collins entrance, ostensibly because ‘Sir Thomas does not receive unannounced visitors’. They were to tell him however to try the assize in Guildford where Thomas might be found.

In spite of his determination to avoid a confrontation with Collins, Thomas practiced diligently with Robert, both with the sword and with the pistol. It helped passing the days whilst he waited for the make-belief major to show in Guildford. The only noteworthy interruption of the monotony occurred when a letter arrived from Lieutenant Colonel Waterton. Thomas opened it and read eagerly.

Winchester, September 4th, A.D. 1818

To Captain (R.N.) Sir Thomas Grey,

Grey Manor, Guildford, Surrey

Sir Thomas!

I wish to inform you that my inquiries with the commanding officer of the 28th Regiment of Foot, Lt.Col. Peter Royce, fully confirmed Major Carson’s account of the former Major Collin’s court martial and disrating. I have sent a note to this effect to General Sir Edward Paget, GCB, in command of the 60th Regiment of Foot, and asked for instructions. A copy of the letter was also sent to Mister Gardiner, so that he may find a more worthy holder for the commission that his son held with great distinction.

In the meantime, you may safely assume that the former Major Collins is not in possession of a lawful commission in the 60th Regiment of Foot and should not be considered a gentleman in the strict sense of the word. I trust that you will act appropriately should the man accost you now or in the future.

It remains for me to wish you a good success in dealing with the impostor.

Your ob’nt servant

Horace Waterton, Lt. Col.

That was helpful, Thomas decided, giving him almost a carte blanche in dealing with the man. Still, the wait continued for over a week, until finally one evening, Mister Hanson came out to the Manor and asked for Thomas.

“Sir Thomas, the scoundrel arrived this afternoon. He took lodgings in the Green Leaf inn. The landlord, Westin, sent his son over to me as soon as he started questions about you. He was told that you would sit in the assize starting at ten o’clock and that you never receive visitors at the manor.”

“The bait is laid out, in other words. Thank you, Mister Hanson. Please alert Corey and Johnson that the game is afoot.”

“Will do, Sir Thomas. I’ll have my boys around, too, just in case.”

“Thank you. Tomorrow will be interesting.”

“Aye, Sir Thomas. We’re going to have us some fun with the fop. I practiced some with the staff, just in case the fop gets uppity.”

“I am sure you will handle him, Mister Hanson. I shall drive into town earlier, so that the scoundrel will find me sitting on the bench.”

“Aye-aye, Sir Thomas. Let him flap his mouth then!”

After Hanson had ridden off, back to town, Thomas informed Mirabel and their guests of the next morning’s expected excitement. Robert and Carson immediately promised to ride into town with him, and he accepted gratefully.

Thomas did not find much sleep that night, but he maintained a stoical facade during the early breakfast. He could see that he could not fool Mirabel, and indeed, when he prepared to leave, she pulled him aside.

“Don’t let the man provoke you, Thomas. He’ll likely use a slur against me to get you riled up. Just declare him in contempt of your court and let Hanson arrest him. Always remember that he is not a gentleman anymore. No thief can insult me, Thomas. The only answer for him will be a public flogging. Promise!”

“You are right, Mirabel. What would I do without your sound counsel?”

“Impulsive, stupid things! Be strong today and don’t give in to temptation. Remember how our father thought about duels!”

For an answer, Thomas kissed Mirabel with feeling.

“I shall restrain myself. I promise.”

“Now go. You have the law on your side, and you are the Justice.”

With a last squeeze of her hand, Thomas stepped outside and joined Robert and Carson in the coach. The ride took only twenty minutes, and they entered the courthouse from the rear. Thomas found the magistrate, Mister Matthews, already in the courtroom. The three bailiffs also stood at the ready, and Thomas quickly studied the pending cases. In spite of his own tension, it was his duty to dispense unbiased and informed justice. When the church bell sounded the tenth hour, the spectator bench was already filled and Corey, the bailiff, led the first defendant before the bench.

“Harry Martins, Sir Thomas. Drunk and disorderly. Caused some damage in the Blue Rooster, too,” Mister Matthews read from his list.

“How do you plead, Martins?” Thomas asked the middle-aged man before him. He looked to be ill, with bloodshot eyes, disheveled clothes and some straw still in his hair.

“Most sorry, Sir Thomas, and rueful.”

“It’s your first time here?”

“Yes, Sir Thomas. I’m right sorry. I promise, it won’t happen again.”

“You have family?”

“Yes, Sir Thomas, wife and seven small ones. I’m a carpenter, Sir Thomas.”

Thomas weighed the case. The man had caused some damage, smashing a few earthen mugs and upending a table, but nobody was hurt.

“Can you pay for the damages?”

Martins nodded emphatically. “Yes, Sir Thomas, I’ll pay. Jimmy Logan is my friend. I don’t rightly know what came over me.”

Jimmy Logan was the innkeeper of the Blue Rooster.

“All right. Harry Martins, I sentence you to pay for the damage and to a fine of two crowns. Pay that, and you’re free to go, but take good care to not come to my attention again. Understood?”

“Yes, Sir Thomas, yes, of course! I’ll pay.”

“Next case, Mister Matthews?”

“Oliver Horner, Sir Thomas, a wagoner. He quarrelled with the grocer, Henrich, and knocked over three apple crates.”

“Is Henrich here, too?”

Matthews looked around and shook his head. “I cannot see him, Sir Thomas.”

“Was he summoned?”

“Yes, Sir Thomas.”

Thomas nodded to Johnson, the third bailiff. “Bring him here!”

“Yes, Sir Thomas,” Johnson nodded, already leaving. When he opened the door to the hall, however, he was nearly toppled over by a man in an Army coat.

“Watch where you’re going, imbecile!” the man snarled at the bailiff. Collins had arrived.

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