Rough Waters - Cover

Rough Waters

Copyright© 2025 by soopad00pa

Chapter 7

BDSM Sex Story: Chapter 7 - Jack introduces his much younger girlfriend to BDSM and then her little sister joins them on a boat trip.

Caution: This BDSM Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Fa/ft   Mult   Consensual   NonConsensual   Incest   BDSM   Rough   Group Sex   Anal Sex   Sex Toys   Squirting  

I woke to the boat leaning and heard the wind gusting outside. So much for the calm weather. I headed up on deck to look around - it was still dark and my anchor alarm hadn’t sounded. Everything looked like I expected from what I could see. The moon was obscured by clouds and it smelled like rain. After I did a quick check around the deck and double checked our position via GPS, I headed below and closed the hatches.

Beth was still out, softly snoring. Anna stepped out of her cabin looking worried.

“Everything ok?” she asked.

“Yeah,” I said. “Wind is kicking up and it’ll probably rain soon - make sure your hatches are closed, OK?” She ducked in and secured them.

“It’s 4am. That sucks,” she said.

“Still wanna boat?” I smiled at her.

“The jury’s out.”

We sat on the couch and chatted as the wind pushed the boat around. She put her feet in my lap and I rubbed them, digging my thumbs into her arches. She sighed and leaned her head back.

If I were alone, I would’ve gone back to sleep - it really wasn’t that bad out - but I could tell she was nervous so I kept her company.

“Tell me about the worst storm like, on your boat,” she said, eyes closed.

The worst was being on the edge of that hurricane a year or so ago.

“I was on the other side, near Punta Gorda. I went up the Myakka River to get some shelter - ever been over there?” She shook her head and shifted in her seat. The T shirt she was wearing hitched up a bit and exposed her smooth labia, just a peek. I squeezed her feet harder.

“It’s mostly pretty dense houses, like almost all of Florida, but there’s a section of the river that’s just dense mangroves for a couple of miles. I assume because it’s too swampy to build. I anchored back in the mangroves and tied off to a couple of trees to keep the boat from swinging around - since a hurricane moves in a circle, the wind can potentially come from everywhere and that can dislodge the anchor.”

“Mmmhmmm,” she stretched like a cat and I let go as she tugged her feet in. She pivoted on her butt and laid her head in my lap. I stroked her scalp through her hair. She must’ve felt the breeze on her bits because she tugged her shirt down, hiding the goods. Booooo!

“I got there with plenty of time to get ready and the track said it wasn’t really gonna hit there anyway. I had plenty of food and beer, so I just figured I hunker down for a couple of days and watch Netflix.

“As I was finishing prepping the boat - tied up the sails, took down the canvas, and packed away the dinghy - another boat came in and anchored. Not too close, so I didn’t think too much of it. We waved to each other as they did the same prep.” A big gust hit and the boat swung under us like a lazy carnival ride.The rain began to patter on the roof. Anna gripped my leg.

“It’s fine,” I said. “Anyway, the storm hit the next morning and for once, the weather was right - just a glancing blow. It lasted all day though and it was strong. A few hours in, my neighbor boat started dragging anchor. I was below and didn’t see it, but I had my radio on and they called to let me know they were headed right for me.”

Her eyes popped open and she said, “Oh shit!”

“Yeah, it sucked. I got my rain gear on - it was sideways AF out there - and headed out to see if I could do anything. Could barely see em through the rain but they were definitely creeping my way. They hadn’t tied to the trees.” I moved my hands down her neck and sides and caressed her tits as I talked, teasing her nipples a bit as I talked. She squirmed a bit in my lap.

“They were going slow enough that it was clear that their anchor hadn’t totally given way, was probably plowing through the mud. I assume they’d gotten their engine on by then, but they were still headed my way. The way we were angled, it looked like they’d either just slide by me or maybe grind down the side of my boat - a coin toss.

“I grabbed a couple of fenders and headed up to the bow so I could stick em between our boats if they did get that close. The wind was pushing me hard and the fenders were flopping all over, bonking me in the ass and getting tangled in the lifelines as I went. I could see one of them at the helm and the other on the bow, probably messing with the anchor, trying to get it up.” Anna rolled onto her side, her cheek pressing into my semi-erect shaft, and hugged under my leg. Now I could rub her back and her front. So I did.

“A couple minutes later their stern came in line with my bow and I shouted ‘hello’ to the woman at the wheel. She waved and shrugged and yelled back ‘sorry!’ I shouted ‘no worries!’ and their boat crept past. It bumped me just a couple of times but I dunked the bumper in between us and it was no issue.

“The guy up at the bow was just finishing getting the anchor up as he passed and we gave each other a thumbs up. A few minutes later they were outta sight.”

“Sounds crazy,” she murmured into my crotch, nuzzling me just a bit. I twitched into her cheek. One hand was cupping the naked curve of her ass and the other a breast, rolling her nipple between my thumb and fingers.

“The rest of the day was pretty uneventful. The boat was moving around too much for me to wanna cook anything good, so I just gorged myself on snacks. It was so loud I couldn’t really hear my movies so I just read. It passed by the evening and then the radio was full of chatter as all the cruisers in the area started checking in. Even though there wasn’t anyone by me, it was a pretty busy area, sounded like.

“Someone lost a kayak and another boat dragged into the mangroves.” The rain here and now started coming down hard.

“So, the next day I hauled out the dinghy and went around to see if folks were ok and to check out the damage. My neighbors had found a good spot just around the bend and we chatted for a bit - they handed me a cup of coffee. A big catamaran a creek over lost it’s bimini, but for the most part, it was pretty tame. Wasn’t a bad hurricane though - I think it peaked at category two.”

“Still,” she said, “like, a hurricane is a hurricane.” Her breath was hot on my cock.

I wanted to just shove it in her mouth but instead I said, “Wanna go up and shower?”

“In the rain?” she sounded surprised.

“Absolutely! The best boat shower there is,” I smiled at her.

“Cool! Let’s do it!” she hopped up.

I stood up and shucked my shorts and ducked into the head for a towel. She hesitated a moment and then peeled off her T shirt. We stood there looking at each other naked for a second and then I headed up top, her right behind me.

The rain had been hammering down, but as soon as we stood out on deck it turned to drizzle.

“Fuckin weather,” I swore.

“Kinda anticlimactic,” she said. We stood side by side on the foredeck in the drizzle as the wind pushed the remainder of the storm away. I put my arm around her shoulders and her arm went around my waist. The clouds moved on and we enjoyed the moon drifting lower as dawn began to glow in the east over the trees.

Later that morning after Anna woke Beth, we sailed down to Islamorada. We had to go out into the Atlantic and then sail past it a bit to get to a bridge sailboats could fit under. Today’s sail was pleasant - the wind coming out of the east and just over the side of the boat which was the fastest point of sail for most boats, including mine. The storm had leeched some of its strength but had kicked up some waves so while we made good time, it was a little bit bumpy.

We passed next to the old bridge that was knocked down when the state built the big one - there was some good lobstering there. It was supposed to be a secret spot, but it was everyone’s secret. We anchored in Lorelei Bay just off the main drag of the small town in late afternoon. There were a few other boats here and we were only a few hundred feet from a couple of restaurants and shops - probably no orgy on the deck tonight.

Anna was again making fun of Beth for sleeping through the storm as we discussed what to do.

“It’s probably too late to go to the secret spot,” I said. “There are a few decent places to eat over there and we’ve got lots of food on the boat.” Beth had again made lunch on our trip down - sandwiches, fruit, and doritos.

“I’d like to walk around on land a bit, but I’m fine eating on the boat,” said Beth. “My man cooks reeeaal good.” She bumped her shoulder into me and squeezed my thigh.

“Agreed,” said Anna.

“He ain’t your man, slut!” Beth teased. “Buuuut, I could be convinced to share...”

“Twist my arm,” I said. Anna blushed again. I wondered what would be more convincing - me or her sister.

We quickly dressed for civilization and hopped in the dink. Pulling up to a small marina, I paid $5 to tie up and we ambled down the street. We walked past a lot of vacation homes and a couple of decent looking restaurants and a gated resort. The tree cover was low lying and scrubby and the sun was bright, even in the late afternoon.

We stopped in a family run convenience slash grocery store that had snacks and soda and fancy cheese. I’d been here before and I came back for the pie. Anna and I got key lime and Beth got a chocolate chess. We also grabbed a bottle of wine to go with dinner and then sat in the tiny deli area and stuffed our faces with sugar.

“This is the stuff,” said Beth.

“No, this is the stuff,” said Anna. I took a bite of each of theirs, ignoring their petulant looks.

“They’re both good,” I said. “Sometimes you’re both gonna be right. That’s gotta be even more rare than one of you being right.”

“Patriarchal oppressor!” pointed Beth.

“Shame him!” crowed Anna.

“I will fuck both of you bitches into a coma and there’s nothing you can do about it,” I said. “Patriarchy wins.”

Beth looked at me, mouth agape, and Anna just looked down at her pie. I swallowed another bite.

Eventually, we’d had our fill of solid ground and headed back to the boat. I grilled sirloin kebabs on the BBQ in the cockpit and Beth plated up some hummus and warmed pita. Quick, easy, and tasty. The girls had wine and I sipped on a beer. We were finishing up as the dropping sun turned the sky from orange to purple.

“The sky is always so dramatic out on the water,” said Beth. “I love it.”

“Yeah, I don’t wanna go back,” said Anna.

“We’ve got a few more days,” Beth said. “Think happy thoughts!”

“I’m thinking dirty thoughts,” said Anna and immediately looked like she wished she hadn’t.

“You’re not alone,” I said.

“So, uh, what’re we doin tomorrow?” Beth changed the subject.

“You guys like lobster?” I asked.

Shortly, Anna was below cleaning up and Beth was leaning back into me as we watched the stars start showing up for work.

“You ok with this Anna thing?” I whispered in her ear. It took a minute for her to answer.

“Yeah, I think so,” she said quietly. “Did you know we used to make out?”

“How would I know that?” I rolled my eyes.

“I dunno if I told you! Sometimes you fuck me so stupid I don’t know what I’m saying!”

“Fair enough,” I said. “So tell me.”

“Well, it’s not like, a big deal. We were just kids and I wanted to practice kissing, so I used her.” Heh. Used her. I liked the way she said that. “It was only a couple of times.”

“Not as hot as I was hoping,” I chuckled and she elbowed me in the ribs.


I pulled her closer and burrowed in her mop of curls. “For real,” I whispered. “This is your chance to shift gears. We can stop and she can go to her cabin and handle her own business.”

Beth shook her head.

“You know that means I’m gonna fuck her, right?” She nodded slowly. “You know I’m gonna make you fuck her, right?” She moaned a tiny moan and nodded. “And I’m gonna make her fuck you, right?” Her moan was louder. I gripped her jaw and twisted her mouth to mine and kissed her hard. She was panting and squirming when I let her head go.

“Good. It’s settled,” I said.

“What’s settled?” asked Anna, head poking up in the companionway.

“We’re gonna fuck you silly tonight,” I told her.

“Oh god,” said Anna, eyes huge. Beth covered her face with both hands and shrank into me. I smiled.

My bed wasn’t big enough for the three of us, not really. I did a little organizing in the main part of the boat. There’s a big U shaped couch around the dining table and that table drops down to make a third bed, so I got that all setup. I had a thick, memory foam mattress topper rolled up and stuffed down at the foot of Anna’s bed. I laid that out over the couch cushions so we wouldn’t fall between them - it sucks - ask me how I know. Then fresh sheets, which seemed pointless since we were going to wreck them, but they were all I had. Now we had a slightly larger than queen sized bed with plenty of headroom and plenty of places I could tie body parts to.

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