Rough Waters
Copyright© 2025 by soopad00pa
Chapter 4
BDSM Sex Story: Chapter 4 - Jack introduces his much younger girlfriend to BDSM and then her little sister joins them on a boat trip.
Caution: This BDSM Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Ma/ft Fa/ft Mult Consensual NonConsensual Incest BDSM Rough Group Sex Anal Sex Sex Toys Squirting
“Good - now crank the hell out of it!” I told Anna. Beth’s sister bent over the winch, her little bikini clad ass bouncing as she tightened the jib. “Keep going until the sail stops flapping.” She doubled up her hands, straining against the force of the wind.
She looked over her shoulder at me, “Is that tight enough?” I cocked an eyebrow at her and waited a beat for her to get it. “Omigod! The sail, you pervert!” She blushed easily, just like her sister. Beth sat on the other side of the cockpit grinning at her.
“Looks good. “ I may have leered a bit. “You can tell it’s right because the sails have quieted down and the boat’s more stable, balanced. Feel it?” She cocked her head and listened for a moment before nodding.
We were sailing south through Biscayne Bay headed down the keys with no real plan. Anna was on break and Beth took a few days off and asked if they could hang out on the boat. I’d met Anna briefly a couple of weeks ago and didn’t know much about her except that she was in school and looked like a younger, dark haired version of her sister. So, delectable.
We were bashing into the wind, tacking our way down the bay. It would’ve been an uncomfortable day out in the Atlantic but the bay was shallow and protected, so while it was still a bit choppy it was more sporty than miserable. Also, tacking back and forth into the wind was about the busiest sailing could get so there was stuff for the girls to do other than just sit around as we drifted along.
It took a few hours of zig-zagging south before I turned on the engine and dropped the sails as we approached our anchorage.
“Beth, you wanna drop the hook?”
“On it,” she said, hopping up and moving forward. After her recent experiences on the boat she was pretty confident in most of the day to day tasks.
As I crept toward shore looking for a clear and sandy patch, Anna continued her questioning.
“So we just hang out here with a little metal hook stuck in the mud? Does that work?” She stood on the bench, hand shading her eyes, so she could watch what her sister was doing.
“It’s a pretty big metal hook, but yeah, for the most part. As long as we do it right, it’ll hold in some pretty rough conditions. I also set an alarm, so if we start dragging, I can fix it before we end up on the beach.” I twitched the throttle in reverse to bring us to a stop and then into neutral. “OK, drop it,” I shouted and saw Beth bend over to release the anchor and throw a thumbs up.
“How deep is it here,” Anna asked. I pointed to the display just next to her. “Yeah, but that’s in meters. What’s that in american?”
I gave her a dirty look and she stuck her tongue out at me.
In a few minutes we were all settled - sail packed away, lines all secured, and I’d dropped the dinghy into the water off the stern. We had a few hours to kill before sunset so I went below to put together a light, late lunch - cheese, crackers, grapes.
“Whatchu guys want to drink?” I shouted up.
“A beer,” Beth called.
“Me, too!” said Anna. Contributing to the delinquency of a minor...
I climbed up top with the tray of food in one hand and three beers clamped between my fingers of the other and stopped short at the sight of four boobs glistening with freshly applied sunscreen. I hesitated for only a moment. “One of you guys flip open the table, por favor.”
Beth got it locked in place and I set everything down, popping the tops off the bottles. I sat close to Beth with my arm around her and gazed frankly at Anna. She tried to play it cool as I inspected her, popping grapes in my mouth. She was pale like her sister, but without the freckles. Her tits were a little bigger and her nipples were pale, barely darker than the surrounding skin. Her lips were a little thinner than Beth’s, her jaw a bit squarer, her hair dark and straight, but they were obviously sisters.
“Like what you see?” she challenged me after a moment, her posture erect.
“Of course,” I said. “You’re lovely and I’m a dirty old man.” Beth buried a smile in her hand and leaned into me. Anna took a long swig from her bottle to give herself a chance to compose her features.
“So, whaddya you guys wanna do? There’re a couple of trails over there, some not-so-fabulous snorkeling, an OK beach that way, and Key Largo just a ways down there - might be worth going there for dinner later.”
“How about we just lay out for a bit and then we’ll get ready for dinner out on the town?” said Beth. Anna nodded.
“Right on,” I agreed and stuffed some cheese on a cracker in my mouth. “I don’t tan, so I’ll probably go for a swim or take out the board. You guys make yourselves at home, of course.”
Plans settled, we chatted as we snacked. It turned out Anna was a lot more bookish than Beth, reading far more than just what was required for school.
“Mostly, I read like paranormal stuff. Y’know, witches and vampires, but I also kinda like some of the Russian classics. It’s like super hard to get through but there’s just something about the underlying sadness that gets under my skin. But not a lot - it really is work,” Anna said.
“I feel ya - I’ve read some Tolstoy and Dostoevsky and a bit of another guy who’s name I can’t remember. It’s interesting, but a slog. I wouldn’t reread it. These vampire books - they’re mostly just girl porn, yeah?” I grinned.
“How dare you!?” She mock protested. “I’m not that kinda girl!” She was blushing again, all the way down to her tits.
“You so are, you little skank,” laughed her sister.
“You’re one to talk, bitch!” Anna shot back. “You think I don’t see those marks all over you, slut!?” She stopped short, fearing she’d overstepped.
“Busted,” I laughed, pulling Beth to me.
There was a pregnant pause. “What even are those? Like, I see the teeth marks - that I get, but I can’t figure out the little stripes.”
Beth was covered with light pink lines, mostly healed remnants of when I whipped the hell out of her in the Bahamas. We looked at each other and smiled.
“Let’s go lay out and I’ll answer your questions,” Beth said.
I gave her a long kiss and unwound from her. “That’s my cue,” I said, grabbing the tray of scraps.
I took the paddleboard over to the shore and then ran a couple laps on the trail around the small park. I’m not much of a runner - did far too much of it in the army and it’s neither easy nor fun anymore - but I recognize the need to stay in shape and have been moderately successful. I no longer have a six-pack, but I’m not carrying a keg either. Maybe a two-pack?
Then I paddled down into one of the small canals through the mangroves and watched the fish swimming under me. The keys are made up of dozens, maybe hundreds, of small, unnamed and uninhabited islands scattered around the big ones everyone knows. I was gliding between two such islands - it was quiet and beautiful, if a bit hot. As I looped around, I passed over a pair of sea turtles just drifting along in the clear water.
Eventually, I made my way back to the boat. I tied up the board and grabbed my mask and snorkel. Using the excuse of checking the anchor, I hopped in the water to cool off. As I swam back toward the boat, the two mostly naked sisters were standing on the bow watching me, looking beautiful and regal right up until a couple of jetskis flew by, the first people we’d seen since we’d arrived out here. They both squealed and dove for their towels. The guys on the jetskis whooped their appreciation.
“We were mostly done anyway,” said Beth, now with her top on. “There’s only so much sun we translucent girls can take.”
“I wasn’t done,” pouted Anna, also somewhat covered.
“Well, you guys can flaunt your flesh whenever you like. No complaints from me, and I can’t imagine from anyone else either. How about we pack up and head out in about an hour?” Agreeable nods.
I rinsed off on the swimstep and Anna asked “How’s the water?”
“Warm and clear,” I said. “Goin in?”
“Yeah, I think, for a bit. Any sharks?”
“Maybe, but probably just little nurse sharks. They won’t mess with you. Maybe a barracuda or two, but there aren’t usually any problems in the bay.” She looked undecided. “I swim out here a lot and rarely see any predators and have never had a problem. You’ll be ok.”
“If I get eaten, I’m gonna like, haunt your boat,” she said.
“Fair enough; I’ll be happy to have the company. If you’re about to die, take off your top again - that way I’ll be able to see them titties forever!” She punched at me but I easily swatted her hand away and stuck out my tongue.
She hopped in the water and I went and took Beth’s hand, hauling her to her feet and dragging her below.
“Good talk?” I asked, as we descended.
“Yeah, I think,” she said. “You know, she kinda has an idea of like, bondagey stuff from those books, but they’re pretty tame mostly, and of course it’s just theoretical.”
I nodded and pressed her down onto the couch, settling on the floor in front of her as she talked.
“She definitely doesn’t get the whip - I mean like, how could she?” I licked my way up her thighs and sealed my mouth over her bikini covered pussy, blowing hot air against it. She scooted forward into my face. “She was really curious about the rope and the teeth and, uuuuhhhh mmmmmm, regular, ahhh, girl stuff.”
I peeled her bikini to the side and slid my tongue between her folds.
“I showed her, fuuuuu ahhhh mmmm, a couple of our pics. Yeea, ahhh.” She grabbed onto my head and tugged me tighter. I suckled and chewed her clit and pressed her legs wide apart. “Oh, daddyyyy, yes!”
“No,” I said, standing up. I pushed my wet trunks down and slammed my cock in her to the hilt, pumping just a few strokes. She cried out, close. I kissed her hard, and bit her lip. Then I stood up and pulled her mouth to me. “Clean me up, cunt. There’s no time for this.”
She looked up at me pouting as she licked her juices from my cock. Her face and chest were flushed and her breathing was heavy. I felt the boat rock - Anna was climbing aboard. Leaning forward, I gave her a kiss as I tugged my shorts back up. Then I slapped her face. “To be continued, little one,” I said.
“I hate you,” she hissed.
Anna climbed down and saw us staring at each other, me standing over Beth, my shorts tenting. Beth looking up at me, red faced, panting, a bit of drool hanging from her chin.
“It smells like pussy in here,” Anna cackled. Beth glared at her sister.
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