The Weird Ad
Copyright© 2025 by LucyAnneThorn
Chapter 1
BDSM Sex Story: Chapter 1 - College student Cindy, broke and too proud to admit to her best friend that she's living out of her car, finds an ad for free room and board on the billboard. The conditions sound sleazy, but the idea of having to provide certain services to her roommates/landlords instead of rent plays along these stories she used to read in her guilt-ridden pursuits of self-inflicted pleasure. She might bite off more than she can chew, but the first tastes are intense and delicious.
Caution: This BDSM Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Fa/Fa Consensual MaleDom FemaleDom Exhibitionism First Oral Sex Body Modification ENF
I was fucked, and I couldn’t really blame it on Dad. That his crop had been contaminated by some invisible fungus had been unexpected, but he had told me time and time not to count on the money from him. Yet I had gone and spent most of the money from Aunt Sylvie on clothes and nightclubs. The meager rest had just barely covered tuition for this term. That’s how I ended up living in my car on a secluded parking lot near campus. It was only the third day, but I knew I couldn’t do this for long. Car seats were far more uncomfortable than I had thought. My back was hurting and I was lacking sleep.
That’s why I felt like a robot when I slipped into the main building a little after six in the morning to scan the notice board for a means to make some money. I was even considering the shadier offers I had previously scoffed about, like modeling swimsuits for “photographers”.
After reading through the jobs section twice, I sighed. Nothing new, nothing remotely worth considering. They either wanted an undergraduate student for some specific job, a tutor for a subject I had no idea about or the hours clashed with my courses.
With nothing better to do, I read through the housing section too, just to see if there would be cheaper options than the official dorms once I had money again.
Halfway through a rather wordy ad I stopped, blinked and started over.
“Flat share (2 F, 2 M) offering free room and board close to campus to female student who is willing to go above and beyond domestic services in return. Pleasant appearance, total dedication and a willingness to subordinate yourself are expected. Extended services in return for clothes allowance and pocket money negotiable. You’re reliable, a hard worker and resilient? Call between 6:30 and 7:00am.”
It sounded weird. Creepy. But the terms “free room and board” jumped at me and seemed to grow bigger every time I read them. My bank account was at zero, and the thirty dollars in my wallet weren’t going to last long, even if I bought all my food at the Dollar Store. “Clothes allowance and pocket money.” That was exactly what I needed. And yet – the rest sounded ominous, not like any normal person would word an ad for a flatmate. More like a ... I froze. The words “sex slave” echoed at the back of my mind, but that was only a thing in dirty stories on the internet, wasn’t it?
Even though I had been shivering when I entered the building, as temps had dropped close to freezing over night, I suddenly felt warm. I had sometimes indulged in that kind of stories before I shared a dorm room with Katie and had to stop my nightly masturbation sessions. These “indulgences” had always left me guilty and ashamed, and it had been a relief when I was forced to abstain.
The phone number seemed to blink at me. I stared at the large wall clock. It was 6:25. I wasn’t really considering this. I let out a deep breath and inhaled slowly. Then I smelled it, smelled myself. Three days without a shower, and I reeked. Something had to change quickly.
Asking Katie if I could take a shower at her room wasn’t as bad as I had feared. She had instantly bought all my lies about having a place off campus with a broken piping and heading out for an interview for something better. Finding a dress that didn’t have wrinkles in my tightly crammed suitcase had been harder. I rang the doorbell.
The soft music that had been playing inside stopped, and the pattering of feet got louder as it approached the door.
The girl – young woman – who answered the door was tall and good looking, with her shiny blond hair in a pony tail. I could tell she was fit, even though she wore a white hoodie and loose sweat pants. She looked me up and down and smiled. “You must be Cindy. I’m Laura. We talked on the phone.”
“Nice to meet you, Laura,” I said politely and tried to smile back. I was relieved. My mind had made up all kinds of scenarios where ugly sexual predators abducted me. She looked like your normal senior student. I did feel a little overdressed in my red cocktail dress, but it was the best I had.
“Come in,” she said. “The others are already here and eager to see you.”
I walked after her through the small hallway and into a large living room.
“She’s here, guys,” Laura said and walked to the huge couch where the three others already sat.
They waved and greeted me while Laura sat down. “Please take a seat too, Cindy.” Laura pointed at the old, straight wooden chair facing them.
There were comfy looking plush chairs to the left and right of the coffee table. Yet she pointed at that hard chair, set up like for an interrogation, and I realized that my imagination perhaps hadn’t been that far off. I looked at their faces. The guy next to Laura had short, wavy black hair and the chiseled face of an athlete. The other girl was pale, with red hair, green eyes and a small nose. She could be a model, I thought. The guy at the end of the couch had brown hair, and I had to think of the military. He seemed a few years older, too. They were all wearing comfy, casual clothes.
“Cindy?” Laura asked softly, but I could hear a little impatience in her voice.
This was probably the moment to turn around and leave. But I didn’t. I slowly approached the rickety chair and sat down gingerly. It was as uncomfortable as it looked.
“These are Robert...” She pointed at the black haired guy. “ ... Eve and Anthony. We’ve been living together for the last three years. Robert and I are Chemistry majors, Eve is in her last year of Psychology and Anthony’s doing his doctorate thesis in Microbiology. We’re going to ask you a number of questions. Is that okay?”
I stared at her when she picked up a clipboard and a pen. This was surreal, and it felt more and more like a real interrogation. “Okay, Laura,” I said. I could always leave if I got weirded out for real.
The first questions were pretty normal. What was I studying, and which semester was I in? Where was I from, and what were my hobbies? What kind of music did I listen to? Which sports did I like?
And then, just when I was getting comfortable, things veered off into a weird direction.
“Do you have a sexual partner?”
“Uhm,” I stammered, caught off guard. “N-not at the moment.”
“Do you use toys to masturbate?”
I gasped. My cheeks exploded with heat. “That’s – that’s not-”
Eve stood up, walked around the table and crouched down next to me. She put a hand on my thigh and winked. “Sorry, Laura can be so crude,” she said softly. “But she can’t help herself. She’s a total pervert. But she has a valid point to make, and there’s really no good way to break it to our potential flatmate. You seem like a clever girl, though, Cindy. I think you already figured out what this is about, even if you’re still trying to convince yourself that you’re misreading our intentions. Laura already likes you. I do too. Robert and Anthony as well.”
She got up and stepped behind me. Her soft fingers slid over my bare shoulders and gently started massaging. It was an invasion of personal space, and I should have jumped and brushed away her hands, but it felt good, and it was like an anchor that kept the thoughts in my mind from racing all over the place.
“Let’s make this a little quiz. I’ll ask you three questions, and if you answer them correctly and truthfully, the room is yours. Afterwards, you can ask three questions in return, and we’ll answer them just as truthfully. Is that okay, Cindy?” Her thumbs rubbed up the back of my neck, and goosebumps raced up and down my spine.
“O-okay,” I heard myself say.
“What did you think we were looking for when you read the ad?” she asked.
My breath hitched. Three sets of expectant eyes were staring at me. Oh god.
“Cindy?” Eve asked, and trailed her finger nails up my shoulders.
“That you’re looking for a – a sex slave.” The words rushed out of my mouth, and embarrassment washed over me.
“Very good.”
Fuck. No beating around the bush, no veiled innuendo, no chance to pretend to be ignorant. And it got worse.
Her hands suddenly slid down my front, and her fingertips touched the tops of my breasts. “Why are you still here?”
I sat frozen for what felt like ages. A knot formed in my stomach. This was where I had to call this crazy thing off, where I had to leave and accept that I had fucked up completely. I’d sign out of college, get into my car and crawl home to Dad. I could already see his disappointed expression.
“I – I’m totally broke. I’m living in my car at the moment because I can’t afford a dorm room.” A dam broke inside me when I made that confession, and all these jumbled thoughts and overwhelming emotions needed an outlet. “I’m terrified of disappointing my father. And I’m – I’m – I’m intrigued. I sometimes used to read stories about sex slaves, and I – god – I m-masturbated, and felt so guilty and ashamed afterwards, and I stopped doing it, but then I read your ad...”
“And now you’re curious,” Eve said softly. Her fingers slipped inside my bra, and I understood that I was reaching a point of no return when I realized the other three were watching her do that. “The last question, Cindy. Will you relinquish all control over your clothes, your schedule, your arousal and your orgasms to us in return for room and board?”
I watched Laura reach over to Robert and put a hand over his crotch. I watched her grip his cock through the fabric of his pants, and it looked huge. Not that I had much to compare it to.
I gulped hard. Eve’s fingers started tracing circles around my nipples, which felt painfully hard. This was all so fucking sexy. I moaned softly. Eve’s fingers began to squeeze my nipples, and sparks shot through them.
“Yes!” I gasped. “Yes, I will.”
“I’m so glad,” Eve said. She kissed my shoulder and went back to the couch. Laura withdrew her hand from Robert’s cock.
“Time for your three questions,” Laura said with a wide grin.
It took me a moment to assemble my thoughts. There were probably a million things I should have asked about, but all I could think about was sex.
“Are all four of you dominants?”
“Yes,” Laura said.
“Will there, uhm, I mean, are you going to, uhm, punish me?” I looked down at the floor.
It was Anthony’s deep voice who answered. “We will. And we might offer to hurt you in exchange for a climax.”
I think I shivered a little at that point, but I couldn’t say whether it was bad or good. I was afraid and excited. Finally, though, I managed to formulate an important question.
“You’re not going to interfere with my studies, are you?”
“We won’t interfere with your studies ... too much,” Eve said. “It will be a bit taxing sometimes, but we will make the time for you to attend your courses and do your homework. How about this: we will even check your grades and homework, and we will motivate you to do your best.”
Her smile was warm and open, but I understood clearly what she was saying, that they’d be taking even more control. And the bad things was, it was exactly what I needed. I had been floundering a bit the first year without the fixed structure I had gotten used to at high school, and it was only Katie’s role model and her constant niggling that prevented me from failing.
“Okay,” I said nervously.
“Let me show you to your room,” Laura said, getting up. “Welcome to our little family.”
I was nearly done stowing my clothes. The closet didn’t have doors, so I had to make extra sure that I put anything neatly onto the shelves and hangers. I blushed when looked at the stack of panties so blatantly on display, but I also knew that it would be a pretty small thing in the big picture.
Talking about a big picture. While I threw the worn clothes from the last days into the hamper next to the door, I looked at the painting on the wall above the king sized four-poster bed that dominated the room. At first glance, the scene of a beautiful, naked girl that was hugged from the back by an exotic, human sized butterfly with a woman’s head looked a little provocative but artistic. But then, when you looked closer, you saw the butterfly’s lower body bend between the girl’s thighs and turn into a huge, angry looking cock which was stretching the girl’s vagina grotesquely. Every vein of the cock was visible through the girl’s stretched lower body. Once you saw that, you also noticed that the butterfly’s front legs were cruelly pinching the poor girl’s nipples. And yet she wore an expression of pure bliss.
I had to pull myself away from the horrible, arousing artwork and set up my laptop on the shiny white writing desk. Next to the power outlet was a network socket for high speed internet, which I also plugged in. I booted it up and started my email program, just to make sure the socket worked.
All that was left was to throw in the wash, and I was settled in. The room was pretty spartan. The closet, the bed, a small night stand, the desk, a chair and the clothes hamper. The flooring was made of dark, varnished wood. And the painting, of course, that was all. And the window, of course, which looked out to the backyard with its trees. You didn’t notice that the were in the middle of a city when you looked outside, and I loved it. Growing up on a farm, I had always had green around me, and it was one thing I really missed in the tiny dorm room with it’s depressing view of the opposite dorm building.
My alarm clock read 6:10. The others had left shortly after I brought in my belongings, having either lectures (Laura, Eve and Robert) or giving a tutoring session (Anthony). I had promised to make pasta for all of us, and Laura had told me to change into more appropriate clothes, into something I thought was fitting and which they’d approve of.
Which was my quandary right now. I took off the cocktail dress and rolled down the pantyhose. Both went into the hamper as well, as I had sweated a bit when I lugged my suitcase up the stairs.
What to wear? I thought back and forth for a while, and then I laughed. I had put on a red set of lace underwear that matched the cocktail dress, and I was pretty sure that they wouldn’t approve of anything that covered too much of me. I took the hamper and walked downstairs in my underwear, feeling daring and exposed.
“Yum, that smell delicious,” Eve praised. Her body pressed against my back, and her lips were only inches from my ear.
“Thank you.” I stirred the sauce and put the lid back on. The water for the pasta was already boiling, the sauce was ready, the table was set and I had already filled a bowl with salad for everyone. I even made Italian vinaigrette with Balsamic after I saw the poor choice of dressing in the fridge.
“I’m glad you’re here,” she whispered and wrapped one arm around my midriff, pulling me close. Her other hand trailed down over my tummy, and she trailed her nails along the waistband of my panties. “Have you ever done it with a girl?”
“No,” I confessed after a small pause. “I haven’t.”
“Nice,” she whispered.
“Eve?” I held onto the counter for a little moral support.
“I haven’t done it with a boy either.”
“You’re having me on.”
“It’s the truth.”
“You’re what – twenty-one – and you haven’t done it?” She easily turned me around so we were facing each other and put her hands on my shoulders. “Why?”
I gulped hard. “I guess ... I guess I’m just shy. I tried dating, but it was always so awkward. I – I’m...” My eyes started misting up all of a sudden when I thought of my disastrous attempts at dating. I had always gotten tongue-tied and nervous, and the conversations just petered out. I never got a second date. When my friends whispered about tongues and cocks and numbered bases, I could only fake knowing looks and giggle along while I felt like a total failure.
“Oh, Cindy,” Eva said, looking searchingly into my eyes. “I understand. Even if it sounds funny, having you stand right here in your underwear and tell me you’re shy.”
“I am,” I stammered. “It’s different. It’s...”
“It’s easier when some else takes charge, isn’t it, my little princess?”
I stared into her eyes for ages, feeling like a deer caught in the headlights, but also filled with a strange relief that she understood. David asked me out towards the end of our last year in high school, and I had had a crush on him for years. We went to a nice little diner and talked about school, and it went well until we were done eating. Then the talk got a little more personal, and he seemed to be waiting for me to ask questions, but I couldn’t come up with things I didn’t already know. If he had taken my hand and told me we were going to drive to a secluded spot so he could fuck me, I’d have willingly gone along. Instead, he drove me home, gave me a peck on the cheeks and invited Deborah to the prom a day later.
“Eve?” I asked when I realized what she was doing, but she already had my panties down past my knees. I covered my pubes with my hands.
“Hush,” she said and pushed them down to my ankles. “Lift your left leg.”
“Good girl. Right leg.”
“What are you doing?”
“I’m taking charge,” she said, gently taking my wrists and guiding them to my side. “That’s what you’re here for. To be taken charge of. To do whatever we tell you to. Spread your legs a bit.”
I couldn’t breathe. I had known things were going to get more sexual, but his was so fast and unexpected. I had thought it would take some time, and when it happened, there would be sharp orders, but Eve was so gentle. I shuffled my feet a few inches apart.
“A little more. That’s a good girl.” She put a hand on my cheek and caressed it with her thumb. “How does this feel?”
A strange warmth had welled up in my chest each time at the words “good girl”, and my cheek tingled all over. I felt content and pretty. I stared at her, and I saw her through different eyes, because I had never been that attracted to girls, but it hit me how incredibly attractive she was, and I felt something that I could only call desire.
When she leaned closer, my lips puckered up involuntarily, and my breathing sped up. I closed my eyes in anticipation, but the fluttery touch of her lips didn’t come. Her cheek touched mine instead, and she whispered, “You’re so sexy, princess. Hold still.”
Then something touched my pussy, but not her fingers. It took me a little while to understand what was happening. Soft fabric touched the entrance to my vagina, first lightly, then more insistently. She pushed some of it inside, wiggled and pushed it deeper.
“Eve!” I gasped. “What-”
“Quiet, princess. Let Mistress Eve push the panties into your cute, creamy snatch. I saw it in a movie once, and I’ve always wanted to do that.”
“But,” I whimpered, then I gasped again. She was pushing harder now, and the dry panties resisted, but she manged to wiggle them deeper ever so slowly. It felt uncomfortable, but also good. Small, whimpered moans escaped my throat. My pussy started to feel full, but she kept pushing.
Then she stopped and took a step back.
I looked down and stared at the two inches of red lace that dangled from my pussy. “It – it looks embarrassing,” I whined. When I looked back up, she was smiling brightly.
“I love it, and the others will too,” she said. “Keep it like that. I’ll put the salad on the table and pour some wine. You can put the pasta in, the others will be here in ten minutes.”
“I-” I said. “But,” I stammered. Finally, I said, “Okay.”
True enough, the others arrived just when I strained the pasta. They sat down, chattering animatedly, but falling silent when I approached the table with the pasta bowl.
Robert whistled through his teeth. They all stared between my legs.
The bowl clanged a little when I put it down, and my legs trembled while I walked to the empty chair. I had never felt so naked, so exposed in my life, and my skin tingled with embarrassment. I expected one of them to say something crude, or demand I take off my bra, but Laura leaned over the sauce pot, took a sniff and exclaimed, “It smells wonderful! Don’t let it get cold!”
I waited until they had all helped themselves, then I filled my own plate. I blushed and grinned when they heaped praise at me, both for the pasta and for the salad dressing. I almost forgot about my state of dress while they talked about their days and shared funny anecdotes. By the end, the bowl and pot were completely empty, and I feared I would be admonished that it wasn’t enough, but they seemed happy and went to the living room area.
I cleaned up the table and put everything in the dishwasher. Then I joined them in the living room portion – joined them, as in standing next to the couch, not really knowing what to do while they joked about something on the telly and ignored me. I looked at one of the plush chairs, wondering if I should just sit down, or if they were expecting something else from me. I started feeling awkward and stupid.
Then Eve held up her hand. “Guys,” she said. “Cindy is a virgin.”
All eyes swiveled into my direction, and my whole body exploded in a mad blush.
“Wow,” Robert said quietly.
Laura looked at me with a strange expression. Anthony licked his lips.
Eve stood up and smiled. “Which of us four should take your virginity, Cindy?” she asked, sounding as if this was a totally normal question.
“Like – like now?” I asked, overwhelmed with the prospect, embarrassed and put on the spot.
“Don’t answer a question with a question, Cindy,” she chided softly.
I stared at all four of them. It had to be a trick question. And even if it wasn’t, I couldn’t answer it. They were all handsome and beautiful. Should I pick Eve? I had loved it when she touched me. Robert, whose cock seemed to be huge? Laura, who had invited me and was staring hungrily? Anthony, whom I couldn’t read, but who seemed so utterly in control of himself?
“Cindy,” Eve said.
“I – I don’t know,” I admitted, sounding almost desperate and hating how insecure I felt.
“Maybe we should pull straws. Or play a game. I know, we’ll draw cards. The one with the high card gets to fuck you, Cindy. How does that sound?”
For a minute, I could only stare at her. It was horrible, demeaning ... and thrilling. It was like in these dark stories I had read, where the poor heroine had all choices taken from her. I rubbed my face and tried to steady my breathing. My nipples were aching, and I felt a need between my legs like never before.
“It sounds okay,” I heard myself say.
“It’s too early,” Anthony said, and I stared at him.
I felt relieved and hurt, which didn’t make sense.
“We have to work her up to it,” he said. “We’ll start by teaching her oral.”
“Sounds good,” Laura said.
Eve sat back down. Anthony stood up at the same time, took off his trousers and pushed down his boxers. I could only stare at his erection. It was smooth and large, and of course stiff. Its dark pink head looked like that of a mushroom, with a small curve near the back.
“Kneel between my legs and take a closer look,” he told me.
My legs almost buckled when I went down to my knees. There was no lying to myself anymore now. I was about to prove that I was whoring myself out for room and board.
His cock looked even larger up close. I saw the veins around it, saw the small band of skin at the front, and took in the musky, spicy scent. “It’s my first time,” I told him. Something gave way inside of me, and it felt like I was sinking into my body, merging with parts of me I had not felt before. I felt alive and free. “Please tell me if I do something wrong.” And then, after taking a deep breath, I asked, “May I please worship your cock, Sir?”
He held my gaze with an intensity that made it hard to breathe, and I felt so relieved when he finally said, “You may, Cindy.”
I started with small kisses, then licks with the tip of my tongue. It tasted like ... skin. Clean skin. It was warm and incredibly smooth. I licked upwards the whole length, and it trembled under my touch, which gave me a delightful sensation of pride. It repeated it, this time stopping news the top and gently licking the band of skin connecting the head to the foreskin. He hissed, and my pride rose. I licked up a third time, then I stopped again, licked my lips until they were wet, puckered them up and slid them slowly over the tip of his cock.
“This is nice,” he said quietly and stroked the back of my head.
I took my time, making sure to keep my teeth away, exploring the shape and firmness with my lips and tongue. My mouth produced more and more saliva, lubricating his shaft, and my lips slid more easily every time I moved them down his cock. I went a little faster and twirled my tongue around the head on every upstroke, and his breathing told me it affected him. My jaw got a little sore over time, but I knew there was no backing out now. I licked and sucked, tickled and caressed, and then he froze. His strong hands grabbed my head and he held me in place. His hips moved upwards, and now he was slowly fucking my mouth. Five, ten strokes, and then he stiffened and grunted, and warm, sticky, salty goo suddenly hit the back of my throat. I almost swallowed wrong, but I forced myself to keep breathing through my nose and swallowed, and swallowed.
It felt his cock grow soft in my mouth, and he lifted my head off his lap and let go of me. “That was pretty good for a novice,” he said. “Next time, don’t swallow before I tell you to.”
The praise and the verbal slap were so close together that I didn’t know what to feel. I wanted to be proud, yet he said it with that undertone that meant I still had ways to go.
“Robert is next,” Laura said, pointing to the floor in front of him.
I shuffled over where she indicated.
“Kneel upright.”
I did that, and she stepped behind me and wrapped an arm around me. “Keep your hands at your side,” she instructed. Her free hand assembled my hair at the back of my head and gripped it close to my scalp.
Robert stood up and took off his trousers. He also stepped out of the black silk boxers, and his cock bounced up and down in front of me. It seemed about the same length as Anthony’s, but a little wider. It’s head was more rounded and had a dark, almost purple shade of red.
“Open wide and stick out your tongue,” Laura instructed. “He’s going to introduce you to face-fucking. He loves that. It’s rougher, but it’s pretty sexy.”
It was rough. At first, he gently slid his cock over my tongue and into my mouth. He instructed me to form a tight “O” around his cock. Then he put his hands on the top of my head and started bobbing back and forth with very short strokes. His cock quickly became shiny with my spittle, and his strokes got longer.
Then it happened. For a fraction of a second, he hit the back of my throat, and I started gagging. Thankfully, the next few strokes were shallower, and I relaxed again. But then it happened again, this time a little longer, and I reached up on reflex. Robert stopped moving, just the tip of his cock in my mouth.
“Hands down,” Laura said. “Let it happen like a good little slut. It feels bad at first, but you’ll get used to it. You can cry a little, it’s part of the game. But you need to keep your hands down.”
“Don’t be so bitchy, Laura,” Eve said, crouching down next to Robert. I felt embarrassed when I looked at her while I had Robert’s cock in my mouth, but she smiled at me. “It feels like you’re going to puke at first, but it’s going to feel less bad after a few repetitions. You’ll learn to repress it over time, and doing that is the first, big step to taking a cock all the way into your throat. You’re going to be so proud once you manage that. But to get there, there’s no shortcut for this part of the training. Let’s add an incentive. You’ve got to be very horny. We had originally decided not to let you cum today, but if you manage to accept Robert’s against the back of your throat for five seconds, you’ll get to cum before bedtime. I’ll even let you hold my hands to help you keep your hands down. How does that sound?”
I shouldn’t have felt grateful. In hindsight, I was so easy to manipulate. But Eve had that way to talk to me that resonated. “Yeff, Eeve,” I stammered around Robert’s cock.
“Good girl,” she said and took my hands.
Robert started bobbing again, going almost a minute before he hit my gag spot and I had to fight the roller coaster in my stomach.
“Twenty-one,” Laura counted, then he pulled back.
In and out, in and out, in and out, and just when I relaxed, he pushed in hard again.
Tears shot from my eyes. My stomach convulsed.
Snot dripped from my nose, but he pulled back, and I took a gargling breath around his cock.
It went on and on. I don’t remember how often Laura counted to twenty-four and I thought I was finally done, only for Robert to pull back again. I kept sobbing and squeezing Eve’s hands, I kept fighting the nausea and focusing on breathing.
Finally, I heard the magic word. “Twenty-five,” Laura said.
Robert’s hand raced up and down his cock a few times, and then he spurted into my mouth, pulled back and sprayed my face with his jizz.