Sword, Shield and Guard - Book 2
Copyright© 2019 by Im Not Telling
Chapter 15
Action/Adventure Sex Story: Chapter 15 - You don't have code clearance to read this. It's above Top Secret. If you know about the Sword, Shield and Guard, you've violated statutes that will get you tossed into a deep, dark hole in some black site. You've been warned. This story should never have come out. The author who wrote it is missing. There's sex, violence, adventure, politics, the President is involved. I shouldn't have said that. This is the second book. There are men approaching my house with guns. This is the end. Shit!
Caution: This Action/Adventure Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Fa/Fa Consensual Lesbian Heterosexual Fiction Military War Workplace Incest Group Sex Anal Sex Oral Sex Politics Violence
Jason looked on as Selena bounced around. She hadn’t even argued with him when he said she was going with him. She got more excited when he said they were going by helicopter. She kept watching the sky and making comments that suggested she thought he was kidding, at least right up to the point when three helicopters came into view, and two landed a short distance away. Eight people got off each one. He led her toward them, cautioning her about the downdraft from the blades. She was expecting a quick change of mind or a dumb April fool’s prank of some kind right up to where they reached the helicopter.
He took her school bag and set it inside, along with the new bag he had got from Martin. Almost in a childlike fashion, her eyes lit up. She had never been in a helicopter and only flew twice in her lifetime. Her parents preferred to drive when possible, even when it was cross country. He gave her a headset and made sure she was belted in. One thing that he made sure of was to have her call her parents and tell them what she was doing. He had sent Astrid a text, but considering the news would be getting out soon about the school going into lockdown, he thought it better she called them as an assurance she was okay.
She busied herself by looking out the window. That lasted about half the flight. The rest, she cozied up to Jason, though he didn’t respond as he normally did. Just about every ounce of him wanted to push her away. There was that minute part that didn’t, and it won out. He even realized he was tightening his fingers in between hers when she took his hand, despite having seen what he saw.
He should have pulled away. It would have been the right thing to do. More to the point, he shouldn’t have got her or any of them involved. He should have stuck to his plans. But no, he had given in to the nagging in his head that day he met her. No, it wasn’t that day. It was before they had met. He had seen her only briefly. He nearly walked into a wall.
That thought put Selena’s social life aside. It was a problem to best deal with later. There were bigger concerns. It only lasted a few minutes. He felt that tinge of something deep inside when she shifted. He had no skills that would help him figure out if it was something to deal with or let go of. His mind was shifting despite the need to concentrate and focus on the bigger matter.
Again, he was thinking. He messed up. Not just with her, but with a lot of things. He needed a distraction. He took the laptop from his bag. He had started the report before the helicopters had arrived. He could just get it finished before they landed. Maybe not. Considering the kind of day it had been, it could have taken some time.
He made it with only a few minutes to spare. Reports of that nature were not easy. It was that much harder with Selena there watching and correcting his grammar and spelling, even though the system already did. He could feel her there as he wrote things out and read what he wrote. As could be expected, she would tense up at some point. For a small woman, she had a tight grip. He told himself he had reasons for letting her read over his shoulder. Reasons other than the way she made him feel just with the simple closeness, the simple touches, or even the way she smelled.
He took a few extra minutes as the pilot shut down to connect and send the report. It would be there when he reported to the General. He could have done it at any time, but he wanted to let the blades stop before they disembarked. Selena hadn’t flinched when they got on with the blades going full speed. She just followed him as if it was a daily event for her. He had a feeling she wouldn’t be bothered with them going slower. But there was more to it. Time had passed. Maybe the adrenaline had worn off, or a new mindset had kicked in. One could never be certain about the many possible variables affecting the outcomes.
Jason took his time taking several long and deep breaths as he stored the laptop again. He wasn’t looking forward to the meeting. He didn’t dislike the general, he just disliked having to deal with officers. The temptation to shoot most of them always crept in somewhere along the line. Fortunately, he was rarely ever armed in those moments.
A lieutenant was waiting patiently when they finally disembarked from the helicopter. Both pilots had already left and Selena, though edgy hadn’t said anything, patiently waiting beside him.
Selena pushed into him when he pulled his hand away. She quickly sidestepped when they walked up to the car and the man in uniform there. He stood very rigid and saluted. She knew what it was about but didn’t remember what it was called.
“Lt. Carlson, sir, of the General’s staff. He apologizes for not sending a higher-ranking officer, sir, but Captain Ostara has been tasked with other duties. I have been instructed to inform you that the General has been called for a security meeting and must delay your meeting until tomorrow morning.”
Jason saluted back, half-assed but still a salute. He wasn’t in uniform. He didn’t even have one with him.
“When was the meeting announced, lieutenant?” Jason asked.
“About thirty minutes ago, sir.”
“I see. If you could please find a car and driver to take Miss Lopez home.”
He heard the protest start in her throat. She barely opened her mouth to voice it when the Lieutenant spoke again.
“The General said you may want that, but his orders are that she remains with you. He has written orders for you as well. I have them waiting in the car, sir. If you will allow me,” he reached for Selena’s bag first, which she gladly let him take, giving him a smile and a curt thanks. He didn’t bother with asking for Jason’s. Lt. Carlson waved them toward the car. The young man skipped aside and ahead of them to get to the trunk to put the bag inside, and to open the rear door. Jason and Selena followed as Jason considered the General’s orders. They made a little sense but not enough to keep her there.
Selena did a quick step to the car as they approached and got into the back seat. Lt. Carlson came around and stopped at the door as Jason put his bag onto the seat, noting how fast Selena moved it to the floor. “It will be a while before the captain calls sir. If I may suggest, it is still early enough for lunchtime.”
Another delay. Again, he should have been expecting it. Considering what happened. His mind was elsewhere and he needed to refocus. Such mindsets could get one killed.
“I guess you get to buy lunch after all,” Selena purred as he slid into the seat beside her.
Jason held his breath as she closed the gap between them. He felt that slight apprehension to her touch creeping back. It shouldn’t be happening. He wondered why the General would insist on her staying. There was no purpose she could serve. It would have been better for her to be home where her parents knew she was safe.
“I don’t know why I can’t send you home,” he said softly as the Lieutenant got into the driver’s seat. “You will miss school tomorrow. If you want to go, I’ll find a way to get you home tonight.”
She shook her head. “Professor Pride canceled his lecture. Now I know why. Professor Zeller is just doing a review for the test if anyone shows up. Professor Teton hasn’t done anything I didn’t already know. I can do most of it in my sleep. Honestly, I don’t know why they made me take that class.” She paused and looked out the window. “Do you want me to go?”
He couldn’t stop it. It was almost instantaneous as he shook his head. That earned him a tighter embrace as she laid her head on his shoulder and smiled. “I want you to do what you feel you need to do. Your schooling is important to you. I can deal with this if you want to go back for studying or just downtime with your friends.”
She rubbed her face on his arm, clasped her fingers into his. “I like this and I can’t think of anything I want to do besides this. And you did promise me a trip and lunch.”
“You may find that the food in the mess isn’t what you are used to. Since it seems I can’t send you home and I have no transportation to get elsewhere, it will be dinner as well.”
The Lieutenant made a turn. “I’m sorry sir for listening in,” he handed back a small envelope. “From the general, sir. I do know that he and his wife had plans for dinner tonight. A gathering of sorts that he does once a week. He was telling his wife that you and Miss Lopez are joining them. He was on the call before giving me my orders. I am your assigned duty driver and will pick you up. I’m available any time.”
“That is generous of the General. However, please pass along our regrets. This was not a planned trip, and neither of us has a change of clothing.” Jason opened the envelope and looked through it.
The Lieutenant laughed as he came to a stop. “The General must know you well, sir. He said that he would not take no for an answer and to assure you that what you have will be appropriate, as the location is not a dress code kind of place. However, a uniform has been requested for you, sir. It will be waiting in the housing unit. Just basic fatigues, sir. He even joked you could have a set sent over for Miss Lopez if you thought it would be beneficial. He also pointed out that the base PX is open, and perhaps Miss Lopez will be able to find items there to change into.”
Selena got excited at the mention. “Could you?” she asked. “I could change clothes if we go out to eat. Even if it’s not formal, it is with a general and your boss.”
The Lieutenant choked but didn’t say anything. He kept his concentration on the road.
“On this base, there are more than a few that outrank me,” Jason explained to her. “That does not make them a boss. Just senior officers who may, under some circumstances, issue orders. The general, being the highest of the ranks on the base, is only here short term, as you may recall. Although technically, you are correct in a fashion, many military people like to say they only have one boss, and that is the president, whoever he or she may be at the time. Everyone else is just following orders of some kind.” He looked at the time on the car dash. “Since we seem to have the time, and I did say we could, we can go eat. Then, we will take you to the PX. They should have something in your size, even if it’s just jeans and a tee-shirt.”
Selena leaned on him and pouted. “But he said I could get a uniform too. I’ve always wanted to wear one.”
Jason had to chuckle. The feel of her beside him, the soft scent of her shampoo wafting in the air as she moved, was eating away at the memory of recent events. Another time, in another place, he could have just stayed there like that. “You are aware that the fatigues are not the fancy suit-looking outfits. They are basic wear camouflage outfits, and they don’t form fit. I think you will prefer the jeans we find at the PX.” He felt a disappointed reaction. He ignored it until he saw they were coming into a parking area. By then, he had felt it several times.
The Lieutenant pulled up into a spot and tried to park quickly. Selena had the door opened and was getting out before he could get to the door. The Lieutenant was looking a little worried.
Jason looked around at where they were. It wasn’t where he thought they would be going.
“One of the few restaurants on base, sir, kind of an unofficial officer’s mess. They will take the meal cards.”
Jason nodded. “She is not accustomed to being catered to Lieutenant. She’s very independent when it suits her,” Jason smiled as he looked at the young man. “In fact, we can dispense with all the formalities. Just relax. Unless the doors don’t open from inside, I think one of us can manage to get it open.” Jason saw the expression of surprise. “Yeah, I know. Most senior officers can’t find their ass with both hands.”
The Lieutenant nodded, slightly unsure. He had dealt with senior officers before. But this one was not acting like one of them. Or was it a test?
“Have you eaten already, Lieutenant?” Selena asked.
“Yes, ma’am. Just shortly before you arrived, the General made sure of it. He wanted to be sure that you had a driver ready should there be a need to take you anywhere on base. I will wait, sir.”
Jason noted the slight tonal change with the latter part of that statement. Again, it was being ensured that they stayed on the base. He thought he may have to try to walk off just to see what would happen. Something he needed to talk to the general about.
Before closing the door, Jason fished in the envelope the General sent. He stopped Selena at the door. He slipped the ID badge lanyard around her neck. “While we are around the base, you will need to wear this. It’s a security pass issued by the General’s authorization. It will allow you to go where I go without any issues from the security checkpoints, should we pass any. Don’t lose it. Don’t forget it. Just in case we get separated somehow.”
He then handed her a meal card. The fact they had all this ready gave him some concern. It was that it wasn’t a temporary issue that gave him more to worry about. “This will allow you to eat here or in one of the mess halls.” He nodded at her look. “Yes, there is more than one. It is a large base. Officers and civilians don’t tend to eat in the same mess halls as noncoms.” He shook his head and turned her to the door. “It is not something that you need to be concerned about. It is how it is.”