A Submissive Sibling
Copyright© 2025 by H. Malcom Walker
Chapter 1
Incest Sex Story: Chapter 1 - Mark and his sister Carrie have always gotten along well, even if she likes to tease him a little too much. A surprising DNA result leads to lines being crossed. Discover the taboo journey of two siblings caught in a web of desire and consequences.
Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Consensual Heterosexual Incest Brother Sister FemaleDom Masturbation Oral Sex
It all started innocently enough. My sister Carrie, who is a year younger than me, was riding with me to the junior college we both attend. We still live at home, and she rides to campus with me every day, so we spend a lot of time together. We get along pretty well, even being so close in age. Both our parents work long hours as attorneys and often don’t get home until late, so Carrie and I basically raised each other through middle and high school.
“Hey, Mark,” she said one morning from the passenger seat. “Would you want to take a DNA test with me? We’ve been studying genetics in my biology class and I’m kind of curious to see what comes up.”
I took my eyes off the road to look over at her briefly. The weather had finally gotten warmer, so she was wearing shorts and a halter top. I know I’m not supposed to notice, but Carrie is really pretty. She wears her hair in a short bob with bangs and has a light smattering of freckles across her nose. She hates them, but I think they’re cute. Apparently, she decided to skip wearing a bra today, because as I glanced over at her I could see the top of her boobs and the outline of her nipple. There was a smattering of freckles along the top of those creamy orbs as well.
Turning back to the road ahead, I gripped the steering wheel a little tighter as I answered, “Sure. That sounds like fun. It’s not too expensive, is it?”
“There’s a site called DNA Detective that’s having a buy one get one free sale right now. Would cost us about forty bucks each.”
“That sounds good,” I said as I nodded at her. “Let me know what I need to do.”
Later that week, Carrie asked me to send her forty bucks via PayPal. I had forgotten about it but sent it over when she reminded me about the DNA test. Our parents gave us a pretty generous allowance and I wasn’t dating at the time, so it wasn’t a huge hassle.
Another week went by and Carrie showed up with two packages that had tubes and swabs in them. I let her swab my inner cheek twice with a long stick and she carefully put them in the vials and sealed them up. I had to sign some a legal looking form and that was that. I soon forgot about it completely.
Carrie continued to tease me, always wearing skimpy outfits whenever we were together. One day it was a short white sundress that was barely a decent length, or she wanted me to play tennis and she wore a skirt that ended right at the bottom of her butt. She seemed to enjoy showing the world, and especially me her body as much as possible.
I don’t know why Carrie wasn’t dating full time. Every guy she knew was drooling after her, but she kept them all at arm’s distance. I seemed to be the only guy she hung out with. I loved her, but damn I was getting all kinds of boners from the attention she was giving me.
Lately, she had started asking me to rub her feet while we were streaming something on the couch. One night she had fluffed up a pillow on one end of the couch, then lay back on it and draped her legs over my lap. “Will you give me a foot rub, Mark? I ran three miles this afternoon and they’re feeling a little sore.”
I adjusted myself so her feet were right in the middle of my lap, also turning to face her just a bit so I’d have a better angle. Then I picked one up and began working on it with both hands, starting with her toes.
“You don’t mind, do you?” she asked after giving a small sigh of pleasure.
“No, it’s fine,” I said with a smirk. “What’s a little stanky sister feet between friends?”
“Mmmmm. You are a good friend and a great brother, Mark. I appreciate everything you do for me.”
I was using my left thumb to knead the ball of her foot, right below her big toe. I was using my thumb and forefinger on my right hand to firmly squeeze and twist each toe individually, making my way from her big toe over towards the little one.
I’m good at giving foot rubs. I learned how when I was much younger, and I’ve had a lot of practice on my mom and my sister. I haven’t done it as much lately since it seemed more awkward, and I didn’t like how it made my dick strain against my underwear. I mean, I know my mom and my sister are both attractive, but it feels kind of perverted to get off on rubbing their feet.
Carrie was hard to resist, though. She knew I enjoyed pleasing people, and she took full advantage of it. At least she wasn’t mean about it. A couple of girls I’d dated in high school kind of walked all over me. I had stopped dating since I was trying to concentrate on school more, hoping to get into the engineering program at the state university next year.
Looking back down at my sister’s foot, I shifted it a little more so I could work my way down the arch, using both thumbs to press hard into it. Carrie gave out another satisfied moan and looked off to the side with a smile on her face. That made my dick twitch, and damn if her foot wasn’t touching it when it happened. I quickly moved her foot down my leg a few inches, hoping she hadn’t noticed.
With a sinking feeling, I watched her open her eyes and look at me. She had a sly smile on her face, which got even wider before she turned her head back to the side and closed her eyes. I could tell she was blushing a little.
“Great,” I thought. “Now my sister definitely knows I’m perving on her.”
I moved further down the foot, gripping her leg just above the ankle with my left hand while I used my right thumb to grind in on the heel. “Your feet are feeling a little dry,” I said. “We should probably get some lotion next time.”
She smiled but didn’t open her eyes or turn her head. “Already planning for next time, Mark? Are you admitting you like giving me foot rubs?”
I sighed but kept rubbing her heel. “You know I enjoy it. You don’t have to tease me about it.”
She looked at me then and went to sit up, holding her hand out for assistance. I took the hand and helped pull her into a sitting position. She pulled me in tighter and kissed me on the cheek. “I don’t mean to tease you, Mark. I love your foot rubs, and they mean a lot to me. I’m glad you enjoy them.”