Kelly's Diary 199 - Ghost From the Past
Copyright© 2025 by Kelly85
Chapter 6: Dinner With Randy
Incest Sex Story: Chapter 6: Dinner With Randy - When someone asks me where to go to meet people I always give them the same answer - church! At first this may sound like the LAST place to meet someone, especially if you're looking to get laid, but if you think about it, it's full of people who probably are NOT going out to bars and clubs yet are desperate for sex! As it turns out, recently my own advice proved to be true once again for me when I was reunited with an old flame - in more ways than one.
Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Fa/Fa Consensual True Story Incest Father Daughter Cousins Exhibitionism Masturbation Oral Sex
Hi Randy,” I greeted him at the front door, “That’s so sweet if you to come to the door for me like a gentleman.”
My sarcasm was totally lost on him but then I guess I couldn’t blame him. He seemed more interested in my legs at the moment, probably wondering what was further up but with my coat already on that was pretty well hidden from view - as I intended it to be for the time being at least. He held open the storm door as I closed the door and checked to see that it was locked behind me. Too bad Kristen was still occupied up in her room. I would have loved her to see what I had all to myself for the evening! I smiled as I imagined her returning to her room once again after getting an eyeful of Randy.
“Something you wanted to say?” Randy asked, evidently thinking I was smiling because of something I wanted to tell him. Rather than say he was wrong, I made something up instead.
“Just thinking back to all those years ago when we went on our first date.” I replied.
By now we were at his car and he held the door open for me. “Well, things have changed quite a bit since then for both of us I imagine,” he said as he closed the door and quickly hurried to the other side. I looked around the car and was slightly miffed that it had a large console in the center. While I could probably still reach over it for his crotch, any hopes of blowing him while he was driving were pretty much off the table now without performing some wild gymnastics - which I wasn’t dressed for.
I was waiting for him to ask me if I had a preference as to where we would go for dinner but he had indeed grown up and didn’t ask but rather started driving somewhere. Rather than appear nervous and ask him where he was going, I just sat back and waited to see what happened. We made some small talk as he drove and I noticed he kept glancing over at me. All that was available for his viewing pleasure at the moment were my legs as my coat covered everything else. Even then, the coat barely covered the tops of my thighs so it must have been obvious to him that whatever was underneath couldn’t have been very much. It was SO tempting to look over at his crotch to see if there was any response yet but I kept my eyes ahead except for when I turned to look at him - and then I looked him in the eyes without glancing lower.
Randy turned off and started heading up a steep hill and I knew the area well enough to know there was only one thing ahead of us. It rather surprised me as I had assumed we would be going to some dark restaurant with a quiet, out of the way booth were we could be more “personal”. Yes indeed, probably the last place I would have ever guessed would be a Japanese steak house!
“I hope you like places like this,” Randy said as he pulled up to the door to let me out before he parked the car.
I just smiled and nodded and stepped out when it became obvious he wasn’t going to get out to open the door for me.
As I turned to exit the car, I noted an older couple entering. The husband was holding the door open for his wife (I assumed she was anyway) and he turned to see me getting out of the car. I tried not to notice his stare as I allowed my coat to pull up enough to reveal that my skirt had to be EALLY short based on the amount of thigh he got to see. Randy pulled away but the guy was polite and held the door open for me as well while his wife waited impatiently inside.
“Thank you,” I said with a smile as I passed by him.
“Oh it’s my pleasure,” he replied.
Then he saw his wife glaring at him and he quickly hustled over to be with her while she in turn shifted her glare to me instead. She didn’t say anything out loud but it was obvious what she was thinking about me. Cool! I must be looking goof tonight to earn her wrath while I still had my coat on!
Randy appeared in a few minutes and checked on his reservation. He told me it would only be a few minutes and offered to take my coat and check it. Yeah, like I was going to parade around the restaurant in THIS outfit! I’m sure most of the guys wouldn’t mind but even I have enough common sense to know when something’s over the line.
“Ummmmm, I think I’ll keep it on ... it’s sort of chilly in here,” I said, clinging to my coat.
Just then a girl came to us and said out table was ready - that was quick! She led the way towards the back of the restaurant to a table which could seat eight people, two at each end and four in the middle. She started to offer a seat in the middle but I nudged Randy and nodded towards the end against the wall. He picked up on my not-too-subtle hint and motioned to the girl that we preferred the other seats. She didn’t seem to mind and for the moment we were the only ones at the table.
“Do you want me to help you with your coat?” Randy asked. I rolled my eyes and shook my head slowly.
“I ... well ... I didn’t really come dressed for this place,” I started to say but he didn’t seem to understand.
“Oh I’m sure they don’t care if you’re not dressed up all fancy,” he encouraged me, totally clueless it seemed to the reality of the situation. Since he didn’t seem to be able to take a hint, I unbuttoned my coat and opened it up enough for him to see underneath.
“Whoa!” he said under his breath as his eyes immediately went to his favorite spot - my chest. Even in the rather dim light he must have been able to see how sheer my blouse was and the red bra underneath had to be plainly visible. “Sorry ... guess I sort of blew it, didn’t I?” he apologized. “Do you want to go somewhere else?”
Before I had time to answer, the girl brought in the older couple that I had “met” on my way in and seated them next to us. Actually, he was seated next to Randy who was at the corner while the wife was to his side furthest from us. When she realized who was sitting at our table I could see her eyes open and for a moment it looked like she was going to say something to her husband, probably about moving to another table. Too late, he had already taken her coat and helped her to sit down before she could get anything out.
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