Kelly's Diary 196 - Compromises
Copyright© 2025 by Kelly85
Chapter 2: The Carriage Becomes a Pumpkin
Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2: The Carriage Becomes a Pumpkin - I've always wanted to be a teacher more than anything. Just when it seemed all was perfect, all my hopes and dreams were crushed. Then an unexpected opportunity arose which promised to revive those dreams. OK, so I comprised my principles just a little, but it got me back into teaching so I lived with it. Besides the moral and ethical issues, there's another problem when you start straying from your beliefs - once you rationalize it the next time gets easier.
Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Consensual True Story Masturbation Oral Sex
Even Cinderella’s ballroom fantasy had an ending and so did mine. One morning I was walking down the hall when I passed the administration office just as Mr. Eisenberg was coming out. He seemed startled to see me at first and then a strange grin grew on his face. He gave me that “look”, the same one most guys give me when it’s like they’re trying to summon their x-ray vision so they can see through my clothes.
“Ah Miss Wells, I’ve been meaning to see you,” he said in a disarming tone, “I was hoping you could stop by my office some time so we could discuss your progress so far.”
I paused for a moment before answering, trying to read his body language to determine if this was a legitimate request or just a ruse for some hidden agenda on his part. Given my past experiences with him, nobody could blame me for being a little extra cautious. On the surface of things, such a meeting was not unexpected considering I WAS a brand new teacher and all. In fact, under more “normal” circumstances I would’ve expected such a review much earlier than this given over three weeks had already passed since school started.
However, these were definitely NOT “normal” circumstances which is one problem when you start associating sex with your workplace - you never know where one ends and the other picks up.
“Yes sir. I understand,” I replied respectfully, “So when would you like me to stop in?”
He looked in his notebook as if he needed to consult his schedule and again I was left wondering if it was all a show or if he really needed to check. In any case, he snapped it shut before I could see what he was looking at and smiled at me.
“Well, I suppose it would be best to get it over with as soon as possible since we’ve delayed it this long already. How about right after your last class this afternoon?” he offered.
Being it was a Friday, I would’ve definitely preferred to have left for home as soon as classes ended to beat the terrible traffic. Other than that I didn’t have a valid reason for refusing him so I just nodded slightly after which he said he was looking forward to it and returned to his office without another word.
The rest of the day went by with me wandering about in a daze. Thankfully I shared the classroom responsibilities with another teacher or I don’t know how I would’ve gotten through it. All I could think about was Mr. Eisenberg and our “meeting” scheduled for the end of the day. Perhaps I was getting worked up for nothing. After all, he hadn’t hardly said a word to me up until today so maybe this was all on the up and up? All the other teachers told me that they’d had a review within a week or so of their start and so if anything, they were surprised I had already gone so long without one. Well, they didn’t know how my interview went either.
This nightmarish situation was exactly why I hated having to use sex to get my job. If I hadn’t given in and instead had been more brave and stuck up for myself instead of panicking and agreeing to his demands, I wouldn’t be in this situation. Instead, I was left wondering what I might have to do in order to keep my job. What would the other teachers say if they knew why I was so worried? Heck, the past administrator was so old he probably couldn’t get it up anyway.
Ironically, the whole situation was rather ridiculous AND unnecessary. Heck, if instead of forcing me to let him fuck me in order to get my job, had he just come on to me like a typical horny husband I probably would’ve willingly agreed to having sex with him just because I enjoy fucking married men. It sort of reminded me of when I first tried escorting years before when I was in college. Back then I’d ended up quitting when one of my clients tied me up, blindfolded me, and then brought in a group of so-called friends to fuck me without warning me about it ahead of time.
As a direct result of that experience I “retired” from escorting before anything worse could happen to me. However, like what I was facing today, that was a case where had the jerk simply ASKED me ahead of time. I probably would’ve gladly agreed to go along with it (assuming, of course, he paid more). Instead, it was like he and his friends were raping me. So as you can see, there’s a HUGE difference between doing something because you agree to do it compared to feeling like you have no choice.
Well, the exact same principle applied now to Mr. Eisenberg. Had he simply ASKED me to have sex with him, everything would’ve been fine and I’d be looking forward to our meeting this afternoon. Having a guy with a wife like his risk it all just to fuck me would have been exhilarating under different circumstances. Instead, because he forced me to let him fuck me so I could have my job, now I was dreading what might happen at the end of the day. In way I guess it was a shame!
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