Kelly's Diary 196 - Compromises
Copyright© 2025 by Kelly85
Chapter 1: Cinderella
Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1: Cinderella - I've always wanted to be a teacher more than anything. Just when it seemed all was perfect, all my hopes and dreams were crushed. Then an unexpected opportunity arose which promised to revive those dreams. OK, so I comprised my principles just a little, but it got me back into teaching so I lived with it. Besides the moral and ethical issues, there's another problem when you start straying from your beliefs - once you rationalize it the next time gets easier.
Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Consensual True Story Masturbation Oral Sex
All my life I’ve dreamed of being a teacher. Actually, I can’t think of ever wanting to be anything else when someone would ask me, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” After years of tough schooling, grueling exams, bureaucratic certifications, lifelong dreams realized, crushed and then resurrected again, I finally did it - I was a full time elementary school teacher.
In a more perfect world, I would’ve graduated with honors, aced my certs, been pursued by every major school district in the area, and finally been hired by a prestigious school with a great salary and benefits. All my students would love me as their favorite teacher and come to class eager to learn. At least, that’s how I use to dream it would be.
In the real world, I graduated from college with good grades - but no honors. I had to study until I nearly dropped to squeak by the certification exams (had to take them in two states which didn’t help). The schools I’d been hoping to teach at had waiting lists so long it would be years before I even got a substitute position.
When I finally DID get a job, it was part time as a fill- in for a teacher who was ill at a small Christian school. Talk about lousy pay and no benefits! The kids were general good but there were a few that made me wonder why I ever wanted to become a teacher and the parents ... well let’s not even discuss parents. So it wasn’t quite a dream come true but still, I was a teacher and that’s what counted in the end.
Then my world turned upside down with the breakup from my boyfriend just when I thought he was going to propose. Then there was the subsequent embarrassment of having to resign when my new ex-boyfriend turned traitor.
Suffice to say that there are things that a private school can delve into and take into account when determining your qualifications that public schools can’t. Let’s just say he told them enough that the administrator felt it was best we part ways. Nothing official was said and so far as my record read, it was for “personal reasons”. Still, I was effectively black-listed as nobody would hire you without a good reference from your previous position and THAT wasn’t about to happen so long as the old geezer was around. Considering he’d been the administrator since the school started, he wasn’t about to leave any time soon either.
Fortunately, or at least from my perspective it was, the administrator had a serious heart attack which forced him to retire. His replacement was a much younger guy that I hoped would be unaware of the unofficial reasons for my resignation. Eventually he DID hire me back but it didn’t go exactly as I had expected. Rather than repeat all that subsequently happened, check out these entries in my diary:
May 24, 2009 School Administrator June 26, 2009 Unconventional Convention June 27, 2009 RV Parking June 28, 2009 Disneyland Fun
Keeping it brief, I was forced to let this man have sex with me in order to get back the dream I’d thought I’d lost - to be a teacher. That may sound a little ironic coming from a girl who has purposely and unashamedly used sex to get what she wants for most of her adult life, but this was a totally different situation. It’s one thing to flirt to cut in line, give a quick blowjob in return for an evening out, or even to offer to let a guy fuck you to get something you really want. That’s just normal stuff most girls do whether they admit it or not.
This time, though, it was different. It meant a lot to me to be able to pursue my teaching career on my own credentials. Resorting to using sex was like cheating, sort of like taking the ‘easy way out” and it didn’t mean as much afterwards. I planned on teaching for a long time and I wanted to be sure it wasn’t something that depended on guys wanting to fuck me. After all, I may be 24 now but someday it might not be so easy to just bend over and expect to get what I wanted.
Thus when it came to pursuing my teaching career, I’ve always stayed the straight and narrow. For instance, I’d never fucked a teacher or done anything to get a better grade. In college I bartered quite a bit for some tutoring at times but it’s not like I wouldn’t have paid cash otherwise and besides, it wasn’t like I couldn’t use a little myself at the time. I dressed professionally at all my interviews (I mean as a professional teacher, not a hooker) and so until this case came up, I was pretty proud of myself.
It’s not to say I was raped, humiliated or otherwise had to do anything I didn’t like. That’s not what peeved me off so over this whole thing. No, it just irked me that I had to resort to using sex when I was more than qualified based on my academic credentials, not my sexual resume.
So anyway, I’d done it, it was over, and now I just had to prove to myself that it wasn’t me but the administrator’s fault. I was bound and determined to be the best teacher in the school so nobody could ever say I slept my way into the job!
School had been in session for several weeks now. Back on the first day I was probably more nervous about seeing Mr. Eisneberg again than I was about my new class. Professionally, I was as well prepared as I could be and I felt confident that I would do well. What really was getting to me was worrying about what Mr. Eisenberg might demand from me. Surprisingly, I hadn’t heard anything from him since we returned from California and for the first week at school, I only saw him briefly, mostly just passing by in the hall. It wasn’t hard to miss him as all the teachers were female and so the only guys around during the day were him and the fat maintenance guy.
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