Kelly's Diary 195 - State Park Tent Sex - Cover

Kelly's Diary 195 - State Park Tent Sex

Copyright© 2025 by Kelly85

Chapter 4: Sex at the Campground

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 4: Sex at the Campground - All summer I'd been wanting to go to our favorite State Park where we water-ski but its seems there was always one thing or another in the way. When we finally got to go, it turned out that getting was half the fun, not to mention what happened when my cousin and I made a few new friends.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   True Story   Incest   Father   Daughter   Exhibitionism   Masturbation   Oral Sex  

My family had never really been into camping and since the campground was further down the road from the cabins where we normally stayed. I’d never paid much attention to it before. Walking along the road, it didn’t seem to be too terribly big. I think I’d read somewhere that there were around forty sites or so and most of them seemed to have tents instead of trailers. It was certainly a lot different from the RV park I’d stayed in out in California earlier this summer.

We passed a bath house which Kristen and I quickly ran into to use while the guys waited outside for us. At first I was surprised none of them need to pee but then I realized that being boys, they probably just peed anywhere they wanted back on the trail.

Once I had asked my dad why men did that as it was so disgusting to just pee everywhere. It didn’t really help matters when he just grinned and answered, “Because we can.” The bath house seemed pretty clean and even had hot showers.

Kristen and I took the opportunity to wash our hands and faces and it felt a little better to be fresh and clean again after sweating on the trail. Actually a shower would have been better and with Kristen it would have been fun as well but we had three boys waiting outside for us and I didn’t want them to think we had lost interest in them. Still, I couldn’t resist giving my cousin what was supposed to be a quick kiss but ended up being a little bit more.

“God I’m so fuckin’ horny,” she whispered hoarsely as I felt her hand reaching between my legs.

I reminded her about Drew and she grinned saying, “I’m gonna fuck his dick off.” Funny thing, I didn’t think she was joking! One more kiss and we left the bathhouse, apparently just in time as a mother and her little girls all filed in as we walked out. I grinned to myself as I wondered how mommy would have explained to her little charges what the older girls were doing!

It wasn’t much further before the road ended in a circular parking area. The guys led us over to where two similar trailers were parked on adjacent sites. As it turned out, each family had their own camp trailer that the parents stayed in while the boys had a single large tent set up behind them towards the back of the site.

Nobody seemed to be around and only one truck was there so I guess their parents must have been out doing something together or whatever. When I’d mentioned earlier about our boat, the boys had seemed jealous that we had one so I didn’t think they were out on the lake. Oh well, it didn’t really matter I guess so long as they stayed away for a while longer. Then again, it wasn’t all that long ago I’d learned that parents you meet while camping can be quite interesting ... Well, odds were the boy’s parents were your typical mom and pop so I needed to forego any thoughts about them being kinky or anything at all even like that.

First things first, I needed to get out of these ridiculously baggy shorts. It dawned on me that we could have easily changed in the bathhouse but I guess we were too distracted at the time by the needs of our bladders - and then being horny to think rationally. Somehow the campers seemed off-limits from the way the boys were avoiding them so Kristen and I headed for their tent to get ourselves changed.

While we didn’t invite the boys in along with us, as much as I knew Kristen would have loved to have done, I’d already taken note that the side flaps were unzipped meaning anyone looking through the screened windows would have a pretty good view of the interior. The tent was situated (purposely perhaps?) such that the closest people with a direct line of site were quite a ways away. During the daytime especially, with the sun shining down on the tent, even though the campground was jammed full it would be next to impossible for any of their neighbors to see anything. Besides, why would anyone want to look into a tent full of boys anyway? However, all this didn’t mean someone standing just outside wouldn’t be able to peer inside.

“Now boys, no peeking!” I teased them but at the same time I tried to make the tone of my voice such that it sounded more like I was suggesting that they DO.

In any case, I would’ve been astounded if they didn’t already have such thoughts in their heads already - both of their heads if you know what I mean. Kristen followed as I led the way, unzipping and then parting the screening to allow us both to slip inside. It wasn’t exactly the most comfortable place to change as the center of the tent was barely high enough for us to stand upright, plus it was quite hot inside, even thought there was some nice shade over the site. All I had to do to lose the shorts was let loose my grip of them. For the entire trip I’d had to keep at least one hand on them so they wouldn’t fall down so by simply letting go the shorts dropped to the floor in a heap around my ankles. For a moment I just stood there, basking in the feel of the warm air against my bare butt. Once Kristen had dropped hers I turned and backed into her, wiggled my bare bottom against hers.

“Hey cuz, careful you don’t start something you can’t finish,” she teased me as she wiggled hers back against me.

Then we both turned around and without a second thought we both reached out for the other and shared a nice long kiss, even longer than the ones back in the bathhouse. Trying not to be too obvious, I looked out the window behind her, secretly hoping that the guys were watching from outside as I put my hands on Kristen’s bare ass and squeezed each of her cheeks with one hand as she did the same with mine.

I think every girl learns at an early age that nothing turns on a guy more than to see two girls kiss, even it’s her friends doing it and not her. It’s always seemed a little odd to me that guys get so into seeing two girls kissing yet when it comes to two boys kissing, it’s like the worst thing imaginable for them.

The same sort of thing goes for dancing. Girls will get out and dance together or in a group and nobody thinks twice about it but you’ll never see two guys dancing, at least not unless they are gay. I can still remember kissing my first girl at a slumber party when I wasn’t even technically a teenager yet and while it was sort of naughty at the time, we all were doing it and nobody accused anyone of being a lesbian.

“Did you see the look on their faces when I dropped my shorts on front of them back at the barn?” Kristen whispered with a giggle, “Shit, I thought poor Drew was going to faint.”

“Hmmmmmm ... I think somebody’s hot for Drew,” I teased her, “or at least his dick.”

Kristen giggled even more, squeezing my butt a little tighter. “God Kelly, can you imagine him fucking me? Mmmmmmm, I can! Do you think he’s really fifteen? He seems younger, or at least he acts that way. It’s so hard to tell sometimes. What do you think?”

“Well, he’s definitely not eighteen so really, what difference does it make? Why can’t you fool around with guys your own age?” I playfully chided her.

“Oh don’t give me that ... I saw you looking him over Miss Goody Two-Shoes,” she retorted.

“Well, I guess I’ll just have to take care of the other two while you do Drew,” I sighed melodramatically.

“Yeah, like THAT would be such a hardship for you,” she laughed, spanking my bare bottom with a sharp slap.

Although I hadn’t caught sight of them, I hoped that they had witnessed our little show and now it was time to get thing really going. We pulled our own shorts back on and then went back outside to the front of the tent where, judging from their heavy breathing, the guys had obviously hurried back from peeking in on us. The guilty looks on their faces were so blatant it was almost funny and I saw Drew was even a little flushed. Thanking him for his thoughtfulness, I handed back the shorts to Darren while Kristen returned Kyle’s. It was probably a good thing for them as the loose boxers weren’t doing much of a job of concealing their current state of arousal, even though they tried to hide it from us. It wasn’t like they HAD to as neither Kristen nor I would have cared if they had flopped out for us to see.

“So what do you guys want to do now?” I asked playfully, my hands on my hips as I twisted them back and forth slowly.

Well, I KNEW what they wanted - the same thing most any heterosexual boy would want in these circumstances. They looked back and forth at each other, none of them apparently courageous to say what was really on their minds. Well, such hesitation had never deterred Kristen before and it certainly wasn’t about to today. Once she got frustrated with their stalling she decided to take things into her own hands - literally as it turned out.

“So tell me Drew ... did you like seeing my bare ass back at the barn?” she said softly, moving up a little closer to him.

Drew was barely taller than her so she could just about look him straight in the eyes. Poor boy, he didn’t seem to know what to do and he looked over at his brother and Darren, pleading with his eyes as if they had all the answers for him.

“I wasn’t asking THEM,” Kristen chided Drew, “I wanted to know if YOU liked what you saw? Do you want to see it again? Maybe more this time?”

The other guys were watching this rather surreal scene unfold in front of them, not moving or looking away, probably wondering what was going on and where this was all leading. For that matter, I was wondering the same thing too! I had a pretty good idea where it would end but the journey could be just as interesting at times.

Drew nodded almost imperceptibly but that didn’t satisfy Kristen. “Well?” she said, demanding a response, “Did you like my ass or not?”

“It looked really nice,” Drew finally blurted out, his face beet red as Kristen stood just inches away from him now.

“Nice? Did you say my ass looked nice?” she said, acting as though she was incredulous, “You mom’s butt probably looks nice ... is that all you can say about mine?”

“It looked ... hot,” he said so quietly I could barely make it out. I almost felt sorry for the boy but then I knew what was waiting for him so I didn’t feel TOO sorry for him!

“I asked if you wanted to see it again?” she reminded him, “Do you?”

Drew again looked at the other guys who just seemed more amazed at what was happening to their youngest member and NOT to them. I could practically hear their thoughts... “Dear Penthouse, I never thought this would happen to me...”

Rather than drag this charade out any further, Kristen reached out and grabbed Drew by the hand, then she pulled him towards the tent. “C’mon Drew, let’s go inside and I’ll show it to you again, OK?”

They left the three of us standing behind, the two guys staring with their arms hanging down to their sides, me just shaking my head slowly. What a waste! Heck, we could have probably spent an hour or so just teasing them outside having fun if she hadn’t been so crazy horny. Sure, I wanted to get it on too but why not have some fun with them along the way as well? Well, it wasn’t like I was in the tent yet so who knows what opportunities remained.

As I tried to decide what to do next, the two of them inside the tent that had everyone’s attention - even mine. I could tell both boys were anxious to get back to wherever they had been looking inside before. Evidently they must have thought I might be offended if they looked in on Kristen and drew. You would think by now they would start getting the message about me, wouldn’t you?

“Are you guys gonna watch them or just stand there?” I prodded them, pointing to the tent and moving around to the back where the biggest window was undone.

Not only did it have the best view, but it was also the least likely place anyone would notice us looking at the tent from a ways away, causing them to maybe wonder what was so interesting inside that was grabbing our attention.

The three of us stood there in back of the tent, the two of them on each side of me. It was sort of funny in a way. As much as they had both been staring at my ass and boobs all day, at this moment I was closer to them than I’d been yet they didn’t even seem to notice I was there as they covered the tops of their eyes with their hands to shade them from the sun so see inside better. With the sunlight on it the screening made it a little hard to see, but it was still enough to get a pretty good view of what was happening inside.

Kristen must have stripped the moment she entered the tent as by the time I got to see her all she was wearing was her sneakers. I didn’t blame her for keeping them on as the bottom of the tent was dirty from the guys coming and going without cleaning their shoes off first. In any case, I doubted that either of the boys next to me were looking that far down as the rest of her was stark naked. Damn her, even I was impressed at her petite body. I sighed to myself seeing how cute and hot she looked. It was probably best they looked at just her for now as it would have frustrated the heck out of me to have them staring at her had I been in there as well.

“Holy shit!” Darren muttered under breath as Kristen started to touch her boobs with her fingertips as Drew just sat there on one of the air mattresses, watched her intently with his mouth hanging open as if he was trying to catch flies.

Kristen put on a little dance for him that would have gotten her arrested at most legitimate strip clubs, eventually touching her pussy and masturbating for Drew. She even faked an orgasm for him and since I was the only one who knew she was faking, what did it hurt?

“No way!” Kyle groaned, most likely jealous as hell of his little brother.

What evoked his latest response was seeing Kristen getting down on her knees and fumbling for Drew’s belt. Drew reached out to touch her but she playfully pushed his hands away, telling him he could look but not touch. I guess the “no touch you partner” rule didn’t apply to her though as she quickly undid his belt and shorts, then pulled them off of him along with his underwear, leaving Drew sitting bare-bottomed on the soft sleeping bag atop the air mattress.

Kristen asked Drew if anyone had ever touched his dick before. Kyle snickered besides me as he muttered, “Well HE certainly has!” Judging from the way both guys besides me were shifting around and adjusting their shorts, I had no doubt they were wishing Kristen was asking them the same question.

I couldn’t make out exactly what Drew was muttering with all the grunts and groans coming from the peanut gallery outside the tent. “Can you believe it!” “Holy shit” “Oh my god!” were just a few of the comments being thrown out as Kristen reached out and grabbed Drew’s hard dick. I think Drew was a little embarrassed to be so hard already but it wasn’t as if Kristen cared - it just saved her some time and effort in her book

As for me, I like it best when a guy starts out soft so I can feel him growing in my hand or mouth. From Kristen’s perspective, that was all just wasted time when he could be fucking her so the sooner he was hard, the better so far as she was concerned.

“Damn ... do you think she’s gonna suck him” Darren asked across to Kyle, as if I wasn’t even there.

“Trust me, she will ... and that’s not ALL she’ll do to him before this is over,” I informed them...

“Fuck, your cousin’s a real slut!” Kyle said admiringly.

That was the last straw as far as I was concerned. It was bad enough for Kristen to be grabbing all the attention but now Kyle was calling her a slut and not even thinking about me! Over the years I’ve learned to deal with guys paying more attention to Kristen, that was just Mother Nature’s cruel joke on me and there was nothing I could do about it. To completely IGNORE me in favor of Kristen..., now THAT required a response. A girl has to have SOME pride.

“You know, it’s not like you have to hide yours either,” I said seductively, reaching out in both directions to pat their crotches.

Even with the denim shorts now back over their underwear I could tell both were stiff as rods underneath. They looked at me as if they weren’t sure what I really meant. Damn, did I have to provide engraved invitations for them? And people ask me why I like older men! At least they don’t have to be told twice - or even once in many cases.

“C’mon, let me see what you’ve got,” I said, trying to keep the frustration out of my voice.

I guess I really couldn’t blame them for being distracted as Kristen now had her head planted in Drew’s crotch. Between her hair falling in the way and the window screen it was a bit hard to make out exactly what was happening, but with the way her head was bobbing and Drew was groaning, there wasn’t much doubt she was sucking his dick.

“Damn, she’s blowing him!” Darren croaked, “You’re fuckin’ little brother’s getting a BJ!”

“Well, get yours out then and I’ll do the same for you,” I finally came out and said directly.

Sheesh, it was like I had to draw a map for them or something. At least THAT got their attention but after looking at each other then I saw them glancing around nervously, evidently concerned that someone might see them. Obviously I hadn’t made them horny enough yet.

“You know guys, I’m not saying to get naked,” I huffed, “Besides, nobody can see us anyway. Now how about taking those nice dicks out for me, OK?”

One thing you can count one when it comes to men, and especially boys, is that their big heads can only dominate the little ones for so long before a role reversal takes place. With both Daren and Kyle, horniness finally won out over common sense, just as I knew it eventually would. Besides, it WAS true what I’d said about nobody being able to see us. With the tent set so far back on the site and us being behind it, it would have taken someone almost deliberately wanting to see what was going on behind the tent for us to be discovered.

Finally, both guys had dropped their shorts and pulled their dicks out through the front slits of their underwear. Now THIS was more like it! I stopped watching Kristen and bent my knees, crouching down so I could grab each of their dicks and look back and forth to each side to see one and then the other from a more direct point of view. It seemed they were both about the same size, average I guess you could say but they both had that wonderful steel-rod stiffness that only a teenage cock can have. It was like grabbing onto two steel pipes and the best part was that I knew they would stay that way, even after cumming a couple of times.

“Soooooo, is this more like it?” I said softly, grinning up at both of them.

I could tell they were torn between wanting to see my cousin sucking Drew inside the tent and seeing me jerking them off with my hands. Well, there was one way to get them to pay more attention to me - just up the ante a bit.

“Do your girlfriends like to suck your dicks?” I teased them as I twisted each of my hands around their hard cocks.

They glanced at each other and had they been alone, I’m sure each would have bragged about his experience and the number of blowjobs they’ been given but as best friends, they both knew the other would know he was lying. I was rapidly getting the impression that not even Darren had as much experience as he was claiming to have with girls. In the end, neither of them said a word, their silence more telling than anything else.

Well, it was up to me I guess so I took Darren’s dick first in my mouth, just bobbing on it quickly, taking about two-thirds of it in my mouth before letting it go and turning to face Kyle and repeating my performance on him. Kristen may have her fifteen (fourteen?) year old dick to enjoy, but I had TWO teenage cocks at my disposal now so she could keep her jailbait! Back and forth I went, maybe going down two or three times on each before switching to the other, stroking the one cock with my free hand while sucking on the other.

With my other hand I pulled up my top, exposing my braless boobs to them while keeping it on just in case an emergency popped up - like their parents suddenly returning. It wasn’t I was worried about ME - they might not like the fact some slut was sucking off the two older buys but I could only imagine what they would say about Drew getting his dick sucked by a girl at least seven years older than him! She was inside the tent so it wasn’t like she wouldn’t have time to get herself dressed or even hide among the blankets and sleeping bags.

Me being outside ... now THAT was a different story entirely. Still, I had to say it was more exciting to be squatting down in the middle of a crowded campsite with my boobs hanging out while sucking off these boys’ cocks. Squatting as I was, I could feel my shorts pulling up and I knew anyone looking would have seen a lot more of my ass than a girl typically would without being in a thong bikini.

I could tell that both of them were trying to hold back but they couldn’t help but release a loud breath or a gasp now and then when my tongue and lips got in just the right combination on their dicks to make their knees bend. Both of them needed a shower after the hike and who knows what else they’d been doing before they met us but I didn’t care. All I knew was I was enjoying their stiff dicks and I LOVED sucking them both off in front of each other. Odds were neither of them had ever seen the other being blown and I wondered how they felt about their best friend seeing their dick out and being stroked and sucked by this slutty girl squatting down between them.

As I sucked them I could see they were also watching what was happening in the tent as well. Myself, I couldn’t see a thing and it was remarkably quiet inside as well. Kristen could never be accused of being shy about expressing herself during sex so either she was deliberately keeping calm so as not to draw attention from anyone outside or her mouth was too full of dick to say anything loud enough to be heard outside the tent. If I had to set the odds, it would probably be a little of each!

Who would cum first - Darren or Kyle? At first glance, you would assume Kyle since he was younger and Darren claimed to have more experience and as such, should be able to control himself more. Yet the more I sucked them, the more I had to wonder how much of Darren’s bravado was just bluster? He seemed to be just as ecstatic as Kyle about me sucking his cock - certainly not like he had been-there, done-that before.

If anything, he seemed to be about to cum even before Kyle and sure enough, just as I was about to take my mouth off of him and turn my attention back to Kyle’s dick, Darren flooded my mouth with his cum along with a long heavy sigh, almost like one of relief as his hairy balls emptied themselves into my waiting mouth. I held my lips firmly around his cock, keeping every drop of cum in my mouth and letting it pool on my tongue. God, how much cum did he have? It was like he was overflowing my mouth between his cum and dick stuffed inside!

“My turn!” Kyle suddenly gasped as I continued stroking his dick while sucking the last few drops from the tip of Darren’s still hard cock.

I quickly turned to face Kyle, just in time to get a face-full of cum as his first load caught me on the forehead right between my eyes! Before the second load could nail me again, I had my cum-filled mouth wrapped around his dick where he could finish his load without making a mess of me - at least any MORE of a mess of me. I didn’t even have time to swallow Darren’s load before my mouth was flooded with Kyle’s cum. It was as much, if not more than Darren’ had given me, even with the first shot on my forehead instead of my mouth.

Damn, the boy’s balls must have been ready to explode! There was no way I could hold all that cum in my mouth and swallowing with his dick in my mouth was hard so I had no choice but to let some of it escape and drip down my chin.

OK, so my thoughts tend to wander at times ... As I sucked off the last of Kyle’s cum I wondered what would happen if a guy didn’t masturbate or fuck? Where did all the cum go? I doubted that he stopped making it just because it wasn’t being used. Was that why some guys claimed their “balls ached” when they didn’t get to fuck for a while or even masturbate?

Enough of THAT tangent! My mouth felt deliciously slimy from the fresh coating of cum from two young dicks as I swallowed it all down finally, wishing I had a bottle of water or something to help rinse out my mouth a little as it left quite an aftertaste. Oh well, it’s not like I wasn’t use to the taste but still, just a mouthful of water would have been nice...

Not surprisingly, both my guys were still as hard as ever and I knew from the looks on their faces if anything, they were even hornier than before I’d blown them. I knew what they wanted - what they probably didn’t dare ask for but were undoubtedly praying they could. Really ... what teenage boy would NOT want to fuck a girl after she’d just sucked his cock and swallowed his load?

I remembered back to when I use to date in high school and the dashed hopes guys would have after I’d sucked them off but then they didn’t get to fuck me. Just because I LOVED sucking their dicks that didn’t mean I let every boy in school fuck me. I DID have SOME morals. And a girl has to draw the line somewhere. Ok, so there are the exceptions like Kristen but I would feel safe in saying that the vast majority of girls - even the sluts and whores, have their limits, even though they may vary substantially.

I took the opportunity to glance inside the tent. Darren and Kyle were mesmerized already so I knew it had to be something pretty good. Why wasn’t I surprised? (just kidding) There was my slutty cousin riding Kyle’s brother, leaning over him such that her breast were low enough for him to suck on them while she rocked on his dick - his no longer virgin dick.

I wish I’d been able to watch when she first took him in her and seen the expression on his face when he got to feel his dick in a girl’s pussy for the first time. I’d been fortunate enough over the years to have been fucked by a few virgins and it’s always special to see that look - a mixture of lust, fear, gratitude, amazement, whatever, it was all there at this special time of their life. How long had she been riding him? Had he already cum from her blowjob or had she waiting to take his first load in her pussy? Was this the position she took his virginity or how had they been situated? Damn, so many questions to ask her later when we got together later when we were through with these guys.

“So what do you guys think of my cousin?” I asked them both quietly so as not to disturb the two in the tent.

“God she is hot!” Darren was the first to respond, practically drooling. He was stroking his dick slowly as he stared inside and I had to wonder if he even realized he was doing it.

Most likely had he known I could see him stroking it he would have been embarrassed but right now he was so engrossed in watching Drew fucking Kristen (or was SHE fucking Drew?) that I doubted he even knew himself what he was doing.

“I can’t believe she’s fucking my brother!” Kyle said almost breathlessly.

Really, how many guys actually get to see their brother fucking a girl in real life? To see his younger brother getting laid for the first time must have been more than little hard for Kyle. Again, I had to wonder just how many girls he REALLY had fucked so far - and if he even had done ONE!

“He seems to be enjoying it,” I observed thoughtfully.

Well, Kristen certainly was too. Seeing drew naked and with Kristen on top of him rocking his dick in and out of her, I wondered yet again if he was really fifteen. God, he looked like such an innocent, naive boy! I had figured before he was maybe fourteen and now I was having to re-evaluate even THAT estimate! drew had his hands on Kristen’s hips, where no doubt she had placed them earlier, and for the most part he just laid there and let my cousin do all the work - not that she seemed to mind. I’ve never fucked a boy Drew’s age in my entire life, the youngest actually being my first boyfriend Steve way back when I was just fourteen.

For a moment, I had to admit I wondered what it would be like to be in Kristen’s place right then, his young hard dick poking inside of me while I knew he had to be going completely nuts in his head over what was happening to him for the first time. It was SO hot to watch. If the other two boys hadn’t been there with me, I might have succumbed and joined my cousin. Fortunately, at least I guess you say that, God was once again helping me deal to deal with temptation, just as he promised he would.

“Luck goddamn son of a bitch,” Darren muttered and once again, I felt a little surge anger building up within me.

It was like I wasn’t even there! For drying out loud, I’d just sucked them both off until they came AND let them cum in my mouth AND swallowed as much as I could and still, all they seemed to be able to think about was fucking Kristen. Well hello! I had a pussy too just in case they’d forgotten, and it was just as wet as Kristen’s had been when she started fucking Drew - at least I was willing to bet it was. One thing I was blessed with (or at least thank my mom for giving me her genes), was a pussy that got soaked at the drop of a hat. OK, so there were times it might get a little embarrassing but I would rather have it that way then have to use some sort of lube very time.

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