Kelly's Diary 195 - State Park Tent Sex - Cover

Kelly's Diary 195 - State Park Tent Sex

Copyright© 2025 by Kelly85

Chapter 2: On the Road With Cousin Kristen

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 2: On the Road With Cousin Kristen - All summer I'd been wanting to go to our favorite State Park where we water-ski but its seems there was always one thing or another in the way. When we finally got to go, it turned out that getting was half the fun, not to mention what happened when my cousin and I made a few new friends.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   True Story   Incest   Father   Daughter   Exhibitionism   Masturbation   Oral Sex  

As I mentioned before, it was a couple of hours or so to get from our house to the park. For some people, such a trip might be boring but one thing about traveling with Kristen - it’s never dull. First, we both love to masturbate - but for different reasons. Personally, I mostly do it simply because I just love how it makes me feel so you could say I do it primarily for my own personal pleasure. Of course there are times when I like to masturbate in front of a guy to turn him on, but that’s something entirely different. Kristen also loves to masturbate but really, what normal girl doesn’t? The difference between us is she loves doing it more to show off and as a means to tease and flirt with guys.

Another difference between Kristen and me is that when we travel, we differ in how we like to flirt with other drivers and people we meet at places like rest areas and such. OK, so we are both unashamed flirts, but I like to tease more - give them just enough to make them think they are about to strike gold but then hold back right at the last instant. It’s like wearing really short shorts which show off just enough of my ass to get a guy’s attention, but not QUITE enough to let him see my pussy, no matter how much he thinks they will if he just stares long enough.

It’s the same when I wear a t-shirt, tank top, cami or that sort of thing. It’s fun for me to go without a bra, letting my nipples poke through and having it cut low enough (or high enough depending on which part you’re talking about) to give a great view of my cleavage or the underside of my boobs, but just not quite enough to actually see my bare nipples.

Then there’s Kristen, who always has to take it another notch, like she has to one-up her older cousin every time. If my shorts are short, hers are even shorter, even if it means the crotch is so thin it rides up into her pussy when she sits. If my t-shirt is tight, hers is painted on. If I cut off the bottom of my t-shirt, hers is cut enough higher. You get the picture. Plus, whereas I like to leave them wondering at least a little bit, Kristen prefers to give them a complete view whenever possible. She’s the type that flips up her shirt like a Girl’s Gone Wild video - without the panties. If her shorts ARE pulling up her slit, she makes sure her legs are apart enough for someone to see.

So that should give you sort of an idea of what it’s like to be on the road with Kristen. If I’m playing with myself under my skirt, making it obvious to a passing trucker WHAT I’m doing but not quite letting him actually see my hand on my pussy, you can count on Kristen sliding off her shorts and baring it all. If I have my hand inside my blouse or t-shirt, Kristen has hers unbuttoned and wide open, her perky boobs on display for whoever wants to see them.

Traveling this weekend with us would be my dad and her mom of course. Now my dad had never been one to show off his dick or anything like that. Actually, I can’t say I’ve ever been in a car where he made a conscious effort to show it off for anyone but me. He’s not above letting someone see my head buried in his lap and letting them determine for themselves what I am doing, but even then it’s not like anyone actually sees his dick in my mouth.

When it comes to my Aunt Linda, it’s a totally different story than my dad. It must be something about younger sisters and cousins I guess. My mom had told me that Linda, who was two years younger than her (the same difference as between Kristen and me), was similar to Kristen when growing up, always trying to be a little more outrageous or sluttier than her older sister. Like mother like daughter as they say. That saying certainly holds true for Kristen and her mother.

Aunt Linda is certainly more conservative than Kristen these days, not surprising since she almost twice her daughter’s age, but she still likes to have her fun. She definitely qualifies as a MILF, having kept her shape well over the years, aided by a little help from modern science and surgery, and she didn’t mind showing it off. Sure, her bikinis were not as preposterously small as Kristen wore, but they were still pretty revealing when you compare them to the one-piece suits worn by most moms at the pool her age. Her shorts aren’t up to her ass but they still show off some pretty nice legs.

As for my aunt’s boobs, if I’d paid as much as she did for hers, I would have been show them too. What I liked about her boob job was that she didn’t have implants, they’re still 100% natural but the sag was taken out so now they perk up like a teenager’s, almost as hot as her daughter’s boobs. Actually, hers were a couple of cup size bigger than Kristen’s so some guys might actually like hers better.

So as you might have guessed by now, I was looking forward to the trip to West Virginia almost as much as I was to reaching the destination (almost, mind you!). Sure enough, when I saw their car pull up and park on the street in front of our house, I had to wonder how many of the guys living around us were watching through the blinds in their homes! They were dressed quite similar, it was the degree of sluttiness that differed.

Whereas Kristen had on one of her more revealing pair of shorts (actually, I think they ALL are that way when I think about it), Linda’s were a few inches down her thighs - still enough to bare most of her long legs but not making you wonder if her pussy was about to show as the ones Kristen was wearing did. Kristen was wearing a skin-tight white t-shirt with pink glittery letters that read “Naughty Girl” across her chest, her nipples already poking through. The shirt wasn’t so sheer that you could actually SEE her nipples but it wasn’t hiding much else.

Aunt Linda also had on a t-shirt but one that was sized properly (at least so far as a store clerk would say). I could also tell she had on her bikini top underneath - and probably had the matching bottoms on under the shorts as well, something Kristen obviously did not have on. They both were wearing sandals and again I had to wonder if some guy or two wasn’t peeking out at what had to be the hottest mother-daughter pair in town.

My dad had the SUV already packed so he went to the trunk of Aunt Linda’s car and got their things out to add to ours. The boat was already down at the lake and I was pretty sure that he had called someone who was suppose to have it ready for us when we got there, however that worked, so at least we didn’t have to worry about towing the boat behind us. Without any further fanfare, we piled in the SUV with Aunt Linda in front, of course, and Kristen and me in back, each of us sitting behind our respective parent.

For the first part of the trip we had to navigate the winding roads and hills to out of town until we got to the interstate highway. We were all just chattering about the weather and what it was supposed to be like when we arrived. At the moment the skies looked sort of grey and it seemed it might rain at any moment but the weather web site had assured me that it would be clear by the time we got there and that tomorrow would be great.

I suppose it should have come as no surprise that Kristen would be the one that got things started. We’d been on the highway for only about ten or fifteen minutes when my dad passed a semi-trailer truck. Kristen waved to a trucker as we were passing and he honked the horn - the universal signal for “show me your tits!” Kristen promptly pulled up her T-shirt and the trucker honked again to show his appreciation.

“Already Kristen?” her mom sighed loudly from up front. I smiled at her poor attempt to pretend to be exasperated with her slutty daughter. It’s not like she wasn’t the one who usually egged her daughter and me on! Sure enough, she couldn’t resist.

“So what’s the matter with you Kelly?” she teased me, “Shy today are we?”

Well that was about the last thing I felt like today so I told my dad to let the trucker pass us. The traffic was pretty light so he was able to let off the accelerator and the truck pulled up to us but then just stayed alongside. I crawled over Kristen and looked out and sure enough, he kept glancing down at us as he tried to keep his rig on the road but look down at us as much as possible. I pulled my t-shirt up and let him see my boobs and he gave a thumbs up. Kristen, of course, couldn’t let me be the center of attention so she had hers on display next to me in a heartbeat.

For the next half hour or so we teased as many truckers as we could. I started to wonder if one of them hadn’t radioed the others or something because it seemed they were all ready for us as we drove by. At first, all we did was flash our boobs, nothing really all that naughty, but they seemed appreciative enough as it was.

“Shit, this is getting me so fuckin’ horny,” Kristen muttered after yet another guy was treated to a quick view of her bared perky boobs.

She settled back into the back seat of the SUV and quickly pulled her shorts off, sitting bare-ass on the cool leather seat with just her sandals and T-shirt on. She had quite a tan by now and I loved the way just a tiny triangle of white showed over her pussy. The sharp contrast made her tan seem even darker and formed sort of a frame around her pussy. Actually, my tan down there was shaped similar but not quite as small as hers.

“Oh yeah, this is SO much better...” she sighed as she started to play with her bald pussy.

I caught my dad peeking using the mirror, smiling as he did. It wasn’t like he’d never seen Kristen playing with herself but even I was turned on at the sight of her masturbating. God she was so damn cute! I’d of given about anything to have her petite little body. Not that I was fat or even much overweight, I was just built different than her - more hips and thighs much to my chagrin. Even though I knew she was 22, she could have easily passed for 18 or even younger if she did her hair and makeup right. I suppose that’s why she made so much money as a whore. Guys probably loved to fantasize that she was some underage teenager or their daughter or some other naughty fantasy like that.

More trucks were going by but with the heavily tinted windows of the SUV, unless we were right up against the glass it was all but impossible for anyone outside to see us on a sunny day like today. I was sure Kristen wouldn’t have minded had anyone seen her, but at the moment she seemed more anxious to get herself off than anything else. Damn, she was REALLY horny, even more than usual.

“What’s the matter Kelly, aren’t you horny this morning?” my aunt teased me from up front.

Well, I couldn’t let that go unchallenged so I followed suit and stripped off my shorts as well. I was already pretty wet from our little exhibitionism and watching my hot little cousin so my fingers slid easily into my pussy. Kristen glanced over at me and gave me a wicked smile before closing her eyes again to focus on her own pussy.

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