Getting Caught - Cover

Getting Caught

Copyright© 2020 by Beaverhunt

Chapter 1

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 1 - A mother catches her son and daughter kissing passionately and touching. Her husband and her have fantasized during roleplay about them, so she secretly tapes them. They confront the teens, giving them a choice: concede to their sexual demands, or face prison. They reluctantly agree to the blackmail and make the best choice for them, and the parent's dreams come true. By the author of The Island, Justice, Blackmailed Mom, My Brother's Wife, The Haunting, My Desires, The Arrangement and more!

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Blackmail   Coercion   NonConsensual   Reluctant   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Father   Daughter   Group Sex   Anal Sex   Oral Sex   Petting  


I’m just getting ready to start preparing dinner when I notice just how quiet it’s gotten. Drew and Bre have spent most of their lives fighting or plotting. I’d rather have them fighting than plotting, since plotting has never led to good results, like helping each other sneak out of the house to go to parties.

My husband and I never told them, but we knew every time. They didn’t come back drunk, at least not both of them, which meant one stayed sober enough to drive. They’re good kids for the most part. Never even had a problem with their grades. I just wish they would’ve put the grades to good use and gone to college, but neither have any interest in degrees; just like neither have any interest in getting jobs.

I don’t know why Billie tolerates them not doing anything. They graduated high school, Drew a year sooner than Bre, but he likes to coddle them. Billie makes more than enough to support them, but neither will take him up on his offer to get them an apartment and pay for everything so long as they get jobs. Drew and Bre continue to live here, rent and responsibility free.

They still go to a few parties, but not as often as they used to. Their friends are either in school or working. Those parties are the only times we can be ourselves in our own bed, which means spending time in the cabin. We’re still intimate when they’re home, but nothing like when they aren’t close by. There are certain things no children, of legal age or not, should ever hear their parents say in the throws of passions.

I don’t mind going to the cabin, but it’s not like we can be there every night. Billie has to work and the cabin’s too far away to commute. All I want is for us to be able to let ourselves go in our own house. No neighbors close to hear anything, not that it matters, since they refuse to leave and he won’t force his hand.

If we had normal fantasies, we wouldn’t be as cautious as we are around them. There’s nothing normal about fantasizing and roleplaying with our children in mind. My husband loves it when I play Bre every bit as much as I love him playing Drew. It’s exciting to be vocal about our roles, which is why he bought the cabin. Hotel rooms aren’t soundproofed.

Up until about four years ago, right after Drew turned 16, our bedroom routine was on the dull side. There was no excitement in our lives, and had resigned ourselves to living out a monotonous life. We both take our vows seriously and neither will ever do anything to break them.

It wasn’t Billie that started the fantasies about our children, which led to roleplaying, but me. He had never taken notice of our developing daughter until I put the thought in his head. There was a time when I never would’ve suggested any such thing, but those times are in the past.

The event that altered my course, and Billies, was hearing Drew moaning as he jacked off in his bed for the first time. He hadn’t realized just how loud he was when I passed his door. Most mother’s would walk away, but I couldn’t move. There was something intoxicating about hearing him pleasure himself, and still can’t believe just how wet it got me.

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