The Gloria Hole
Copyright© 2025 by H. Malcom Walker
Chapter 3
Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 3 - When she receives explicit photos of herself from an unknown sender, a young college student becomes ensnared in a dangerous game of blackmail and control. She's forced to comply with their demands to protect her reputation. But as the stakes rise, can Gloria find a way to break free before it's too late?
Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Fa Blackmail Coercion Reluctant Heterosexual School Masturbation
The next morning, I woke up bleary-eyed and exhausted, the dread of what was to come weighing heavily on my mind. The events of the previous day played on repeat in my head, each moment of humiliation and fear etched into my memory. I was terrified to find out what my punishment and “extra punishment” would be today.
“Good morning, Gloria,” said the voice. I froze, having momentarily forgotten about the webcam. I looked at it and put my hands over my chest, even though my breasts were completely covered by the long T-shirt I wore to bed.
“Stand in front of the camera and remove the shirt,” said the voice.
I shook my head and didn’t say anything.
“I dislike repeating myself, Gloria. From now on you only get one chance to obey, then I will assign punishment. Stand in front of the camera and remove the shirt. Now.”
I breathed out a half-sob and moved to stand between the bed and my desk. I reached down, grabbed the hem of the shirt and lifted it up and over my head. My breasts spilled out and I resisted the urge to cover them with my hands, knowing the voice would disapprove.
There was a moment of silence as the lens of the webcam focused on my chest. “You’re very lovely, Gloria,” it said. “Your tits are simply amazing and there is absolutely no reason to hide them. You won’t be wearing baggy sweatshirts to school anymore. Take your shower, then find something that will show them off more and come back and show me as you put it on. Be sure you’re naked when you come back into this room.”
I left my bedroom in a hurry and went down the hall to the bathroom I shared with my mom. I stepped into the shower and scrubbed myself a little extra, since I couldn’t help but feel dirty after showing myself off to the camera. I was disturbed a little also, since I found myself feeling a little excited about what I had done. What the fuck?
After I brushed my hair and my teeth, I wrapped a big fluffy towel around myself and headed back to my room. As soon as I walked through the door I heard, “Drop the towel. Now.”
Oh shit. Was I ever going to get used to this? I glared at the camera but unwrapped the towel and let it drop to the floor. Now I was completely nude and exposed to my tormentor. I saw the webcam moving around and focusing on various parts of my body and I looked away in shame.
Stepping over to my chest of drawers, I pulled out a pair of panties and quickly stepped into them. They were white cotton and had a little red bow on the front. Almost all my panties looked like that. I always thought they were cute.
“Ugh,” said the voice. “Your panties are atrocious. We will have to do something about that soon.”
I reached in to another drawer and pulled out a t-shirt that I thought would be tight. I pulled it on and turned to face the camera.
“No,” said the voice. “Take that off. It’s very plain and you can’t see any of those dreamy, creamy assets. Don’t you have any dresses in the closet?”
I sighed and pulled the shirt up and off. I went over to the closet and started pulling the stuff on hangars to the side. Have I even worn a fucking dress since high school? I can’t remember. There should be a couple off to the side.
I pulled out a yellow one and held it up to my front. Ooh, this one was probably way too short and tight. Ninth grade? I think I last wore it in ninth grade, but I wasn’t sure. I was about to put it back when the voice said, “What’s wrong with that one?”
I sighed and rolled my eyes, but walked over towards the camera with the dress. “It’s too small and tight,” I said. “I was like 14 or 15 when I last wore this dress. Now I’m 20.”
“Oh, I think that looks perfect,” said the voice. “Try it on.”
As the bus pulled up to the campus stop, I stepped off and immediately put my hands down to hold the bottom of my dress from flying up. It was redonkulously short, coming down to maybe mid-thigh. I had never worn anything like it out in public, and I was trying to resign myself to the fact my panties would often be revealed today.
Worse than that was how much of my breasts I currently had on display. The dress was held up by two thin straps, and since it was so tight my breasts were squeezed together, showing massive amounts of my creamy cleavage even without a bra to push them up. People were looking at me as they passed, and that was something I wasn’t used to. I preferred to blend in and disappear when I was out in public. Now I was wearing a skimpy yellow sundress, and I had my hair back in a ponytail with a ribbon in it. I looked and felt like I was fifteen years old again.
I walked towards class and soon met with the sight of the electronic billboard. I stood there, waiting for it to cycle through the ads. Even though I was expecting it, when it changed over to my picture it took my breath away. Although you couldn’t see all of it, it was my face again, and this time it showed more of the area near my breasts. You could just make out the top of my breasts, right where the cleavage started.
I turned to go, afraid that I might have been on the verge of hyperventilating. The feeling of humiliation was all too familiar, a constant reminder of my predicament. Oh fuck, was all I could think. What was I going to do?
My phone buzzed in my pocket, pulling me out of my thoughts. I looked at the screen and my heart skipped a beat. It was a message, a chilling question that sent a shiver down my spine. “Did you enjoy that, Gloria? Don’t forget we still have your extra punishment.”
In a panic, I quickly typed out a response, my fingers flying across the screen. “No! Please!” I hit send, my heart pounding in my chest. The words seemed inadequate, a feeble attempt to ward off whatever horrors the voice had planned for me. But it was all I could do, all I had left. I was trapped, and there seemed to be no way out.
My hands trembled as I waited for a response, my mind racing with fear and anxiety. But instead of a reply, I received a message that sent a chill down my spine. “Check the last stall in the women’s restroom, third floor of the psychology building,” it read.
With a heavy heart, I made my way to the psychology building. As I entered the women’s room and approached the last stall, a sense of dread washed over me. I hesitated for a moment, my heart pounding in my chest, before I finally pushed open the stall door, seeing nothing inside. I stepped in and turned to latch the door.
What I saw next took my breath away. There, taped to the back of the stall door, was a picture of my naked breasts from yesterday. It was zoomed in so you could see the bumps on the skin around my nipples. This new humiliation was unbearable, a fresh wave of dread washing over me. I was trapped. Oh fuck! Oh fuck!
I ripped the photo off the door and crumpled it up in my hand. My phone buzzed with another message. “Look inside the toilet seat cover dispenser.”
Looking to my right, I saw the metal dispenser that held a box of toilet seat covers. I fished my hand around inside and pulled out an envelope that said “Gloria” on the front in handwritten letters. Inside there was a small stack of hundred-dollar bills; $1000 dollars total. I had never seen so much cash in one place before and it scared me to even hold it in my hand. I shoved the money back in the envelope and stuffed it down deep in my backpack.
My phone buzzed again, and I looked down to see another message. “We’re tired of the drab, boring crap you wear every day. Take the money and buy sexier clothes. Make sure you go to Victoria’s Secret and buy a lacy bra, thongs, and matching lingerie. You will model it all for us tomorrow night in your bedroom. We expect you to look like a slut, Gloria. If you don’t please us, then the entire campus will be covered in nude photos of you with a dick in your face.”
It was followed by another picture of me from yesterday, with a smile on my face and my hands squeezing my boobs together. This time they had added text at the top that simply said, “SLUT”. Great, now they were turning me into memes. Thanks to my performance yesterday they had even more blackmail material. What was I thinking?
I didn’t remember much from my classes the rest of the day. I was too preoccupied with the situation I was currently stuck in. As I walked out of my last class my phone buzzed, pulling me from my thoughts. I looked at the screen and saw another message. “Put your earbuds in and keep them in. Take the Route 23 bus and get off at the Gatewood Avenue stop. There’s a bathroom on the side of the building. Go inside and sit on the toilet and wait for instructions.”
Route 23? Where the fuck did that go? I walked to the stop and studied the sign for a bit, seeing that Route 23 went down Dickerson Pike, a part of town I wasn’t very familiar with. I had to ride downtown to the central transit center, but I boarded Route 23, my mind consumed by fear and anxiety. I didn’t know what awaited me at the stop, but I knew I had no choice but to comply.
As the bus rumbled along, my thoughts raced. I wondered who was behind this, who was controlling my every move. I was in deep shit, cornered, with no way out. But I couldn’t let myself be consumed by fear. I had to find a way to break free from this nightmare. One old man kept staring at me the whole way, and that didn’t help me feel any better.
Finally, the bus pulled up to the Gatewood Avenue stop. I took a deep breath and stepped off, my heart pounding in my chest. I started walking towards the building, which was a fairly large laundry mat. My eyes were continually scanning the area for any sign of danger. My phone buzzed with an incoming call on WhatApp, from the same number I was getting the messages from.
I clicked the button to answer it and hesitantly said, “Hello?”
“Hello, Gloria,” said the voice through my earbuds. “You can lock your phone, but be sure the call is still going. I’ll be talking you through the steps of your extra punishment today.”
“Oh fuck,” I muttered as I locked the phone and held it down by my side.
“No more talking. Just do as you’re told and everything will be fine,” said the voice.
As I approached the bathroom, I hesitated for a moment. I didn’t want to go inside, didn’t want to face whatever awaited me. But I knew I had no choice. With a deep breath, I pushed open the door and stepped inside. I turned to lock the door, but the whole locking mechanism was gone.