Kelly's Diary 186 - Memorable Memorial Day - Cover

Kelly's Diary 186 - Memorable Memorial Day

Copyright© 2025 by Kelly85

Chapter 2: Traveling to Illinois

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 2: Traveling to Illinois - Sometimes the best things come about unexpectedly. I'd been anticipating a rather boring Memorial Day weekend which only appeared to get worse when my dad invited me to visit his mother in Illinois. Then he invited my Aunt Linda and her daughter Kristen to join us and that changed everything!

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   True Story   Incest   Father   Daughter   Oral Sex  

With Memorial Day approaching, it was my intention to spend a rather boring weekend at home, maybe getting in some sun on my dad’s private deck as the weather forecast sounded great. Probably the LAST thing I ever expected was to be making a road trip! My dad called me from work and announced that he was taking Friday off and that it would be a good opportunity to visit Grandma Martha. It was quite a surprise to me as I couldn’t remember the last time he wanted to go there - usually it had been my mom dragging him along. While he appeared to get along with his mother-in-law, somehow I always sensed a little tension between my Grandma Martha and my dad, If I had to guess why, it would be that he had assumed the incest “leadership” role from my grandfather. So far as I know, she NEVER actually came out and said anything, but from her body language and tone, it was obvious she was not comfortable when he and I were in the room together with her, even though we never did anything that warranted a second glance from anyone.

As for me, it is hard to say this but I can’t say I was thrilled to be going. Sure, I loved my grandmother and all, but not THAT much and to spend over twenty hours in the SUV traveling back and forth on some toll road between Pittsburgh and the boring suburbs of Chicago wasn’t exactly my idea of a fun weekend. After all, you can only pass the time in car masturbating and sleeping for so long! Then I learned that my Aunt Linda and cousin Kristen would be joining us and that changed my entire outlook, as you might well imagine.

At 22, Kristen is two years younger than me and has always been more a younger sister to me than a cousin. Since my Aunt Linda’s divorce back was Kristen was a baby, the two of them practically lived at our house. Kristen and I always seemed to do most everything together as we grew up and still do, even though our lives and careers have evolved in vastly different directions. Although we masturbated together maybe a million times growing up, (well, maybe that’s a LITTLE exaggeration but it seemed that way sometimes), we never had sex until the summer after my freshman year in college. That was when I learned she and my dad had started doing it while I was away, sort of a surrogate daughter thing I guess for him.

It was also at that time when I learned about my dad’s true relationship with my Aunt Linda. I had always known they dated and had sex back in school, but the fact they STILL were having sex wasn’t something they’d shared with me until then. If you think THAT was a shock, imagine my surprise when I learned what Aunt Linda and Kristen had been doing since she was just a little girl!

There was one thing I was curious about, though, and that was how the budding relationship between my dad and aunt was going to go over with her mother. Sure, they’d had sex since she was in grade school - even after they both had married, but my dad was always faithful to my mom when it came to his true love. It was now barely seven months since my mom had been taken from us and while I was slowly beginning to accept things, I wasn’t so sure how my grandmother would appreciate her younger daughter becoming romantically involved with her older daughter’s husband, even now that she was gone. No doubt she suspected they’d been having sex before, but it was one thing for them to have sex and another to be in love. To be perfectly honest, even I was having a bit of an issue with it but I was slowly coming around upon seeing how happy she as making my dad again.

As my dad and I packed the SUV for the trip, I thought again about him and Aunt Linda. Hmmm, now who would be sleeping with who when we were at my grandmother’s? The house was pretty small, with only two spare bedrooms, so did that mean he would be with me, and Kristen with her mom ... or would it be my dad and aunt in one room, leaving me and Kristen to fend for ourselves in the other? Either scenario was fine with me, I was just afraid that the first one might lead to a little more tension between my dad and grandmother. No doubt she wouldn’t say anything no matter which option we went with, but I knew from past experience that her attitude and demeanor could speak volumes!

We left to pick up my Aunt and cousin, stuffing their bags in the back as my dad grumbled something about how we were only going for a couple of days, not weeks, but the three of us girls just ignored his male chauvinistic whining. Sure, maybe HE could get along with just a small bag but a girl has to be prepared for any contingency. Did he really expect me to bring only one dress for church on Sunday? What if the weather changed? Heck, what if I simply changed my mind? Men just don’t get it.

Although we hadn’t conferred on the subject, Kristen and I had dressed in almost identical outfits. We each had on short cutoff denim shorts with similar tube tops, although hers was black and mine was yellow. When I say the shorts were short, I mean EXTREMELY short, such that our ass-cheeks poked out and there was just a thin strip of denim that pulled up tight in our crotches. You could say they didn’t leave much to the imagination. Her tube top was more traditional, a narrow band of ribbed stretch material which emphasized her smaller, but extremely perky boobs. As my boobs were a bit bigger than hers, mine had to be a little wider and included a pair of ties that joined at the center of my cleavage and then tied behind my neck. We each wore sneakers with white anklets. While we didn’t LOOK like twins by any stretch of the imagination, we could have passed for sisters pretty easily - and often did

With warm weather being forecasted, my aunt was also wearing shorts, although hers were hemmed, not ragged like ours and came a bit further down her legs, keeping her ass out of sight. Like her sister, my Aunt Linda had GREAT legs. Even at the ripe old age of 41 she still loved to show them off. Her blouse was also less revealing, although I couldn’t help but notice she wasn’t wearing a bra. Aunt Linda had gotten a boob job a couple of years ago and since then she seemed determined to get her money’s worth! Because of some medical issues she didn’t get implants but the surgeon took care of the damage that gravity had inflicted over the years, making her boobs about as perky as her daughter’s and a full cup size larger to boot.

Then there was my dad. What can I say? Much as I have tried over the years to get him to look a little more stylish, he had once again reverted to the old standby - jeans, a polo shirt and beat-up brown leather deck shoes. God, it was like a nightmarish seventies flashback. Oh well, what can I say? I keep trying and it’s not my fault he doesn’t seem to care how he looks away from the office. It’s funny how he can always look professional and perfect in his suits but once he got home, it was jeans and T-shirts, maybe shorts if it was warm.

As the male figurehead my dad was driving so my aunt took her position in the front passenger seat as his copilot. Kristen and I took our positions in the back seat, me behind my dad while Kristen was behind her mother. My dad turned on the GPS - why I have no idea. It’s not like he didn’t have the route memorized after decades of traveling back and forth. Men and their toys! The worst thing about it was the little display that said “time to destination”. For goodness sake, it was going to take forever as it was and having a count- down just made it seem all the worse, like watching the timer on the microwave when you’re starving.

Once we hit the expressway, I knew that it would be a boring ten hours or so before we did anything but drive 70 miles per hour without stopping for anything but gas and to go potty. Kristen and I each had our iPods but still, talk about BORING!

As we drove out past the airport on our way to the Turnpike, the traffic eased and I felt someone poking me. Kristen was grinning and nodding towards the front seat. I looked up and what hell! My Aunt Linda was leaning over, stroking my dad’s dick as he drove. Sheesh, it had only been twenty minutes and already they were at it! I can’t say it was really that much of a surprise, though. Lately it had been like they had reverted to their high school years, unable to keep their hands off each other.

“Ummmmm, dad...” I said, leaning forward in my seat against the seat belt and tapping on his shoulder, “Do you want me to drive?”

What is that old saying about, “Be careful what you wish for...”? I just meant to tease him, not that I had any desire to drive. I should have known better.

“Hey, that’s a great idea Kelly!” he replied, taking a quick exit that just happened to be coming up at that moment.

My Aunt Linda looked back at me and just shook her head, smiling at the same time. At the top of the ramp out in the middle of nowhere, my dad pulled over to the shoulder. Quickly was all changed places, my dad and Linda getting in the back seat while I took the wheel and Kristen sat up front next to me. It had been ages since I drove this monstrosity as normally my dad didn’t like me to drive it. Something about the last time I drove him to work and nearly killed us all ... another story for another time.

“You too all set back there?” I called out over my shoulder, adjusting the rear- view mirror to allow me to see what was going on.

Dear God, they were at it already! My dad had pulled his jeans down to his ankles as soon as the door was closed and aunt already had a lip-lock on is erect dick.

“Just drive Kelly,” my cousin said with a giggle, “I really don’t think they’re listening.”

Driving my dad’s monster SUV was like driving a semi-truck compared to my own car but it also gave me a sense of power on the road being bigger than most every other car on the road. I spun the wheel out as I accelerated down the ramp, not use to having so much power at my command. Mmmmmmm, this was cool!

By the time we got to the first tollgate my aunt was still sucking on my dad’s dick. She had curled up on the back seat, her butt barely on the edge of the seat as her head was buried in my dad’s crotch. She was still fully dressed but I doubted THAT would remain the status quo for long.

Meanwhile, Kristen had her seat back enough to lay on her side it looked like she was asleep with her iPod ear buds blocking out any external noise. Dang, this was even worse than I’d imaged! My dad and Aunt were making out like teenagers in the back seat while my cousin was starting to just barely snore, leaving me to do the driving and watch out for the PA State Assholes who loved to patrol this section of the highway. I set the cruise to 70 miles per hour and settled down for a long winter’s nap (if you get my drift).

As much as I tried to concentrate on staying in my lane, it was difficult at times when suddenly I would hear a moan or loud groan coming from behind me. Damn, didn’t they care how it made ME feel? Then again, I guess it was no different than what I had done at times to my mom and dad as they drove me and a friend to the lake or whatever. Paybacks are indeed a bitch!

Well, just because I was driving didn’t mean I couldn’t do SOMETHING. Indeed, back when I was in college and o would make the three hour trip from school in Ohio to home and back, I would often masturbate as I drove. Given how up I sat in the SUV, together with the dark tinted glass, the odds were about zero anyone would even notice, although I have to admit sometimes THAT can be fun, depending on who notices you of course.

Using my knees to steer, I unbuttoned my shorts and then somehow managed to push them off my butt and down my legs to my ankles and then off onto the floor without swerving TOO badly. The cool leather seats felt good against my now bare bottom and for a while I just wiggle against it, enjoying the feel of the smooth coldness against my butt. Now and then I would pass someone or they would pass me and I smiled at them. Imagine if they knew I was bare-ass as they went by!

After a while I put my hand between my legs and started to gently play with my pussy, nothing overly excitable at first, just a finger playing lightly over my bare crotch and between my pussy lips. I licked my finger to wet it and started to touch my clit gently, enjoying the immediate response as it tingled under my touch. Now this wasn’t so bad!

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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