Troubles on Holiday - Cover

Troubles on Holiday

Copyright© 2025 by alohadave

Chapter 1: Richard and Nikke on Holiday

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1: Richard and Nikke on Holiday - Richard and Nikke's adventures on holiday.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Blackmail   Coercion   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Fiction   Cuckold   Wife Watching   Wimp Husband   Humiliation   Light Bond   Interracial  

We were on our way to Cabo San Lucas from London. My wife, Nikke and I were taking a week-long holiday in the sun.

It was our first time to Baja California and we were both looking forward to the bright sun, hot sand, and cool water at our resort. We had booked a small resort in an isolated area. It had pristine beaches, and there weren’t any other resorts near it. I picked it because of the isolation. I was hoping to loosen Nikke up a little while we were away. She’s reserved when it comes to sex, and isn’t adventurous. She pretty much only lets me do missionary, with the rare blow job for special occasions.

Don’t get me wrong, I love my wife, but I’d love for her to let loose a little.

Nikke was excited for the holiday. She had her face glued to the window, watching the terrain pass by below. She doesn’t travel much, and had never been outside of Europe. Flying to Mexico was new and exciting for her.

I’ve traveled for work, so it’s not quite the same thrill for me. Watching her though, it was almost like flying for the first time. Her excitement was contagious, and she kept pointing out things to see.

I’d learn over her, squeezing in to see what she was seeing. Up against her curvy, 5’4” body, her plumpness enticed me. I tried to cop a feel of her lovely, natural breasts, but she slapped my hand away, and looked around trying to see if anyone else saw me fondling her.

I loved her curves and her big boobs. Her breasts were large on her frame at 36D. They were squishably soft, and I tried to sneak a squeeze whenever I could. She didn’t like me to touch her in public. She didn’t want people to think she was a slut, or ‘that kind of girl’. But she was sexy to me and I tried to show her that whenever I could.

I encouraged her to wear revealing clothing and to especially show off her glorious boobs. She did buy a new suit for the trip, a one piece that showed off her curves the way I like. It dipped down low in front, showing her ample cleavage.

“Richard, stop trying to feel me up, someone will see!” She whispered. She wanted me to stop but raising her voice would ensure that our fellow passengers would look.

“Nikke, we are on vacation, let loose,” I said. “I love showing you off and having everyone see how sexy you are.”

She blushed, and said, “it’s embarrassing. People staring.”

I sat back and didn’t try to tease her again. I idly watched the in-flight movie while she gawked out the window.

After we landed and checked in to the resort, we changed in the room. We had a couple hours to get some sun before dinner.

“Wear your new suit, I want to see my sexy wife on the beach.”

She blushed but put it on. She wore a wrap over it, so she wasn’t as exposed. There was no hiding her curves though. She looked sexy even when she tried to hide them.

We headed out to the beach. The sun was hot, high in the afternoon sky. The Pacific Ocean was cold and refreshing. The beach was isolated and exclusive like the resort. Wide, sandy, and enclosed with rocky cliffs on either side, you could only get to it from the path from the hotel, or from the ocean.

Nikke looked amazing in her suit, her luscious curves filling it out, her breasts were on display from the plunging neckline. I wanted to take her back to the room and forget about the sun and sand for today, but held back for now.

After a few hours, we decided to do some shopping. We hailed a cab and told the driver that we wanted to do some shopping, and could he recommend some good stores?

He said, “I have just the place. Away from the tourist areas. You get much better deals than downtown.”

We exchanged glances and I said, “sounds good.”

After about ten minutes driving, we were going through residential areas, no shops in sight.

“Are you sure you are going the right way; this doesn’t look like any shopping?”

“Yes, yes, we are almost there. Not much further.”

Another couple minutes and he stopped at a rundown storefront. There was no one else around. It certainly wasn’t the tourist shopping district.

We paid the driver and he sped away.

Inside the store was dim, with light barely filtering in through tiny front windows.

The clerk glanced up at us, looking bored and went back to reading his paper.

We browsed around a bit, not seeing much to buy. The selection was limited, mostly cheap clothing and accessories. We looked at the selection of jewelry available, but only a few pieces were real gold, everything else was cheap plated, costume jewelry.

“Richard, can we go back? This isn’t my idea of shopping.”

“Yes, let’s.”

We turned to walk out but the salesperson was standing in front of the door, blocking it.

“I watched you gringos put my wares in your bags. We don’t take lightly to tourists coming here and stealing from us!”

Nikke was shocked. She’d never stolen anything, and certainly wouldn’t have from this sad little store.

“Sir, you must be mistaken! We haven’t put anything in our bags,” Nikke said. “Here, look,” as she opened her beach bag.

He scuttled over. He felt around inside, and pulled out a pair of gold earrings. He held them up for us to see.

“Thieves! I’m calling the Policia. They’ll show you how we take care of criminals like you.”

“No, it’s a mistake! I’d never steal. Tell him Richard.”

“It’s true, she’d never steal, she not that kind of person.”

“It doesn’t matter, you are both going to jail!”

I tried to leave, with Nikke in tow, but he blocked the door and knocked us over. “Stay down thieves, the police will be here soon. I called them already.”

“Richard please cooperate, we’ll get this straightened out. It’s just a big misunderstanding.”

I sat there, holding my wife on the floor of the dim store. A few minutes later, we heard a car pull up and squawk the siren.

In walked a policeman, dressed in black fatigues and heavy boots, an automatic rifle on his shoulder. Nikke trembled at the sight. I held her, trying to comfort her.

“Are these the criminals you called about Hector?” the clerk nodded. He looked down at us, disgust clear in his face. “You tourists think you can come here and steal from the good people here? We’ll show you what we do to people like you. Get up.”

He shackled us, hands behind our backs. This had the effect of putting Nike’s breast on further display. The cop glared at her tits, slowly licking his lips.

He took us to the police station. He piled us in the back of the car. We were unable to sit straight with our hands behind our backs. He didn’t bother to buckle us in.

At the station he yanked us out and we stumbled to keep upright. He frog-marched us into the station, holding onto us by the cuffs on our wrists.

The guard put us into cells next to each other. They were made of concrete, with one tiny window high up on the rear wall. It had bars, but that was redundant since no normal person could fit through to escape.

They had taken everything but our clothes from us, even our shoes. I had only my shorts and t-shirt, Nikke only her suit.

She called out, “Richard, what are we going to do?”

“We’ll just have to explain that it was a misunderstanding. We didn’t steal anything. We’ll get through this.”

“I hope so, I’m scared.” I could hear her crying in the next cell. I wanted to comfort her, but I couldn’t even reach my hand out, they had left the shackles on.

“I love you Baby, just remember that, no matter what happens.” I was more worried than I let on. I’ve heard stories of what happens in these small towns. We might be able to get away with just a bribe.

About an hour later, the same guard came to our cages. “Time for you to confess your crimes.”

He led us to an interrogation room. It was the same concrete construction as the cells, but no window in this room. There was a metal table with four chairs, and the requisite two-way mirror.

“Sit. The Inspector will be here soon.”

We sat there for who knows how long? There were no clocks to know the time in this windowless room.

The door opened, and a large, imposing man strode in.

He was tall, taller than either of us. He towered over us. Nikke looked tiny in comparison. He was much taller than me as well.

She looked up at him in awe.

“So, you are the thieves my deputy picked up? You come here to rob us, yes?”

Nikke said, “no! We’d never do that. It’s a mistake. They must have fallen in my bag by accident.”

“Denying your crimes will not help you. Hector saw you steal, and I believe him over you two.”

“Please sir, she didn’t steal anything. Is there anything we can do to resolve this?”

He sat back and looked between us for a few moments. “What do you have in mind?”

“Maybe there is a fine that we could pay? Would that work for you?”

“They are expensive earrings, you’d need to pay Hector back for them, and my fines are hefty. I don’t think you can afford my cost.”

“I have money in my wallet, take as much as you want and we’ll get more to pay the shopkeeper.”

“We’ve already gone through your things. You don’t have nearly enough to cover it.” He paused, “but there is something that will pay for your crimes.” He said this while looking right at Nikke.

Understanding showed on her face. “No, you can’t mean that!”

I couldn’t think straight. He wanted to take his payment from my wife! How dare he?!

“Stand, both of you!” He barked at us.

We stood, afraid of what was next for us.

He walked behind me and uncuffed one hand. He leaned close behind me, “Do not try anything or it will not end well for you.”

“Yes-yessir,” I stammered nervously.

Take your clothes off, all of them.

I was shocked at the command, but I complied, not wanting to make it worse for us. When my clothes were off, he kicked them to the corner of the room. I was standing there naked in front of my wife and this Inspector, in a small, windowless room in the police station.

I was of average build and just a little taller than Nikke. The Inspector glanced down at my crotch, and chuckled. Not much going on down there, is there?”

My face got hot from embarrassment from his mocking. It was 5 inches when I was hard, but I was shriveled from this cop judging my nudity.

“Señora, I have something for you that much better that this little tortuga.”

“Now, it’s your turn. Take off your suit.”

Nikke was frozen. She was torn between following his orders, and her reluctance to show her body to strangers.

“Now woman, or I will cut it off you!”

She jumped and quickly peeled her swimsuit down her curvy body. The top stretched over her 36F breasts. It popped off and bounced her tits. She finished pulling it down to her feet. Even in this situation, I couldn’t help but admire her body.

She stood up and her bush was visible. She kept it full, but shaved around her pussy. The Inspector scratched at her bush, “very nice, I like it this way, you look like an adult, as you should.”

She tried to back away from him, but hit the table with the back of her thighs.

“It’s time to pay your debt. Get on your knees!”

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