Kelly's Diary 184 - My Dad and Cousin Tammy - Cover

Kelly's Diary 184 - My Dad and Cousin Tammy

Copyright© 2025 by Kelly85

Chapter 5: My Dad and Tammy

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 5: My Dad and Tammy - If you were a man in your forties and you had the opportunity to have sex with a sexy sixteen year-old girl, would you turn her down? Of course not. The question then becomes, would it make it even better if she was your brother's youngest daughter?

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   Consensual   True Story   Cheating   Incest   Father   Daughter   Cousins   Uncle   Niece   Oral Sex  

I doubt that anyone reading this will be at all surprised to learn what my idea was. Face it, at this event there were only three “eligible” men when it came to having sex with Tammy. One of them, her brother Rick, was definitely not a good idea given her recent “scare”. No matter HOW bad I thought she needed to get laid, I would NEVER even ASK her to have sex with her boorish father.

So ... that left just one guy - my dad. Of course I knew he wouldn’t turn down any opportunity to have his way with Tammy, especially since it had been such a long time since he’d last done her. She was growing up so fast now that I’m sure he had to wonder at times what it would be like to be with her now. She certainly wasn’t the flat-chested little girl he’d been with a couple of years ago, that was for sure!

Most people would say that there was an obvious flaw with my plan, one that was just as obvious as the solution had seemed to be. With the entire family in the house, WHERE could they do it?

At first it might seem to be the same problem he’d had to face regarding her for at least the past year or so. Really, what excuse does an uncle use to be alone with his teenage niece? And this is more than just “alone”, it has to be sufficiently secret to allow them to have sex undiscovered. Trust me, it’s not nearly as easy as the porn movies and erotic story tellers would have you believe, especially when you are dealing with a mother as prudish and suspicious as my Aunt Shari. It’s not that I think she ever even once seriously thought my dad would ever DO such a thing. For her it was more a generalization about men, especially adults. She, and many mothers would likely agree with her on this, believed grown men simply did not spend time alone with sexy teenage girls, especially HER sexy teenage daughter.

Fortunately, fact is often stranger than fiction. In my experience, one of these so-called “strange facts” is that people tend to lose track of other people more while at a crowded parties than at a smaller one. Think about it. When just my dad and me visit his brother’s family, wouldn’t it be readily apparent if my dad and Tammy disappeared at the same time? In addition, with the house more or less empty, any “unnatural” sounds would quickly be overheard by someone, making discovery almost a certainty.

In comparison, take a day like today with a houseful of people from different families all packed together. The people are milling about, forming groups and then splitting apart and creating new ones after some innocuous small talk. Under these circumstances, should a couple of people be absent for a short while, who would notice? Even if someone thought about it, odds were they would just assume the “missing” people were with someone else in another room perhaps. With everyone talking an d moving around, the house was noisy and it was hard to hear even someone talking right next to you, let alone hear anything going on behind closed doors.

So as unlikely as it might seem at first, when you take everything into consideration, having the whole family over actually was going to make it easier to pull off my plan!.

Sure enough, when I first entered the house the noise struck me, almost a physical assault as everyone was trying to talk at the same time to everyone else. My dad was saying something to my Uncle Paul, his older brother. Now THAT was something I didn’t see very often. Part of it was simply because we seldom got together. Uncle Paul was also eight years older than my dad and so they had never been close growing up.

Looking around, I didn’t see Tammy, or even Kate for that matter. Odds were the only teenagers at the gathering were probably holed up in downstairs the bedroom they shared, trying to escape all the annoying relatives. During the short drive over I’d thought a lot about my plan and I’d concluded that if anything was going to happen, it needed to happen quickly, before our heavy lunch settled in everyone’s stomachs causing the ruckus to die down, or maybe even cause people to think about leaving once they’d spent their obligatory time.

Actually, my plan was VERY simple and I’ve found that the simpler the plan, the better - which meant this plan was GREAT. After quickly making the required social rounds to say hello to everyone, I headed down the carpeted stairs to the basement where the kids’ bedrooms were. As I mentioned, Kate and Tammy shared a room while Rick, being the only boy, had his own. My aunt and uncle’s master bedroom was upstairs, leaving the kids pretty much alone most of the time. Unfortunately, since Tammy shared a room with Kate and Kate would report everything to her mother, especially anything that she even suspected about whatever Tammy might be doing. Rick, on the other hand, with his own room, had quite a bit of privacy, plenty for my plans...

Sure enough, just as I had suspected I found Kate and Tammy holed in their room. Kate reading a book while Tammy was fooling with her e-mail. Sticking just my head through the door, I motioned for Tammy to come out, mumbling something about how someone wanted to talk to her. She rolled her eyes, assuming it was one of the relatives she hardly ever saw and didn’t want to have anything to do with in the first place. If anything, Kate teased her about it, all the better for me as it showed Kate had no suspicions whatsoever about any ulterior motives I might have. Keep it simple...

As soon as the door was shut, leaving Tammy and me alone in the hallway, I silently motioned towards Rick’s room, indicating to her that she should go there and wait for me.

“Ewwwww, his room is disgusting,” she softly complained along with an upset expression.

Well, I could just imagine how a twenty year-old guy, still living at home, might keep up his room ... or could I? Given what I’d seen of the apartments of some of the guys I’ve dated, I felt I was prepared.

“Do you want to get laid or not?” I hissed at her, pushing her down the hallway towards his bedroom.

“Kelly, I told you before ... I don’t want to do it with Rick,” she whined, pushing back against me. like an obstinate donkey

“Who said anything about Rick?”

That caught her by surprise. Tammy turned to me and her eyes locked onto mine, as if she was trying to read me to see if I was telling the truth.

“C’mon, you know how my dad loves to fuck you and girl, you NEED it right now so quit being a pain and get in there and wait for him!”

Tammy huffed, more about me scolding her than anything else though. Then she flashed me that fabulous naughty grin she’s perfected as she turned to go to Ricks bedroom. Following her, it took just one look inside to make me understand what she had meant about his room. Oh my god, it was a disaster zone, that was for sure.

Regardless of the state of Rick’s bedroom, I didn’t have time to worry about it so I just closed the door behind me and hurried back upstairs to find my dad. Surprisingly, he was still talking to my Uncle Paul but I didn’t have time to wait for him to finish so I broke into the conversation, telling him that I needed to talk to him about something.

My Uncle Paul was fine with it though, saying it was OK with him and then I caught him giving me the once-over. Granted, he use to look at me that way a lot more, more so though when I was younger,, but it had been a while since I remembered seeing that look in his eye. It didn’t mean anything in the long run as I knew full well that the chances of EVER doing anything nasty with him were LESS than zero. Still, it’s always nice to be looked at, regardless of whose eyes they were.

“OK, what’s the big hurry?” my dad asked once we were out of earshot of his brother.

“Well, you remember what I told you about Tammy,” I started.

“Yes ... sort of hard to forget that sort of thing,” he interrupted but when he saw me glaring at him he let me continue.

“Well, I think the best thing to make her feel better would be for her to get laid, don’t you?”

My dad looked at me carefully before he answered, “Well, that’s ONE possibility I guess.”

I sighed and looked at him like he was missing the obvious - which he was. Then again, he probably knew exactly where I was leading this discussion but he wanted me to be the one to make the suggestion.

“Well, just so you know ... she’s all alone down in Rick’s room right now. Soooooo ... if you should just happen to know of someone who might like to fuck her...”

My dad’s eye opened a little wider. Sure, he most likely suspected my motives from the start but to actually find out the opportunity was there - amidst all this bedlam and family, was just a little more than he was ready to deal with.

“Yeow ... do you really think NOW is the best time for that Kelly?” he questioned me, “I mean, EVERYONE is here.”

“Exactly,” I retorted, “What better time could there be?”

He seemed to think about that one for a while and then it was like he understood where I was coming from. Flashing me a grin, he turned and without another word headed for the basement stairway after first taking a quick look around to see if anyone was watching. My aunts and uncles were spread out between the kitchen and front living room at the time so nobody probably cared a bit where he was, even if they recognized his absence.

In the basement was also a family room with a wide-screen TV and a bar so even if anyone HAD seen him go down the stairs, they would most likely just think the family room was his destination. Seriously, why would any of our relatives even suspect he was going down to fuck his sixteen year-old niece? Well, maybe my Aunt Linda and cousin Kristen might put two and two together, but surely nobody else. My intention was to give him a few minutes and then follow him down. C’mon, do you think I was going to let them get going and not be there to watch? The heck if I was going to stick around the relatives talking about nothing while I knew what my dad and cousin were doing in the basement! But then, proof that even simple plans can have bugs arrived. Just as I turned to go, my cousin Rick pulled me aside.

“Hey ... have you seen Tammy?” he asked.

Now it wasn’t like Rick didn’t know about my dad and Tammy’s history, but at the same time I really didn’t want to get anything started with him while my dad and Tammy were going at it. Maybe I was just being overly cautious, but I figured if Rick didn’t have to know, why tell him? The trick of the matter was how to keep him out of his room?

“Don’t worry about her ... I know where she is ... as a matter-of-fact I was just about to go see her,” I said.

Well, technically it was a true statement, if not complete. Before he could say anything though, I changed the subject and said coyly, “You know, I really enjoyed our ‘dessert’ today at brunch.”

“Oh yeah, so you ready for seconds?” he said, a wicked expression on his face.

Typical Rick, straight to the heart of the matter, especially when it came to having sex. Subtlety was NOT one of his strong suites.

“Hmmmmmm, I tell you what...,” I said slowly, hoping he would think I was deep in thought, “How about you let me and Tammy have some time together and then you can do me again after that, OK?” I bargained.

Again, it was technically true as I didn’t say explicitly WHAT I was going to do with Tammy but his perverted mind filled in the blanks quickly enough.

“So why not let me do the two of you together?” he countered.

“Sorry, sometimes girls just need some... ‘private’ time together,” I tried to explain.

“OK, so I’ll just watch,” he said, still trying to get in on the action.

“Oh Rick!” I said tersely, playfully slapping him. THIS time, though, he finally got the message.

“OK, OK, but you promise me?” he said, giving in finally this time but still negotiating for the near future.

“Yes..., I promise,” I said begrudgingly.

Actually, the more I thought about it the better it sounded. If things went well with my dad and Tammy, and I had no doubt that they would, no doubt I would be needing a quick fuck of my own and since Rick was available and willing ... heck, things might work out even better than I’d planned!

“Now you have to stay clear of your bedroom until I say it’s ok ... hear me?” I insisted, letting him think it would be just me and Tammy together.

My cousin looked at me sort of strange and I realized he didn’t understand why Tammy and I were going to be in his room so I added, “Kate’s in their room.” Enough said! I’ve long had this suspicion that Rick would have loved to fuck the older of the two sisters but even he wasn’t so stupid as to even mention such a thing to her. With Kate, you may as well just say it straight to their mother and get the beating over with sooner.

Rick frowned; clearly he wanted to at least watch and maybe under different circumstance I wouldn’t have cared. If nothing else, it would have been fun to see the guy get horny watching me and his sister together - driving him nuts as we wouldn’t be letting him in on the action.

With that he walked away to go somewhere. FINALLY! I rushed down the stairs and quickly slipped into Rick’s room after making sure nobody was watching. I fully expected them to get started without waiting for me and my gut feeling was on the money yet again. Indeed, it was quiet the sight to behold as there was my dad, sitting on the edge of Rick’s bed with his pants and underwear down to his ankles, with little Tammy kneeling between his hairy legs, sucking his hard dick as if it was the yummiest lollipop ever created. Tammy was still wearing the pretty dress that she’d worn to the Easter Service although I noticed she had dispensed with the heels. Smart girl!

“Sorry Kelly, we thought you’d be here by now,” my dad apologized, looking up at me.

Well, judging from the ear-to-ear grin on his face he couldn’t have been TOO sorry! Then he turned his attention back to his crotch where his youngest niece was sucking away on his rigid dick. Tammy had been sucking dicks now for almost two years and from what I’d heard, had earned herself quite a reputation among the boy at school for her “skills”.

The thought ran through my mind that she was a lot more like me than her other cousin, at least in that regard. As a teenager, I LOVED to suck the dicks of the boys I knew in school. So much so that while I kept a pretty good list in my diary of the boys I fucked, I didn’t even bother trying to keep track of how many BJs I gave. As I’d shared with Tammy from the start, it DOES make you quite the popular girl when guys know it’s practically a given that they’ll get a blowjob on a first date with you, even if the odds of getting anything more were substantially less.

Our cousin Kristen, on the other hand, had always leaned more towards getting laid. She told me one night that it had something to do with how she wasn’t as picky about what went in her pussy as compared to her mouth - or whatever. Well, as I said, apparently Tammy was more like me, sucking half the boys in her class, or thereabouts, but severely limiting the number she actually had sex with. I may be a little biased but I thought she was playing it pretty smart.

“You know Kelly, she’s getting to be almost as good as you!” my dad claimed, earning a naughty smile from Tammy as she looked to the side to watch me as I took a seat on a chair by Rick’s desk. Well, she may be good, but not THAT good!

“Damn that feels so good Tammy,” he groaned, pushing her head down onto his dick.

He brushed her thick brunette hair to the side so I could see his dick clearly as it disappeared into her sexy mouth. Then he reached down over her back and pulled up her dress, revealing the white panties that were now struggling to cover her tight little ass. Both of my dad’s hands slipped down inside of the panties, reaching down to her butt and cupping a cheek with each one as he leaned over her.

“Mmmmmmm, you’ve got such a tight little ass,” he complimented her, rubbing it under her panties.

I could see the outline of his hands as they stretched out her panties, kneading her butt like he was making bread. My pussy twinged as I admired her “ass-ets”. Oh yeah, Tammy DID have one cute little bottom! Perhaps a couple of extra pounds but they just gave all the more for my dad to grab as he fondled her velvety smooth butt.

As he groped her bottom, Tammy let go of my dad’s cock and balls so she could reach back to slide her panties down to her knees. Mission accomplished, she went back to stroking the base of his dick, massaging his large hairy balls as she kept a constant suction on his rigid shaft throughout the entire maneuver.

My eyes barely blinked as I watched my dad play with her ass, running his hands all over her baby-smooth butt and hips, making me a more than a little bit jealous in the process! Mmmmmmm, I had such fond memories of how her butt felt the last time the two of us had laid next to each other. Indeed, I would have loved to step over and help him out but horny as I was, I knew my place.

OK, so maybe I couldn’t join in but I wasn’t about to just sit there and watch without doing SOMETHING! Reaching under my dress, I pulled my thong to the side, allowing me to masturbate more easily as I stared at my dad and little cousin. As focused as I was on them, my masturbating wasn’t exactly something wild or extreme, but it felt a LOT better to touch myself instead of just sitting there like a lump of clay. I was wet, soaking actually, and my finger rotated slowly around my clit as I was mesmerized by the sight in front of me. It had been ages since I’d seen my dad with my cute little cousin and she’d grown up quite a bit recently. She was still just sixteen but that was a far cry from the almost flat-chested fourteen year-old who had given her virginity to this same man almost two years before.

My dad stretched his arm out even further, reaching into Tammy’s teenage crotch, searching for her shaved pussy and then pushing his index finger barely into her moist pussy hole, just far enough to wet it. He then pulled it back and tasted her pussy on his finger, smiling at me as he did, knowing full well that I would have loved to have smelled and tasted her for myself.

“Christ Tammy, you have one sweet pussy,” he said softly, sucking on his finger to get every bit of it he could. “Damn it, I want more of where that came from.”

With that he lifted her up and then grabbed her by the waist and set her down on the bed. Tammy was plenty experienced enough now to know what to do as she dutifully laid on her back while my dad pulled her panties off the rest of the way, leaving her white anklets on her feet. He tossed her panties to me, teasing me as he loved to do. Then he turned his attention back to his niece, pushing her Easter dress up and out of the way to give him a clear shot straight to her crotch.

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