Kelly's Diary 184 - My Dad and Cousin Tammy
Copyright© 2025 by Kelly85
Chapter 4: Brunch
Incest Sex Story: Chapter 4: Brunch - If you were a man in your forties and you had the opportunity to have sex with a sexy sixteen year-old girl, would you turn her down? Of course not. The question then becomes, would it make it even better if she was your brother's youngest daughter?
Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft Consensual True Story Cheating Incest Father Daughter Cousins Uncle Niece Oral Sex
After the service I quickly excused myself, asking my dad if he could hitch a ride to the brunch as I had forgotten something that I needed to get. He looked at me with a little question to his expression but he didn’t push me. I wondered if he connected it in any way with Tammy? Kristen managed to corral me just as I got to the parking lot but I put her off as well. I figured the fewer people that were in on it, the better, at least until I knew for sure one way to the other.
I drove straight from the church to the nearest CVS and picked out a pregnancy test kit, one that promised super-fast and accurate results. The woman at the checkout counter looked at me when I set it down on the counter but I just ignored her. She could think whatever she wanted, I really didn’t care one way or the other.
Even with my stop, I’d left the church in such a hurry that I arrived at the brunch at the same time as the others. My dad REALLY gave me the eye this time, but I didn’t say anything, again not wanting to say a word until I knew for sure. IF it proved to be positive, there was plenty to discuss, that was for sure. I worked my way over to Tammy and told her to meet me in the restroom as soon as we got seated. She looked at me and I nodded towards my purse. She didn’t look especially happy about it but she shrugged and agreed to meet me.
All I could think about as we walked into the ballroom where the brunch was being held was Tammy. I’m sure I was getting plenty of looks from the men and boys we passed on the way but this wasn’t the time for fun. I was much more worried than I’d let on to Tammy. Like, if she WAS pregnant, how much would come out about her sex life - not to mention how she got started? Would anyone else in my family be implicated - maybe even me? How would she deal with it? On the one hand, her mother would never go along with an abortion but at the same time, I couldn’t imagine how she would handle a pregnant daughter and bastard grandchild either.
As soon as we were shown to our table I told my dad that I needed to use the girl’s room. Naturally he was suspicious but what man is going to question a girl when she says she has to use the restroom, even if she is your daughter? Tammy was right behind me and while the restroom was temporarily empty, I took her by the hand and led her to the handicapped stall. It was a little ironic in that I’d had some interesting experience in such stalls in the past but never under such circumstances.
Once inside, I bolted the door shut and pulled the test kit from my purse. Tammy gave me a questioning eye and to be honest, I wasn’t sure how to use it myself so I pulled out the instructions. It seemed pretty easy and straightforward and then there was the longest five minutes of my life. It was almost like I was the one being tested, at least you would have thought so the way my stomach was churning and tied up in knots. I could only imagine how hers was feeling!
Oh my god!! It was negative! Suddenly it was like this huge weight had fallen from my shoulders. Tammy must have felt the same way, in spades, as she slumped and I was afraid for a moment she was going to pass out so I let her remain sitting on the toilet seat until she fully grasped what it meant.
“So that means I’m not...,” she started out, almost afraid to finish the question.
“That’s right girl, you’re OK,” I assured her. She started sobbing again, except this time it was more from happiness than worry.
“Hey, I know how you feel ... I’ve been late myself a few times ... it’s scary,” I tried to reassure her. “I’m sure it’ll start any time now.”
She settled down and I helped her wash her face off and fix her makeup. She was smiling now and getting back to her normal perky self again - not quite but at least on the path.
“Hey, let’s get something to eat!” I said, literally pulling her out of the restroom.
Soon we joined our families and I could tell my dad and Kristen dying to know what was going on. I assured them I would tell them everything but for now, all was ok so not to worry. I wasn’t about to start telling them until I had the time to tell them everything.
The food, as always, was incredible. I sat at a table next to my dad with my Aunt Linda and Kristen across from us. Then who should sit next to me but Rick. I knew why he chose that seat - so he could look down my dress while I ate - and stare across at Kristen and my Aunt at the same time! He wasn’t the worst guy in the world, not nearly as bad as his dad, but he wasn’t exactly subtle either. So far as I knew, he’d never done my mom’s sister, something I had sometimes wondered about. I was sure the two of them had to discuss him and Linda must have known what her sister and nephew were up to. Still, to the best of my knowledge she never so much as flirted with him.
Actually, if you ignored Kristen’s boyfriends, I’d never seen my Aunt make any sort of move with a guy much younger than her. I got the impression the main reason she messed around with her daughter’s boyfriends was more from the thrill of being a genuine MILF than any true attraction to them.
“Getting a good look?” I whispered to him after he made an especially obvious peel down my top.
“Not as good as I’d like,” he came right back, not in the least intimidated by me knowing what he was doing.
Then it hit me, like a fairy godmother has smacked me on the head with her wand. What a day it had been already. First I’d woken and, as usual, masturbated before driving to my dad’s where I was fucked quick and fast. Then just as I thought it might be an erotic day at church, came along Tammy and her potential issue. Well, THAT turned out to be all for nothing and now here I was, leaning over to let my perverted cousin get a peek down my dress! Indeed, that is exactly what I was doing, leading him on and getting myself off knowing he was getting turned on by me.
Indeed, it hit me hard! Ever suddenly feel so incredibly horny you thought you were going to burst? Has your pussy ever suddenly almost cramped with the need to be fucked? Have you ever felt your face flush and your breathing become erratic as the only thing you can think about is the dick on the guy next to you? Well, if you have then you know how I was feeling all of sudden. Masturbating had felt good but it only made me hornier. Being fucked by my dad was fulfilling but it left me physically wanting.
I’d thoughts of masturbating in church and maybe even getting laid but all those thoughts had disappeared when my cousin had her issues. It was like the perfect storm, the waves of unfilled desires from all three events converging on me at once, with the means to satisfy those desires sitting right next to me. Of course, my dad was on the other side of me but in all fairness, it would’ve been asking a lot of him for a repeat performance this soon.
Getting it up again was NOT a problem for Rick, that was for sure. At twenty years-old, he may no longer be technically a teenager but if anything, his sexual prowess was stronger than ever. If anything, he was better than ever as instead of being an aimless teenage boy, just wanting to stick his dick anywhere he could put it, now he was more mature and had his emotions more under control - but not TOO much so, thank goodness!
My legs were crossed and I squeezed my thighs together, making my pussy twinge with lust. God, I wanted to be laid SO badly! Sure, I probably could have found someone in the crowd or on staff, but why go through the bother when there was a willing dick right next to me, just waiting for me to say the word? It had been a long time since we’d had sex and no doubt, he probably thought I was just teasing him as usual, but he had to have SOME hope deep down that MAYBE he had a shot at me. Mmmmmmm, if only he knew. Well, time to let him know!
Reaching over under the long tablecloth, I rested my hand on his crotch. Sure enough, the bulge under his pants was there. If anything, the feel of his dick under my palm made me even hornier, if that were somehow possible. I looked over at Kristen, who was keeping a close eye on me and I saw her lips tighten, trying not to smile as she obviously knew my condition - and what I was doing about it. No doubt she would have joined had I asked, but there wasn’t all that much time and besides, I was in no mood for sharing at the moment.
“You are SUCH a fucking tease, you know that?” Rick whispered to me.
I couldn’t blame him for assuming I was just teasing him as after all, that was what I usually was doing in such circumstances. However, in this case I wasn’t teasing - I wanted it - and bad!
“Follow me and we’ll see who’s teasing,” I responded with a naughty smile and a wink.
Rick’s eyes widened and his eyebrows lifted. Then they narrowed and he looked at me, apparently thinking I was just teasing him all the more.
“Yeah right,” he grumbled, figuring he was not going to be tricked again. God, guys can be SO stupid sometimes!
Without another word, I excused myself from the table, telling my dad I had to use the girl’s room again. He looked at me a little strange, as if to ask me how many times I needed to use it today but he held his curiosity in check and just waved me off, returning to his discussion with my Aunt. I looked down at Rick and winked before picking up my purse and heading out of the room. Looking back, I saw Rick folding his napkin and saying something, probably some excuse for why he needed to leave for a while. He quickly pushed his chair back in and met me in the hallway outside the ballroom.
“Well, what’s the story Kelly?” he asked, “Is this just another ‘tease poor Rick’ escapade or what?”
I looked around but there were far too many people about to do anything TOO forward. Instead, I leaned forward and whispered in his ear, “For crying out loud, quit whining. Now do you want to fuck me or not?”
With that he grinned and replied, “Stupid question - where?”
Typical guy, leave it up to the girl to figure things out. Fortunately, I’d already found the perfect place so I lead him down the hall to where the restrooms were located. I had him stand outside the women’s restroom while I went in to scope it out. Once again it was empty. There was another set closer to the ballroom where most of the women must have been going but who was I to complain?
“Hurry up, get in here!” I hissed as I opened the door and stuck my head out.
Rick looked up and down the hall and them after satisfying himself that nobody was looking, he quickly stepped inside and pushed the door closed behind him.
“Damn, no lock,” he cursed after checking out the entrance door.
“That’s OK, in here,” I said, opening the door to the same stall that Tammy and I had occupied an hour or so earlier. Rick looked around and shook his head, but smiling the entire time.
“This is insane, you know that, don’t you?” he growled.
“What’s the matter, haven’t you ever done it in a public restroom before?” I teased him.
“Hell no, have you?” he shot back.
At first I think he said that just to show he was no different than me, at least in terms of our restroom sexual experiences, but when he saw the grin on my face he realized he was wrong.
“Shit, you HAVE, haven’t you! You little slut!”
I just grinned, accepting the compliment, lame as it was. Rick wasn’t wasting any time now that he realized I was serious. Before I could say another word, he had reached out and pulled my dress down, exposing my boobs as I had done for my dad earlier today.
“I’ve got to say, you have the best boobs in the family,” he whistled softly as he reached out to grab them with both hands.
I doubted he had any idea how special that made me feel. Back when I was a teenager my boobs were a constant source of frustration and embarrassment for me. I was the last girl to NEED a bra in my circle of friends and while my best friend was moving from a B to her first C cup, I was barely filling out an A. Thankfully, my boobs didn’t stop developing until I was in my twenties and today I’m quite proud of them, late as they may have been in arriving.
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