Kelly's Diary 184 - My Dad and Cousin Tammy
Copyright© 2025 by Kelly85
Chapter 3: Easter Church Service
Incest Sex Story: Chapter 3: Easter Church Service - If you were a man in your forties and you had the opportunity to have sex with a sexy sixteen year-old girl, would you turn her down? Of course not. The question then becomes, would it make it even better if she was your brother's youngest daughter?
Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft Consensual True Story Cheating Incest Father Daughter Cousins Uncle Niece Oral Sex
As late as we were, it came as no surprise that the church parking lot was crammed full. Fortunately, I spotted my Uncle’s van so I double-parked behind it, figuring we would be leaving at the same time anyway. As we stepped inside, the last of the prelude was playing and we had just enough time to find the relatives before the service started.
Thankfully they had saved a couple of seats for us and I found myself seated next to Ginny, my oldest cousin with the fake boobs. She and her husband had married almost five years before and had yet to have any kids but I guess that is more normal these days for people to wait rather than rush right in and start procreating. As I mentioned, she’d had a boob job done a while back and she still loves showing them off. No matter what outfit she wore, you could count on it being low-cut or tight, whatever made her boobs look their best. My dad had often expressed how he would have loved to get a feel of them but it just goes to show that not all fantasies can come true.
There were fifteen of us in all, counting my Aunt Linda and Kristen. They were seated at the opposite end of the pew so I wasn’t about to say anything to Kristen about me and my dad this morning. My dad use to fuck Kristen quite a bit, starting when I first went to college and she volunteered to “stand in” for me. These days, with her becoming a professional whore and all, it was like my dad wasn’t as anxious to be with her, preferring her mother more than ever. Personally, I could understand his feelings. After all, when a girl’s on her back with umpteen strange men a week, it’s sort of hard to see her as your cute little innocent niece anymore. But Kristen had always been a slut so I doubted the prostitution gig was the issue. I think it was simply with my mom gone he found more satisfaction in being with a more mature woman like my Aunt Linda - something Kristen would never be accused of!
Next to Linda and Kristen was my cousin Tammy and her family. I only got a quick glimpse at her when I sat down but it was enough to recognize who had dressed her this morning - obviously her mom. Both she and Kate had on long dresses that covered everything up pretty well. It’s not that the dresses were ugly or anything, quite the contrary. They were quite beautiful and it’s only guys like my dad that probably were wishing they had been a bit more revealing - which most likely included most of the men in church!
The church was packed and even with the cool morning, it was still stuffy and hot. I found myself thankful I was wearing something as light as I was since it didn’t look like they would be turning on the air-conditioning (cheapskates!). A few people were fanning themselves with a bulletin and I noticed even my dad was playing with his collar a bit as if trying to loosen it up. Oh well, an hour or so and it would all be over.
When we stood up to sing the opening hymns, I noticed Tammy slipping out from the end of the pew and heading out of the sanctuary. Was she OK? Neither my Aunt Linda or Kristen were following her so it must not have been anything TOO serious. Even so, she had left with this strained look on her face so I had to wonder if maybe something WAS wrong and she just hadn’t told anyone about it. I whispered to my dad that I would be right back and quickly made it out just as the final verse was concluding.
Looking around, I didn’t see any sign of her so I went down the stairs to where the restrooms were and stepped inside the Women’s restroom. Tammy was in there alone, leaning forward in front of the sink with her hands resting on each side, holding herself up as she hung her head down.
“Hey kid, you OK?” I asked quietly, closing the door behind me.
Tammy looked up and me and grimaced, her face looking flushed and slightly shiny with sweat.
“I don’t know what happened, I just felt hot and weak all of a sudden, thought maybe I just needed to walk around,” she replied slowly, not even looking up at me as she did.
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