Kelly's Diary 184 - My Dad and Cousin Tammy
Copyright© 2025 by Kelly85
Chapter 2: Meeting My Dad Before Church
Incest Sex Story: Chapter 2: Meeting My Dad Before Church - If you were a man in your forties and you had the opportunity to have sex with a sexy sixteen year-old girl, would you turn her down? Of course not. The question then becomes, would it make it even better if she was your brother's youngest daughter?
Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft Consensual True Story Cheating Incest Father Daughter Cousins Uncle Niece Oral Sex
Every family develops “traditions” that are unique to them. Even if similar to others, there is something special about every family, something that makes them different from everyone else. Growing up, we had many of the “usual” traditions - Thanksgiving with the relatives, Mother’s and Father’s Day, how we spent the Christmas holidays, etc. My dad and I also developed a few “special” traditions over the years that helped bond us together in a way only a father and daughter can.
One such tradition was that every Christmas, starting back when I was just a young girl, my dad would buy me a special outfit that I would then model for him. When I was younger, it was a cute dress or maybe a new skirt and top. As I got older, the styles reflected the physical and emotional changes in me during the past year.
As I became more “aware” of myself and started dressing in more revealing outfits, so too the Christmas outfits became more revealing and sensual. Of course, when I was just barely a teenager I had no idea my dad was sexually excited when I would “model” for him, but then why would I have thought such a thing? Of course I knew he got hard when I posed provocatively, I wasn’t blind and I’d seen him masturbate enough to know what it meant. Still, it was all just a game for me and I knew from seeing my dad masturbate that erections weren’t something he could control. Just because he had an erection was no reason for me to think that he wanted to have sex with me! If anything, I found it to be fun to see if I could flirt and tease him to make him hard but I never stripped, touched him, or anything at all “inappropriate”.
Of course, once I started having sex with him the next Christmas outfit was quite a bit more provocative than any in the past! Over the years since, they have served as a reflection how his fantasy life has evolved and I’ve kept every one he’s given me.
Another “tradition” that developed soon after we started practicing incest, but has since become more rare, is our “morning time” together. My dad started getting up for work a little early so he could spend some “quality time” with me before leaving. As a rule, we didn’t have a lot of time so it wasn’t typically anything that got too involved or complicated, just enough to get him “ready” and send him off in the right frame of mind for work. Sometimes all he did was masturbate and cum on me while I slept, leaving me to wake up later with the evidence of his handiwork on my face and boobs. Usually I was awake in which case he would sometimes stand by the side of the bed and let me suck him off. Of course he preferred fucking me but often just a blowjob was all we had time for.
My favorite, without question, was when he would try to sneak into bed with me and fuck me without waking me. Needless to say that is a LOT harder than it sounds as unless I was REALLY sound asleep as the first touch against my pussy was usually enough to wake me. Every now and then though, I would be especially tired and I would wake to the feeling of my father’s erection swelled up inside of me.
God I love that!
There is something incredibly erotic about knowing a guy has been fucking me while I was asleep, of being unaware of what he was doing to me, and then waking to feel him already in me. It was like he was taking me as his prize, regardless of whatever I might have to say about it. Unfortunately, now that I live in my own apartment, this “tradition” hasn’t been practiced for quite a while.
One other father-daughter tradition my dad and me have developed over the years is our “pre-church fuck”. Usually it’s just before we are ready to head off to church, usually with me all dressed and ready to go. The way it works is he comes to my room as I am finishing up getting dressed. Then he simply lifts my dress or skirt, pulls my panties to the side (those rare time I wear) and fucks me.
Like the morning fuck tradition, it’s typically nothing wild and crazy, just my dad having some quick sex with me and then cumming inside of me. It use to drive my mom crazy as sometimes he wasn’t as quick as others and she would complain we were late for church, but I can’t remember a time he stopped before climaxing in me. Actually, cumming inside of me was the REAL goal as it only took a few minutes to get to church and often his cum start draining from me as we sat in the pews. If I was bare ass under my dress or skirt, it wasn’t a rarity for me to leave a small wet spot on the cushions!
I’m sure you can imagine how special it is for me to sit in church, surrounded by literally hundreds of people, and feeling my pussy tingle from having just been fucked by my loving father, seated to my side. I’ve often wondered what people would have said had they known!
This last “tradition” is something we have tried hard (no pun intended) to maintain, although with me moving out of the house to my own apartment it’s required a few modifications. Now I have to get ready and go over to his house early enough to give him time to fuck me and still make it to church. When I lived at home, for better or worse HE set the schedule. Now it’s up to me to get there on time and I’m not exactly known for being punctual!
Today was Easter and I knew the church would be packed so I had to get to my dad’s house a bit early if anything. I was wearing my brand new Easter outfit, a simple white dress with a bow that wrapped around my waist and tied in back. It was strapless, dependent on the elastic in the ruffled “peasant girl” top that covered my boobs to keep it up in place. I fell in love with it at the store because it showed off my boobs nicely, just enough to cover my nipples but leaving plenty of cleavage exposed. Of course the hem line was a little shorter than most girls would have worn to church, but it was by no means a “slut dress” as my dad likes to classify most of the skirts and dresses that make up my wardrobe. After all, it WAS Easter and I felt a little more reverence than usual was called for.
Again, being it was Easter, I chose to wear a pair of white hose, the type with the elastic band at the top so you don’t need a garter belt. The fact I could wear them without exposing the tops when I sat down was a testament to how much longer this dress was than what I normally preferred to wear. Granted, I had to remember to hold it down and tug at it a little but when I sat to keep it low enough, but even if I should “forget”, it wasn’t like my panties would be showing. Speaking of which, I wasn’t really wearing panties but more of a white thong although, like my dress, it wasn’t the most revealing pair in my drawer. In fact, I could have probably gotten away with wearing it alone at the pool except when it was wet it became rather transparent.
On my drive over I was excited even more than usual as it had been a few weeks since I’d last seen my dad. The previous week he’d been out of town on business and the week before Linda had stayed over the night before. Of course Aunt Linda knew about our Sunday morning tradition and she apologized to me profusely later at church, saying she had forgotten all about it once things got started the previous evening. What could I say to that? I knew the feeling...
Arriving at my dad’s house (seems funny to call it that now), I pulled in and parked at the top of the concrete paved driveway rather than driving down to the garage. The garage was attached to the back of the basement - as it is in many Pittsburgh homes that built on the ever-present hills, and it was a steep drop once you started down the driveway.
Normally I would use the basement entrance as my dad spent most of the time when he was home in the family room which was part of the basement. On Sundays, however, he was usually getting the last minute things done in either the bedroom or bathroom so odds were he was upstairs (as in the second floor). Not to be lazy but I figured why climb up TWO flights of stairs when you didn’t have to?
As I walked from my car to the front porch, I stood still for a moment in the middle of the sidewalk, taking a look around at the neighborhood where I’d spent my entire childhood. It was surprisingly quiet but I suppose that was because of the holiday. Even our Jewish neighbors weren’t out working on the lawn today. So many memories...
Of course I had a key so I let myself in the front door. Setting my purse on the table in the entryway, I slipped off my white heels and silently padded my way up the hardwood steps to the second floor. As I took the last step up, my parent’s room was in front of me but it appeared empty. To the right stretched the short hallway with my room adjacent to my dad’s and the bathroom across the hall. Two smaller bedrooms flanked ours, one at each end of the house, but they were used more for storage now. My room still looked like the day I’d left and I smiled as I recalled some of the more pleasant memories of my childhood that it conjured up as I peered inside.
The bathroom door was cracked open and I peeked inside where my dad was trying to adjust his tie in the mirror. He had on his grey suit pants with a plain white shirt and a blue striped tie. His coat was probably on the bed, if I knew his habits, and from the warmth and humidity in the air, he must have just finished his shower not too long before.
“Hey daddy!” I greeted him, throwing the door open and reaching out to him. My dad smiled and dropped his tie, stepping over to give me a big hug. He looked at his watch and frowned slightly.
“Cutting it a little close this morning, aren’t we?” he teased me.
True, church was supposed to start in twenty minutes but it was only a two minute drive to get there and with the crowd they would have this morning, odds were it wouldn’t start on time anyway.
“Daddy! Don’t be mean to me,” I pretended to whine, putting my finger to my mouth and twisting my hips with my toes pointed to the floor like I would when I was twelve or so. Well, it worked just as good this morning as it had back then as my dad grinned at me and stepped back to look at my dress.
“That new?”
“Yeah, I got it at Macy’s yesterday ... what do you think?”
My dad grinned even more broadly and replied, “Well, if you MUST know, it covers WAY too much but then I guess it IS an Easter dress.”
I giggled and flipped up my dress to flash my bottom. “See, I even have panties on this morning!”
My dad rolled his eyes as if I had just announced the end of life on Earth as we know it. “My oh my, just goes to show that miracles DO occur on Easter!” he teased me some more.
My hands reached up to the bust of my dress and I slipped my fingers just inside and pulled the top down, the elastic stretching to allow it to pull over my boobs and then tighten again just underneath, leaving them exposed with my nipples all nice and perky for him.
“Is this better?” I asked innocently.
“Mmmmmmm, MUCH better,” he sighed, his eyes fixed on my boobs.
It wasn’t like he’d never seen them before but still, I loved it when he stared at them. My hands cupped them and I hefted them up and down a bit, like I was comparing two cantaloupes at the supermarket. “God I love your tits,” he groaned softly, reaching out with one hand to pinch my nipple and then placing it flat on my breast and squeezing it slightly.
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